Did Jesus complete his message


No , he didnt .
Jesus said : Jn 16:12-13: 
"“I have many more things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. For he will not speak on his own authority, but will speak whatever he hears, and will tell you what is to come."

??We understand that these  words are the Quran .
 Quran was revealed by Holy spirit which is Angel Gabriel .

Quran contain the words from the Almighty God that came down by Holyspirit , revealed to Prophed Muhammed peace be upon him .

Each time the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him he received one of these revelations he recited to his disciples or companions, who collected it in writing and memorized it. 
The prophet, moreover, was indicating to them the exact position that each segment should occupy in the final compilation of the Text. In this way, hundreds of followers of the Prophet wrote or commemorated the entire Qur'an even in the lifetime of Muhammad peace be upon him.


You have first to start from the point that violence is everywhere and has nothing to do with Islam. But the problem of the media that they speak only about bad examples of Muslims while bad examples are in every community

extremists in Islam are less that one percent of Muslims

While in Christianity for example are 4%

So try to remove the misconceptions and focus on tawheed and Allah will help inshAllah


*Developing the Earth*

The Qur’an says, “He brought you into being from the earth and made you its inhabitants.” (Soorat Hood, 11:61)

 Allah ? created us and placed us on this earth, commanding us to develop it and establish a civilization to benefit humanity in a way that does not contradict Islamic teachings. 

Indeed, He considers doing so an act of worship for which its doer will be rewarded , ??even if it is done in times of great turmoil and under terrifying circumstances, such as the Day of Judgement.

 The prophet ? once said, ??“If the Day of Judgement takes place [and you recognize the Event], while a man is holding a palm-tree seedling [to plant in the soil], let him, if he can, plant it.” (Musnad Ahmad: 2712)??


The best religion is that which has the proof that it is the religion with which the Creator is pleased (that He is glorified and exalted), and that He sent as a light to humanity, to bring them happiness in their worldly lives and to save them  .  in the Hereafter.

  The best religion is the religion that connects you to a force, which is the force that created and blessed you and has total control over the heavens and the earth.

  It is the force that will have mercy on you and will be with you in the Hereafter, if you believe in it and do just actions.

  It is Allah, that He be glorified and exalted, the One, the One, the Self-Held and the All-Sustainable.

The best religion does not connect you with anything but Him, because everything that is not He is created and weak, and needs it, for Him to be glorified.

Why don’t you take that as your starting point in studying Islam, look at its positive characteristics and virtues, and try to find out that which distinguishes it from all other religions

  The matter is very serious, 

because the Holy Qur’an tells us that the only way to salvation is Islam, the religion of monotheism, affirmation of the Oneness of Allah. 

Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says in Quran 

“And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers”
[Aal ‘Imraan 3:85].


There is a need for revelation to mankind, as it announces God’s presence to us of His Oneness. 

It also explains His nature (who He is) and it provides us with a manual on how to live our lives.

Take this simple example, every time you buy an electrical gadget or device, what do you get with it in the box? An instruction manual! 

This is to show you how to use it correctly, all the warnings, do’s and don’ts, recommendations, etc.

The Quran, which is the final revelation from God, is an instruction manual for human beings.

 So it has within it the do’s and don’ts for life. 

For example, save lives, be good to your neighbours, give to charity, do not consume intoxicants, do not gamble, do not lie etc. It also contains wisdom, morals, lessons, history, stories and so much more.

However, anyone can write a book and claim it is from the creator. 

So a book that is truly from God would have some evidence to show it is from the creator and not from man.

 The Qur’an has many pieces of evidence that can be explored 

such as its miraculous literary and linguistic features, or its preservation throughout the ages.


Mankind need revelations, as it announces God’s presence to us of His Oneness. It also explains His nature (who He is) and it provides us with a manual on how to live our lives. 

All revelation scriptures were revealed by God to His Prophets, like The Psalms, The Torah, The Gospel etc.
 And they were all true in their original form. 

However, people corrupted their scriptures, changed and altered its teachings. And their original text became lost.

In regards to Bible, we believe that it was also correct in its original form, but due to alterations done to it by man , it lost most of its authentic content and was not translated accurately.

So God sent The Quran, the final revelation to restore the real message of Jesus and all messengers, and to be an instruction manual for human beings. That HE preserved Himself from distortion or change. It Is preserved, word-for-word, since it was revealed in its original Arabic language, unlike other scriptures which have been distorted, changed or lost.


We believe that the Gospels that are in people’s hands today, in which the Christians believe, have been tampered with and changed, and are still being tampered with from time to time, so that there is nothing left in the form in which the Gospel was revealed from Allaah.

And even the verses that remained unchanged  , christians dont follow them , but follow the church teachings instead .

, [21.11.19 10:10]
Muslims don’t believe that the Old Testament and the New Testament are the word of God, but they believe that both have a valid source which is the Torah and the Gospel 
(God’s revelations to the Prophets Moses and Jesus Christ). 

some parts of them are from God and others not. Both the Old Testament and the new testaments suffered severe changes to hide the truth of the Prophecy of the coming Prophet Muhammad and the importance of the city of Makkah, and for
many other reasons.


Allah delegated the preservation of the Torah and Gospel to their scholars and monks, based on the evidence of the verse (interpretation of the meaning): 

“Verily, We did send down the Tawrat, therein was guidance and light, by which the prophets, who submitted themselves to Allah’s Will, judged for the Jews. And the rabbis and the priests [too judged for the Jews by the Tawrat after those prophets], for to them was entrusted the protection of Allah’s Book, and they were witnesses thereto.” [5:44]. 

Allah did not guarantee to preserve them as He guaranteed to preserve the Quran. There are a number of reasons for this: 

1. Allah wanted the Quran to remain the eternal Book and the law that would abide until the Day of Resurrection. Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): 

“And We have sent down to you (O Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)) the Book (this Quran) in truth, confirming the Scripture that came before it and Muhaymin (trustworthy in highness and a witness) over it (old Scriptures).” [5:48]. 

There was no need for the previous Books to be preserved, especially since the time of the Quran was close to the time of the Gospel, and there were only six hundred years between them. 

2. That it was to be a test for those who had been given the Book – would they play their role in preserving the Scripture? Would they believe in what it said? Would they follow the Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, whom they found mentioned in the Torah and Gospel? Or would they persist in their stubbornness and distort, conceal and falsify? 

3. This was also a test for all the followers of Christianity until the Day of Resurrection. They can see that the Book in which they believe is not free of distortions, doubts and loss, and they can see that the Book of the Final Messenger Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has been preserved and transmitted by so many from so many that no one can doubt its authenticity, so that calls them to believe in the clear Book, the Noble Quran.