What do you think of a man?

What do you think of a man?
Whose  father died when he was is in his mother's womb
Whose  mother passed away when he was only 6 years old
He lived in the house of his grandfather
The Compassionate grandfather dies too when he reached  8 years old. 
And then lived in the house of his uncle
He married  a wife whom whe loved so much called Khadija
Then his wife dies and his uncle dies too In one year called (Grief year)
 His male children died before they reached 2 years old
All of his daughters died in his life
Except his beloved Fatima
Who also followed him after 6 months of his death
His uncle Hamza was killed and his body was torn apart and [his liver taken out to be eaten Not authentic]
This man was also Expelled from Taif city in Arabia and young men threw stones at him 
and insulted Him but he forgave them
When he was in the battle of UHUD  they broke his teeth and injured him,
 the blood flowed from his face
He prostrated and they put camel viscera
 (what comes out of a she camel after giving birth) on his head .
 However he remained prostrated till they came and removed everything 
Then pardoned them
They tightened  his clothes around his neck until he almost suffocated
Then he forgave  them
They put thorns and dirt in his way
Then he forgave  them
They inserted  iron in his face
They bewitched him
And he was expelled from his city: Mekka
Then he forgave  them
Then after all this he prays night prayers till his feet split !
When he was asked by Aicha his wife may Allah be pleased with her why O Messenger of God why doin so while all your sins are forgiven??
 He replied :  ‘’Shouldn’t I be a thankful slave of God ?!’’
 ((Indeed in the Messenger of Allah (Muhammad SAW) you have a good example to follow)) .Quran

So ask [Allah to send] His blessing upon him who longed for us but did not see us.
Send your Salat and (ask Allah to bless) him who will say on the Day of Resurrection :
 ‘’O my nation, my nation’’ [To intercede for us] 
May peace and blessing of Allah be upon Him
Do you know who is He ? He is Our beloved Prophet of Islam Muhammad peace be upon Him!!