
Calling to Allah is the way of the Messenger Muhammad  and his followers, as Allah, the Most High, Says (what means): "Say [O Muhammad]: 'This is my way; I invite to Allah with insight, I and those who follow me. And exalted is Allah; and I am not of those who associate others with him.'" [Quran: 12:108]

Calling to Allah was the mission of all the Messengers and their followers, in order to bring the people out of darkness into light, from Kufr (unbelief) to true Eeman (faith), from Shirk (polytheism) to Tawheed (monotheism), and from the Fire to Paradise. This call to Allah rests upon firm pillars, and is established upon foundations which are absolutely essential. If any of these are missing, the Da'wah (call to Islam) will not be correct and will not produce the desired results - no matter how much time or effort is expended - and this is the reality which we witness with regard to many of the present-day calls which are not supported by those pillars and built upon those foundations. These pillars, which support the correct Da'wah, are clearly shown in the Book (the Quran) and the Sunnah (prophetic tradition), and can be summarised as follows:

1. Knowledge of that which one calls to:

Since the ignorant person is not suitable to be a Da'ee (caller). Allah, the Most High, said to His Prophet  (what means): "Say [O Muhammad]: 'This is my way; I invite to Allah with insight (Baseerah), I and those who follow me. And exalted is Allah; and I am not of those who associate others with Him...'" [Quran: 12:108] 'Baseerah' is knowledge. So the caller is certain to face those who are scholars of misguidance, those who will attack him with doubts and futile arguments in order to rebut the truth. Allah, the Most High, Says (what means): "…And argue with them in a way that is best..." [Quran: 16:125]

2. Acting in accordance with that which he calls to:

This is so that he will be a good example - his actions attesting to his words, and leaving no excuse for the opponents of the truth. Allah, the Most High, informs us that His Prophet Shu'ayb  said to his people (what means): "…I do not intend to differ from you in that which I have forbidden to you; I only intend to reform as much as I am able…" [Quran: 11:88]

3. Purity of intention (Al-Ikhlas):

Da'wah should be made purely and sincerely, seeking Allah's pleasure to seek the Face of Allah (and seeking His Reward) - not for show, repute, status, leadership, nor desiring worldly goals. If any of these goals adulterate it, the call is no longer for Allah; rather it is for one's own benefit or for the attainment of worldly goals. Allah informs us that His Prophets said to their people (what means): "…I ask of you for it [i.e., this message] no payment…" [Quran: 6:90] And in other verse Allah repeats it (what means): "…I ask not of you for it any wealth…" [Quran: 11:29]

Let us take a glimpse at the way in which two of the well-known Prophets, Nooh (Noah) and Ibraheem (Abraham), may Allah exalt their mention, called to Allah:

Nooh :

The name of Prophet Nooh  has been mentioned in the Quran forty-five times. Let us recall some of these verses and chapters. Allah the Most High and Exalted Says what means: "And We certainly sent Nooh to his people, and he remained among them a thousand years, and the flood seized them while they were wrongdoers." [Quran: 29:14] And: "Indeed, We sent Nooh to his people, [saying]: 'Warn your people before there comes to them a painful punishment. He said: 'O my people! Indeed I am to you a clear warner.’" [Quran: 71:1-2] And so came to pass a tradition by Allah, the High and Exalted, in which the propagation faced trials, ordeals etc. Along with that, barriers were erected by the enemies of Allah as a means of standing in the way of the call to monotheism and towards its callers. This is the lengthy history of humankind, from the time of the Prophet Nooh  to our present day; full of dedicated powers standing in the path of Da'wah to Allah, the High and Exalted, being publicly insurgent and intimidating, without shame or discretion. Prophet Nooh  remained among his people for a very long time, but none except a very few believed his call. So the rest were taken away by the flood, as they were wrong-doers.

Ibraheem :

Indeed Prophet Ibraheem  was a true Muslim, avoiding any creed except that of Islam (submitting oneself to Allah only, and following His commands), and believing that Islam is the first and final message to the whole of humanity. This was also the belief of those who succeeded him from among his progeny: Isma`eel (Ishmael), Ishaq (Isac), Ya`qoob (Jacob), and Al-Asbat (the twelve descendants of Jacob who form the twelve tribes of Israel), may Allah exalt their mention. They passed this creed on to Prophet Moosa (Moses) and `Eesa (Jesus), may Allah exalt their mention, and the matter finally concluded with the Muslim descendents of Ibraheem .

The story of Ibraheem  in the Noble Quran shows us that the orderly conduct of living, the manner of morals, and principles of behaviour and ethics cannot be implemented and firmly upheld except if the `Aqeedah (creed) connects the spirit with the body. Indeed, Ibraheem was at the peak of his youth when Allah, the High and Exalted, gave him maturity and adulthood, as he denounced the worshipping of idols by destroying them. He ridiculed and mocked them, and finally smashed them into pieces. Not only that, but he also ridiculed the mentality of the people, and opposed them, saying (what means): "Uff to you and to what you worship instead of Allah. Then will you not use reason?" [Quran: 21:67]

Thereafter, his people were overtaken by pride, which lead them to offence, just as it always does the tyrant oppressors and the powerless alike, when they have no proof. So, they resorted to outrageous, tyrannical force, and severe punishment. And Allah Says in the Quran about the words that they said to him (what means): "…Burn him and support your gods – if you are to act." [Quran: 21:68]

But, Allah's mercy and assistance for those who call others to Him totally voided their sayings and nullified their plan (to throw Ibraheem  into a blazing fire); Allah Says (what means): "We [i.e., Allah] said: 'O Fire! Be coolness and safety upon Ibraheem." [Quran: 21:69] Take a good look at the 'father of prophets'. He  suffered, but was patient; and was gifted. In return, he was thankful, so the generous end (of this conflict) was befitting to him because of his graceful patience. From his progeny, the best of nations were sent out to the people, guiding with the Command of Allah, and establishing Allah’s legislature upon guidance and light. So, similar action must be displayed by the people of Da'wah: being patient in the face of rejection, and in suffering in the Path of Allah.

From an Islamic perspective, there is absolutely no compulsion on people to embrace it. People have always entered Islam willingly.  The historical presence of non-Muslim minorities living among Muslims is evidence of tolerance in Islam. 

Islam spread in the most populated Muslim countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and within Africa through contact between the natives and Muslim travellers and merchants, who brought with them not only goods, but also Islamic values such as straight dealing, honesty and generosity.

The impact of Muslims upon these communities was tremendous.  In Singapore, near the port where the Arab traders used to land, the residents say that the natives used to prefer to buy from Muslim merchants because they expected good treatment and fair prices.

As was the case in most of the areas to which Islam spread, peaceful and voluntary reversion was far more important than conquest and force in spreading the faith in Southeast Asia. Almost everywhere in the islands of the region, trading contacts paved the way for reversion. Muslim merchants and sailors introduced local peoples to the ideas and rituals of the new faith and impressed on them how much of the known world had already been reverted. The first areas to be won to Islam in the last decades of the 13th century were several small port centres on the northern coast of Sumatra. From these ports, the religion spread in the following centuries across the Strait of Malacca to Malaya 

 It is unfair to compare the spread of Islam in Asia and Africa with the spread of Islam in the West, and blame Muslims for not effectively promoting their religion in the West.  Unlike the modern western world, the Asians' and Africans' history was free from hostility and enmity against Muslims, and therefore, their reversion to Islam was natural and easy.

Could Da'wah Fail 

Allah will guide, through Da'wah (Islamic propagation), those who are worthy and qualified for His Mercy; those who have good hearts and are sincerely searching for the truth. He will turn away from it those who do not deserve His mercy; those who chose to divert from His way. This is decreed according to His perfect Wisdom and Knowledge.

The success of Da'wah is guaranteed as a fulfilment of Allah’s promises; He Says (what means): “… And who is more truthful than Allah…” [Quran: 4:87]

1. Allah promised to make the way for Da'wah easy for Prophet Muhammad salallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, and his followers alike; He Says (what means): “And We will ease you toward ease.” [Quran: 87:8]

2. Allah also promised to preserve the Quran, His last guidance to mankind. It is forever protected from any sort of distortion, change, or modification; He Says (what means): “Indeed, it is We who sent down the message [i.e., the Quran], and indeed, We will be its guardian.” [Quran: 15:9] 

3. Allah promised to make Da'wah prevail and reach every place on earth, so that all mankind will be aware that Islam is the truth from their Lord; He Says (what means):  “We will show them Our signs in the horizons and within themselves until it becomes clear to them that it is the truth...” [Quran: 41:53]

4.Prophet Muhammad  assured us that Islam is the religion of the future and will spread all over the world when he said: “Indeed, Islam will reach every place that the day and night reach.  There is no house (in city or desert) on the Earth except that Islam will enter it.” [Ahmad]

Due to all of these reasons, Da'wah can never fail; that is why Prophet Muhammad  expected his followers to outnumber the followers of other prophets; He  said: “All of the prophets before me were given (tangible) miracles, due to which, people believed in them. But the miracle that has been given to me is indeed a revelation that Allah revealed to me [i.e., Quran and Sunnah].  So I hope, on the Day of Judgement, my followers will outnumber the followers of other prophets.” [Al-Bukhari]

In order for Da'wah to be effective, the caller must have sincere intention and, above all, a strong sense of piety.  In order to share Islam with people, we must develop strong relationships within our Ummah (Muslim community) to support these efforts with Da'wah centres and well-written material.  Each of us has a gift from Allah and we should not ignore our obligation in fear of rejection or failure, but join together to contribute our talents and resources to share the gift of Islam.

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