Did You Get the Lessons of Ramadan? Reflections on the Holy Month
As the holy month of Ramadan ends, it is now time to reflect on what we have learnt in the last few weeks, individually and collectively.
With each and every one of us being honored students attending the ‘school of profound spirituality’, we got inspired by the guidance and the teaching of the One who is ever present, the Most-High.
At the heart of our consumer society, where materialism and individualism drive our daily lives, this blessed month of Ramadan should have broadened our horizons of introspection and meaning, reminding us of silence, restraint, and remembrance.
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We should have reinforced within ourselves the importance of detail, precision, and discipline in whatever task that we perform.
Through Ramadan, God has taught us that in the quest for spirituality and meaning, rules will have to be respected, consistency maintained, and time mastered.
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Did You Get the Lessons of Ramadan? - About Islam
We debated on the precise starting and ending days of Ramadan, and we faithfully adhered to the precise times to stop eating and to break the fast.
We performed prayers at the specified times, so must we continue this discipline of precision and practice in all that we do.
At this school of Ramadan, we have been taught to read, to recite, to ponder, to reflect, to seek, to find, and to learn. In order for us to make crucial life changing decisions as we align ourselves towards the center and the meaning.
You are indeed what you do with yourself. And what is it that you do?
Therefore, you ask yourself, “Am I here by chance?”
The response you will get is “No, I am here for a purpose, and that purpose is to grow into a mountain and not shrink into a grain of sand.”
Did You Get the Lessons of Ramadan? - About Islam
Evaluate Your Own Experience
The “school” should have taught us that achieving the ultimate goal of the fast will require sincerity, honesty, patience, and above all, the capability for self-criticism.
As we are taught to master our emotions, we are equally taught to face ourselves, our fears, and our responsibilities with confidence and assurance.
So what are the responsibilities that we have to face up to?
• What are we doing with ourselves and our time today?
• What have been our contributions to our societies?
• How have we spread the message of human brotherhood, love, and individual responsibility for change?
• What did we do to protect the rights of the poor and the disadvantaged people in society?
• How did we protect the rights of the most vulnerable, like the sick, the elderly, the children, and the women?
Did You Get the Lessons of Ramadan? - About Islam
Just as these questions have been asked, the response is quite clear, inspired by the Qur’an and nurtured by Ramadan.
God will not change anything for the better if you do nothing. Be the change you wish to see in the world!
Hence, we come to the main lesson of these past four weeks.
The blessed month of Ramadan is a celebration of the fraternal atmosphere shared with all brothers and sisters.
We “serve humanity, especially those in need; awaken our conscience in the proximity of the wounds and the injustices people face…“.
We learned that God’s favor lies with acts of kindness and humility toward everyone around you, as narrated by the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) in the story of the
‘thirsty dog that was on the brink of death, and of the passing prostitute who witnessed this and removed her shoe and used it to draw water from a well to give to the animal. For this small act, the woman was granted forgiveness for her lifetime’.
The lesson here is that our purpose of existence is to stand for justice and equity and to portray the humility and compassion of the Prophet (PBUH) towards the downtrodden, the distressed, and the oppressed.
Hence, this is the purpose of our existence.
Collectively and individually, we have committed ourselves to realizing a dream and fulfilling a covenant that was made with the One.
This dream is to stand by justice and equity.
And to show humility and compassion towards the downtrodden and distressed regardless of who they are, as we have been taught countless times before.
Our covenant is to serve humanity and to be witnesses against the injustices that afflict them.
This takes determination and courage, where courage is not the absence of fear but the courage to move despite your fear. This is the dream that we aspire to.
Seize the Opportunity
Thus, Ramadan gives us an opportunity to realign ourselves with working towards creating, developing, and sustaining that dream.
Each day, life sends us windows of opportunity, and our destiny is defined by whether we open that window or not.
More than ever, benefiting from these simple lessons is vital as Muslims around the world are called to defend themselves and prove their innocence.
More than ever, Muslims will be tempted by their obsession to betray their responsibilities.
It is imperative to come back to the very essence of the teaching: respect and love for human beings as a manifestation of the love for the Almighty.
Did You Get the Lessons of Ramadan? - About Islam
So, let us reaffirm our commitment with discipline and consistency.
Let us master time and respect the rules; let us seek and learn.
Let us control our emotions, recognize our responsibilities, not waste. Realize the rights of the poor and vulnerable and come back to the essential.
May the One who loves you guide and protect you.
May there be peace and respite for all those who are suffering.
May you spend time with your loved ones in an atmosphere of happiness and shine so brightly that at the end of your days, all will pause and say “There was one who lived life fully and completely”.
The article is from the archives.
SOURCE: https://aboutislam.net/family-life/self-development/get-lessons-ramadan/