
We are now Continuing our topic about Allah’s beautiful names and attributes

 6. Tests

Allah said in Qur’an: {[He] who created death and life to test you [as to] which of you is best in deed – and He is the Exalted in Might, the Forgiving} (Qur’an 67:2)

🛑 Allah (the Exalted) tests people with His commands and prohibitions.

🛑He[Allah]tests you with whatever happens to you, to distinguish

👍good .. from.. evil👎

and the deeds and statements of the believers from those of the hypocrites.

🌸Being tested is not the same as a punishment in this life; instead, it is an honor⭐️ from Allah (the Exalted).

🌸He has promised the believers that He will bless them and reward them 👉with the most beautiful paradise in the next life, due to their patience with the tests that He gives them.🌱

🌸Keeping in mind that the difficulties of life are a test from Allah (the Exalted) helps believers to be patient with them.💪💪💪

🌸 They never give up faith in Allah for fear of failing the test; rather they become stronger in their faith, in order to come through the trials victorious. 💪💪💪


 7. The Companion

Allah (the Exalted) is the One Who watches over us, sees, hears and has knowledge of all of our affairs.

👉To say that He is the Companion on the journey means that Allah (the Exalted) is with us always, through His knowledge and sight, and He will protect us as He wills.

🌸It is comforting to know that Allah is The Companion❤️. Not only do the believers feel safe, 👉but they also take care to do good deeds, knowing that Allah (theExalted) is watching.\

 8. Does Not Give Birth, Was not Born

🛑 Allah (the Exalted) does not have any child, parent, or spouse. Far is He removed from having a son or daughters, as is ascribed to Him by some people.

All that is in the heavens and the earth belongs to Him☝️. He created everything out of nothing🤲, and He is nothing like His creation.

👉Suggesting that Allah was begotten or has begotten is to ascribe weakness to Him and to liken Him to His creation.

👉Allah (the Exalted) is high above that; He is the only Lord and Creatorof everything that exists.

👉 Allah (the Exalted) responds to the claims – by the Christians, Jews and the polytheistic Arabs – that the angels are Allah’s daughters, and that Jesus (peace be upon him) is His son.

🛑He accuses them of lying and invalidates their claims by saying: {to Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth} (Qur’an 2:116)

The truth is not what they claim, because to Him belongs what is in the heavens and on the earth, which He is free to do with as He wills.

👉A child is a product of two equal entities, but Allah☝️ (the Exalted) does not have an equal; therefore, He cannot have a child.

His majesty and greatness are unique, and there is none like Him.

🛑Allah’s not having children and not having been born 👉proves the greatness and lordship of Allah (the Exalted). Since all things belong to Him🤲, and He is greater than a mere human being, He is thus the only One worthy of being worshipped. Hence, the servants of Allah devote their worship to Allah (the Exalted) alone.☝️

 9. Nothing Equal or Comparable to Him

Allah said in Quran: {Say, "He is Allah, [who is] One, Allah, the Eternal Refuge.He neither begets nor is born, Nor is there to Him any equivalent."} (Qur’an 112:1-4)

🌸Everything we know or that we can imagine is confined to the realm of sensory experience, 👉whereas Allah is beyond the confines of space and time.

He is nothing like any notion or idea anyone may have of Him in his mind

…He is free of all limitations and shortcomings… ❤️

🛑Anyone who thinks of his god as an old man, or as someone sitting up in the sky, with a son sitting on his right, has not recognized his Lord.

🛑Islam appeals to the human being to use his rationality to affirm the non resemblance of the creator, and warns of the terrible consequences for those who refuse to do so.💔

Allah’s not being like the creation in any way also proves that Allah (the Exalted) is the only deity worthy of worship. It shows His Eminence and Magnificence and illustrates that He is the true Lord of the universe.

Indeed, his creation has

👉imperfections inherently👈 but Allah (the Exalted) has none and is greater than all things. ❤️

Unfortunately, we arrived at tge end of the lesson , but that's not the end of Allah's attributes . There's more to know. ❤️

And to conclude, Belief in Allah’s names and attributes increases one’s knowledge of Allah 👉and is considered the best way to get to know Allah ﷻ better❤️, which in turn increases one’s faith in Him.

Those who know and understand Allah’s names and attributes are bound to have their hearts filled with love for Him and tend to submit to Him alone. 😍

Let me tell you a secret 🌸

👉Praising Allah by using His most beautiful names, is one of the best forms of remembrance of Allah (dhikr)

Allah stressed on this point when He said in Quran, “O you who believed, remember Allah with much remembrance.” (Quran, 33:41)

🌸Asking and invoking Allah by His names and attributes, as the Qur’an states, “And to Allah belong the best names, so invoke Him by them .” (Quran, 7:180)

An example of this is to say, “O Most Forgiving, forgive me! O Most Merciful, have mercy on me!” 🤲

All thanks to Allah , we finally finished learning the first pillar of faith which was the belief in Allah.

heading to the next pillar of faith ... 🚀


But before illustrating this we ought to talk about the reason why people need a divine message.☝️

🤔Remember when we once discussed the issue of Allah's Godship when we said that Godship of Allah meant that He was the Only One worthy of worship .

we talked about the significance of this issue as being the purpose of human existence and thus the reason for sending messengers.


People need a divine message to show them Allah’s laws and guide them to the right path. The path that has an aim and leads to happiness in both lives. The path of WORSHIPPING ALLAH ALONE 

It is for this reason that Almighty Allah calls His message a light , for there is no life without a light and guidance

As the Qur’an says, “And thus We have revealed to you an inspiration of Our command [i.e., the Quran]. You did not know what is the Book or [what is] faith, but We have made it a light by which We guide whom We will of Our servants. And indeed, [O Muhammad], you guide to a straight path” (Quran , 42:52)

Therefore, success and happiness can only be attained by following the guidance of Allah’s messengers, they were the ones who delivered Allah's divine Message. 💪

Qur’an states, “The Messenger has believed in what was revealed to him from his Lord, and [so have] the believers. All of them have believed in Allah and His angels and His books and His messengers, [saying], "We make no distinction between any of His messengers." And they say, "We hear and we obey. [We seek] Your forgiveness, our Lord, and to You is the [final] destination." ” (Quran , 2:285)

This verse makes it abundantly clear that we must believe in

👉all of Allah’s messengers👈 without making a distinction between any of them.

We must not, therefore, believe in some of them and reject some others, as did the Jews and the Christians.

We Muslims firmly believe that Allah ﷻ sent a messenger to every nation and community, calling its members to worship Allah alone without any partners, that all Allah’s messengers were truthful, virtuous, trustworthy and rightly-guided servants who strove hard to guide their people to the right path and conveyed Allah’s message to them in full, without concealing, omitting or adding anything to it.

The Qur’an says, “So is there upon the messengers except [the duty of] clear notification?” (Quran , 16:35

let's illustrate this in a more detailed form in order to make it more clear. 💪

What Does Belief in the Messengers Include

⚫️ 1. To believe that their message was truly from Allah ☝️ﷻ and that Allah had sent them with the same message, namely, to worship Allah alone and to avoid false gods🤲

As the Qur’an states, “And We certainly sent into every nation a messenger, [saying], "Worship Allah and avoid false objects of worship.’” (Quran , 16:36)

🛑Laws may vary as to the do’s and don’ts of the message with which prophets were sent to their people, depending on what laws suited their people best, as the Qur’an states, “To each of you We prescribed a law and a method.” (Quran , 5:48)

⚫️ 2. To believe in all the prophets and messengers 🤲

We believe in those prophets whom Allah has named, such as Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad, may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon all of them.

As for those whom He has not named, we believe in all of them in general❤️.

🛑Those who disbelieve the message of one single prophet is considered to have disbelieved in all of them. 💔💔

⚫️ 3. To believe the authentic reports and accounts of the prophets and their miracles mentioned in the Qur’an and in the Prophet’s traditions, 👉such as the story of Allah’s parting the Red Sea for Moses PBUH.

⚫️ 4. To act according to the dictates of the law revealed to 👉our Prophet Muhammad PBUH, who was the seal of the prophets ( the last messenger). ❤️

🌸God revealed to him the all-embracing religion as a universal faith, containing the unadulterated message of all the Prophets.

😍He united the people of all nations and lands into a single world-wide brotherhood🌍💪 and gave the world a complete code of life for the whole of humanity.

So there is nothing in Islam which is of benefit only to the people of a particular region or age.

Continuing with our lessons about Our belief in The Messengers , we'll talk today about their characteristics 🌸

Almighty Allah ﷻ has only chosen messengers from among people so that they can set a good example for them, and so that people can follow in their footsteps, which they can possibly do.

⚫️ The first thing about them is that they were humans👥 , and the only difference between us and them is that Allah☝️ has chosen them to receive His revelation and convey His divine message

As the Qur’an says, “And We sent not before you, [O Muhammad], except men to whom We revealed [the message], so ask the people of the message [i.e., former scriptures] if you do not know..” (Quran , 21:7)

Therefore, they have no divine attributes whatsoever🤲. They are human beings who have attained perfect physical appearance and enjoyed impeccable moral traits. They are also the most honourable of people in lineage and enjoyed sound judgement and clear, persuasive speech, which entitled them to assume the responsibility of conveying the divine message and bear the burden of prophethood.🤲

⚫️ Secondly and most importantly is that Allah☝️ ﷻ has chosen them from among people so they can convey the divine message to people🤲

As the Qur’an states, “Say, "I am only a man like you, to whom has been revealed that your god is one God. So whoever would hope for the meeting with his Lord –let him do righteous work and not associate in the worship of his Lord anyone." (Quran , 18:110)

🛑It is clear, therefore, that prophethood cannot be attained as a result of spiritual purity, intelligence or mental logic, for the task of prophethood can only be determined by

👉divine will👈

and Allah ﷻ knows best whom to appoint as His messengers

As the Qur’an states, “Allah is most knowing of where [i.e., with whom] He places His message.” (Quran , 6:124)

⚫️ Also from the characteristics of the messengers is that They are infallible in the sense that they 👉do not make mistakes when conveying Allah’s message to the people and executing what Allah has revealed to them.

⚫️ Last but not least, They are truthful in their words and deeds🤲, as the Qur’an states, “This is what the Most Merciful had promised, and the messengers told the truth.” (Quran , 36:52

It's good to mention something really good at this point 🌸🌸

Allah ﷻ supported His messengers with a number of signs and miracles to prove their truthfulness and prophethood. A miracle is an extraordinary event in the physical world that surpasses all known human or natural powers. It is performed by prophets, by Allah’s command, for its credential value, to accredit them as Allah’s true messengers

How merciful is Our Lord 🌸❤️

Examples of miracles include:

🔸 Moses’s rod turning into a snake

🔸 Jesus’s informing his people of what they ate and stored in their houses

🔸The splitting of the moon for Prophet Muhammad

Last lesson we ended up with some examples of miracles of Allah's messengers .. and I told you one of the miracles of Prophet Muhammad as a THRILLER ⭐️⭐️

Today by Allah's help , we will know Who is Our Prophet Muhammad ❤️ and we'll come to talk about:

🌸 The proof of his prophethood

🌸 Our duty towards him

🌸 Some of his miracles

❤️Messenger of islam “Muhammad”

⭐️His Name : Muhammad, son of Abdullah,tribe of the Quraysh

⭐️Place of birth : Makkah, Saudi, Arabia.

The prophet’s mission :

Allah sent him with his final message -(islam)- to all mankind, to all people of all races , classes and colours.

Quran says: “Say (Muhammad): O Mankind! I am the messenger of Allah to you all”.

❤️So we firmly believe that the prophet Muhammad is the seal of the prophets and messenger, no prophet after him.

🌸 His prophethood started at age 40 (i.e he became a prophet when he was 40)

👉🏼he died at age 63

👉🏼He lived in a city called Makkah , but he passed the last ten years of his life in a city called Al Madinah and died there.

⭐️The proof of his prophethood is abundant in both the Quran ( the last revelation) and in the previous revelations as well.

*Muhammad in Quran*

“And [mention] when Jesus, the son of Mary, said, "O Children of Israel, indeed I am the messenger of Allah to you confirming what came before me of the Torah and bringing good tidings of a messenger to come after me, whose name is Ahmad." But when he came to them with clear evidences, they said, "This is obvious magic."

[Quran, 61:6]

*Evidence from previous books*

👉Ibn al-Qayyim (one of the muslim scholars, may Allaah have mercy on him) said: It says in the Torah, in the fifth book [Deuteronomy 33:2]:

“The LORD came from Sinai and dawned over them from Seir; he shone forth from Mount Paran. He came with myriads of holy ones from the south, from his mountain slopes [or: from his right hand went a fiery law for them].”

(New International Version; alternative version of last phrase – the meaning of which is unclear in the original Hebrew texts – is from the King James Version)

This refers to the three Prophethoods:

🔵 The Prophethood of Moosa (Moses)

🔵 The Prophethood of ‘Eesa (Jesus)

🔵 The Prophethood of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).

👉 “Coming from Sinai” refers to the mountain where Allaah spoke to Moosa and called him and told him he was a Prophet.

👉 “Dawning over them from Seir” refers to the appearance of the Messiah from Bayt al-Maqdis (Jerusalem). Seir is a village that is still known to this day. So this was a foretelling of the Prophethood of the Messiah.

👉“Paran” refers to Makkah.

🌸 Allah likens the Prophethood of Moosa to the coming of the dawn🌄, and the Prophethood of the Messiah (Jesus) after him to the rising of the sun🌅, and the Prophethood of the Seal of the Prophets to the sun rising high in the sky and its light reaching all over the earth🌇🌇🌇.

And it came to pass exactly as foretold

👉for Allaah dispelled the night of disbelief with the Prophethood of Moosa

👉and the light increased with the Prophethood of the Messiah

👉 and was completed and reached everywhere on earth with the Prophethood of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)❤️.

These three Prophets who were mentioned in this foretelling were also mentioned in the Quran in the beginning of Soorat al-Teen (interpretation of the meaning)

“By the fig and the olive. And [by] Mount Sinai. And [by] this secure city [i.e.Makkah],” [Quran, 95:1-3]

Alhamdullilah (All thanks to Allah) last lesson we demonstrated some evidences of the prophethood of the Messenger of Islam from Bible and from Quran

(What to do with that belief) 👉 will be our scope today by the will of Allah . 🌱🌱🌱

👉 The fact that the Prophet (peace be upon him) is the Messenger of Allah indicates that we must believe everything he said and obey every command he gave.

☝️It goes without saying that he has given us instructions and rules that we must follow and that these rules are given in accordance to what Allah revealed to him💡

REMEMBER .. Islam is the final message from Allah , it abrogated all previous messages and laws, and thus no religion will be acceptable to Allah after Muhammad’s mission except Islam.

🌸This can only be done by following Prophet Muhammad’s guidance.

💡The Qur’an says, “If anyone desires anything other than Islam as a religion, it will not be accepted from him, and in the next world he will be among the losers.” (Soorat Aal-‛Imraan, 3:85)

🤩The greatest blessing is the blessing of faith, and since prophet Muhammad is the one by means of whom Allaah brings people from darkness into light; So he (the Prophet Muhammad) pbuh deserves that his share of a person’s love should be greater than anyone else’s.

🌸Allah said in Quran “There has certainly come to you a Messenger from among yourselves. Grievous to him is what you suffer; [he is] concerned over you [i.e., your guidance] and to the believers is kind and merciful.” [Quran 9:128 – interpretation of the meaning]

Look at this with me 👇⭐️❤️

🌸 Shaykh Ibn Sa’di (one of the muslim scholars, may Allaah have mercy on him) said:

Allah tells the believers something by which they may understand the position and status of the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), so that they might interact with him appropriately. ❤️❤️

So Allah said in Quran👇

“The Prophet is closer to the believers than their own selves”❤️

the closest that he could be to a person, and closer than his own self. So the Messenger is closer to him than his own self, because he (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was so kind and sincere and compassionate towards them❤️.

He was the kindest and most merciful of mankind. The Messenger of Allah did the greatest of favours to all of mankind.

👉Not the slightest good came to them and not the slightest harm was warded off from them except through him.

👉Hence if there is a conflict between what a person himself wants or what other people want, and what the Messenger wants, then what the Messenger wants must take precedence.

👉What the Messenger says cannot be overridden by what any person says, no matter who he is. They should sacrifice their selves🌱, their wealth💵 and their children, and put love for him before their love for all others.❤️❤️

Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “And We have sent you (O Muhammad ) except as a mercy to the worlds (mankind, jinns and all that exists)” [Quran, 21:107].

So following❤️, honouring❤️ , loving ❤️and respecting❤️ the prophet Muhammad is 👉a duty upon every muslim and as the person goes deeper in following and loving the prophet, 👉as his faith strengthens and as he becomes closer to Allah

As Allah has told us that

👉obedience to the Prophet👈 (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)

👉is obedience to Allah👈.

Allah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“He who obeys the Messenger has obeyed Allah; but those who turn away –We have not sent you over them as a guardian.” [Quran 4:80]

As I promised Alhamdullilah , Our talk about Prophet Muhamad will include the following:

🌸 The proof of his prophethood

🌸 Our duty towards him

🌸 Some of his miracles

We completed the first two issues .. TODAY .. we'll talk much about the miracles that Allah supported him with , and supported his prophethood as well 😍

AlMighty Allah supported his prophet with miracles that were from the signs of truth of his prophethood.

👉 Miracles may seem unimaginable for us and sometimes our minds can’t comprehend how an extraordinary matter can happen or how a human being could have a specific ability that is not like ordinary people.

👉 The answer simply is that because Allah is the All Capable and everything around us is from his creation, thus He has control upon literally anything including time, people, places..etc.

So just calm your mind and don’t think of

👉‘how this happened?’👈

and think of how great and exalted Allah is❤️.. submit to the most high and the All capable “Allah”. ☝️

⭐️All miracles were for a specific purpose, which was to:

👉prove Prophethood to the people

👉they were not aimed at misguiding people or make them feel attached to a particular power that a person possessed

let’s know some of the miracles of our prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and blessings of Allah.💪❤️

💥💥The splitting of the moon

one of the polytheists and a large number of other polytheists from Quraysh (tribe of the prophet) and said, “O Muhammad! If you are truthful in what you say, 👉then split the moon for us into two pieces.”

🤲The Prophet invoked Allah The Almighty to split the moon and Allah The Almighty answered his invocation.

💥💥 Increasing small amounts of food

One day, the Muslims ran out of food and they were starving... so Jaabir(one of the prophet’s companions), wanted to provide the Prophet and his Companions with food, but he had a small amount of barley and a small sheep.

Thus, Jaabir, went to the Prophet and invited him along with a small number👌 of the Companions

👉❤️ But the Prophet called out loudly: “O people! Jaabir has made food for you, so let us go!” , and all the companions came along ..

The Prophet ordered Jaabir, to wait for him before he prepared the food, and when he arrived there, he blessed the food.

All The Companions, entered in groups 👥👥until they all ate and the food remained the same!!👌

👉🏼The number of companions were one thousand on that day!

The Miracle that I'll tell you about now , is THE GREATEST MIRACLE EVER , and you'll soon enough know the reason 👌


Quran , is the WORD of ALLAH ❤️

👉 A very clear proof that quran is the word of Allah is that it includes news of the future before any human even knew anything about it, and foretelling events before they happened.

👉 This is something that cannot be known except via the truthful ones who are conveying from Allah, may He be exalted.

For example, Allah, may He be exalted, said (interpretation of the meaning):

“Certainly has AllŒh showed to His Messenger the vision [i.e., dream] in truth. You will surely enter al-Masjid al-Haram, if Allah wills, in safety, with your heads shaved and [hair] shortened, not fearing [anyone]. He knew what you did not know and has arranged before that a conquest near [at hand].”

[Quran 48:27].

This verse is one of the clearest miracles of the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him).

👉Allah, may He be exalted, promised him that He would cause him to enter al-Masjid al-Haraam(sacred mosque in Makkah) , him and his people, in safety, and that He would grant them the conquest of Makkah in the best state.

👉They kept waiting for that until its time came and Allah fulfilled His promise. Then they entered it as He had promised, and conquered it as they had been foretold.

We all agree that fortelling future is indeed Divine . Yet Quran wasn't just miraculous from that regard only . Its wording itself was miraculous , being divine sayings of Allah ❤️

👉Prophet Muhammad pbuh was sent among the Arabs, who were distinguished by their great eloquence and beautiful style in speech.

👉 so Allah, may He be exalted, made the miracle or sign of the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) of the same nature of that by which his people were distinguished⭐️, so that the miracle and challenge would be more effective👍

And for your surprise, these well-spoken arabs couldn’t come with one sentence like those in Quran. ☝️

Most eloquent and well-spoken of the Arabs could not produce anything like the Qur’an, or ten (chapters) of it, or even one chapter.

⭐️ It is not like these subtleties that any writer could produce in any book that he writes, or more.

Allah said:

“Say, "If mankind and the jinn gathered in order to produce the like of this QurÕŒn, they could not produce the like of it, even if they were to each other assistants."” [Quran 17:88]

This proves the miraculous nature of the Qur’an. the fact that in this verse the👉 Qur’an challenges both the Arabs and the non-Arabs, the jinn and humans. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

These are the words of Allah☝🏼

 The words of people, on the other hand, especially if they speak at length, cannot be free of cheap words, corrupt meanings and contradictions.

⭐️⭐️⭐️ Not only the words of Quran (words of Allah) are miraculous, but also the meanings, the sequence of meanings and the way in which ideas are presented.

And no one among the speakers of any other language is able to come up with something similar to the Qur’an in any other language.

It is well-known that the non-Arabs could not be challenged on the aspect of the wording and style, 👉therefore the challenge for them should have to do with the meanings and the sequence.

This was the reason why even the meaning , the sequence and the harmony were miraculous ..

Something that can never ever be a human product..

In addition, the way in which Quran combines many meanings in few words, knowing also that it is completely free of any words that sound ineloquent or any ideas or meanings that are out of place, as well as being free of any contradictions. All of it, from beginning to end, is consistent, as described above. ❤️❤️❤️

⭐️⭐️⭐️ Also the perfection of Quran is shown clearly in how amazingly 👉its rules suit all people with different situations at all times how wonderfully these rules regulate our lives and are always the best for us, 

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