And whomsoever Allah wills to guide, He opens his breast to Islam; and whomsoever He wills to send astray, He makes his breast closed and constricted, as if he is climbing up to the e, He opens his [And whomsoever Allah wills to guid Allah, the Almighty, says: sky. breast to Islam; and whomsoever He wills to send astray, He makes his breast closed and )An`am: 125-(Al constricted, as if he is climbing up to the sky.] :The Scientific Fact d its existence in 1648. He The formation of the atmosphere was unknown until Pascal prove.proved that air pressure decreases as we go higher above sea level Later on it was discovered that air in the lower layers of the atmosphere is denser. About 50 20,000 feet above sea % of the air mass is located between the surface of the earth and.level, and 90% is located between the surface of the earth and 50,000 feet above sea level Therefore, density decreases vertically until air reaches its utmost rarefaction (minimum .efore it completely vanishes in outer spacepressure) in the higher layers of the atmosphere b When a human being goes higher than ten thousand (10,000) feet above sea level, it does not cause him any serious problem, as the respiratory system can handle the height of l; however, if a person goes into outer space, the 10,000 to 25,000 feet above sea leveamount of pressure and oxygen decrease causing the closing of the chest and dyspnea (shortness of breath). Then, the breathing process becomes difficult because of the lack of .d the respiratory system completely fails, causing deathoxygen (oxygen starvation) an :Facets of Scientific Inimitability known that the different layers of the atmosphere were unknown at the time the -It is wellthe decrease of Glorious Qur'an was revealed. Consequently, the low pressure and -Everoxygen, which is necessary for man's life, in the higher layers, were also unknown. People at that time did not know these facts; on the contrary they believed that whenever man goes .y the breezehigher, he will feel more serenity and happiness and enjo This honorable verse clearly indicates two facts that have been only discovered lately by modern science: the first one is that dyspnea occurs when a person goes higher in the layers crease in air pressure. The of the atmosphere because of the lack of oxygen and the desecond is the state that precedes choking leading to death that occurs when a person goes more than 30,000 feet above sea level. This is caused by the drastic decrease in air pressure .and an extreme lack of oxygen ant to note the miraculous nature of the word (climb) that indicates the difficulty It is import.of this state and describes the pain and suffering attached to it .Aware-Knowing and the All-This is a sure indication that these words are truly from the All