In the Name of Allah,
the Most Gracious,
the Most Merciful
01 Know that upon entering the
folds of Islam, Allah has effaced
all your previous sins and evil
The Prophet said: “Do you not know
that Islam effaces all sin that is done
before it?” (Muslim #121)
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Rather, the evil deeds you committed
before you entered Islam are changed
into good deeds by the Bounty of Allah.
Allah says:
“And those who do not invoke with
Allah another deity or kill the soul
which Allah has forbidden [to be
killed], except by right, and do not
commit unlawful sexual intercourse.
And whoever should do that will meet
a penalty. Multiplied for him is the
punishment on the Day of Resurrection,
and he will abide therein humiliated,
except for those who repent, believe
and do righteous work. For them
Allah will replace their evil deeds with
good. And ever is Allah Forgiving and
Merciful.” [25:68-70]
Listen to this good news from Allah.
Those who embrace this religion
from the People of the Book - from
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the Jews and Christians - will be given
a double reward, due to their belief
in their Messenger and their belief in
Muhammad Allah says:
“Those to whom We gave the Scripture
before it - they believe in [the Qur`an].
And when it is recited to them, they
say: ‘We believe in it. Verily, it is the
truth from our Lord. Indeed we were,
[even] before it, Muslims [submitting
to Allah].’ These will be given their
reward twice over, because they are
patient, and repel evil with good, and
spend (in charity) out of what We have
provided them.” [28:52-54]
The Prophet said:
“Whoever accepts Islam from the
people of the two Books (the Jews
and Christians) they will have a double
reward. They will receive the rights we
enjoy, and they must give the rights we
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give. And whoever accepts Islam from
the pagans [other than them] will have
their reward, and they will receive the
rights we enjoy, and they must give the
rights we give.” (Ahmad #22288)
Your records are white and clean, so be
careful not to taint it by doing any sins.
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02 Now that you know the truth,
set aside a part of your time to
learn your religion.
The Messenger of Allah said:“If Allah
desires good for a person, He gives
him understanding of the religion.”
(Bukhari #71 & Muslim #1037)
Seek the knowledge of ‘Aqeedah
(Creed) and then study everything
else you need in your daily life about
your religion, such as regards purity
and prayer and all the rest. You should
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also study the rulings of trade and
the rulings pertaining to your source
of livelihood, so that you do not
unintentionally fall into things which
are impermissible. Also, try your best
to memorize as much from the Book of
Allah as you can.
You should understand your religion
from its proper and trusted sources,
the Book of Allah and the authentic
Sunnah of His Messenger
Your example should be Muhammad
, and so you should strive to learn his
biography so that you can emulate him.
Try your best to be in the company of
the scholars and students of knowledge
who practice what they preach.
Be advised that not everyone who
claims to be a Muslim is a true Muslim.
Therefore, you should be careful from
who you seek knowledge. Whatever
you read or hear should be scrutinized
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in light of the Qur’an and Sunnah
of the Prophet And the Sunnah
should be understood in light of the
understanding of the early generations
of Muslims. The Prophet said:
“I advise you to guard yourself from the
punishment of Allah [by obeying Him],
hearing and obeying your leaders, even
it be an Ethiopian slave(1). For indeed
whoever lives long amongst you will
see many differences. So adhere to
my Sunnah, and the Sunnah of the
Rightly Guided Caliphs. Hold tight and
cling on to it with your molar teeth.
And beware of innovated matters [in
religion], for indeed every innovated
matter is an Bid’ah, and every Bid’ah
is misguidance.” ( Abu Dawood #4607,
Tirmidhi #2676 & ibn Majaah #42)
Whatever is in accordance with his
Sunnah take it, and whatever opposes
it, leave it.
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03 Al-Wala and Al-Bara
You must love and stand with the
believers and dissociate from the
disbelievers and be cautious with
them. But to do this does not mean
that you have the right to oppress
and transgress against them or usurp
their rights. You should not hate
them, but rather your dislike should
only be toward their disbelief and
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misguidance. This should encourage
you to do your utmost to help save
them from the Hellfire. Do not prefer
disbelievers over Muslims, and do not
help them against Muslims. Allah says:
“The believers, men and women, are
allies of one another.” [9:71]
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04 Know that whoever accepts
Islam would face opposition,
disagreement and harm,
especially from those closest to
You should keep this in mind and know
that if you are oppressed in any way,
this would elevate your rank, purify
your sins, and would serve as a test
through which Allah is trying you to
see the extent of your truthfulness and
steadfastness on your religion. Allah
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“Do the people think that they will be
left to say, ‘We believe’, and they will
not be tried? But We have certainly
tried those before them, and Allah
will surely make evident those who
are truthful, and He will surely make
evident the liars.” [29:2-3]
Also, the Prophet was asked:
“Which people are the most tested?”
He replied, “The Prophets, then
the righteous after them, and then
those after them. Every person is
tried according to the strength of his
religion, if his religion is strong, he is
tested more, and if his religion is weak,
his trial is lessened. A person continues
to be tested and tried until he walks on
the earth totally free of sin (for they
would be effaced due to the trials).”
(Tirmidhi #2398 & ibn Majaah #4023)
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Know that they will try to raise doubts in
your mind about Islam and constantly
mention these doubts to you. Ask the
People of Knowledge, so that you may
find a proper reply to these doubts,
from the Qur’an and the Sunnah.
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05 Calling to the religion of Allah
(Da’wah) and his authentic
You must be knowledgeable as regards
what you call people to follow. In this
manner, the doubts that the doubters
of Islam bring about can be easily
answered. Give Da’wah as Allah says:
“Invite to the way of your Lord with
wisdom and good instruction, and
dialogue with them in a way that
is best. Indeed, your Lord is most
knowing of who has strayed from His
way, and He is most knowing of who is
[rightly] guided.” [16:125]
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Save others from the Hellfire, just as
Allah saved you from it, and start with
those closest to you. Be mindful of the
words of the Prophet
“Allah did not send me to make things
hard, rather as a teacher and to make
things easy.” (Muslim #1478)
Know that there is much good, and
a great bounty from Allah in helping
a person to become Muslim, The
Messenger of Allah said to ‘Ali:
“If Allah guides a person through you,
it is better for you than all that is on
the earth.” (Bukhari #2783 & Muslim
You will receive the same reward as all
those who have been guided through
you, without their reward being
decreased in the least. The Prophet
said: “Whoever calls to guidance, he
will receive an additional reward equal
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to those who follow him, without their
rewards being reduced in the least.
Whoever calls to misguidance, he will
receive the sin of those who follow
him, without their punishment being
reduced in the least.” (Muslim #2674)
Know that conveying this religion to
non-Muslims, and calling them to it,
is a duty upon every Muslim, so do
not fall short in doing this duty. The
Messenger of Allah said:
“Convey to others (the religion), even if
it be one statement.” (Tirmidhi #2669)
You should do your best to make
people love the religion of Allah. The
Prophet said:
“Give glad tidings, and do not cause
people to flee from the religion; make
things easy for people and don’t
make things hard.” (Bukhari #69 &
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Know that in calling others to Islam,
you are not responsible for the results,
for your calling is restricted to merely
clarifying and showing people the way
to the truth. Allah says:
“And indeed, [O Muhammad ], you
guide to a straight path. The path of
Allah, to whom belongs whatever is
in the heavens and whatever is on the
earth. Unquestionably, to Allah do [all]
matters evolve.” [42:52-53]
As for the guidance by which one
actually practices Islam, this is from
Allah alone. Allah says:
“Verily! You [O Muhammad ] guide
not whom you wish, but Allah guides
whom He wills. And He knows best
those who are the guided.” [28:56]
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06 Choosing Righteous Companions
Try to choose righteous companions
who encourage and help you to do
good, as well as warn and prevent you
from doing evil, and will be a support
for you in your life. The Prophet said:
“The example of a righteous and evil
companion is like one who carries
perfume and another who is a
blacksmith. As for the one who carries
perfume, either he will give you some
perfume, or you might buy it, or [at
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least] you will find a pleasing scent with
him. As for the blacksmith, either he
will burn your clothes, or you will find
a hideous odor from him.” (Bukhari
#1995 & Muslim #2628)
07 Be careful not to go to extremes
in the religion
There is neither monasticism nor
fanaticism in the religion. Allah says:
“Allah intends for you ease and He
does not want to make things difficult
for you.” [2:185]
Anas bin Maalik said:
Three people came to the houses of the
wives of the Prophet asking about
the worship of the Prophet . When
they were informed, they thought it
was too little and said, “Who are we
in comparison to the Prophet for
indeed Allah has forgiven him his past
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and future sins.” One of them said, “As
for me, I will pray the whole night long.”
Another said, “I will fast every day
without breaking it,” and yet another
said, “I will stay away from women and
never marry.” The Messenger of Allah
came and [when he heard of this]
he said, “Are you the people who said
such and such? As for me, by Allah,
indeed I am the most god-fearing
and most cautious amongst you, but
I fast and I break my fast, I pray [part
of the night] and I sleep, and I marry
women. Whoever desires other than
my practice (Sunnah), then he is not
from me.” (Bukhari #4776)
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On the other hand, there should be no
compromising or improper lenience
in the religion of Allah. The Prophet
“Indeed, those before you were
destroyed due to their [persistent]
questioning and opposing their
Prophets. If I forbid you from
something, abstain from it, and if I
command you with something, do of it
as much as possible.” (Bukhari #6858 &
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08 Not all Muslims fulfill their
You will see many Muslims who do
not fulfill their obligations and do not
refrain from the prohibitions of the
religion. People differ in this; such that
some fulfill their obligations in a more
complete way than others. In any case,
the reason one does not fulfill these
obligations is due to the fact that Satan
is trying his utmost to misguide the
Children of Adam.
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Allah, the Exalted, says:
“[So mention] when your Lord said
to the angels, ‘Indeed, I am going to
create a human being from clay. So
when I have proportioned him and
breathed into him of My [created] soul,
then fall down to him in prostration.’
So the angels prostrated - all of them
entirely. Except Iblees; he was arrogant
and became among the disbelievers.
[Allah] said, ‘O Iblees, what prevented
you from prostrating to that which
I created with My hands? Were you
arrogant [then], or were you [already]
among the haughty?’ He said, ‘I am
better than him. You created me from
fire and created him from clay.’ [Allah]
said, ‘Then get out of Paradise, for
indeed, you are expelled. And indeed,
upon you is My curse until the Day of
Recompense.’ He said, ‘My Lord, then
reprieve me until the Day they are
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resurrected.’ [Allah] said, ‘So indeed,
you are of those reprieved. Until the
Day of the time well-known.’ [Iblees]
said, ‘By your might, I will surely
mislead them all. Except, among them,
Your chosen servants.’ [Allah] said,
‘The truth [is My oath], and the truth I
say - [That] I will surely fill Hell with you
and those of them that follow you all
together.’” [38:71-85]
Do not be discouraged from fulfilling
your duty in the field of invitation
(Da’wah) to the religion of Allah. Let
this be an incentive to yourself to strive
in spreading the religion of Allah.
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09 Practice Islamic conduct in your
daily life
Such as helping someone who is in
need whether you know him or not
and smiling in the face of your brother.
The Prophet said:
“Smiling in the face of your brother is a
charity, enjoining good and prohibiting
evil is a charity, showing someone the
way when he is lost is a charity, helping
the weak-sighted is a charity, removing
a rock, a thorn, or bones from the path
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is a charity, and pouring water from
your bucket into the bucket of your
brother is a charity.” (Tirmidhi #1956)
Your clothes and all your things should
be clean. A Muslim must always be
clean, for his religion is the religion of
cleanliness. Allah says:
“O Children of Adam! Take your
adornment at every masjid.” [7:31]
You should try to do as many good
deeds as possible, such as giving
charity, performing voluntary (extra)
prayers and other acts of worship.
When one performs these deeds
[mentioned above] they are being
an excellent role-model and example
to the Muslims who are heedless of
their religion. They will also serve as
a shining ambassador to non-Muslims
trying to understand the religion; since
they would become curious and ask
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about Islam when they see its beautiful
aspects before them.
Treat your relatives well, and do not
sever your relationship with them even
if they oppose your acceptance of Islam.
You should have better relations with
your relatives, in order to please Allah,
and also as it may bring them closer to
worshipping Him. They would also know
that after you became a Muslim, your
manners improved, and you became a
better person. Asmaa´ said:
“My mother, who was a pagan during
the life of the Messenger of Allah
came to visit me, so I asked the
Messenger of Allah : ‘My mother has
come to visit me. Should I keep ties
with my mother?’ He said: ‘Yes, keep
your ties of relation with your mother.’”
(Bukhari #2477 & Muslim #1003)
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10 Know that the struggle between
good and evil will last till the
Last Day.
The weakness of the Muslims and
the strength of the disbelievers, the
minority of Muslims and the majority
of the disbelievers, the backwardness
of the Muslims and the advancement
of the disbelievers, the humility
of the Muslims and the might of
the disbelievers are not evidences
indicating the falseness of Islam. These
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are factors that change depending
upon the era. There is no doubt though
that the present circumstances of the
Muslims are the result of their distance
from implementing the legislation of
their Lord and their abandoning of
righteous deeds and calling to the path
of truth.
‘Umar ibn al-Khattaab, the second
Khaleefah (Caliph) said:
“We are a people who Allah honored
and gave might through Islam. If we
seek honor in something else, Allah
would humiliate us. The truth should
be followed...”
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11 We are in the last of times
Know my brother that we are in the
last of times (the Last Day is near) and
that each year that passes, we come
closer to the end of the world and
the establishing of the Final Hour. The
Prophet said:
“The time of my advent and the Hour
are like these two fingers”, and he
joined his index and middle fingers.
(Bukhari #4652 & Muslim #867)
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The Prophet foretold the state of
Islam [and Muslims] in this time. He
said: “Islam started as a strange thing,
and it shall once again return to this
state. So glad tidings to the strangers.”
(Muslim #145)
Having many followers is not a proof of
the correctness of a methodology. The
Prophet said:
“Glad tidings to the strangers! Glad
tidings to the strangers! Glad tidings
to the strangers!” Someone asked,
“Who are the strangers, O’ Messenger
of Allah?” He said, “Righteous people
amongst many evil ones. Those who
disobey them are more than those
who obey them.” (Ahmad #7072)
He also clarified the state in which the
Muslim who holds on to his religion
will be, and the various hardships he
will face (in practicing his religion),
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whether physical or psychological. The
Prophet said:
“Enjoin the good and forbid the evil,
but when you see that greed is obeyed,
desires followed, the life of this world
playing its affect on people, and that
people are pleased with their own
opinions, stick to yourselves and leave
commanding the general public with
good, for indeed there will be days
after you in which having patience in
them is like grasping a hot coal. One
who does righteous deeds in them
will receive the reward of fifty of [the
Companions].” (Saheeh ibn Hibbaan)
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12 All affairs are judged by the way
they end
Know that all affairs are judged by the
way they end, so be keen to always
ask Allah that He keeps you steadfast
upon Islam, and that He causes you to
die with a good end. Make sure your
speech and deeds are purely for Allah’s
sake, that they are done according to
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what He legislated, and that you spend
your time in Allah’s obedience. Take
account of yourself, before you are
taken to account, and let Allah see you
doing what He commanded, not what
He forbade.
May Allah keep us steadfast on His
religion and cause us to die as Muslims.
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To download and read the complete book,
click on the cover picture here.
This is an excerpt
of a larger book titled
by Abd Ar- Rahman
bin Abd Al-Kareem Ash-Sheha.
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