

In the Name of Allah,

the Most Gracious,

the Most Merciful

This article of faith refers to belief

in all the scriptures as revealed in

their original form by Allah to His

messengers. Revealed scriptures

form the enlightenment which the

messengers received to show their

people the right path to Allah. All the

revealed books call to the worship

of Allah alone, and they forbid the

worship of anything in place of, or

in addition to, Him. They contain

guidance for humankind in all

aspects of life. They define right and

wrong, and they offer human beings

a complete system of beliefs and

practices to govern all their affairs.

The Creator alone knows best what is

beneficial for His creation and what is

not. Thus, the divine laws contained

in those scriptures command and

prohibit various acts and substances

in order to protect the human spirit,

human body, and human society

from harm. Human beings need to

abide by Allah’s commandments, as

documented in His revealed books, in

order to fulfil their potential by living a

righteous life.

The original texts of the revealed

books do not differ from each other

in their main doctrinal principles.

However, due to the differences

among nations in terms of time and

place, there were some differences in

the practical teachings (laws) of the

scriptures, according to the wisdom of

Allah. Their basic message, however,

remains the same.

Muslims believe in the previous

books as mentioned in the Quran: The

Scripture of Abraham (peace be upon

him), the Torah of Moses (peace be

upon him), the Psalms of David (peace

be upon him), and the Gospel of Jesus

(peace be upon him). The following

verse from the noble Quran emphasizes

the fact that belief in all the previous

scriptures sent by Allah is an integral

part of the Islamic belief system:

{Say [O believers]: We have believed

in Allah and what has been revealed

to us and what has been revealed to

Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and

Jacob and the descendants and what

was given to Moses and Jesus and what

was given to the prophets from their

Lord. We make no distinction between

any of them, and we are Muslims [in

submission] to Him.} (Quran 2: 136)

Long before the coming of Prophet

Muhammad (peace be upon him), all

of these scriptures had been either

lost or irrevocably corrupted by later

generations, over the centuries, with

myths, superstitions, idolatry, and

irrational philosophical beliefs. The

existing forms of those scriptures

contain contradictions and hence

cannot be described as Allah’s


The Bible, for example, is composed of

many books written by various authors.

The scripture that was revealed to Jesus

(peace be upon him) has undergone so

many changes that today we have the

four well-known Gospels instead of

one Gospel.

These were written between 40

and 115 years after Jesus (peace be

upon him) had left and are based on

documents that have been lost. The

Gospel according to Mark was the first

one written in Rome, at least 40 years

after the disappearance of Jesus (peace

be upon him). The Gospel according

to Matthew was written in the Greek

Language about 90 years after Christ.

The Gospel according to Luke was

written in Greece approximately 80

years after Christ. These three Gospels

are called Synoptic because they

originate from the same lost document

and they have a lot in common. The

Gospel according to John, on the other

hand, has deep differences with the

Synoptic Gospels. It is in this Gospel

of John where the Divinity and preexistence

of Jesus (peace be upon

him) was mentioned, even though

Jesus himself never claimed this. This

Gospel was written between the years

110 and 115 CE.

Analysis of these Gospels reveals the


01 There exist no written documents

dating from the period of Jesus’

lifetime that record his sayings,

actions, or lectures.

02 The Gospels were written 40-115

years after Jesus’ ‘disappearance’

and were based on documents

that have since been lost.

As a consequence, there was

manipulation of the content.

03 The historical record of the

Gospels points to the fact that

they were written by people

who never knew, saw, heard, or

met Jesus. (They are named as

Mark, Matthew, Luke, and John,

although their actual identities are

not known.) What they narrated

as the Gospels was actually

based on what they heard from

the preceding generations. This

points to the fact that the original

message revealed to Jesus, which

was in his possession, did not

exist later (after his ascension).

Otherwise, there would be no

need for people to write it.

04 The Gospels were written in

Greek, whereas Jesus (peace be

upon him) spoke Aramaic; since

they do not record his original

speech, they cannot be the words

of Allah.

05 For at least 100 years after the

Gospels were written, they did

not have any canonical authority.

During this time, writers from

different sects changed them in

order to suit their own agendas.


06 The clearest evidence of biblical

distortion is the revision of the

Bible to the extent that every

edition is different from the

previous one.

07 There is a lack of authentication

in documenting the original text

of the Bible.


08 The present Gospels, seen as a

whole, are full of contradictions.

These factors have been brought up

here in order to demonstrate that the

Gospel of Jesus (peace be upon him),

meaning his original message that was

revealed by Allah, has not reached us

in its original form. It can be affirmed

that the four Gospels included in

today’s Bible cannot be considered

equivalent, or even similar, to the

inspired message given to Jesus (peace

be upon him). Based on these historical

facts, these four Gospels should be

treated as historical writings, like the

other books in the New Testament, not

as the true scripture (word of Allah)

that was revealed to Jesus.


Distortion of the Old Testament

Moving to the Old Testament texts,

there are many verses that describe

the Lord with weak and negative

attributes. Some of them are even

curses! This clearly indicates that the

Old Testament cannot be the word

of God because the Lord would not

undermine Himself in the books He

revealed to His people. The Lord is

perfect, and hence His book must be

perfect and free from contradictions.


In the twelve passages cited below,

a series of nine examples prove

conclusively to the sincere researcher

that the current Old Testament is not the

true Old Testament, the revelation that

was in Jesus’ hands. It is the word of

‘men’, not the word of ‘God’, the Lord.

01 Here it says that the Lord acted

as if he had slept and drunk wine!

If this verse is true, then who

controlled the universe while He

acted this way?

Then the Lord awoke as from sleep,

like a strong man shouting because of

wine. (Psalm 78:65)

02 Here it says that the Lord will not

hear. This is not an appropriate

characteristic for Allah.

Lord, how long shall I cry for help, and

you will not hear? (Habakkuk 1:2)


03 Here it says that the Lord forgets.

How long, O Lord, Will you forget me

forever? (Psalm 13:1)

04 Here the Bible says that the Lord

was not strong enough to displace

some people because their

chariots were made of iron.

And the Lord was with Judah, and he

took possession of the hill country,

but he could not drive out the

inhabitants of the plain because they

had chariots of iron. (Judges 1:19)

05 Here it attributes more negative

characteristics to the Lord.

Therefore will I lament and howl:

I will go stripped and naked:

I will make a wailing like the

dragons, and a mourning like the

ostriches. (Micah 1:8)


06 These two verses say that the

Lord got tired after creating the

heavens and earth and then had to

rest. This attribute fits the human

being, not the Lord, Who is the

Most Strong.


…In six days the LORD made heaven

and earth, and on the seventh day he

rested and was refreshed. (Exodus 31:17)

And on the seventh day God finished

his work that he had done, and he

rested on the seventh day from all his

work that he had done. (Genesis 2:2)

But the following verse contradicts the

previous two verses:

Have you not known? Have you not

heard? The Lord is the everlasting

God, the Creator of the ends of

the earth. He does not faint or

grow weary; his understanding is

unsearchable. (Isaiah 40:28)


07 Here it says that the Lord will

sound the trumpet. Is this fit for

the Lord?

…The Lord God will sound the trumpet

and will march forth in the whirlwinds

of the south. (Zechariah 9:14)

08 Here it implies that the Lord has

failed and is hurt.

For thus says the Lord: “Behold, I am

slinging out the inhabitants of the land

at this time, and I will bring distress

on them, that they may feel it.” Woe

is me because of my hurt! My wound

is grievous. But I said, “Truly this is

an affliction, and I must bear it.” My

tent is destroyed, and all my cords are

broken; my children have gone from

me, and they are not; there is no one

to spread my tent again and to set up

my curtains. (Jeremiah 10:18-20)


09 Psalm 89:38-46 describes the

Lord acting badly against Jesus!

38 But now you have cast off and

rejected; you are full of wrath

against your anointed.

39 You have renounced the

covenant with your servant; you

have defiled his crown in the dust.

40 You have breached all his walls;

you have laid his strongholds in


41 All who pass by plunder him;

he has become the scorn of his


42 You have exalted the right hand

of his foes; you have made all his

enemies rejoice.

43 You have also turned back the

edge of his sword, and you have not

made him stand in battle.


44 You have made his splendor

to cease and cast his throne to the


45 You have cut short the days of

his youth; you have ed him

with shame.

46 How long, O Lord? Will you

hide yourself forever? How long

will your wrath burn like fire?

10 Here is the cursing of a prophet

(Balaam) in the Bible! Could

this be the word of God? Could it

happen that God sends a prophet

and then rebukes him for his

transgressions and then accuses

him of not being in his right mind?

but was rebuked for his own

transgression; a speechless donkey

spoke with human voice and restrained

the prophet’s madness. (2 Peter 2:16)


11 Genesis 19:30-38 narrates a very

wicked story about a prophet

(Lot). According to this, his

daughters got him drunk and then

had sexual relations with him

while he was unaware of it; they

both bore children as a result.

Even a very indecent person

would not do this.

12 Here is a Biblical curse for the

Prophet Solomon:

Now King Solomon loved many

foreign women, along with the daughter

of Pharaoh: Moabite, Ammonite,

Edomite, Sidonian, and Hittite women,

from the nations concerning which the

Lord had said to the people of Israel,

“You shall not enter into marriage with

them, neither shall they with you, for

surely they will turn away your heart

after their gods.” Solomon clung to


these in love. He had 700 wives, who

were princesses, and 300 concubines.

And his wives turned away his heart.

For when Solomon was old his wives

turned away his heart after other gods,

and his heart was not wholly true to

the Lord his God, as was the heart

of David his father. For Solomon

went after Ashtoreth the goddess of

the Sidonians, and after Milcom the

abomination of the Ammonites. So,

Solomon did what was evil in the sight

of the Lord and did not wholly follow

the Lord, as David his father had done.

(1 Kings 11: 1-6)

There are hundreds of verses in the

Bible which are against logic and

common sense.


Biblical proofs of the Bible’s


The Old Testament itself clearly

testifies that it was altered by humans.

God (Allah) is quoted as saying:

How can you say, ‘We are wise, and

the law of the Lord is with us’? But

behold, the lying pen of the scribes has

made it into a lie. (Jeremiah 8:8)


Who distorted the Bible (Old

and New Testaments)?

Dr Bilal Philips has explained:

About five years after the end of Jesus’

ministry, a young rabbi by the name

of Saul of Tarsus, who claimed to

have seen Jesus in a vision, began to

change Jesus’ way. Paul (his Roman

name) had considerable respect for

Roman philosophy and he spoke

proudly of his own Roman citizenship.


His conviction was that non-Jews

who became Christians should not be

burdened with the Torah in any respect.

The author of Acts 13:39 quotes Paul

as saying: And by him every one that

believes is freed from everything which

you could not be freed by the Law of

Moses. It was primarily through the

efforts of Paul that the Church began

to take on its non-Jewish character.

Paul wrote most of the New Testament

letters (epistles), which the Church

accepts as the official doctrine and

inspired Scripture. These letters do not

preserve the Gospel of Jesus or even

represent it, instead, Paul transformed

the teachings of Christ into a Hellenic

(Greco-Roman) philosophy.

Based on these facts, it can easily be

concluded that the Bible in its present

form is no more than a collection of

historical books written by various


writers over many years. The accounts

of the life of Jesus were written after his

ascension, by men who never met him.

(They are named as Mark, Matthew,

Luke and John, although their actual

identities are not known.) These are

partial accounts, which contradict each

other and have no authentication. The

current version(s) of the Bible does

not represent the original revelations

and cannot be described as the word of

God (Allah).


Many Christians have found that when

they do research to dis the true

teachings of God, the Bible cannot

answer their questions. Dr David

Liepert is a Canadian physician who

began learning about Islam in order

to convince Muslim co-workers that

his Christian beliefs represented the

truth. As he combed through the Bible,

however, he was surprised to find

that it did not contain the evidence

for his beliefs that he had assumed

was there. After a great deal of soulsearching,

and extensive research

into Islam, he realized that it had the

strongest evidence supporting it, and

he embraced Islam as the true religion.

His story is described in his book

Choosing Faith.

Although the original revelations were

not preserved and have been replaced

with the current Bible (including


the four Gospels attributed to Luke,

Matthew, John, and Mark), the Old

and New Testaments still contain some

remnants of the original truth. The

Quran confirms these parts, because

it confirms the truth and denies all

falsehood. Islamic teachings set out

a criterion for either accepting or

rejecting passages from the Bible, as

described in the following verse:

{And We have revealed to you [O

Muhammad] the book in truth,

confirming that which preceded it of

the scripture and as a criterion over

it...} (Quran 5: 48)


This verse emphasizes two main

aspects of the Quran:

01 The Quran confirms only

those teachings or passages of

the previous scriptures whose

meaning have remained intact.

02 The Quran is the final, complete,

authoritative, and authentic

revelation from Allah. It is the

final arbiter and the only criterion

to correct any inaccuracy or

misinterpretation which might


have occurred in the transmission

of scriptures throughout the ages.

It helps us to dis, expose,

and disclose human additions

to, or interpolations of, previous

revelations. Indeed, one of the

names of the Quran is al-Furqan

(the criterion which distinguishes

between right and wrong, truth

and falsehood).

It follows, therefore, that Muslims

have no reason to reject the essence

of any passage in the Bible if such a

passage is confirmed by the Quran.

For example, we read in the New

Testament a reiteration of one of the

Ten Commandments:

Jesus answered, “The most important

is, ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God,

the Lord is one. (Mark 12:29)


Muslims who read this passage in

the Bible can find no objection to its

essence. After all, the Quran confirms:

{Say: He is Allah, [Who is] One.}

(Quran 112: 1)

{They have certainly disbelieved who

say, “Allah is the Messi-ah, the son of

Mary,” while the Messiah has said, “O

Children of Israel, worship Allah, my

Lord and your Lord.” Indeed, he who

associates others with Allah – Allah has

forbidden him Paradise, and his refuge

is the fire. And there are not for the

wrong doers any helpers.} (Quran 5: 72)

If, however, Muslims read in the Bible

(or in other previous scriptures, for that

matter) accusations of major moral

sins levied against great prophets, or

doctrines which are totally negated

in the Quran, they can accept only

the Quranic version as the original

unadulterated truth, revealed by Allah.


Distorting revelations is the

biggest sin

The Quran has emphasized, in more

than one verse, that distorting Allah’s

revelation is a severe sin.

{So woe to those who write the

‘scripture’ with their own hands, then

say: This is from Allah-in order to

exchange it for a small price. Woe to

them for what their hands have written

and woe to them for what they earn.}

(Quran 2: 79)


An important note

It should be noted that those who

followed the scriptures in their pure

and unadulterated forms, and then

died before hearing the message of

Islam, are considered to be on the right

religion; they will have nothing to fear

on the Day of Judgement.

Revelation of the Quran

Following the distortion of the

previous scriptures, Allah, the

Most Compassionate, did not leave

human beings to go astray without

an unadulterated reference. Indeed,

He revealed the Quran as the final

revelation to humankind, and He

promised to preserve it for all time. It is

the word of Allah, which He revealed

to Prophet Muhammad (peace be

upon him) through the angel Gabriel


(peace be upon him). It was revealed

in parts (fragments) of different

lengths over a period of twenty-three

years. Prophet Muhammad (peace be

upon him) recited the revelation to his

Companions, who wrote it down during

his lifetime on palm leaves, parchment,

animal bones (the shoulder-blades of

camels made a good writing surface),

and flat stones. When he recited it to

them, he indicated precisely where

each revealed section belonged within

the body of the complete revelation.

In addition, the Quran was memorized

by hundreds of Prophet Muhammad’s

Companions. One year after the death

of Prophet Muhammad (peace be

upon him) in 632 CE, the first caliph,

Abu Bakr (d. 634 CE, may Allah

be pleased with him), instructed the

Prophet’s Companions to collect the

whole Quran in one volume. Later, the


third caliph, Uthman (d. 656 CE, may

Allah be pleased with him), prepared

several copies from the original text

and sent them to the major centres of

the Islamic civilization. One of these

reproductions can still be found in

Istanbul, Turkey.

From that time onwards, for more than

1400 years, the same Quranic text

has been in use, with the exact same

wording, order, and language (Arabic).

Not a single word of its 114 chapters,

6200 verses, and approximately 80,000

words has been changed since it was

revealed.1 Indeed, Allah has promised

to preserve it forever:

{Indeed, it is We who sent down the

Quran and indeed, We will be its

guardian.} (Quran 15: 9)

Just ponder over the fact that the

Quran, in its entirety, is memorized by


millions of people, regardless of age,

sex, social class, or ethnicity! It is the

only book that has been thus preserved,

not only on the shelf but in the hearts

of humankind.

The Quran supersedes all previous

scriptures. Allah has said to Prophet

Muhammad (peace be upon him)

about it:

{And We have revealed to you [O

Muhammad] the Book in truth,

confirming that which preceded it of

the scripture and as a criterion over

it…} (Quran 5: 48)

An essential point to understand about

the Quran is that it is a miracle in terms

of both its revelation and its content.

Since the time of its revelation, there

have been those who denied the divine

and miraculous nature of the Quran,

saying that Muhammad (peace be


upon him) was either taught by others

or that he wrote it by himself! In order

to counteract this claim, Allah has

presented a challenge to the whole of


{And if you are in doubt about what

We have sent down upon Our slave

[Muhammad], then produce a chapter

the like thereof and call upon your

witnesses other than Allah, if you

should be truthful.} (Quran 2: 23)


This is one of the prophecies which the

Quran accurately foretold, for no one,

from the time of Prophet Muhammad

(peace be upon him) until this day,

has been able to produce the like of

one chapter or even one verse of the

Quran. As such, Muslims do not need

any other scriptures to base their faith

on, either fully or partially. The Quran

remains clear and easily understood

by anyone who has a good command

of the Arabic language, and even

when the meanings of its words are

translated into any of the world’s other

languages, all of its legal injunctions

and instructions are clear.


The entire Quran is a

proclamation of monotheism

01 Some of the verses inform us about

Allah: His names, attributes, acts,

and speech. Those verses indicate

the Oneness of Allah with respect

to His most excellent names,

essence, and perfect attributes.

02 Other verses point to the necessity

of worshipping Allah alone,

without any associate or partner,

and of renouncing the worship


of anything other than Him.

These verses indicate the focus

of worship and the necessity for

people to single out their Lord in

their intentions, when requesting

His help and when turning to Him

in repentance, for example.

03 The Quran also contains

injunctions and prohibitions; doing

something that has been enjoined

or refraining from what has been

prohibited is the fulfilment and

perfection of the affirmation of the

Oneness of Allah.

04 The Quran includes stories and

information about prophets and

other righteous people of true and

sincere belief. It tells about their

immediate rewards in the life of

this world as well as the immense

rewards reserved for them in the



05 The Quran also contains stories

about those who associate

partners with Allah. It describes

their punishment in this life and

the punishment they are promised

in the hereafter. These are the just

deserts for those who deviate

from the affirmation of Allah’s



The Prophet’s teachings

The teachings of Prophet Muhammad

(peace be upon him) are the second

source of Islamic knowledge, after

the noble Quran. They explain and

elaborate on the Quranic verses.

They also explain, in minute detail,

the manner of worship as performed

by the Prophet (peace be upon him).

The Prophet’s statements provide

further clarification and details

as to how to fulfil what Allah has

ordered and refrain from what He has

forbidden. These teachings have been

meticulously collected and reported by

the Prophet’s Companions (may Allah

be pleased with all of them).


Preservation of Islamic


Preventing Islamic teachings from

alteration does not stop at the

preservation of the Quranic text; it

is also forbidden to introduce into

the Prophet’s guidance (by saying or

writing) anything that is contrary to its

premise, values, or teachings.


The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:

«Whoever introduces into this matter

(the Islamic teachings) something

that does not belong to it, shall find it

rejected. » (Recorded by Bukhari and


«One of the Prophet’s Companions

said: The Prophet (peace be upon him)

gave us a highly effective admonition,

such that many of us were tearful and

felt our hearts shudder.

Someone said to him: O Messenger of

Allah! This sounds like the admonition

of someone bidding his audience

farewell. Please outline for us what

you recommend.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:

I urge you to always remain conscious

of Allah (God-fearing), and to listen

to and obey your leaders, even if the

leader is an Abyssinian slave. Any of


you who lives long will witness much

strife and conflict, so hold tight to

my way and the way followed by the

Rightly-Guided Caliphs.1 Hold on

to it and bite it with your molars (do

not let go of it), and steer away from

any innovation (in religious affairs

and laws), for such innovations are

deviations (from the right path).»

(An authentic hadith recorded by Ibn

Hibban, Abu Dawood, and Tirmidhi)

Thus, in matters of religion, one is

not permitted to change fundamental

principles of Islamic teachings.

Whatever is contrary to them is wrong

and unacceptable. With this strict

protection, Islam has been kept as it

was revealed, pure from myths and

superstitions as well as from changes

that reflect the whims of people and



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of a larger book titled

“The Beautiful Teachings of Islam”

by Majed S. Al-Rassi.


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