
 A Miracle...And a Human Was Born 


An Honorable Family 


The  family  of  Jesus  is  the  Family  of  'Imraan.  It  was  a 

family chosen by Allaah: 


"Allaah  chose  Adam,  Noah,  the  family  of  Abraham, 

and  the  family  of  'Imraan,  above  the  'Aalameen 

(mankind and  jinns  of  their  times). Offspring, one  from 

the other, and Allaah  is  the All-Hearer, All-Knower." 

(Qur'aan 2 3:33-34) 


An Honorable Mother under the Care of Allaah 


When Mary's mother,  the wife  of  'Imraan, was pregnant, 

she made a vow: 


"(Remember)  when  the  wife  of  'Imraan  said:  'O My 

Rabb3  (Allaah)!  I  have  vowed  to  You  what  is  in  my 

womb  to be dedicated  for Your  services  (free  from  all 

worldly work; to serve Your Place of Worship), so accept 

(this), from me. Verily, You are the All-Hearer, the All-

Knowing". (Qur'aan 3: 35-36) 


Allaah  accepted  her  invocation,  and Mary was  born  and 

kept under the care of Prophet Zachariah, as Allaah, Most 

Glorified, had ordained: 


2. Whenever  a  translation  of  a  verse  is  cited,  then  this  refers  to  the 

translation of the meaning. 

3. Rabb: Allaah  is  ar-Rabb: He  is  the One Who  gave  all  things  the 

power to grow, to move and to change, to Whom belongs the Creation 

and  Commandment,  The  Master  Who  has  no  equal  in  His 

Sovereignty,  Predominance,  and  Highness,  The  One Who  Provides 

and Sustains all that exists. 


"So  her  Rabb  (Allaah)  accepted  her  with  goodly 

acceptance. He made her grow  in  a good manner and 

put  her  under  the  care  of  Zachariah.  Every  time  he 

entered Al-Mihraab  (a  praying  place  or  a  private  room) 

to  (visit)  her,  he  found  her  supplied with  sustenance. 

He said: 'O Mary! From where have you got this?' She 

said, 'From Allaah'. Verily, Allaah provides sustenance 

to whom He will, without counting." (Qur'aan 3: 37) 


Allaah chose her above all the women of her lifetime: 


"And  (remember)  when  the  angels  said:  'O  Mary! 

Verily,  Allah  has  chosen  you,  purified  you  (from 

polytheism  and  disbelief),  and  chosen  you  above  the 

women  of  Al-'Aalameen  (mankind  and  jinns  of  her 

lifetime)." (Qur'aan 3: 42) 


The Good News 


The angels brought Mary the good news about the birth of 

a  "Word"  from Allaah. The Word was Be! And  he was! 

Jesus, son of Mary: 


"(Remember) when  the  angels  said:  'O Mary! Verily, 

Allaah gives you the glad tidings of a Word ("Be!"-and 

he was!  i.e. Jesus  the son of Mary) from Him, his name 

will  be  the Messiah  Jesus,  the  son  of Mary,  held  in 

honor  in  this world and  in  the Hereafter, and he will 

be one of  those who are near  to Allaah. He will speak 

to the people in the cradle and in manhood, and he will 

be one of the righteous." (Qur'aan 3: 45-46) 


The  "Word"  is not God,  it  is  a Word  from God,  spoken 

by Him;  it  is  the Word “Be”- and he was!  i.e.  Jesus  is a 

creation by the Command of Allaah: Be! This means he is 

not part of Allaah. He, Most Glorified, does not partition 

Himself into any thing or any being. 


Jesus: No Human Father! 

Adam: No Human Father or Mother! 

A Miraculous Creation 


Mary received the news. She raised the question: 


"She said: ' O My Rabb! How shall I have a son when 

no man has touched me?" He said: "So, (it will be), for 

Allaah  creates  what  He  wills.  When  He  has  decreed 

something. He says to it only: "Be!"-and it is." (Qur'aan 

3: 47) 


Such Miraculous  creation  does  not make  him  a  "son  of 

God." Adam had neither a father nor a mother. So, should 

we give him a “Special Divinity”? No one says this. Thus 

ponder what Allah said concerning Adam and Jesus, peace 

be upon them both: 


"Verily,  the  likeness  of  Jesus  in Allaah's  Sight  is  the 

likeness of Adam. He created him from dust, then (He) 

said to him: "Be!"-and he was. (This is) the truth from 

your Rabb,  so be not of  those who doubt."  (Qur'aan  3: 



And Allaah does not beget. He, Most Exalted, says in the 

Qur'aan (19: 88-95): 


"And  they  say:  "The  Most  Beneficent  (Allaah)  has 

begotten a son (or offspring or children) 4." 


"Indeed  you  have  brought  forth  (said)  a  terrible  evil 



"Whereby  the heavens are  almost  torn, and  the earth 

is split asunder, and the mountains fall in ruins." 


"That they ascribe a son (or offspring or children) to the 

Most Beneficent (Allaah)." 


"But  it  is  not  suitable  for  (the Majesty  of)  the Most 

Beneficent  (Allaah)  that  He  should  beget  a  son  (or 

offspring or children)." 


"There is none in the heavens and the earth but comes 

unto the Most Beneficent (Allaah) as a slave." 


"Verily, He knows each one of them, and has counted 

them a full counting." 


"And every one of them will come to Him alone on the 

Day of Resurrection (without any helper, or protector or 



4. As the Jews said: Ezra is the "son of Allaah” and the Christians said 

that Allaah has "begotten a  son  (Christ, peace be upon him), and  the 

pagan Arabs  said  that He has "begotten daughters  (angels, etc.). The 

same was  said many  times  in  the past,  i.e.  in  the Greek Mythology. 

Allaah is high Above what they attribute to Him. 


The Conception: 


Mary miraculously  conceived  Jesus,  and  delivered  a  boy 

under a palm tree: 


"And  mention  in  the  Book  (i.e.  the  Qur'aan,  O 

Muhammad,  the  story  of) Mary, when  she withdrew  in 

seclusion  from  her  family  to  a  place  facing  East." 

(Qur'aan 19:16). 


"She placed a screen (to screen herself) from them (her 

family); then We5 sent to her Our Rooh (angel Gabriel), 

and he appeared before her in the form of a man in all 

respects." (Qur'aan 19: 17) 


"She  said:  'Verily!  I  seek  refuge  with  the  Most 

Beneficent  (Allaah)  from  you,  if  you  do  fear Allaah." 

(Qur'aan 19: 18) 


"(The  angel)  said:  'I  am  only  a Messenger  from  your 

Rabb, (to announce) to you the gift of a righteous son.” 

(Qur'aan 19: 19) 


"She  said:  'How  can  I  have  a  son, when  no man  has 

touched me, nor am I unchaste?'” (Qur'aan 19: 20) 


5. The  "We"  refers  to Allaah Himself. This  is  for Glorification  and 

Magnification. It is common with Semitic languages for any Monarch 

to  use  the  "We"  and  "Us"  when  referring  to  himself.  In  England, 

people  are  familiar  with  the  Royal  “We”  particular  for  the  Queen 

herself. To Allaah belongs the best example. When Allaah says "We" 

or "Us" no one who is familiar with the Arabic language understands 

that this refers to "more than one God united in one"! He is One and 

all  of His Attributes  describe Himself  alone  and  are  not  qualities  of 

separate "gods"! He, Allaah, is the All-Merciful, The Compassionate, 

The Provider, and so forth. 


"He said: 'So (it will be), your Rabb said: 'That is easy 

for Me  (Allaah); And  (We wish)  to  appoint  him  as  a 

sign  to mankind and a mercy from Us  (Allaah), and  it 

is  a matter  (already)  decreed  ,  (by  Allaah).'”  (Qur'aan 

19: 21) 


"So she conceived him, and she withdrew with him to a 

far  place  (i.e.  Bethlehem  valley  about  4-6  miles  from 

Jerusalem)." (Qur'aan 19: 22) 


"And the pains of childbirth drove her to the trunk of 

a  palm-tree.  She  said:  'Would  that  I  had  died  before 

this, and had been forgotten and out of sight!'"(Qur'aan 

19: 23) 


"Then (the babe "Jesus" or Gabriel) cried unto her from 

below  her,  saying:  'Grieve  not!  Your  Rabb  has 

provided a water stream under you." (Qur'aan 19:24) 


"And shake the trunk of palm-tree towards you, it will 

let fall fresh ripe-dates upon you." (Qur'aan 19: 25) 


"So  eat  and  drink,  and  if  you  see  any  human  being, 

say:  'Verily!  I  have  vowed  a  fast  unto  the  Most 

Beneficent  (Allaah)  so  I  shall not  speak  to any human 

being this day.'" (Qur'aan 19: 26) 


Then  she  brought  the  babe  "Jesus"  to  her  people.  They 

could not believe what they saw: 


"Then  she  brought  him  (the  baby)  to  her  people, 

carrying  him.  They  said:  'O Mary!  Indeed  you  have 

brought  a  thing  Fariyya  (an  unheard  mighty  thing)!'" 

(Qur'aan 19: 27)  

"O sister (i.e. the like) of 'Aaron 6! Your father was not 

a  man  who  used  to  commit  adultery,  nor  was  your 

mother an unchaste woman." (Qur'aan 19: 28) 


And he spoke in the cradle, explaining himself: 


"Then she pointed to him. They said: 'How can we talk 

to one who is a child in the cradle?'” (Qur'aan 19: 29) 


He (Jesus) said: Verily! I am a slave of Allaah, He has 

given  me  the  Scripture  and  made  me  a  Prophet.'' 

(Qur'aan 19: 30) 


"And He has made me blessed whosesoever  I be, and 

has  enjoined  on  me  prayer,  and  Zakaah  (prescribed 

charity), as long as I live." (Qur'aan 19: 31) 


"And  dutiful  to  my  mother7,  and  made  me  not 

arrogant, unblest." (Qur'aan 19:32) 


"And Salaam  (peace) be upon me  the day I was born, 

and  the day  I die  (after  his descent  to earth  prior  to  the 

Day  of  Judgment),  and  the  day  I  shall  be  raised  alive 

(i.e.  resurrection  from  his  grave  after  on  the  Day  of 

Judgment!)" (Qur'aan 19: 31) 



6. The 'Aaron mentioned here is not the brother of Moses, but he was 

a pious man at the time of Mary, peace be upon her. 

7. It is very strange to read in the Bible statements attributed to Jesus 

in which  he was  impolite  to  his mother!  In  John  2:  4,  it  reads:  "He 

said  to  Mary,  "Woman,  what  have  I  to  do  with  you".  Also  in 

Matthew 12: 47, we  find:  "Then one  said  unto  Jesus,  "Behold,  your 

mother  and  brethren  stand  without,  desiring  to  talk  to  you"  But  he 

answered  and  said,  "Who  is  my  mother?  And  who  are  my 

brethren?"  Certainly  these  cannot  be  the  words  of  a  great  Prophet 

who  has  a  great  moral  character.  It  is  an  insult  against  Jesus  that 

Allaah does not accept. 


Allaah  then  stresses  the  reality  of  Jesus  for  all  of  those 

who have any doubt about him or his Message: 


"Such is Jesus, son of Mary, (it is) a statement of truth, 

about which they doubt (or dispute)." (Qur'aan 19: 34) 


"It  befits  not  (the Majesty  of)  Allaah  that He  should 

beget a son8. Glorified (and Exalted be He above all that 

they associate with Him). When He decrees a thing, He 

only says to it, "Be"!-and it is."(Qur'aan 19: 35) 


Jesus  was  given  revelation  (i.e.  the  original  Gospel) 

fortified with miracles. People at his time deeply believed 

in miracles. The manifestation of miracles on the hands of 

Jesus  was  to  bring  people  to  the  belief  that  he  was 

Allaah’s Messenger. 



8. Referring to the slander of Christians against Allaah, by saying that 

Jesus is the son of Allaah. In another statement in the Qur'aan, Allaah 

says:  "And  they  (Jews,  Christians,  and  pagans)  say:  Allaah  has 

begotten a son (children or offspring). Glory be to Him (Exalted be 

above all that they associate with Him). Nay, to Him belongs all that 

is  in heavens and on  earth, and all  surrender with obedience  (in 

worship)  to Him."  (Qur'aan 116-117).  It has been a common  trait  in 

history  for  mankind  to  liken  Allaah  to  a  human  in  some  way  or 

another, but Allaah  is  totally unique. The Prophet Muhammad  (May 

Allaah's Praise and Peace be upon him) said: “Allaah said: The son of 

Adam  tells a  lie against Me  though he has no right  to do  so, and he 

abuses Me  though  he  has  no  right  to  do  so. As  for  his  telling  a  lie 

against Me, it is that he claims that I cannot recreate him as I created 

him before; and as for his abusing Me, it is his statement that I have a 

son  (or offspring,  etc.) No! Glorified be Me!  I am  far  from  taking a 

wife or a son (or offspring etc.”-Reported in the most authentic book 

of  Hadeeth  (sayings,  admonitions,  actions,  approvals,  descriptions, 

etc. of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him) known as Saheeh 

al-Bukhaari, V. 6, Hadeeth # 9; Published by Daar Al-Arabia, Beirut, 

Lebanon.  Authentically  transmitted  Hadeeth  is  an  inspiration  from 

Allaah to the Prophet, peace be upon him. There is a great science in 

Islaam devoted to the study of Hadeeth and its transmission (s). 


"And He  (Allaah) will  teach him  (Jesus)  the Book and 

Al-Hikmah9, (and) the Torah and the Gospel." (Qur'aan 

3: 48) 


"And  will  make  him  (Jesus)  a Messenger    to  the  of 

Israel  (saying): "I have  come  to you with  a  sign  from 

your Rabb, that I design for you out of clay, as it were, 

the figure of a bird, and breathe into it, and it becomes 

a bird by Allaah’s Leave; and I heal him who was born 

blind,  and  the  leper,  and  I  bring  the  dead  to  life  by 

Allaah's  Leave.10 And  I  inform  you  of what  you  eat, 

and what you store in your houses. Surely, therein is a 

sign for you, if you believe." (Qur'aan 3: 49). 


"And  I  have  come  confirming  that which was  before 

me  of  the  Torah,  and  to make  lawful  to  you  part  of 

what was  forbidden  to  you,  and  I  have  come  to  you 

with a proof from your Rabb. So fear Allaah and obey 

me." (Qur'aan 3: 50) 



9.  Al-Hikmah:  the way  of  understanding  and  application  of  religion                                                       

(worship) and wisdom in dealing with people and calling them to the 

worship of Allaah and the purpose of their creation. 

10. There  are  those who would  say:  "but  Jesus  raised  the  dead  and 

thus  he  is  God."  The  fact,  however,  is  that  these  were  miracles 

performed by Jesus by permission  from Allaah, his Rabb. According 

to the Bible statements attributed to Jesus, he said: "I can of mine own 

self do nothing". (John 5:30). "The power is given unto me" (Mathew 

28:18)  "I  cast  devils  by  the  "Spirit  (i.e.,  Will)  of  God."  (Mathew 

12:28).  "Jesus  of Nazareth  a man  approved  of God  among  you  by 

miracles." (Acts 2:20). "You seek to kill me a man that has told you 

the truth which I have heard of God" (John 8:40). The man-Prophet 

Jesus  Christ  (peace  be  upon  him)  was  created,  and  was  given 

Revelation  from Allaah to call the Israelites to the worship of Allaah 

alone. At  the  same  time,  like many Prophets  and Messengers before 

him, Allaah gave him certain miracles to show His Signs to those who 

were  being  called  to  submit  to  Allaah,  and  in  order  to  make  their 

hearts content and certain. 


And a clear Message: 


"Truly! Allaah is my Rabb and your Rabb, so worship  

Him (Alone). This is the Straight Path." (Qur'aan 3: 51) 


The Turning of Hearts to the  

Message of Jesus 



Jesus (peace be upon him) persevered in inviting people to 

Allaah. By Allaah's will, his companions turned to support 

him when he felt the plots of the disbelievers: 


"And when I (Allaah) put in the hearts of the disciples 

(of  Jesus)  to  believe  in Me  and My Messenger,  they 

said:  "We  believe.  And  bear  witness  that  we  are 

Muslims (those who submit to Allaah's will)." (Qur'aan 5: 



"Then when Jesus came to know of their disbelief (i.e. 

from  the Children  of  Israel),  he  said:  'Who will  be my 

helpers in Allaah's Cause?' The disciples said: 'We are 

the  helpers  of  Allaah  (his  religion);  we  believe  in 

Allaah, and bear witness  that we are Muslims  (i.e. we 

submit to Allaah). And they (disbelievers) plotted (to kill 

Jesus), and Allaah planned too. And Allaah is the Best 

of the planners." (Qur'aan 53-54) 


The Qualities of Jesus 


He was  of  human  nature,  one  personality  and  not  three, 

and a Messenger of Allaah: 


"O  people  of  the  Scripture  (Jews  and  Christians)!  Do 

not exceed the limits in your religion, nor say of Allaah 

aught but  the  truth. The Messiah Jesus,  son  of Mary, 

was  (no  more  than)  a  Messenger  of  Allaah  and  His 

Word  ("Be!"-and he was) which he bestowed on Mary 

and  a  spirit  (Rooh)  created  by  Him;  so  believe  in 

Allaah  and His Messengers.  Say  not:  'Three  (trinity)! 

Cease!  (It  is)  better  for  you.  For  Allaah  is  (the  only) 

One  Ilaah  (God), Glory be  to Him  (Far Exalted  is He) 

above having  a  son. To Him belongs  all  that  is  in  the 

heavens and all that is on the earth. And Allaah is All-

Sufficient as a Disposer of affairs." (Qur'aan 4: 171) 


"The Messiah (Jesus) son of Mary was no more than a 

Messenger;  many  were  the  Messengers  that  passed 

away before him. His mother  (Mary) was  a Siddeeqah 

(i.e. she believed in the Words of Allaah and His Books). 

They both used  to eat  food  (as any  other human being, 

while Allaah  does  not  eat)  11. Look  how We make  the 

Aayaat  (proofs,  evidences,  verses,  lessons,  signs, 

revelations,  etc.)  clear  to  them,  yet  look  how  they  are 

deluded away (from the truth)." (Qur'aan 5:75) 


Although  Jesus  is  a Rooh  (spirit)  from Allaah,  this  does 

not mean that Jesus is an attribute of Allaah Himself. 


11.  Jesus and his mother ate  the  food and walked  the  streets. Allaah 

does not need anything; He is Self-Sufficient. One would imagine that 

people who  contemplate would  recognize  this  fact  and  come  to  the 

natural conclusion  that Divinity  is  for Allaah alone and not a quality 

of any created being. 


Allaah called Gabriel Roohana (Our Rooh i.e. Our Spirit) 

and we know that Gabriel is a created angel, existing, and 

has his own created qualities. Similarly Allaah says about 

the heavens and the earth that: 


"And  has  subjected  to  you  all  that  is  in  the  heavens 

and  all  that  is  in  the  earth;  it  is  all  as  a  favor  and 

kindness from Allaah." (Qur'aan 45: 13) 


Clearly,  the  heavens  and  the  earth  are  part  of  Allaah's 

creation and not part of Allaah Himself or an attribute of 

Him. We  also  read  in  the  Qur'aan:  Allaah's Messenger, 

Allaah's House  (referring  to  the Ka’bah  in Makkah),  etc. 

The Messenger, the House, etc. are like Allaah's Spirit, in 

the  sense  that  they  are  created  persons  or  things  that  are 

honorable  in  Allaah's  Sight.  However,  when  one  of  the 

two nouns is Allaah and the second is neither a person nor 

a  thing,  then  it  is  not  a  created  thing  but  a  quality  of 

Allaah e.g. Allaah's Knowledge, Allaah's Self, etc. 


Therefore,  Jesus  is  not  an  attribute  of Allaah.  In  fact 

Allaah  declares  that  those  who  believe  in  Jesus  as  God 

commit Kufr (disbelief): 


"Surely, in disbelief are they who say that Allaah is the 

Messiah,  son of Mary! Say (O Muhammad, peace upon 

him): "Who then has the least power against Allaah, if 

He  were  to  destroy  the  Messiah  son  of  Mary,  this 

mother, and  all  those who  are on  the  earth  together? 

And to Allaah belongs the dominion of the heavens and 

the  earth,  and  all  that  is  between  them.  He  creates 

what  He  wills.  And  Allaah  is  able  to  do  all  things." 

(Qur'aan 5: 17) 


The method of the creation of Jesus is one of the Signs of 

Allaah showing His Great Ability of Creating as He Wills: 


from a male and a female (ourselves); from a male without 

a female (Eve); from a female without a male (Jesus), and 

from neither a male nor a female (Adam): 


"And We made her and her  son  (Jesus)  a  sign  for Al-

'Aalameen (mankind and jinns)." (Qur'aan 21: 91) 


Jesus has the honor of being a slave of Allaah: 


"The Messiah  will  never  be  proud  to  reject  to  be  a 

slave to Allaah, nor the angels who are near (to Allaah). 

And whosoever rejects His worship and is proud, then 

He  will  gather  them  all  together  unto  Himself." 

(Qur'aan 4: 172) 

Jesus Never Claimed to Be God (Allaah) 



No  one who  receives  Revelation  from Allaah  can  claim 

himself Divine or God: 


"It  is  not  (possible)  for  any  human  being  to  whom 

Allaah  has  given  the Book  and Al-Hukma  (knowledge 

and  understanding  of  the  laws  of  religion,  etc.)  and 

Prophethood to say to the people: "Be my worshippers 

rather than Allaah's." On the contrary (he would say): 

Be  you  Rabbaaniyyoon  (learned  men  of  religion  who 

practice what they know and also preach others), because 

you  are  teaching  the  Book,  and  you  are  studying  it. 

Nor would  he  order  you  to  take  angels  and Prophets 

for lords (gods). Would he order you to disbelieve after 

you  have  submitted  to Allaah's will?"  (Qur'aan  3:  79-



This  statement  from Allaah  affirms  the  human  nature  of 

Prophets and Messengers. Prophet Muhammad  (Peace be 

upon him) advised that: 


"Do  not  exaggerate  in  praising me  as  the  Christians 

praised the son of Mary, for I am only a slave. So call 

me the slave of Allaah and His Messenger."12  


The  exaggerated  praise  of  Jesus13  has  led  many  to 

consider  him  as  God  besides  Allaah!  Surely  this  is 

disbelief  in  Allaah,  the  Most  Perfect,  and  the  Self-




12. Reported in Saheeh Al-Bukhaari, V. 4, Hadeeth # 654. 

13. Given  the weak  nature  of man,  such  exaggeration  have  touched 

many people other than Jesus, peace be upon him. People in different 

parts of  the world have set up  rivals  to  the Creator, offering prayers, 

and all forms of worship to them. 


"Surely,  they have disbelieved who  say:  'Allaah  is  the 

Messiah (Jesus), son of Mary'..." (Qur'aan 5: 72) 


And Jesus emphasized that: 


"But  the Messiah  (Jesus)  said:  'O Children  of  Israel! 

Worship  Allaah,  my  Rabb  (Lord)  and  your  Rabb 

(Lord).' Verily, whosoever sets up partners  in worship 

with  Allaah,  then  Allaah  has  forbidden  Paradise  for 

him,  and  the  Fire  will  be  his  abode.  And  for  the 

polytheists  and  wrong-doers,  there  are  no  helpers." 

(Qur'aan 5: 72) 


And a warning to those who called for making him Three 

in One, One  in Three. A  concept  never  understood  even 

by many Christians. This Trinity concept was adopted by 

the  Pauline  Church  in  the  year  325  C.E.  It  was  never 

preached by Jesus himself: 


"Surely, disbelievers are those who said: 'Allaah is the 

third  of  three  (in  a  Trinity)'  but  there  is  no  true  god 

who has  the  right  to be worshipped  except One God-

Allaah.  And  if  they  cease  not  from  what  they  say, 

verily,  a  painful  torment  will  befall  the  disbelievers 

among them." (Qur'aan 5: 73) 


Allaah calls them to repent, saying: 


"Will  they  not  repent  to  Allaah  and  ask  His 

Forgiveness?  For  Allaah  is  Oft-Forgiving,  Most 

Merciful." (Qur'aan 5: 74) 


Repentance  is  something  that  pleases  Allaah.  It  is  a 

manifestation  of  submission  to  Him,  and  it  does  not 

require any intermediary. Prophet Muhammad (Praise and 

Blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: 


"Allaah  is  more  pleased  with  the  repentance  of  His 

slave  than  anyone  of  you  is  pleased  with  finding  his 

camel which he had lost in a desert."14 


14. Saheeh Al-Bukhari, V. 8, Hadeeth # 321. 


              The Plot and the Resurrection  



Every  Prophet  was  opposed  by  those  who  rejected  the 

Message  he  brought  from Allaah. This  conflict  has  been 

determined  by  Allaah  from  way  before  creation  itself. 

Like  many  Prophets  who  were  sent  to  the  Children  of 

Israel, Jesus, peace be upon him, was opposed and a plot 

was made to kill him: 


"Verily, We took the covenant of the Children of Israel 

and  sent  them Messengers.  Whenever  there  came  to 

them  a Messenger with what  they  themselves  desired 

not-  a  group  of  them  they  called  liars  and  others 

among them they killed." (Qur'aan 5: 70) 


Those who disbelieved were cursed by Allaah: 


"Those amongst the Children of Israel who disbelieved 

were cursed by  the  tongue  of David and Jesus,  son of 

Mary. That was because they disobeyed (Allaah and the 

Messengers)  and  were  ever  transgressing  beyond 

doubts." (Qur'aan 5: 78) 


"And  because  of  their  (Jews)  disbelief  and  uttering 

against  Mary  a  grave  false  charge  (that  she  has 

committed illegal sexual intercourse)." (Qur'aan 4:156) 


Allah saved Jesus  from  their  tongues and hands and took 

him to Himself: 


"And (remember) when Allah said: 'O Jesus! I will take 

you and raise you  (body  and  soul)  to Myself and clear 

you of those who disbelieve." (Qur'aan 3: 55) 


"(And  remember)  when  I  (Allaah)  restrained  the 

Children of Israel from you  (when they  resolved to kill 


you)  since you came unto  them with clear proofs, and 

the disbelievers among them said: "This is nothing but 

evident magic." (Qur'aan 5: 110) 

The Saving of Jesus from the Crucifixion and 

Then His Ascension 



The  Jews  claimed,  and  still  claim,  that  they  crucified 

Jesus,  but  Allaah  restrained  them  from  that  and  saved 

Jesus, peace be upon him, by taking him up to Himself: 


"And because of their (the Jews) saying (in boast), 'We 

killed Messiah  Jesus,  son  of Mary,  the Messenger  of 

Allaah, but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but 

the  resemblance  of  Jesus  was  put  over  another  man 

(and they killed that man), AND THOSE WHO DIFFER 

THEREIN  ARE  FULL  OF  DOUBTS.  They  have  no 

(certain)  knowledge,  they  follow  nothing  but 

conjecture.  For  surely,  they  killed  him  not  (i.e.  Jesus, 

son of Mary)." (Qur'aan 4: 157) 


"But Allaah  raised  him  (Jesus)  up  (with  his  body  and 

soul)  unto  Himself  (and  he  is  in  the  heavens).  And 

Allaah is Ever All-Powerful, All-Wise."(Qur’aan 4: 158) 


This was a great honor to Jesus, peace be upon him. 


                      The Descent of Jesus 


Prophet Muhammad,  peace  be  upon  him,  explained  the 

descent  of  Jesus  before  the  establishment  of  the  Last 



"...and he (Jesus) will descend at the white minaret15 in 

the  Eastern  side  of  Damascus  wearing  two  garments 

lightly dyed with saffron and placing his hands on the 

wings  of  two Angels. When  he would  lower  his  head, 

there would  fall beads  of  perspiration  from  his  head, 

and when he would raise it up, beads like pearls would 

scatter  from  it.  Every  non-believer  who  would  smell 

the  odor  of  his  self  would  die  and  his  breath  would 

reach as far as he would be able to see. He would then 

search  for  him  (the  false Christ)  until  he would  catch 

hold  of  him  at  the  gate  of  Ludd16  and  would  kill 



He, peace be upon him, also said:  


"By Him in whose hands is my soul, surely (Jesus), the 

son  of Mary  (peace  be  upon  both  of  them) will  shortly 

descend  amongst  you  and will  judge mankind  justly, 

by  the  Law  of  the  Qur'aan  (as  a  just  ruler);  he  will 

break  the  cross and kill  the pigs and  there will be no 

Jizya.18 Money will be in abundance so that nobody  



15. Near the eastern side of the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus.    

16. This  lies within  the  Israeli occupied  land of Palestine.  In  it  is an 

international airport and the city is called Al-Ludd. 

17. Reported in Saheeh Muslim, V. 4, Hadeeth # 7015 

18.  Jizya:  a  tax  imposed  on  non-Muslims  who  would  keep  their 

religion  rather  than  embracing  Islaam. This  tax will  not be  accepted 

by Jesus, peace be upon him, as all people will be required to embrace 

Islaam, and there will be no other alternative. It is the religion of all  



will  accept  it,  and  a  single  prostration  to  Allaah  (in 

prayer)  will  be  better  than  the  whole  world  and 

whatever is in it." 


The  narrator  of  the  above  saying  of  the  Prophet  (praise 

and blessing of Allaah be upon him) added: 19 


"If  you  wish,  you  can  recite  (this  verse  from  the 



‘And there is none of the people of the Scripture (Jews 

and Christians), but must believe  in him (i.e. Jesus, as a 

Messenger  of  Allaah  and  a  human  being),  before  his 

(Jesus,  or  a  Jew's  or  a Christian's)  death.20 And  on  the 

Day  of  Resurrection,  he  (Jesus)  will  be  a  witness 

against them.’" (Qur'aan 4: 159) 












Prophets and Messengers and it is the one and only religion accepted 

by its Originator, Allaah. 

19. Saheeh Al-Bukhaari, V.4, Hadeeth # 657. 

20. "Before his death" has  two  interpretations: a) before  the death of 

Jesus after his descent  from  the heavens and after he  rules  in  justice 

when Allah will send a pleasant wind which, as Prophet Muhammad 

(upon him and Jesus be peace) explained: "would take the life of every 

Muslim  and  only  the  wicked  would  survive  who  would  commit 

adultery  like asses and  the Last Hour would come  to  them"-reported 

in Saheeh Muslim, V. 4, Hadeeth # 7015, P. 1518.; or b) a Jew's or a 

Christian’s death, at the time of the appearance of the Angel of Death 

when he will realize that Jesus was not God, or the son of God! 


Why is it that Jesus will Rule by the 

 Qur'aan And Not the Gospel? 



The  essence  of  Allaah’s  Religion  revealed  to  all  the 

Prophets  and Messengers  is  one:  it  calls  for  the worship 

and submission to Allaah alone, avoiding all false deities. 

This  is  the meaning  of  Islaam. This message was  in  the 

original Gospel that was revealed to Jesus as well as in all 

the original Scriptures before and in the Last Revelation to 



"And  verily,  We  have  sent  among  every  Ummah 

(nation,  community)  a  Messenger  (proclaiming): 

"Worship  Allaah  (alone),"  and  avoid  (or  keep  away 

from) Taaghoot (all false deities)." (Qur'aan 16: 36) 


"The religion accepted by Allaah is Islaam (submission 

of  one’s  will  to  Allaah  and  abiding  by  His  Laws,  and 

keeping all worship to Him alone)." (Qur'aan 3: 19) 


Jesus  confirmed  the Torah  before  him,  and  preached  the 

Gospel calling  the Children  of  Israel  to  submit, as  in  the 

Torah,  to Allaah  alone. He  did  not  call  for  anything  that 

contradicts  the Gospel,  like Trinity  or  attributing  sons  to 

God, etc. All of  these  false concepts were exposed in the 

Last Revelation, the Qur'aan, where Allaah stated that He 

took the Covenant  from all  the Prophets,  including Jesus, 



"And  (remember)  when  Allaah  took  the  Covenant  of 

the Prophets, saying:  'Take whatever I gave you  from 

the Book and Al-Hikmah (understanding of  the Laws of 

Allaah,  etc.)  and  afterwards  there will  come  to  you  a 

Messenger (Muhammad, peace be upon him) confirming 

what  is  with  you;  you must  believe  in  him  and  help 


him'. Allaah  said:  “'Do  you  agree  (to  it)  and will  you 

take  up My Covenant  (which  I  concluded with  you)?' 

They  said:  'We  agree'.  He  said:  'Then  bear  witness; 

and  I  am  with  you  among  the  witnesses  (for  this)'." 

(Qur'aan 3: 81) 


The Covenant is a testimony to the unified message of all 

of the Messengers of Allaah. Naturally, Jesus is a follower 

of  Allaah  and  of  His  Messages.  He  abided  by  the 

Covenant  in  which  he  was  told  of  the  coming  of 

Muhammad (peace be upon him). He brought this news to 

the attention of the Children of Israel, hence fulfilling the 

Covenant,  and  called  his  followers  to believe  and  follow 

the  Last  Message  to  mankind,  the  Qur’aan,  when  it 

reaches them: 


"And  (remember)  when  Jesus,  son  of Mary,  said:  'O 

Children of Israel! I am the Messenger of Allaah unto 

you confirming the Torah (which came) before me, and 

giving  glad  tidings  of  a Messenger  to  come  after me 

whose  name  shall  be  Ahmed21.  But when  he  (Ahmed 

i.e. Muhammad, peace be upon him) came to them with 



21. The Prophet Muhammad,  peace  be  upon  him,  said:  "I  have  five 

names:  I am Muhammad and Ahmed:  I am Al-Maahi  through whom 

Allaah will eliminate Al-Kufr (infidelity): I am Al-Hashir who will be 

the  first  to  be  resurrected,  the  people  being  resurrected  thereafter; 

and  I  am  also Al-'Aaqib  (i.e.  there will  be  no Prophet after  him).”-

Reported in Saheeh al-Bukhaari, V. 4, Hadeeth # 732. Ahmed literally 

means: "One who praises Allaah more than others." Also it means, the 

“the praised one.” Prophet Muhammad is foretold in Deut 18: 18, and 

in  the  Gospel  of  St.  John  (14/16,  25,  26,  27),  as  the  “Prophet  to 

come”,  and  the  “future  Comforter,”  respectively.  Christians 

understand that the “Comforter” is the Holy Spirit. However, the Holy 

Spirit  is Gabriel, who was  supporting  and  guiding  Jesus  throughout 

his mission. The “Comforter”  is a  translation  from  the Greek  for  the 

word “Paracletos,” which is a corrupt reading for “Periclytos,” almost 

a translation of the meaning of “Muhammad” or “Ahmed.” 


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