
Peace, mercy and blessings of God

 We complete with you, the important events in

 Dates we mentioned before:

 1095 AD:

 Claremont Crusade:

 A great Christian meeting was held this year in Clermont, France, led by Pope Urban II, in which he announced the call to form a Christian army to occupy Jerusalem and gathered people from everywhere to join this army. In Europe, the volunteer movement for the Crusades came from most countries.

 Causes of the Crusades:

 The most important reasons for this crusade towards the Levant are summarized as follows:

 1- Religious enthusiasm and the call for the liberation of Christian holy sites in Jerusalem.

 2- The existence of a poor, impoverished class in Europe found a door for them to live in combat and enter the land of the rich after their leaders had portrayed them as a rich and weak country.

 3- The intellectual and religious orientation that the monks took among people to incite them to fight those who usurped their sanctities.

 The army of Peter the Hermit:

 The Pope ordered the preparation of a popular army led by a monk called Peter the Hermit and another called Peter the bankrupt. The first Christian Christian campaign led by Peter the Hermit and this popular campaign moved towards the East and was not organized or trained militarily, but was not organized by the rulers of Europe but rather organized as mentioned by the Pope and the monks  It was a popular religious campaign and therefore it included among its ranks the general public, women and children, and numbered eighty thousand.

 This year witnessed the first movement of the Crusades towards the East, in which the campaign of Peter the Hermit arrived in Byzantium, which was ruled by the Byzantine Orthodox Emperor and the owners of the campaign were Catholics.  He directed them to fight the Seljuks who were in constant war with him.

 As for the Seljuks, they were ready to be a trained and organized army. The Crusade did not stand up to this Seljuk readiness, and it ended at first and was crushed in front of the Turkish force.

 1187 AD:

 It was the battle of Hittin, in which the siege of Jerusalem took place. It occurred from September 20 to October 2 and ended with the recovery of Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi to Jerusalem and the almost complete collapse of the Crusader kingdom of Jerusalem and was the instigator of the Third Crusade.

  1258 A.D.

 Baghdad and the Abbasid Caliphate fell at the hands of the Mongols,

 This resulted in a number of results, the most important of which are:

  The fall of Baghdad had a great impact on the hearts of Muslims, as the Abbasid caliphate fell with its fall.  Baghdad was a hub for delegations of Muslim princes and rulers, as it is the center of political activity in the Islamic East, but after its fall its importance fell and became a secondary city.  Baghdad's distinguished religious position has ended, as it was a symbol of all Islamic kingdoms, and with its fall, this religious status has disappeared.  The fall of Baghdad, which occurred after the fall of Byzantium, spent nearly half a century on the balanced bilateral government that was between Byzantium and the caliphate.  The Persian language surpassed Arabic in Iran, after burning libraries and schools and the migration of scholars and artists from Baghdad

 September 1260:

 The Battle of Ain Jalout

 It is one of the most important decisive battles in Islamic history, as the Mamluk army, led by Seif al-Din Qutuz, managed to inflict the first severe defeat on the Mughal army.

 1453 AD:

 Great historical saga

 معركة ((The Battle of Conquest of Constantinople)) 👉👉

 Led by Muhammad al-Fateh

 The fall of Constantinople in the hands of the Ottomans and the end of the thousand-year Byzantine Empire and the beginning of the end of the Middle Ages in the European continent

 1492 AD:

 History of the fall of Andalusia

  It fell into the hands of the Spanish and the Muslims left Andalusia

  1514 AD:

  The Battle of Jalderan

 From the decisive battles in the history of the O

ttoman Empire, the Ottoman Sultan Selim I, by his victory over the Safavids in the plains of "Jalderan", was able to achieve for his state the safety of an enemy as long as it posed a threat to its unity and stability.

 1517 AD:

 The beginning of the Ottoman era in Egypt:

   According to the result of the Battle of Al-Raydaniyah that resulted in the victory of Sultan Selim I over the last of the Mamluk sultans Tuman Bey

 And then the Ottoman army entered the capital of Cairo, which became the capital of an Ottoman state after it was in the morning the capital of an empire

 And when the Ottomans seized Egypt and other Arab regions, they did not try to dye the inhabitants of these regions with the Ottoman character, or even to find among them something of mutual cooperation or a color of joint activity.  Ruling on open countries after making some amendments that guarantee them the survival of sovereignty and control, so that their people followed the customs and traditions that they have become accustomed to, except in terms of abuse or corruption, and to them and their administrations at times.

 The elements of this corruption were mostly

 Inherited from the Mamluk period, not all of them were introduced in the Ottoman era.

 Dr/ Ahmed Zaid.

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