The huge difference between Islam and the
current practice of Muslims
Islam for everyone
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
The huge difference between Islam and the
current practice of Muslims
If Islam is the best religion, why are most Muslims dishonest,
unreliable and involved in activities such as scams, bribery, drug trafficking
1. The defamation of Islam by the media
to. Islam is without doubt the best religion, but the media is in the hands of the
Westerners who are afraid of Islam. The media print and broadcast continuously
information against Islam. They provide incorrect information about Islam, quote
Islam incorrectly or take any sources out of context.
b. Whenever attacks occur somewhere, Muslims are always the first people
who are accused without any evidence. This then appears as headlines in it
news. Later, when it turns out that non-Muslims were responsible, it appears as
unimportant news item in the media.
c. When a fifty-year-old Muslim man marries a fifteen-year-old girl with her
permission, it will appear on the front page. But when a fifty-year-old non-Muslim
a six-year-old girl raped, you can find this news in the inside pages of
the papers. In America, 2,713 cases of rape occur daily, but
it does not appear in the news as it is a way for the Americans
life has become.
2. Black sheep in every community
I am aware that some Muslims are dishonest, untrustworthy, cheaters,
etc., but the media presents this as if only Muslims participate in such activities
involved. Every community has its black sheep.
3. Do not judge a car by its driver
You want to judge how good the latest model of "Mercedes" is while a person
who cannot drive is behind the wheel and the car crashes. Then who are you accusing?
The car or the driver? The driver of course! To analyze how well the car
one should not scrutinize the driver, but the capacity and the
properties of the car. How fast does the car go, what is its average
fuel consumption, what about safety, etc.
Even if, for the sake of argument, I agree that Muslims are bad,
we cannot judge Islam by its followers. If you want
judge how good Islam is, then judge it according to its authentic sources,
i.e. the Glorious Quran and authentic traditions.
4. Judge Islam by its best follower, i.e. the Prophet
Mohammed (peace be upon him)
If you actually want to judge how good a car is, put an expert driver
behind the wheel. Likewise, it is the best and most exemplary follower of Islam who
you need to study in order to arrive at a correct judgment about Islam. The last and
final messenger of Almighty God, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon
him). In addition to Muslims, there are also several honest and unbiased non-Muslims
historians who have welcomed the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
was the best person. According to Michael H. Hart who published the book "The Hundred Most Influential
Men in History '(The Hundred Most Influential People in History) wrote the
highest position, i.e. the number one position, to the beloved Prophet of Islam:
Mohammed (peace be upon him). More examples of non-Muslims can be mentioned
who have expressed their appreciation for the Prophet, such as Thomas Carlyle and