
The bible prohibits the celebration and decorating a Christmas tree🎄.

I wonder why do Christians still follow Christmas pagan traditions?

Verses 2, 3, 4, and 5 from Chapter 10 of the Book of Jeremiah:

➡️  The Lord warns against following pagan beliefs and decorating a tree.

Jer 10:2: "The LORD says, “Do not start following pagan religious practices. Do not be in awe of signs that occur in the sky even though the nations hold them in awe."

Jer 10:3: "For the religion of these people is worthless. They cut down a tree in the forest, and a craftsman makes it into an idol with his tools."

Jer 10:4: "He decorates it with overlays of silver and gold. He uses hammer and nails to fasten it together so that it will not fall over."

Jer 10:5: "Such idols are like scarecrows in a cucumber field. They cannot talk. They must be carried because they cannot walk. Do not be afraid of them because they cannot hurt you. And they do not have any power to help you.”"

Ps: These verses are from NET translation which is more understandable than KJV version.


Shoking facts about Christamas tree & Christmas




⏭️ Similarities between Christ in the bible and Buddha and Krishna ⏮️

▪︎Do you know that Buddha and Krishna came hundreds of years before Christ and they are deities worshiped in India;

  For example👇

💥Krishna was born from the virgin Devaki, whom God chose for his son because of her purity.  

👉In Christianity, they say Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary, whom God chose as the mother of his son because of her purity and chastity.

 💥 They say about Krishna: People knew the birth of Krishna from his star that appeared in the sky.  

👉 about Jesus:  people knew the place of his birth because of his star that appeared in the sky.  They say Krishna: When Krishna was born, the earth glorified and the moon illuminated it with its light, the souls sang, the angels of heaven sang with joy , and the clouds sang with singing melodies.

  💥 We find the same words in Luke saying (When Jesus was born, the angels sang with joy and happiness, and singing clouds appeared from heaven.

💥Krishna was from a royal lineage, but he was born in a cave of humiliation and poverty.  

👉Also Jesus Christ was from a royal lineage  and they call him the King of the Jews, but he is in a state of humiliation and poverty in a cave was born .  

💥about Krishna , the cow knew that Krishna was a God and they prostrated to him.

💥  And in Luke(And the shepherds knew Jesus and worshiped him)

⏭️ Similarities between Christ and  Mithra in the bible ⏮️

🔆 Mithra consists of the sun god surrounded by (Kotis) and (Kutupatpis) torchbearers. That is, it expresses a Trinity,

👉 just as Christ was made a god along with God and the Holy Spirit in a trinity.

🔆, Mithra in the Mithraic belief is the way, life and truth,

👉  as is the case with Christ in the Christian belief.

🔆 sacrifice in the religion of Mithra:

It's a self-sacrifice .

In other words, Mithra sacrifices himself for the fertilization of the earth and the ridding of his people.

👉  Christians say, Christ carried his cross and sacrificed himself.

🔆Mithra's followers eat bread and wine, symbolizing the flesh and blood of their idol,

👉just as Christians do.

🔆Mithra followes celebrate on December 25 the winter solstice.

 👉The birth of Mithras is the same time as the celebration of the birth of Christ. 🧐


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