dhanab (coccyx) -“The whole body of the son of Adam will be eaten by dust except `ajb adhIn his Sahih, for he was created from it and his body will be reconstructed starting with it.” (peace be upon Imam Muslim reported on the authority of Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet -“The whole body of the son of Adam will be eaten by dust except `ajb adh him) said:dhanab (coccyx) for he was created from it and his body will be reconstructed starting with ”it. :The Scientific Facts x (tailbone) is a small bone associated with the last bone According to embryology, the coccyof the spine and usually consists of four fused vertebrae and is considered to be the base of the primitive streak that precedes the formation of the whole fetus, especially the nervous .er primitive streak disappears, only a small bone known as the coccyx remainssystem. Aft The formation of the primitive streak: On the fourteenth day, the endoderm (innermost layers come of the embryo) and the ectoderm (outermost layers of the embryo) grow until they bepear shaped. The front part will be wider than the back. At the back part, the ectoderm will actively formulate the primitive streak which appears for the first time on the fifteenth day .after conception ve streak begins and cells start to move Rapid growth and cell division in the primitirightwards and leftwards between the endoderm and the ectoderm forming a third layer .called the mesoderm After the appearance of the primitive streak, the formation of the nervous system and the nd the bodily organs of the fetus start to take shape. If the primitive notochord begins a.streak does not take place, bodily organs will not start their formation Due to its importance, Warnock British Commission (a commission specialized in human has pointed out that the existence of the primitive streak is the conception and embryos) point at which doctors and researchers have stopped conducting experiments on early .fetuses produced by in vitro fertilization e primitive streak is followed by the At its first appearance and due to its extensive activity, th:following At the point when the neural tube closes, the otic placode and the lens placode starts to -1appear. The human brain starts to take shape at the upper two thirds of the neural tube fifth somite, as -is created at the lower third which is below the fourth while the spinal cord.the fist four somites are part of the base of the skull grows extensively around the fetus cord -which starts to take shape -The mesoderm -2into muscles and the backbone. Later, the early ends of the creating somites which later turnwhich formulate the skeleton and the muscles, as well as the urinary -upper and lower limbs
will stem from these somites. In this mesoderm, the peritoneum, -and procreative system umor membranes in addition to blood vessels, the heart, and the digestive pleura, and t.system muscles, take form In this way, the formation of the primitive streak is an important indicator that the bodily e stage known as organogensis organs and tissue of the fetus are being created. In fact, thdoes not start except after the formation of the thickening of cell layers, the neural groove, and the somites. It extends from the beginning of the fourth week to the end of the eighth us is equipped with all basic systems and only tiny week. At the end of this period, the fet.details and growth will follow What happens to the primitive streak? Having fulfilled the purpose of its existence at the acrococcygeal fourth week, the primitive streak starts to shrink and its remains stay in the s.region. These very tiny remains of the primitive streak stay there forever :Facets of Scientific Inimitability The hadiths dealing with the issue of the coccyx or the primitive streak are among the m). Modern embryology has proven that man is miracles of the Prophet (peace be upon hicreated from this primitive streak which helps cells to grow and become full organs. It has its own effect on the formation of the nervous system (the neural groove, the neural tube, and ystem) as well as all other organs. After fulfilling its task, the then the whole nervous sprimitive streak vanishes and only a small part of it remains in the sacrococcygeal region. This remaining part (the coccyx) will be used when man’s body is reconstructed and .he Day of Judgment as told by the truthful Prophet (peace be upon him)recreated on t