Muslim Vs Atheist



There are four piece of evidence that
there is a creator.

 The fourth one is the most powerful.


??First one is called #Cosmological_argument which is Cause an Effect.

Everything had a beginning.  Everything that begins to exist must have a cause . 

We believe that God is
the cause of everything .

God doesn't need a cause because he's outside the universe and space and time are linked together in the universe .


if he's outside the universe he doesn't
need a cause , he doesn't have a cause he just exists.

 This doesn't prove God exists but it gives rise to the possibility of a God if that makes sense.


- So do you agree with that it's possible there is a God outside the
-  I don't know the things is there is no something physically that could show itself and say oh I'm God so there's something that you could feel by
you cannot see .

- Fair enough, the fourth one is the most powerful this is the first one I've given you .


??Second one is  the #Design_Argument, the complexity of the design of the universe .

The design of the universe points to an intelligent in the design and this points to an intelligent designer.

 I'll give you one piece of evidence.
- Have you heard of Entropy?
 - No 
- Entropy  is a degree of disorder in a system in the world.
 If entropy increases the disorder  increase.

 When the universe started it was a highly ordered universe with low entropy.

-What is the probability of this by chance?
 -Professor Roger Penrose who's professor of Mathematics at the University of Oxford has worked it out.
 it's 10 to the power of 10 you know what that means , 10,000 million ,  ten thousand million  multiplied by itsself 123 times 2, to one . So it's an incredibly incredibly small chance that the universe could have started by chance .

 Which means it suggests that somebody has designed it this way , there is a Designer,  that is a Creator , there's a Maker , there is a Fashioner and that we believe is God,  we call him Allah .

??Third piece of evidence are the #lives_of_the_prophets . 

People like Abraham , Moses ,David , Solomon , Joseph , Jacob , Jesus and Mohammed,  they claimed at some
stage in their livrs that God spoke to
them . They went out and gave this message .

For giving this message they were tortured,  persecuted and killed and their followers were persecuted ,tortured and
killed and their message was consistent ,
and they gained nothing material or
worldly from doing this - so why did they do this?
We would say because they were
genuine prophets of God .

The only other possibilities are that they were delusional or mad or megalomaniac or Psychopaths ,
but their characters showed they weren't.

Second possibility is that they were lying to help society but again their characters showed that's not possible,  that means they were genuine prophets of God .

This message , the Quran gives life to people who are spiritually dead . Coz it makes you spiritually alive connecting you with the creator.

?? Fourth piece of evidence : 

When God sent the prophets  to
mankind like Abraham and Moses and David and Solomon ,Jesus , Isaac, Ishmael and Muhammad peace be upon them all, 
people said to the prophets you're mad ,you're liars you made it up , you're possessed by Satan . 

What the prophets did was to prove they were sent by God. 
They performed #miracles by the permission of God.
 Miracle is something impossible for human beings to do.
 The prophets performed
miracles to prove they were sent by God..
so Jesus brought the dead back to life
He healed the leper and He healed the
blind with God's power Not his power.

People loved Jesus so much ,after Jesus left they started saying he is the son of God , 
three hundred years later they
started saying he's God himself ,
three hundred twenty-five years later under the Roman Emperor Constantine.. the Roman
Catholic religion was born and Catholicism was created.
And in Catholicism Jesus is not just sent by God ..he's God
himself ,God incarnates, God in the flesh ,part of a Trinity ...
not only does this not make sense it's not true !!!

The most important thing is our connection with God, the Creator, which in the Bible is called the first and second commandment :
1-You shall have no other Gods beside me.
2- you shall make no idols.

 And its the most important commandment in the Quran
"And your Lord has decreed that you not worship except Him "

So God sends another prophet and his name is
Muhammad peace be upon him.
 Muhammad was given a miracle which exists today. 
 A miracle which you can see today .

-What was the miracle that was given to the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him?
- It's the Quran.

 #The_Quran ,the book itself
is the miracle which proves that
Mohammed is a prophet of God.
 It proves Islam is true and it's the most powerful proof that God exists .

-Who made the Quran ?
No one made the Quran, we believe we believe it contains the words
of God ,a revelation from God to the
Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him
through the Holy Spirit or Spirit of
Truth that came to the
Prophet Muhammad ,the holyspirit is the angel
Gabriel who brought these words of God to
Muhammad peace be upon him.


I'm going to give you 14 reasons why
the quran is a miracle .

1- the Quran is a book fourteen hundred years old and unchanged in the Arabic language it's exactly the same today as it was at the time of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.