Peace, mercy and blessings of God
Due to the many years and events, I saw that I divide them into stages so that they can be easy to study and learn
332 BC
The Macedonian Alexander came to Egypt, and he chased the Persians who conquered Babylon, the Levant and Egypt from the year 500 BC to the coming of Alexander. The suffering of these countries from the Persians was extreme, and so they helped Alexander to get rid of them, which made him move from one country to another easily and easily until the Persians returned to their homeland Persia
By the way
Many think that Alexander the Great is Dhul-Qarnayn while others think that he is Cyrus the Persian, but the fact is that neither this nor that because the character that the Holy Qur’an spoke about is a valid character possible on the ground, he is either a prophet or a slave of good God enabled by God on the ground as for Alexander and Cyrus were both infidels Worship idols and their history is full of that
Also, they did not reach the visits of Dhul-Qarnayn
50 B.C.
Julius Caesar ruled Rome and began his conquests, and from his work, he modified the calendar of Rome using the ancient Egyptian calendar, so he did the work of the year twelve months and made leap months and simple ones until he got rid of the extra days
4 B.C.
The date of birth of Christ is most likely due to adjustments made to the calendar over and over again
33 A.D.
Jesus, peace be upon him, was lifted. By the way, we Muslims believe that Christ, peace be upon him, was raised to heaven without crucifixion or murder, while Christians believe that he ascended to heaven, but after his crucifixion and killed him to be seated at the right of the Lord, and there is no power and power except with God.
52 m
Thomas the Apostle arrives in India and begins to preach Christianity there. By the way, this is a fatal mistake made by Thomas and others who claim that they were messengers of Christ. They say that Mark came to Egypt, Paul and Peter to Rome, and this was not recommended by Christ because if they were the disciples of Christ truly, they would remember that he, peace be upon him, commanded them to say : “To the way of nations, do not go to the demonstration of the Samaritans, do not enter, but rather go to the lost sheep of the children of Israel.” Therefore, it is most likely that Christianity was spread by people other than the disciples, but for the people to believe them, accuse them of this accusation.
: 64 m
The Great Fire of Rome broke out and the first Roman persecution of Christians began after Nero accused the Christians of setting the fire
66 m
The outbreak of the first Jewish-Roman war
325 The Council of Nicaea
This council was the first and most dangerous of the ecumenical councils.
Reason for holding it:
The reason for holding this council is the conflict and the doctrinal difference that exists in the church in those times, and that was that once the persecution of the Christians by the Decree of Milan had ceased, the great ideological difference between the sects of the Christians emerged on the surface, which was hidden by the present persecutory situation On all Christian varieties, which was one of the reasons for the entrenchment of these nodal deviations, as will be seen.
The most prominent aspect of the difference was: that dispute and contradiction between the call of the Church of Alexandria - which advocated the deity of Christ over Paul's doctrine - and the call of the Libyan bishop (Arius) in Alexandria as well. He was described as an educated scholar, an articulate preacher, an ascetic ascetic, and a scientist with interpretation, as he began to proclaim that God is one God who is not born eternal, but the Son is not eternal and not born of the Father, and that this Son came out of nowhere like all creatures according to God's will and purpose.
Arius was popular in his call many bishops, including the Nicomedian bishop named
Eusebius and others.
The Emperor (Constantine) at that time had shown strong sympathy for the Christians, relieved them of persecution, and took care of their affairs.
So, what he saw of the division of the Christians, and he realized the danger of those divisions over his country, the most dangerous of which was between the bishop of Alexandria Church Alexandros and Arius and his followers.
The dispute had developed between them, by requesting the Bishop of Alexandria to convene a council in Alexandria to consider the case of Arius and his invitation,
So the council decided to cut Arius out of service, and this caused Arius to leave Alexandria and head to Asia, where he held in (Buthinah) in Asia Minor his congregations from the bishops, a complex in which he decided to accept Arius and his followers and write a request to the bishop of Alexandria to lift the deprivation they decided on (Arius) This is what made the Emperor (Constantine) call for a general assembly in Nicaea in the year (325 AD), to discuss this issue.
Number of attendees and their doctrines:
The words of the Christians differed regarding the number of those gathered, as some see that the number of those gathered was (318) bishops only, and some of them see that they are between (300-501), and Mary Suleiman mentioned in the book (Al-Majdal) and Ibn Al-Batriq that their number was (2048) bishops.
As for the doctrines of those present, they were very different. And as Ibn al-Batriq states, they differed in opinions and religions.
- Some of them used to say: Christ and his mother are offended without God, and they are barbarians.
- And some of them
He used to say: Christ is like a father, like a flame of fire, separated from a flame
Fire, the first was not separated by the separation of the second, which is the article of Sableus.
- And some of them used to say: Mary did not conceive of him for nine months, but rather passed through her stomach as the water passes through the gutter.
- And some of them used to say: Christ is a man created from theology as one of us in its essence, and that the Son is from Mary, and they see that God is one old essence and one hypostasis, and they do not believe in the word or the Holy Spirit, which is the essay of Paul Al-Shamshey the Patriarch of Antioch, and some of them used to say: They are three deities that are still: Saleh, Talih, and justice between them. It is an article by Marcion and his companions.
- And some of them used to say about the divinity of the Messiah, which is the article of Paul and the article of the three hundred and eighteen bishops.
The decisions and results of the complex:
After the conferees exchanged opinions in that council, they came out with the report of the deity of Christ, peace be upon him, and that he is the son of God - in their claim - that is: of God’s self, and that it is equal to God Almighty, and that He was born of Him who was not created, God Almighty says of their great supremacy.
They also decided that this god embodied the image of humans to save people, then rose to heaven after his resurrection from the dead, as (Arius) and his mourners and his books were cursed.
Many of the assembled people signed these decisions to support Constantine for them, and Ibn al-Batriq believes that only 318 bishops showed this statement and signed it, and the rest of the bishops disagreed with it, while others believed that everyone signed it except for Eusebius of Nicomedian in the words of some of them, and someone Another refused to sign that text.
Thus, those claiming to be the deity of Christ were victorious at the outset with the support and support of the Emperor, as some historians provide that he presides over that council.
What indicates that those gathered in Nicaea did not accept that statement of the deity of Christ, nor did those who say it have a convincing argument that they, as the Reverend (Hanna Al-Khudari) mentioned after mentioning the victory achieved by the mourners of Paul’s saying, said: (But unfortunately, the reality that is different
differs completely from The Synodal and Synodal decisions, after the Council of Nicaea, the bishops returned to their dioceses and priests to their churches, and each of them began to know what was previously known to him, and some even radicalized the heresy that surpassed the heresy of Arius himself. Although Arius and some of his followers were exiled, Arianism built her nest in the gardens of many bishops and shepherds).
And since the decision of Nicaea to the deity of Christ was imposed by the power of the Sultan, the Sultan - who is the emperor - later returned from it, and ordered the holding of the Council of Tire in the year (334) A.D., in which he decided to return (Arius) to the church, and deposed (Athna Syoss), Bishop of Alexandria, one of the largest Defenders of the doctrine of the deity of Christ, just as the emperor himself was baptized, and he is on his deathbed on the doctrine of (Arius) where he was baptized by the bishop (Eusebius Nicomide), the greatest supporter of Arius.
Thus it turns out that this council, which is considered one of the most dangerous councils, was a play in the hands of the emperor who was pagan, and it was not among the people of that community at the time that the council presided over it, and that the assembled were not relying on agreed texts accepted by all, otherwise their connotation was done, but rather they were They depend on their own or similar perceptions of people, and this is why they were excluded from them after returning to their churches.
451 AD, the Council of Chalcedon
In this council, they went back to researching the nature of Christ, and those gathered decided that Christ has two natures: divine and human, without mixing, transforming, dividing, or separating! The proponents of this saying were the Western bishops who cursed and expelled those who did not say this. The Eastern Churches did not agree with this, and they insisted on their previous decision in the Council of Ephesus that Christ has one divine and human nature,
This is one of the most important differences between Catholics who said the two natures, and the Copts, the Armenians and the Syrians who said the same nature.
: 571 A.D.
The birth of Ashraf Al-Khalq, the Messenger of God, our master Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him
: 611 The Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, was sent
: 634 The death of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace
640 m. The Islamic conquest started in Egypt
Dr/ Ahmed Zaid.