
Many of us go to the mosque on Friday as a matter of tradition and habit, without making the intention of worship, whereas an intention is a precondition for the Jumu'ah prayer and all other acts of worship.Increasingly, we see people staying up late, which causes them to miss Fajr prayer, leaving them to start their day having committed a great major sin, while the Prophet,  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention ), said: “The best prayer in the sight of Allah is the congregational Fajr prayer on Friday."

People might commit mistakes out of ignorance or negligence, among which are the following:

Slighting the attendance of the Jumu'ah sermon; some people arrive during the sermon and others arrive while people are praying.

 Abandoning or slighting praying the Jumu'ah prayer. The Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention ) said: “Let those who abandon attending the Jumu'ah prayer refrain from doing so, or Allah will seal their hearts and they will become heedless."[Muslim].

Neglecting bathing, perfuming, wearing ones best clothing and using the Siwaak.

Shopping or engaging in trade after the Athaan (call for prayer) has been called for the Jumu'ah sermon, while Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {"O you who believe (Muslims)! When the call is proclaimed for the Salaat (prayer) on Friday (Jumu`ah prayer), come to the remembrance of Allah [Jumu`ah religious talk (Khutbah) and Salaat (prayer)] and leave off business (and every other thing). That is better for you if you did but know."}[Quran, 62:9].Ibn 'Abbaas, may Allah be pleased with him, said, "It is forbidden to buy or sell at that time."

Some people commit certain sins while thinking they doing something praiseworthy, such as those who shave their beards on Friday because it looks "cleaner ".

Sitting in the courtyard of the mosque while there is space for inside.

Making people move and sitting in their place. Jaabir,may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that the Prophet,  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention ), said: "Let no one move his brother on the day of Jumu'ah and sit in his place, instead he should say: 'make space.'"[Muslim].

Passing over people's shoulders, forcefully separating people in order to sit between them, and harming people by forcing them into cramped spaces. The Prophet,  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention ) said to a man who was passing over people's shoulders during the Jumu'ah sermon: "Sit down, because you have harmed people."

Talking or reciting the Quran in a loud voice and thereby disturbing others who are praying or reciting the Quran.

Leaving the mosque after the Athaan has been called without a valid excuse.

Not paying attention to what the Khateeb is saying during the sermon.

Praying two Rak'ah (units of prayer) between the two sermons, whereas the Sunnah is to supplicate and seek forgiveness until the Imaam stands up to deliver the second sermon.

Unnecessary movements during prayer, hastening to leave the mosque immediately after praying and pushing people at the door to leave without finishing the prescribed supplications after praying.

Mistakes of Imaams:

Making the sermon long and shortening the prayer. 

'Ammaar,may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that he heard the Prophet,  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention ) saying: “The lengthening of the prayer (by the Imaam) and the shortness of the Khutbah (sermon) is the sign of his understanding (of faith), so prolong your prayers and shorten your speech; indeed some khutbahs have the effect of magic (i.e., they are very powerful).” [Muslim].

Not being well prepared for the sermon and not choosing the correct topic that addresses people's concerns.

Having numerous linguistic errors in the Khutbah.

Using narrations that are weak or fabricated, and quoting disliked opinions without denouncing them.

Limiting the second sermon to contain supplications only.

Not using any verses from the Quran during the sermon, which opposes the Sunnah (Prophetic tradition).

Failing to deliver a stirring sermon, while it is reported by Jaabir, may Allah be pleased with him, when he described the Prophet,  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention ), he said, "Whenever the Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention ) used to deliver the Jumu'ah sermon, he would raise his voice; his eyes would become red and he would become excited as though he was warning people against a conquering army which was just about to attack them." [Muslim].

Praying the congregational prayer of Jumu'ah is an obligation upon every male, free, resident Muslim who has reached the age of puberty. It is not compulsory upon travellers, slaves or women but will still count (in reward) for anyone of those who attend it; Jumu'ah is also waved for people with excuses, such as sickness or fear

Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that the Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention ) said: "On the day of Jumu'ah angels stand at the entrance of the mosque to record people's entrance in the order in which they arrive. The one who arrives first is rewarded as though he sacrificed a camel, the next one is as one who sacrificed a cow, the next as one who sacrificed a goat, the next as one who sacrificed a chicken, and the next as one who sacrificed an egg. As soon as the Imaam climbs the Minbar (pulpit) they (i.e., the angels) fold their records and sit to listen.”[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

Thus, it is recommended to go early for congregational Jumu'ah prayers in accordance withthe Prophetic tradition. Here are a few other recommended actions on Friday:

The Imaam leads the Fajr (Dawn) prayer reciting the chapters As-Sajdah and Al-Insaan completely, and not merely portions, as this was the practice of the Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention ).

It is recommended that one increases his Salah upon the Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention ) (i.e., asking Allah The Almighty to send peace upon him and exalt his mention).

Perform Ghusl (ritual bath), wear perfume and use the Siwaak (i.e., the twig toothbrush). The Messenger of Allah  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention ) said: “Ghusl is mandatory upon every Muslim who has reached puberty; and use Siwaak during Jumu'ah and perfume if available.”[Muslim].

It is recommended that a Muslim uses his time to pray, mention the names of Allah The Almighty (Athkaar) and recite the Quran until the Imaam arrives.

One must listen closely and pay attention to the Imaam, as Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that the Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention ) said: “When the Imaam is delivering the Khutbah, and you ask your companion to keep quiet and listen, then, no doubt you have spoken (i.e., you have spoiled your Jumu'ah)”[Al-Bukhari and Muslim] and in another narration: “Whoever speaks during the Khutbah while the Imaam is talking will gain no reward from this Jumu'ah."[Ahmad].

It is recommended to recite the chapter Al-Kahf from the Quran on that day.Abu Sa'eed Al-Khudri, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that the Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention ) said: “The reciter of Surat al-Kahf on Jumu`ah will be blessed with a light between that Jumu`ah (and the next) Jumu`ah.”[Al-Haakim and Al-Bayhaqi].

When it is time for the Jumu'ah prayer, it is permitted for someone who must pray the Jumu'ah prayer, to travel.

It is disliked to single out Friday for fasting or night prayers as Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that the Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention ) said: “Do not distinguish Friday night for prayers or its day for fasting unless it falls on a day where one of you usually fasts.” [Muslim].

One who wishes to fast on a Friday should fast in addition to it the day before it, or the day after it, as Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that the Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention ) said: “Do not fast on a Friday unless you fast a day before it or a day after it (in addition).” [Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

It is reported that, "The Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention ) used to pray two Rak'ah after the Jumu'ah prayer" [Al-Bukhari and Muslim] also: "He  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention ) recommended people to pray four Rak'ah after it." [Muslim].

It is recommended topray two Rak'ah whenever one enters the mosque. The Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention ) said: “When one of you enters the mosque while the Imaam is speaking, let him pray two Rak'ah before he sits down.” [Muslim].

It is recommended that the Imaam recite the chapters Al-Jumu'ah and Al-Munaafiqoon during the Jumu'ah prayer as this was the practice of the Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention ). [Imaam Muslim.]

Allah Almighty Says (what means): "And the Prayer is a difficult matter except upon those who fear Allah; who are certain that they will meet their Lord, and that they will return to Him."[Quran 2:45-46

The uniqueness of the Prayer lies in the fact that it is repeated not once a year or a month nor a day, but indeed five times a day. It is the most remarkable distinction of a believer's life. However, because of this continuous and demanding nature of the Prayer, it may be a cause of difficultly for some who lack its understanding and piety, or those who are new to it.

If approached with sincerity and patience, the Prayer can become the greatest pleasure of our daily life: "the coolness of eyes," as a Hadeeth put it. Here are ten things that can make the Prayer easy and pleasurable.

1Know its worth

If one does not know the merits and necessity of the Prayer, the immense bounties that come with it, and the unspeakable spiritual pleasure and bliss of the company of Allah Almighty that is the reward of an attentive Prayer, one is likely to be tired of it.

The Prayer separates the believer from the disbeliever. The Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention ) said in an authentic Hadeeth, "So whoever has left it (the salah) then he has committed an act of disbelief.”

On that terrifying Day of Reckoning, the first thing a servant will be asked about is the Prayer: if s/he is successful in it, the rest is easy: If not, the rest is ruined as well.

2Delaying the pleasure is the way to success

Any worth-mentioning achievement in this world, whether it is excellence at work or at school, all-nighters in colleges or some other task, all require a degree of self-control and curbing of immediate desires. In fact, experts discover that, in general, the wisest of people even in worldly transaction is one who can curb his desires and delay the pleasure. Such a person is a successful businessman, a productive scientist and an outstanding student. What, then, about the real test of this life, the reward for which is nothing less then the Paradise of your Lord?

The Prayer requires this attitude of patience, curbing of desires and delaying of pleasures. However, as one does it regularly, it also trains the worshipper to curb desires and delay the pleasure in all other aspects of life, thus making him or her a successful person in all aspects of life, worldly or religious.

3Fight laziness and procrastination

Performing the Prayer in time is a trial. Indeed, the Hellfire is surrounded by whims and desires, whereas Paradise is surrounded by adversity. Everyone faces this difficulty proportional to the level of his or her faith. The weaker the faith, the higher the difficulty. Accordingly, the Prayer is hardest on the hypocrites.

Be determined to fight the laziness. As you win these fights, your faith increases and performing the Prayer becomes easier. Allah Almighty Says in a Sacred Hadeeth: "Whoever comes to me the distance of a hand span, I come closer to him an arms length..." until He Almighty said, "If he comes to me walking, I come to him with a quick pace (in a manner befitting His Majesty).”

4Do not wait for the last minute

Rather, hasten to Prayer in the first hour, and it will become easier on you. The Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention ) warned against delaying the Prayer and indicated that this is the sign of a hypocrite. Gradually, it becomes a habit to perform the Prayer well and it hurts to not do it right.

5Worship is nourishment for the soul

Ibn-ul-Qayyim  may  Allah  have  mercy  upon  him mentioned that Ibn Taymiyyah  may  Allah  have  mercy  upon  him used to wait after the Fajr (Dawn) Prayer remembering Allah until the sun had risen. He used to say, "This is my nourishment", meaning the means of his sustenance. "Should I not consume it, then I would not have the strength to last through the day." Similarly, it has been reported from a number of righteous Salaf (predecessors) that they did not use to regret missing anything from the matters of this life, like they would in missing such acts of worship.

Therefore, if you were to wonder how you could reach that same level of righteousness, your answer is: by faith and actions. Just wishing by itself is not enough and just because one is able to reach the lower level of worship does not necessitate that one will automatically be able to reach the more advanced level. Indeed, all of this is dependent on patience and hard work. Allah Almighty Says (what means): “And thus did we make them Imaams (leaders) guiding with our permission when they had had patience and had certain faith in our signs." [Quran 32:24]

6.     Train yourself to be enthusiastic about the Prayer

Rest assured that your enthusiasm to every matter is based upon your quickness or slowness in performing it. Thus, if you were to come to it early and quickly, you would find yourself forthcoming and spirited in performing it. However, were you to come to it lethargically, you would find it burdensome and hope that you could be free from it. If you want a suitable example, then look at the one who comes to the Prayer early. You will find him the last to leave and the opposite goes for the one who comes in late. Similarly, in yourself you will also find the same. In the Prayer that you came early to, look at the manner in which you offered it and your disposition after it and the manner in which you made your supplications after it. On the other hand, in the Prayer that you came late to, remember how you hurried up the Prayer and hardly did that which comes later on from supplications or supererogatory prayer. This matter is not just limited to the Prayer only; rather it is for all matters and examples.

7Love it, and it will give you

Sow the seeds of love for the Prayer in your heart and harvest its fruits by the will of Allah Almighty. How can that not be so when it is a link between the servant and his Lord? It is a door from the doors of Paradise and a vast river that flows past our doors cleansing us of all dirty deeds. It is expiation for sins between it and the next. Its benefits are so numerous that to mention them all would run into many volumes.

8When hesitant, remind yourself of the Hereafter

This is because the time of hesitation is the time that Satan tries to affect you. So, if you were unwavering then you would find the Satan humiliated and disgraced. Just as when hesitating at the time of taking out money for charity and the amount of it. If you remember the Hereafter, then Satan would not be able to distract or deter you. After you had given charity, then you would never accept it back even if you were to be given millions in return. This is because it was the Hereafter that you were aiming for then. Similarly, at the point when you are standing at the door to your house about to enter and suddenly hear the call to Prayer and hesitate between entering the house or answering the call, then take a minute to wait and think. If you were to enter your house, then you would not feel anything. Rather, it would be the easy thing to do. However, if you were to sacrifice an insignificant amount of your time and proceeded to the Mosque, then you would feel an overwhelming sense of satisfaction, insight and understanding that would demonstrate the ease of what you are doing and the mistake and loss of those who are not doing similar. So, whoever repents to Allah then he it is that will remember and ponder, and whoever forgets then it was he who was unrepentant.

This truly is the decisive factor. One can be punctual in offering the Prayer during free time and energy, such as the Thuhr (noon) Prayer during holidays. However, is this also the case when work piles up and the requirements increase or at times of lethargy? Do you give the Prayer secondary important at such times?

9Establish it by answering its call

It is important to know that the command to Prayer has never come in the Quran except with the word "Iqaamah" (i.e., establishment). Similarly, it is known when someone can be said to have truly established an action. To establish an action is to carry it out to the highest level of performance. Thus, whoever does not establish it, it is not surprising that he does not truly like it, nor finds himself turning to it. This ultimately leads to his Prayer being deficient.

One of the greatest means to establishing the Prayer is to have the presence of the heart, to understand meanings of the words that are recited and of the actions that are done. Ibnul-Qayyim  may  Allah  have  mercy  upon  him says, "If you see a person in Prayer perfecting his bowings and prostrations, then he has performed the Prayer correctly in its outer aspects. As for the inner aspect, then Allah knows best about it." Ibnul-Qayyim  may  Allah  have  mercy  upon  him said this about the one who offers his Prayer correctly outwardly. So, what can we say about the one who is deficient even in his outward performance of the Prayer? When saying: "Alhamdulillah" in your Prayer, be sure to make your heart ponder about its meaning. Do the same while you say "Subhaana Rabiyyal-atheem", "Subhaana Rabiyyal-A'laa", "Ashadu an-laa Ilaaha Ilallaah", while bending your back, bowing to Allah and putting your forehead on the earth in prostrating to Him. If you were to loose concentration throughout the Prayer, then try your best even if it comes at the last minute in the fourth Rak'ah. Truly, the best of supplications is that which is done by the heart as well as the tongue.

10 Supplication is the surest way to Allah's Pleasure

In addition, we know that Allah does not disappoint the one who calls upon Him. Knowing this, then what do you think about someone who supplicates and asks for help and aid in performing that which Allah loves and is pleased with? Allah Almighty Said in a Sacred Hadeeth, "O my slaves, all of you are astray except whom I have guided; so ask me for guidance and I will guide you.”

Therefore, we must make a part of our supplications for the Hereafter. Have you not seen how the close friend of Allah, Ibraaheem, may Allah exalt his mention, say, "My Lord, make me and my progeny from those who establish the Prayer." By Allah, how many times have we said this? Or, do we think that the matter will be established even though we have not asked the One and only to make us from those who establish it? Never will this be the case.

If we were to call upon Allah Almighty and He knew us to be truthful in our request, He will never deny us. So, call on Allah, and be certain of His answer.

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