An Authentic Selectrior from Imam Al-,Qurtuhf's AT'-TADHKIRAH

Preamble , , .. , ., 15 T · I t- - ' Intr · ·d t' · - 1· 7 rans ,a -ors ., ,_ o uc:_1on , ,,, , . T:t."ans.Jator·'s Note 21 "":hapter l: The in terdietion of wishing for death owing to a physical ,or financial ealami ty , , ...• 22 Chapt@r 2: The permissibility of praying for death for fear or How believers' and disbelievers' souls leav. their bodies , , . , _ , , , , , . 35, oefs of the pains of d.ea:th and the condition of dying people 36, Death expiates Muslims' sins ,,~···· 40 Man sbould have a favorable opinion of Allah at his death (Fearing Allah) , 41 Dictating S hahadah to the dying person 42 He who attends. to a dying person should utter good words (How to pray for Ute dying p@TSOO at death and how to close his eyelids) 4,11 h:a pter 18: V\iha t shauld be said on e losing the dea. } -- lids ...fij 11er son s ·eyeil .. s . , . , _ , , ,, .. , . . . . . . . . ";,j,· Ch.apter 14: How Salan attends to the dying person (The feat of bad ends) , ,, .. , ,. . ~J,7 'hantee 8: ~ha .Jbapter 5: hapter 6,: Cha.pte.1· 7: Ohapter '9 ~ Chapte1~ 10: ""'hapteri l]: Chapter 1:~: """he preparation far, and rememhranca of death , 27 "\iVh at remmds people of de ath and th hereafter and helps them disrega1·d li.fe . , . , , , 29 Wb at should be said on entering cetnete~ ..-.~· permissibility of crying there . , , , . , - . . . . . . . .. . 3.2 Believers sweat at death , .. 34 Chapb3r 15: Hadlths Concerning Bad Deaths ( How Endin,gs Th1[attel'· Niore) 4 9 Chapter 16: The Heralds of Forthcoming Death , . ,. ,. . . 52 Cha:pteF 17: The soul will be given either glad or had tid111:gs before it lea ve.s the body , +. ; ••• , _ 53 Chapter· 18: How souls will meet each other in paradisa.. 55 Chapter 19: The destiny of the· sou] after it leaves the body-- ,,, 57 :hapter 201:: The angel of death seizes people's souls and ·isits every house fi v~ 'times a day., . . . . . . . . . . . . 5· ·l1apter 2l.: 1iV11en the soul departs, the sight follows .... , .. 59 ~·hap,ter 22:: The dust of every grave will be hailed on the pel'SO,n buried therein ., 60 han,ter 2'3 :. What follows a :person to 'his grave, and stays with him i. .,, ••••••••..•••......•. , ••••.•.. •"···-··-. ········+· 6, Chapter 24: The s:ev-e2ity of death - ·Th.e grave is 'the fiTs1t. step toward the hereafter .. "' , "" r •• ~. " " •• " 62 ,£ -- 9.~·. s-·1 · ti" .•.. L · 1· r· b · ·1 6 ;~ nap "'er ;;;;.!u,,, ; eiec ng !1.!U.H p ac.e o W'.'la •• ; • _, , , • •. • . • • • . . • • • . • • .. ,::..t Chaptel' 26: I-low the dead ~ange visits in their ~"FI"ol. ves ..................• , , , , T + , , .••. , T .•••••••••••••••••••••• 65 Ch.apter 27: How the grave speaks and addresses its ~nhab±tants daily .. ,. ~.;·---·--·· .. 65 Chapter 28:· How the grave presses its inhabitants, even the virtuous ones ,. , _._ 6,6 Chavter 29: The, dead p erson is. tortured when his family ,v ails for him (That makes him suffer) . . . . . . . . 67 Chap tel' ,30: What should be said. when. the d ead person is placed in the gi·ffve _ .. __ ., .. .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . s- Chapter 3:1: Standing lby the gra ve i.ifte:r burying U1e dead person and p,raying for him , 69 Ch.a.p ter a2:: I-low angels question 'the dead. ( One· should ,seek ref u~ £rum the torture of the gJ~a,,e) . . . . 7 I Chapter SS: The famous Heditl« narrated by Al·B'aro'.a lb n .Azib that sums up The affairs of th dead at death and in the w·ave, , _ ·- __ ; 72 5 "111 apter 34: Different Traditions on the V astness of the r".:!!,..,e...,~"' f.., B .... 1~ ·" 80 ,.. .iL ·~... •••• u n - e.u.ever .......••• _ .. ...• T ••• ~ .• , • • •• • • • • • • ." Ch.apter 35: The causes of grave torture ,fThe different eonditicns oithe disobedient -~1 e 1. t. ~ • • 8.CC01u:ul!.ng ·O · 1\.Jh epter 36:: The explana tion of the verse that reads: "A. nab. will establish in strength 'those who believe, with the word that. stands firm, ·- tm· ,..!l ,, s0 n S W·Or.11.u .••......•..••••••••••.....••.• , •.•••.•••.••••• , .. : Chaute·r 37: The dead person is brought to his abode (in paradise or hell) u1.01·oing and evening .... 89 Chapter 38: How tnan.y martyrs are· th-em? ~ a martyr "is called so? Vi.hat is the meaning of martyrdom? ..•.......... 91 Chapter 39:"~Iiow man's body decays after death except for the c1JcC'yx ...•...... _ ...•.•............ H·. . .... .. . .. . . • . . . . . . 92 Chapter 40: The bodies of prophets and mertyrs do not dec.ay Cf1he·v are alive) .. , ··-n •..• , .•..•••• 94 Uhap,ter 41: The destruction of creation (Blowing the 'trumpet, and s wocmng - The interval betv;l'f!en. the two times of blowing l (Itesurrection ~ Presentation - Hell) , 95 Chn,p t:er 42-: Exp] a nation of the vets e reading: "'The trum pet will j ust be sounded, when all that are in the heavens and on earth will weon except such as it will please Allah to exempt " g,o J1:r·X.~.1Ll.:Al · ,,! I!' r r I - ••• ii,, •••

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