Why I chose Islam ?
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful. All praises and adoration are due to Almighty alone, the Nourisher and Sustainer of Heaven and earth, He who has no beginning, no point of termination and no end. Who completed the religion for us, perfected the blessing on us and chose Islam as our religion. May the blessing and peace be upon His slave and messenger, who called upon people to obey their Lord and cautioned against extravagance, extremism, innovations and disobedience. May Allah bless his posterity, his companions and those who follow his footsteps until the Day of Judgment.
Firstly, the fundamental teachings of Islam differ from other Religions.
1- There is uniformity in Islam: Muslims in Nigeria prays the same way as Muslims in America unlike Christians who have different dominion in worshipping their Lord.
2- The same language: Muslims pray using the same language (Arabic) irrespective of country or tribes.
3- Muslims use one book (Al-Quran) as their guideline unlike Christianity that has versions of the bible.
4- Muslims believe that the teaching of all Prophets is Oneness of Allah, which differs from Christianity that believes in the trinity.
Certainly, the lifestyle of a devout Muslim is quite different from that of other people, and it might sound very difficult for someone who is just looking at it out of curiosity. However, when one sincerely embraces Islam and tries to please Allah, Allah makes the lifestyle changes much easier despite the difficulties.
If you became Muslim, certainly one of the biggest changes would be the obligation to pray five times a day.
The truth will always be an irresistible force that guides humankind back to their creator, like the burst of sunshine after days of gray skies and gloom.
The beauty of Islam is that it is a one-way path that leads to salvation and paradise. There is no multitude of confusing directions, twists or turns in Islam. Most importantly, there are no potholes, pitfalls, or hidden curves. Having a defined path and guidance is critical for anyone seeking to connect with the Creator. The religion of Islam guides believers to the straight path, which leads back to Allah.
💎- How did online teaching help you to learn about Islam?
Online teaching "Internet" had
brought a great opportunity to many human lives who had no opportunity of meeting Islam or traveling to another country to learn about their religion; but through online teaching one gets to know much a lot about his Creator; more so it aids in learning fast, and one can get explanation for things he didn't understand .
💎- did you have any plans to help in spreading the word of Islam?
I have plans in spreading the word of Islam, which I had started already. The Prophet Muhammad ( ﷺ) says take my words to people even if it's one Ayah , and knowing the truth now is my cause to also invite people to Islam - Inviting people to Islam is the source of unlimited goodness; for each person you invite to Islam, you will get the same rewards for his prayer, worship and teaching others.
What a great blessing Allah bestows on those who engage in da‛wah work! The Prophet ﷺ said, “Whoever calls to guidance will have a reward similar to that of those who follow it, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all."
Alhamdulillah, by today we are 13 in numbers, we are praying together and doing Da'wah together, in which we have been reaching to people in our neighborhood community, and Allah has been helping us on it, we are reaching to Muslims by name who do not practice their religion and to non-Muslims.
💎- from how long are you a Muslim?
This is my solid good 2 years in the religion of peace (Islam).
Lastly, I use this medium to thank all who supported and guided me to know much about Islam.
🔹Alade Kazeem _ Nigeria