Jesus Died For Our sins? 
Romans 4:25
1 Peter 3:18
1 Corinthians 15:3 
1 John 2:2

No Man Can Die For The Sins Of Another
Ezekiel 18:1-30
Deuteronomy 24:16 
Psalms 49:7
Jeremiah 31:30
1 Corinthians 3:8

We didn't inherit ANY sins from Adam because in Quran 7:23 and Quran 2:37 below, he sought God's forgiveness and God forgave him."


First we ask , why do u call Jesus the son of God ?
Is he the ony one mentioned in the bible as the son of God ?!!

There are more than 18 biblical verses stating that there are sons of God beside Jesus

??These are few examples

?? Exodus 4:22 Then say to Pharaoh, ‘This is what the LORD says: 
Israel is my firstborn son.

??Psalms 89:26-27 

 “I have chosen David as my first-born son, and he will be the ruler of all kings on earth.

??Deuteronomy 32:19
 The LORD saw this and rejected them because he was angered by his sons and daughters.

?? 2 Samuel 7:14 
I will be his Father, and he shall be My son.If he commits iniquity, I will chasten him with the rod of men and with the blows of the sons of men.

?? Isaiah 43:6
 I will say to the north, ‘Give them up!’ and to the south, ‘Do not hold themback.Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the ends of the earth.

Ephraim is my firstborn son.

??Jeremiah 31:9 They will come with weeping;they will pray as I bring them back.I will lead them beside streams of water on a level path where they will not stumble, because I am Israel’s father, and Ephraim is my firstborn son.

What does the term “son of God” really mean? 
We find the term “son of God” is symbolically used in the earliest biblical languages for a “righteous person” for many people – not exclusively for Jesus. God is far removed from having a physical and literal son.


God had tons of sons according to the Bible, for example:

a. Angels (Job 38:7).

b. Righteous Persons (Wisdom of? Solomon 2:15)

c. Kings of Israel (2 Samuel 7:14)

d. Israel as a whole (Hosea 11:1); Exodus 4:22-23

e. Solomon (2 Samuel 7:13-14)

f. King David: "... Jehova had said onto me (David), thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee." (Psalm 2:7)

g. Satan is also the son of god (Job 2.1)!!!


Really Confusing!!! 

Which one to choose for worshiping today??

Take Your Pick!!! ??


Do you know in the bible devil is also called the son of God 

So do you accept devil as your God son?

Job 1:6  Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came among them. 
Job 1:7 The LORD said to Satan, “From where do you come?” Then Satan answered the LORD and said, “From roaming about on the earth and walking around on it.” 
Job 1:8 The LORD said to Satan, “Have you considered My servant Job? For there is no one like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, fearing God and turning away from evil.” 

First, the term "sons of God" (ben elohim) is used only two places in the Bible. Once in Genesis 6 and in Job. In the three instances in Job, the context leaves no doubt the term is a reference to the angelic realm. The sons of God are the angels God created, including Satan himself who was the highest angel. 

We read about Satan’s origins in Ezekiel 28.


Within the bible there is a matephorical language 
which refers clearly to something  else

for example 
Mat 15:24: (Referring to Jesus)
"He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”"
This does not literally mean that children of israel are animals  of Israel 
They are Human beings reffered to as Animals


like the word father" refers to One God 
as in John 20 :17. 
Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not ; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father ; and my God, and your God. 
My father and your father 
my God and your God


The birth of jesus was a miracle as the  of Adam creation .
??Quran (3:59)
Indeed, the example of Jesus to Allah is like that of Adam. He created Him from dust; then He said to him, "Be," and he was. 
??Genesis 2:7  
And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. 
??So  , Adam is God 's breath in flesh  
Jesus is God's word in flesh !

The Messiah Jesus son of Mary is no more than a Messenger from God , who came to the Children of Israel with glad tidings and warnings, and Allah made him a sign for the people as his mother bore him without a husband, 
but this sign does not make him a son of God, may He be exalted. 

Adam (peace be upon him) did not have a father or a mother, according to the consensus of all religions, 

so if merely being born without a father means that it may be said that the Messiah was the son of God, then Adam (peace be upon him) is more entitled to that. 

Allaah created Adam with His hand and breathed into him his soul created by Him, and told His angels to prostrate to him.


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And the creation of Eve (peace be upon her) was greater than the creation of Jesus son of Mary, but no wise person would say that she is the daughter of God.

She was created from Adam himself , from his rib .


??Was Jesus the only begotten son of God???

In the book of Psalms 2:7 we find “I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee.” 

David, in this verse, is saying that God had told him he was the son of God and God has begotten him. 

Clearly Jesus is not the only begotten son of God.

Of course, one could say that although Jesus was not the only begotten son of God, he had no human father in contrast to David who had a human father. 

That is true! Since Jesus had no human father it makes the relationship between him and God a closer one. The question is what about Adam?

 Adam had no human father nor a human mother, and according to the Bible he too was the son of God.(Luke 3:38).