My Great Love For Jesus Led Me To lslam I
t Allah Qur'dn "And lIn Leviticus l5:19-30, rve find: "And if a wornan an and
her issue in her flesh be blood, she shall and whosoever toucheth her shall be unclean every thing that she lieth upon separation every thing also that she sitteth upon whoioever-toucheth her bed shall *'ash himself in water, and be unclean until even' toucheth any thing that shc sat upon shall bathe himseif in water, and bc rrnclean on her bed, or on any thing toucheth it, he shall be unclean until the with her at all, and her flowers be upon hin, trc seven davsr and all the bed whereon And if a i"o-att have an issue of her blood time of her separation, or if separation; all the days of thc issuc of her the days of her separation: she shall lvery whereoin she lieth all the clays ofher issue bed of her separation: and rvhatsoever upon_ unclean, as tlre uncleanncss of hcr scparation. toucheth thosc things shall be unclean, and bathe himself iri water, and be unclean thc shc bc clcansed of her issue, then she nurnber seven days, arrd after that she shall be on.tlay she shall take unto her two turtles, trvo bring thern unto thc priest, to the cong'rcgation. and thc priest shall rnakc fbr the LORD fbr the issue of her unclearuress"' l-he condemns thc rvoman to a lil'etirne of uncleanness ilnd sourcc of impur i ty' : i t also t reats her l ike an olJ'er lder$ 'ho commi t ted
a cr imc that toncmcnt as i f i t nerc hcr choico. Thc depicts
thc rvoman in the Inost debasing and hulr-riliating n'a1'. I
5:10, i t is considcrcd ii "good \\'ork" lbr a \\idow riash 1'ect of
saints. Shc is *icked (Zachariah 5:8) and should bc lbrccd marry'her
husb:md' sb rothera f ter hi s death( Det r teronornl '25:5)S, he i s inel igible
for inheritance in the presence of rnalc rclatives (Deuterononrl 2 I : 1 5-i 7
and Numbers 27.1- l l ) and a rnan rcsel ' \ 'est hc r ight to scl l his daughtcr
( 2l :7). Furrhet'lltore. a lclnale divorcce is f rohibitccl l i t r n l
rcmarrying (Nlatttreu 5 : 32)
Islam 9
remarry after divorce and the like. 1 says in the
Qur 'an (2:228): "And due to the wives is similar to what
is expected of them, according to what is reasonable."
I In Leviticus 15:19-30, we find: "And if a woman have an issue, and
her issue in her flesh be blood, she shall be put apart seven days:
and whosoever toucheth her shall be unclean until the even. And
every thing that she lieth upon in her separation shall be unclean:
every thing also that she sitteth upon shall be unclean. And
whosoever toucheth her bed shall wash his clothes, and bathe
himself in water, and be unclean until the even. And whosoever
toucheth any thing that she sat upon shall wash his clothes, and
bathe himself in water, and be unclean until the even. And if it be
on her bed, or on any thing whereon she sitteth, when he
toucheth it, he shall be unclean until the even. And if any man lie
with her at all, and her flowers be upon him, he shall be unclean
seven days; and all the bed whereon he lieth shall be unclean.
And if a woman have an issue of her blood many days out of the
time of her separation, or if it run beyond the time of her
separation; all the days of the issue of her uncleanness shall be as
the days of her separation: she shall be unclean. Every bed
whereon she lieth all the days of her issue shall be unto her as the
bed of her separation: and whatsoever she sitteth upon shall be
unclean, as the uncleanness of her separation. And whosoever
toucheth those things shall be unclean, and shall wash his clothes,
and bathe himself in water, and be unclean until the even. But if
she be cleansed of her issue, then she shall number to herself
seven days, and after that she shall be clean.. And on the eighth
day she shall take unto her two turtles, or two young pigeons, and
bring them unto the priest, to the door of the tabernacle of the
congregation. and the priest shall make atonement for her before
the LORD fO!' the issue of her uncleanness." The Bible not only
condemns the woman to a lifetime of uncleanness and treats her like a
source of impurity: it also treats her like an offender who has committed
a crime that needs atonement as if it were her choice. The Bible depicts
the woman in the most debasing and humiliating way. In 1 Timothy
5: I0, it is considered a "work" for a widow to wash the feet of
saints. She is wicked (Zachariah 5:8) and should be forced to marry her
husband's brother after his death (Deuteronomy 25:5). She is ineligible
for inheritance in the presence of male relatives (Deuteronomy 21: 15-17
and Numbers 27: 1-1 J) and a man reserves the right to sell his daughter
(Exodus 21 :7). Furthermore, a female divorcee is prohibited from
remarrying (Matthew 5:32)
I *t Great Love For Jesus Led Me To lsldm
Isldm also parents [care] parents. him, [increasing your [final]
66But you not trut [this]w orld appropriatek indness...("3 1:14-15).
Islctm treatmento f A nother statest hat: approachable.t''A s thosew ho a rroganta nd
applicationo f Shar'iah guararlteesa Iife peacea nd
people. Prophet prayers (heinous good
he to good Fire."3
Islant alsoc allsf or justicea ndt olcrancee venw ith
enerny. Allah O 1'ou rvho IAtimad,3937.
? r Musl i rn6. 53l ,
W My Islam
Isliim encourages kindness to and
treating them with compassion even when they happen to
be in opposition to Islam. Allah says: "And We have
enjoined upon man [care] for his His mother
carried [increasing her] in weakness upon
weakness, and his weaning is in two years. Be grateful
to Me and to parents; to Me is the [final]
destination. "But if they endeavor to make you
associate with Me that of which have no
knowledge, do obey them but accompany them in
[this] world with appropriate kindness..." (31:14-15).
Islam also calls for lenient and compassionate
treatment of others. Another hadith states that: "the Fire is
forbidden from everyone who treats people with
kindness, understanding, and compassion and is
approachable."l As for those who are harsh, arrogant and
inconsiderate, the Prophet counted them among the
dwellers of the Hellfire.
Islam honors and respects human rights, and the
application of Shar 'iah laws guarantees a life of peace and
harmony between The said: "The
bankrupt from my nation is one who comes to the
Judgment with and fasting and charity.
However, he also brings with him deeds) as he
has insulted, abused, stolen from, beaten or killed
others. So those whom he wronged take of his deeds to make up for the wrong did them. When
his deeds are finished and he still owes them, then
their bad deeds are added to his until he is thrown into
the Fire.'"
Islam also calls for justice and tolerance even with
the enemy. A/Nih says: "0 you who have believed, be
I Ahmad, 3937.
2 Muslim, 7136.
3 Muslim, 6531.
My Great Love For Jesus Led Me To lslam @
persistently standing Alldh, witnesses in
just. just; righteousnessA. nd Alllh." (Qur'dn comprehensivere ligion caterst o needs of people abstention deeds.' Prophet manied Makkah, the prophethoodw as madep ublic,h is people
t Among prophethoodo f Muhammad is the fact
that that lacked
education.I n spitc broughta completel arv that addresses
every aspect in tel'ms ol' belicf, acts of
rvorship, introduced perfect systems in
marriage.d ivorce,p regnanc)'p, arenting.a limonl. inheritancef,a mily
and neighborlyr elations,c rirninalp unishmcnth, urnanr ights,p olitics,
econom)', ctiquetlc hori' to conduct oneself rvhen
eating, drinking. dressed. traveling, slecping' rvaking up'
permission. r'isiting the sick' personal
hygiene, etc. He did all this f}om himsell. and never claimed
thats uchk noulcdger vash is.
Had Muhammad'sa im beenp ersonagl aino r glorl'. it rvouldh aveg one
against him to commancl fbllorvers to pcrfornl ccrtain acts such as
having to performa blutiona nd praler llve tirnesa da1. lashing after
scxual intercoursef.a sting- u'ithout cvcn drinking \\'ater- a rvhole
month from da*'n to sunsete vcr)'1ear.c speciallri n Arabia. r vhich is
mainll desertr i'ithu nbearablhee at;l ct aloncf brbiildingt hem liom acts
that are desired b1' the rnaiolitl' such as drinking. adultcrl, usury'
garrbling.e tc. It is statedi n l)cuteronornll'8 :20 and .lcremiahl 4:15
that God condentnsrr hoeverl 'alsellc' lirimsp lophesl as hc condemncd
Hananiahto deathi n lesst hm a 1'ca(rJ eremia2hf t :15-17) . ' l 'hmei ssion
of Prophctl l'luhamnrado n tltc othcr hand,l astedf irr 23 1'earsa. nd his
rcligion todal is thc lirstesgt rorvingr cligion in the worlcl. During his
lif'etimeh e uas supportedb y God at all 1imes.
Jesus Me To Islam ~
persistently standing firm for Allah, witnesses in
justice, and do not let the hatred of a people prevent
you from being Be that is nearer to
righteousness. And fear Allah." Qur 'an 5:8).
Islam is a comprehensive religion that caters to the
needs of the mind, body and soul, and is suitable for all
people at all times. It enjoins all good deeds and orders
abstention from all evil deeds. I Before his mission, the
Prophet was married to Khadijah, a wealthy lady from
Makkah, for whom he had worked as a merchant. When
the news of his prophethood was made public, his 1 Among the many proofs of the prophethood of that he was an illiterate man living in an environment education. In spite of this, he brought a complete law every aspect of human life at all times terms of belief, worship, dealings, morals, etc. He marriage. divorce, pregnancy, parenting, alimony, inheritance, family
and neighborly relations, criminal punishment, human rights, politics,
economy, social life, etiquette of and how when
eating, drinking, getting dressed, sleeping, waking up,
yawning, sneezing, seeking permission, visiting sick, hygiene, etc, He did not bring 1i'om himself: that such knowledge was his.
Had Muhammad's aim been personal gain or glory, would have gone
against him to command his followers perform certain having to perform ablution and prayer five times a day. \vashing sexual intercourse, fasting ~ without even water - whole
month from dawn to sunset every year. especially in which is
mainly desert with unbearable heat; let alone forbidding them from acts
that are desired by the majority such as drinking, adultery, usury,
gambling, etc. It is stated in Deuteronomy 18:and Jeremiah 14:15
that God condemns whoever falsely claims prophesy as he condemned
Hananiah to death in less than a year (Jeremiah 28: 15-17). The mission
of Prophet Muhammad on the other hand, lasted for 23 years. and his
religion today is the lilstest growing religion in the world. During his
lifetime he \Ias supported by God at all times.
9 frty Great Love For Jesus Led Me To tstdm
offered him enormous their king if he would refused Allah; path sake of power spreado f his messageh, e simpleb asicl ife,
free w hich possessedif had lived in a mud house. A s relatedb y wife, "There successiven ights they contentedt hemselvesw ith barley."l
At pawned Jew humarrkindt o believei n Allah in Qur'dn: "And jinn mankind (51:56) to guide happir,essa nd rescuet hem
fiom calamitieso f this rvorlda ndt he prophets messengerosf year leavingw ith
us Qur'i)n, rnessagea,n d teachingst o
guide Arnerican "The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential in lfistury" - rvho - "Was
in historyw ho r,vass upremelys uccessfuol n
botli I Ar - f i rmidhi .2 400.
~ My Islam
wealth and even to crown him as
abandon his call to Allah. He
and continued on the path chosen for him by
a that entailed all kinds of suffering for the
spreading the Word of God. In spite of all the
and authority that were at his fingertips after the
spread of message, he still led a very simple basic life,
from luxuries, which he could have possessed if he
wanted. Instead, he slept on a rough straw mat and
As related by his "There were
many times when the Prophet and his family went for
successive nights without any food. Most of the bread
contented themselves with was made of barley."]
the time of his death, his shield had been to a
in exchange for barley to make bread for his family.
He dedicated all of his life and efforts to enable
humankind to believe in as the only true God. He
said the Qur 'an: "And I did not create the and
except to worship Me." 51 :56) This was in
order them to true happiness and rescue them
from the calamities ofthis world and the Hereafter.
Prophet Muhammad, last of the and
messengers of God, died in the 632 CE, leaving with
liS the Qur'an, God's final message, and his teachings to
all of humanity up until the Day of Resurrection.
An American writer, Michael Hart, states in his
book "The ofthe Persons
History" that Muhammad - who topped the list - the only man history who was supremely successful on
both the secular and religious level." This unique
1 At-Tirmidhi, 2400.
MyG reaLt oveF orJ esusL edM eT ol slamI
succeededin viftue shoft "The GenuineIs lam", s aid
desperaten eed placedh is placeo f respecta nd H e accommodatea ll
it would claim more
that clergy painted picture consideredh irn enemyt o S hawg oeso n to
- - and in my
an anti-Christ,h e must be called
Savioro f H e continues":l believet hat if a
assume the dictatorship of the
modernw orld succeedin solvingi ts problemsi n
it rnr,rchn eeded peace and
Lamarline, the famous French poet
says Ilistoire (1854): "Never
for himself, voluntarily or involuntarily, a
rnore this airn was beyond human
undennine superstitionsp laced betweent he
creaturea ndt heC reator,..N. everh asa mana ccomplished
in such a shorl time such a huge and lasting revolution in
My Great Love For Jesus Led Me To Islam ~
combination entitled him to be classed as the greatest,
most influential character in the world. William Muir, the
Scottish historian previously mentioned, praised the clarity
of the words of Prophet Muhammad and the ease of his
religion. He also stated that the Prophet accomplished
wonderful deeds and that there was no other man in
history who succeeded in wakening souls and reviving
good morals and virtue in such a short time as he did.
The famous historian, George Bernard Shaw, in
his book Genuine Islam ", Vol. 1, No.8, 1936, said
that the world was in desperate need of a man who had
Muhammad's intellect, as he was the Prophet who always
placed his faith in a place of respect and honor. He added
that Islam was the religion most able to accommodate all
civilizations at all times, and that ground in Europe in spite of the fact the of
medieval times a dark of Muhammad and
considered him an enemy to Christianity. Shaw goes on add: "I have studied him - the wonderful man - opinion, far from being Christ, he the Savior of Humanity." He continues: "I believe that man like him were to modern world he would succeed in solving its problems in
a way that would bring the much needed happiness ... "
Alphonse de Lamartine, says in his book, Histoire de la Turquie, has a man set more sublime aim, since aim grasp: undermine the superstitions placed between the
creature and the Creator, ... Never has a man accomplished
in such a short
I frfv Great Love For Jesus Led Me To lsldm
grandeuro f great man modern Mohammad?,.. people his
idea in empire;. . . regards all the
standardsb y humang reatnessm ay measuredw, e
greater "Apologia was
gentlea nd mercifule vent owardsh is personael nemies.I n
justice of noblest
is not
supporl to renowned
orientalists aid:" l cannotc oncludeth is addressb ettert han
rvill when
also honoring
and a nd betterC hristianw ho reveres
truthse nunciatedb y ProphetM uhamutad."l
' "The IslamicR evinv" Mai' 196l . pages6 - I0
~ My Islam
the world... If the grandeur of the aim, the frugality of the
means, the immensity of the result are the three criteria of
a man's genius, who would dare to compare a of
modem history with Mohammad? .. He moved souls. He
founded upon a book, of which each letter has become
law, a unifying spiritual factor embracing of all
languages and races... his forbearance in victory, ambition, which was entirely devoted to one and no
manner striving for an empire;... As standards by which human greatness may be measured, we
may well ask: "is there any man than he?"
Dr. Vaglieri states in dell' Islamismo":
"Muhammad, as a preacher of the religion of God, gentle and merciful even towards his personal enemies. In
him were blended and mercy, two the qualities which a human mind can conceive. It difficult to support this with many examples that are be
found in his biographies."
Dr. Gottlieb Wilhelm Leitner, a orientalist said: "1 cannot conclude this address better than
by expressing a hope that the day will come Christians will honor Christ more by Muhammad. There is a common ground between and Christianity, and he is a better Christian who the truths enunciated by the Prophet Muhammad."]
I "Islamic Review" May 1961. pages 6 ~ 10.
My Great Love For Jesus Led Me To lsl6m I
VII. Doctrines of Christianify Islhm
in the
l) (3) sonshipo f Jesus( OriginalS in (5) Isldm, onenesso f only
petitioned for
lt reversion
At s describedin Qur'dn,J esusw as not an
in every
the vicarious
fundamentaldoctrineosf in Islam ares ix:
( I ) onenesso f existenceo f revealeds criptures
messengerosf Qadar predestinationb).o th the good or
aspectso f I S toryo f Civilization.vol.1 1.p.216. Will Durants aidt hat
Christianitl'd id not put an end to paganismr:a ther.i t adoptedi t. This
appliest o the Christianityo f Paula ndn ot the truea nd pureC hristianity
of JesusC hristw ho calledf or ther vorshipo f God alone.
Led To Islam ~
VII. Doctrines of Christianity and Islam
Many denominations of Christianity believe following five doctrines:
(1) The Trinity (2) The divinity of Jesus The divine
sonship of Jesus (4) Original Sin The Atonement
In Isliim, the oneness of Allah, being the one and God who deserves to be worshipped and help is the fundamental belief of every Muslim, opposed to the triune God of many denominations Christianity. It sees the deification of Jesus as a to paganism. l As described in the Qur 'an, Jesus was incarnation of God, but His Prophet and Messenger, like any other prophet, he was a human being aspect. Islam also rejects the divine sonship of Jesus does not accept the dogma of original sin, sacrifice and the atonement.
The fundamental doctrines of faith are six:
1) Belief in the oneness of God
(2) Belief in the existence of angels
(3) Belief in the revealed scriptures
(4) Belief in the messengers of God
(5) Belief in the Day of Resurrection
(6) Belief in Qadar (predestination), both bad aspects of it
I In his book. Story ofCivilization. vol. 11. p. 276. Durant said that
Christianity did not put an end to paganism: rather. it adopted it. This
applies to the Christianity of Paul and not the true and pure Christianity
of Jesus Christ who called for the worship of God alone.
R2 tt Great Love For Jesus Led Me To lslim
separatep ersonsi n never the word "person"
previous prophets had. All themp reachedth e onenesso f n evert he r
been revealed prophets "And one of them reasoning
answered them
well. him. first allP him. first of ' 4424,"1 rnaketh 5, rne." Isaiah,l5:l8 "For Lord thc hiurself forrned establishcd he lbrmed it arn elsc." I 1-imothy 6: 16
"\Nho imnrortality." Isaiah 46:9
conflrms: "for nonc clsc; I am therc rronel ikc rnc." Qur'in. othcrh and.s tates":A llih
Creatoro f al l a nd Guardiana nd Disposero f
39 62): "That AIlih, your There is god a l l He power disposeo f al l af fai rs. "( 6:102)": And t rust who t ivesa nd not . " (25:5t i ) ;a nd nothingl ike Him, He is Hear ing,t he Seeing. "( 42: l l ) . I t reasonablteh at He ' "vhoi s
suchs houldb e rvorshiooeadl one.
~ My Led Me To Islam
The Trinity
This doctrine, adhered to by many Christians
throughout the world, refers to the existence of three
divine, distinct and separate persons in God: God the
Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost. It is
astonishing, however, that Jesus himself mentioned
the Trinity. He said absolutely nothing about three divine
persons in a trinity. As a matter of fact, itself is not to be found anywhere in the Bible. The
concept that Jesus had about Allah was in no way different
from the concept that all the of
them preached the oneness of God, never the Trinity.l
Jesus affirmed the tradition that had to
the who came before him. "And the
scribes came, and having heard together, and perceiving that he had well, asked him, Which is the commandment of
all? And Jesus answered him, The all the
I According to Isaiah 44:24, "I am the Lord that maketh all things,"
Isaiah 45:5, "I am the Lord, and there is none else, there is no God
beside me." and Isaiah 45: 18 "For thus saith the that created
the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he
hath established it, he created it not in vain, formed to be
inhabited: I am the Lord; and there is none else." 1 Timothy also states about God: "Who only hath immortality." confirms: "for I am God, and there is none else; God, and
there is none like me." The QUI' 'on, on the othcr hand, states: "Allah
is the Creator of all things, and He is the Guardian and Disposer of
all affairs." (39:62); "That is Allah, Lord! no but
He, Creator of all things; then worship Him; and has to
dispose of all affairs." (6: I02): "And trust in Him lives and dies
not." 58); and "There is nothing like unto and the
Hearing, the Seeing." (42: 11). It is only reasonable that who is
such should bc worshipped alone.
MyG reaLt oveF orJ esusL edM eT ol slAm9
Hear. O Jsrael: commandment."( 12 :30 ).
evidencein showst hat Jesusb elieved
threed ivine personsin a s "Thou (Mattliew incorporated containa ny referenceto the Trinity. NeitherJ esusn or disciplest aughtt his L ikewise,n oneo f earlier
great scholarso r followerso f Jesusp reachedit . doctrinew as establishebdy the NiceanC ouncila fterg reat
controversieas nd m ore threeh undredy ears
afterJ esus'd epaftureT. he Councila doptedth e view ofthe
rninority rather than the majority rvho believed in
I ecumenicacl ouncilsg avet hemsclvcsri ghtsa bovet heir thc FirstC ouncil.J csusr v;rsd eitled:i n thc Sccondt,h c ltoly rias deilled. thc Council. thc las donc thc'lu'clfth Council.t hc church* as grantedt hc right forgives ins,
rvhi lei n the I ' r rcnt icthth. el )opcs as rnadein fal l iblc.
EnclclopcdiaA nrcricirnas a1,sth at monothcismb egana s a thcological
rroYcmenta t ver)'carl) stagei n histor'ya'.n dt hati t p|ccedcdt he bclief
trinitv bv tenso f)'cars.I t alsog oeso n to sa\'1haCt hrislianityr vas
producto 1'Judaisnrn.h ich r'"asr 'crr sLricta s iar as t.nonotl.tcisrmva s
bel iefi n thc' l r ini tv r ias onl l aclmi t tcdin thc four th
ccntur) AD and did not accuratcllr el'lectth e originalC lhristianb eliefi n
true nature of God. rather. the Trinity u'as a dcviation fi'om that
or iginabl el iel .( c. t .V . 27.p . 291)
My Great Love For Jesus Led Me To Islam W
commandments is, Hear, 0 Israel; The Lord our God
is one Lord: and thou shalt love the Lord thy God
with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all
thy mind, and with all thy strength, this is the first
commandment." (Mark 12:28-30).
Other evidence in the Bible shows that Jesus believed
in only one God, not in three divine persons in one, as in
the following saying: shalt worship the Lord thy
God and Him only shalt thou serve." Matthew 4: 10).
The doctrine of the Trinity was into the
teachings of Jesus more than three hundred years after
Jesus' departure. The four Canonized Gospels do not
contain any reference to Neither Jesus nor his
disciples taught this doctrine. Likewise, none of the scholars or the followers of Jesus preached it. This
doctrine was established by Nicean Council after great
controversies and conflict, more than three hundred years
after Jesus' departure. The Council adopted the of the
minority who monotheism. I
1 The ecumenical councils gave themselves rights above their authority
as in the F'irst Council• ./esus was deified; in the Second, the Holy Ghost
was also deified. In the Third CounciL the same was done to Mary and
in the Twelfth CounciL the church was granted the to forgive sins,
while in Twentieth, the Pope was made infallible.
Encyclopedia Americana says that monotheism began as theological
movement at a very early stage in history, and that it preceded the belief
in the trinity by tens of years. It also goes on say that Christianity was
a product 01'./ udaism. \vhieh was very strict as far monotheism was
The belief in the Trinity \vas only admitted in the fourth
century accurately reflect the original Christian belief in
the was deviation from original belief (c.f. V. 27, p. 294)
I tt Great Love ForJesus Led Me To lsl6m
unsustainableI.t meanst o finite. Holy
conventionalr esponseo f comprehensiona, nd
in the
paftners. sufficient
who depends
"I my and
father." They
him. would you me' The CatholicE ncyclopediasa ys:" 1'hec oncepto fonc in three
parl religious practices
until century.'fhis concept which first
took 'l'rinitarian Wc disciplesa ny idear esemblingit all."
~ My For Jesus Islam
However, when considered rationally, the concept of
the Trinity is unsustainable. It means to believe in three
divine persons who are either finite or infinite. If we
consider them infinite, then there are three different
infinities, three different omnipotent beings, and
consequently three different Gods. However, if we
consider them finite, then neither the Father nor the Son
nor the Holy Ghost can be God. Indeed the concept of
Trinity came into being as a result of falsely ascribing
divinity to two "creatures" namely; Jesus and the Spirit (Gabriel). Owing to the irrationality of the doctrine
of Trinity, the conventional response of the Church clerics
is that it is a mystery beyond human comprehension, and
that it doesn't have to be understood as it suffices to accept it as a matter of faith.
Islam preaches a plain and simple belief oneness of God. It affirms the uniqueness of Allah states that He has no partners. He is the self-sufficient
One, on whom all of creation depends, and on no one. He neither gives birth nor is born. Nothing come out of Him, be His equal or be His speak of what I have seen with Father, you do what you have heard from your answered him, "Abraham is our father." Jesus said to
them, "If you were Abraham's children, you do
what Abraham did, but now seek to kill me, a
The New Catholic Encyclopedia says: "The concept of one God persons did not become part of Christian life and until near the end of the fourth century. This is the took the name of
Trinitarian Principle. We do not find among the
disciples any idea resembling it at all.'·
My Great [ove For Jesus Led Me To lslam @
manr God." 8:38-40).
only true Jesus I glorified on work The Qur
'rirz t12:
"Say, "He Alllh, [who Allah, Eternal
is there to
And Qur'dn: "O of the
excessin your or say
Allnh The Messiah, Jesus, the
Mury, of Allnh and His
a [created at
commandl in His
messengersA. nd sayr" Three"l desist; i t is better
God. Exalted is He
rvhatever is in the
And sufficient is
Altlh (4:111). In chapter,
"They who say,
"Alllh no god except
from what they are
disbelievers among
lvill they not repent to
Allnh seekH is A nd Alllh is Forgiving
(5 :73-74)
r"..f<rr I am God, and not rnan.." (Hoscu l l:"God is a
rnan...neithcr t l t e son o f r t t a n . . . " (Nurnbers 2.3:19) "NIy s p i r i t s h a l l
not abide in nrortals for ever, for thcy are flesh;" (Ccnesis 6:3)
Love Islam W
manl who has told you the truth which I heard from
God." (John 8:38-40).
"And this is eternal life, that they know thee the
only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent.
I glorified thee on earth, having accomplished the
work which thou gavest me to do" (John 17:3-4)
The Qur 'an affirms the oneness of God in chapter
"Say, "He is Allah, [who is] One, the Refuge. He neither begets nor is born. Nor Him any equivalent."
And Allah has said in the Qur 'an: 0 People Scripture, do not commit excess in religion about Allah except the truth. son of Mary, was but a messenger Allah word which He directed to Mary and soul [created a command] from Him. So believe Allah and messengers. And do not say, "Three"; it for you. Indeed, Allah is but one above having a son. To Him belongs whatever heavens and whatever is on the earth. Allah as Disposer of affairs." 4: 171). another He says: "They have certainly disbelieved "Allah is the third of three." And there is one God. And if they do not desist saying, there will surely afflict the them a painful punishment. So will Allah and seek His forgiveness? And Allah and Merciful." 5:73-74)
\" ..for I am God, and not man.." (Hosea 11 :9) "God is not a
man... neither the son of man... " (Numhers 23: 19) "My spirit shall
not abide in mortals for ever, for they are flesh;" (Genesis 6:3)
I fufyG reatL oveF orJ esusL edM eT o lsldm
othersr, The Jesus
is in human
previously he him, "Why
good but one,
l0:called" accepto called' oGod?"
any'thing all things
'For 'fhe
Testament. Holl' tiasy-to-Road Version,
Amcrican Version,
l- hc Nov T he Standard 'l'hc
Standard Vcrsion, InternationaSl tandardV ersion, and of ~ My Great Love For Jesus Led Me To Islam
The only text in the entire Bible that supports the
doctrine of Trinity was in the first Epistle of John, chapter
5, verse 7: "For there are three that bear record in
heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost:
and these three are one." However, it has been
eliminated from the New Revised Standard Version of the
Bible and othersl
, after it was discovered by the Christian
scholars that these were interpolations made in the King
James Version and other editions.
The Divinity of Jesus
Some Christians believe that Jesus God for all
eternity, the second person of the divine Trinity who, more
than two thousand years ago, chose to appear a body and was born of the Virgin Mary. As recorded in the
Gospels, this dogma, like the one discussed,
contradicts the words attributed to Jesus. The fact is that
Jesus never claimed divinity, instead affirmed the
divinity of God alone, saying to those around callest thou me good? There is none that is God" (Mark 10: 18). So, if Jesus Christ refused to
be called "good", would he accept to be called "God?"
When Jesus spoke of God, he referred to Him as:
" Father and your Father, and my God and your
God." (John 20: 17).
Jesus also rejected the notion that he could do
anything on his own. He made it very clear that [For example,
The Bible in Basic English, The Darby Translation,
Weymouth's New Testament, Holy Bible: Easy-to-Read Contemporary English Version. The American Standard GOD'S WORD translation, The New Living Translation, The New
American Standard Bible,
The Revised Standard Version, World
English Bible, International Standard Version, and Hebrew Names
Version of World English Bible.
MyG reaLt oveF orJ esusL edM eT ot stamp
are by the as
having said: "I hear, judge: judgment just; hath (John 30).A gain statest hat he "For Father what I 12:49).A lso, 17-18,J esuss tates:" If will do his will, whether it be of or He that but he seeketh is true, no stated that the Lord is greater 14:28, which reads,"....I Father is greater than I." Jesus things pleasure of God, who hir-n. "And sent me is with me: Father for I do always those things spoke these words, many believed on him." (John 29-
30). Also, according to Luke 4:43, Jesus came preach
the Kingdom of Cod: "And he said unto them, I must
preach the kingdom of God to other cities therefore am I sent."
In addition, J esuss tatedt hat enterirrgth e Heaven is dependanut pon doing the will of God: "Not
every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter
' This is rvhat Jesus said of himself whereas he said about Cod. ".., for
with God all things are possible..."( Mark l0:27)
My Great Love For Jesus Led Me To Islam \W
are by the will of God who had sent him. He is recorded as
having said: "can of mine own self do nothing': as I
I and my is because I seek
not mine own will, but the will of the Father which
sent me." 5:30). Again he states that the words
speaks are not his, but revealed to him as a prophet sent
by God: I have not spoken of myself; but the
which sent me, he gave me a commandment,
should say, and what I should speak." (John
49). Also, in John 7:17-18, Jesus states: "any man
he shall know of the doctrine,
God, whether I speak of myself.
speaketh of himself seeketh his own glory:
that his glory that sent him, the same
and unrighteousness is in him." Jesus also
than him according to John
28, reads," ....1 go unto the Father: for my
did only for the
sent him. He states: he that
the hath not left me alone;
that please him. As he
to God: also: for
Jesus stated that entering the Kingdom of
dependant upon everyone 1 what God, " ... possible..." (10:
Great lsldm
into the kingdom of heaven; but he
will of my Father which is in heaven."l
Again he says: "For whosoever shall
God, the same is my brother, and
that doeth the
do the will of
my sister, and
mother."'(Mark 32, "...but 13.33-34J, esusr ef'ersto hirnselfa s O reporled in the Bible,
demonstrateth at relationt o stood like any
the Creator but a creation
(Mark 1:35, Mark 14:35 and
16), meansc onclusivelyt hat he was a
does not pray to anyone.
I "Rabbi". translatcda s "Lord'' actualll'm eans" Master."
1:38 sa1's":T hen Jesust urned, sarl'thern following, and
They said rrnto him, Rabbi,
(which is irrterprcted, N{astcr',) rvhr:rc dwcllest
2ln Matthew l2:"For whosoever shall do the rvill of my
Father hcaven, sarne is my brothcr, and sister, and
mother." Matthov herc Word "God" to "my Father" for
theological Kisrnan that both l-ukc and Mattherv
deliberately changed Mark's text ir hunclred times for theological
\ijI My Great Love For Jesus Led Me To Islam
into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the
will ofmy Father which is in heaven.'" (Matthew 7:21).
Again he says: "For whosoever shall do the will of
God, the same is my brother, and my sister, and
mother.,,2 (Mark 3:35)
According to Mark 13:32, Jesus is also reported to
have denied having knowledge of the final hour of this
world, saying: " ...of that day or hour no man
knoweth, neither the angels in the heaven nor the Son
but the Father."
In Luke 13:33-34, Jesus refers to himself as one of the
Prophets: "Nevertheless I must walk today, and
tomorrow, and the day following: for it cannot be that
a prophet perishes out of Jerusalem. 0 Jerusalem,
Jerusalem, which killest the prophets, and stonest
them that are sent unto thee....!"
These words of Jesus as repOIied demonstrate that he, in relation to God, other human being. He was not like Adam. He prayed to God I :35, 35 Luke 5: 16), which means conclusively that prophet and not God, for God 1 The word "Rabbi", translated as Lord" actually means "John 1:38 says: "Then Jesus turned, and saw them saith unto them, What seek ye? unto (which is to say, being interpreted, Master,) where dwellest
2 In Matthew 12:50 we read: "For will of.!!U'
Father which is in heaven, the same brother, mother." Matthew here changes the theological purposes. Kisman said Luke Matthew
deliberately changed Mark's a hundred purposes.
MyG reaLt oveF orJ esusL edM eT ol sl6m p
ll:25, "Jesus O
ofheaven of
doctrineo f incarnationw as developeda fter
Jesus'd eparture.I t incorporatedin to Christianityf rom
my'thology O siris B acchus
Islam, rejectingt he doctrineo f incarnationa nd embodimenitn unionw ith Isldm Isldm incarnatedo r Qur'dn lnessengers virluous eat food." The idea it other prophets and messengers, a s represents
dependenceo n externale lements,a nd in need nor dependent. Also, eating entails
processingo f the food in the body and then the needt o
defecateS. ucha ctsd o not befitt he rnajestyo f God.
Many nations, n o matterh ow prirnitivet hey happent o
be, rejectt he ideat hat a messengefrr om God could be a
beine who "eats food" like them. As such. manv
My Great Love For Jesus Led Me To Islam ~
Jesus also used to praise God, as is clear from Matthew
11 :25, answered and said, I thank thee, 0
Father, Lord of heaven and earth."
This dogma of divinity is not supported by the words
of Jesus as written in the Gospels. Like the doctrine of
Trinity, the doctrine of the incarnation was developed after
Jesus' departure. It was incorporated into Christianity from
paganism. In the mythology of religions that preceded
Christianity, it can be seen how some heroes were
considered to be gods. Most of what was said about
Krishna by the Hindus, Buddha by the Buddhists, Mithra
by the Persians, Osiris by the Ancient Egyptians, Bacchus
by the Greeks, Baal by the Babylonians and Adonis by the
Syrians, was said of Jesus by the Christians. on the
other hand, has freed its followers from such superstitions
by rejecting the doctrine of the incarnation and of God's
embodiment in or union with any of His creatures.
Islam states emphatically that neither Jesus nor any
other human being may be God. Isliim also rejects the
notion that God may be incarnated or unite with any of His
creation. In Chapter 5, verse 75, the Qur 'an tells us that
Jesus was a messenger of God like many of the
messengers who came before him; and that he and his
virtuous mother "used to is that
anyone who eats cannot be God, be Jesus, Muhammad
or as eating need and dependence on external elements, and God is
neither processing of need to
defecate. Such acts do befit the majesty of no matter how primitive they happen to
reject the idea that messenger from human being such, many
RP *t Great Love For Jesus Led Me To lsldm
people Qur'dn "This yourselves. you you
drink.'o Qur'dn quotes "And
'What markets?r" (25 divergencet o degradingG od, consideringH im hurnanw ho eatsf ood.
Jesusi s rejectedi n Ihe Qur'dn. "They "Alliih
Mary'o "O Alleh' my Lord
h e associateso thers with
Alleh, Alllh his
for the
"Indeed, of Jesus to
from dust;
"Be," (3:59)l Qur'dn, describes pure resto f prophetsb, ut alwaysa s a human
[Jesus] "Indeed, of
Alteh. made me prophet . . . '(o1 9:30)
alsos tates": The Abraham, and fathers, hath
1 Melchisedect,h e llible sais o1'him" Without fathcr',r vithout
descent, neithcr begirming of days, nor
cnd of l i f 'c. . . "( [ Icbrerv7s: 3) .I Iorvev ern o oncc laimedh isd ivini ty.
~ My Islam
prophets were discredited by their under this
pretext. The Qur'an relates that the people of Noah said
about him: "This is not but a man like He
eats of that from which eat and drinks of what drink." (23:33). The Qur'an also the Arabs among
whom Prophet Muhammad appeared as follows: "And
they say: 'What is this messenger that eats food and
walks in the markets?'" 25:7). As for those who ascribe
divinity to Prophet Jesus, we find that they took
divergence to a whole new level by degrading God, the
Almighty, and considering Him a human who eats food.
The divinity of Jesus is rejected in the Qur 'an. Allah
says: "They have certainly disbelieved who say, "Allah
is the Messiah, the son of Mary" while the Messiah has
said, "0 Children of Israel, worship Allah, and your Lord." Indeed, he who associates others Allah, Allah has forbidden him Paradise, and refuge is the Fire. And there are not wrongdoers any helpers" (5:72)
Allah also revealed: "Indeed, the example Allah is like that of Adam. He created Him then He said to him, "Be," and he was." 3:59)1 In the
Qur 'an, Allah describes Jesus as His Prophet, and
pious like the rest of His prophets, but always as being." He [Jesus] said: "Indeed, I am the servant Allah. He has given me the Scripture and a
prophet..." (19:30)
Acts 3: 13 also states: "God of of
Isaac, and of Jacob, the God of our 1 Even Melchisedec. the Bible says or him "Without father, without
mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, end oflife... " (Hebrews 7:3). However no one claimed his divinity.
lsl6m @
factsp resentedto readera bove,i t that believeth atJ esusC hristw asG od.r
l ike thosep reviouslyd iscussedi,s conformityw ith teachingsa nd sayingso f I n Bible, the expression"s on hasb eenu sedt o Adarn( Luke 38)a ndm anyo f earlierp rophetsw ho
precededJ esusI.s rael,f or examplew, as calledt he "Son "And unto Pharaoh, Thus sorr,
My first (Exodus 22).
Also, in the Psalmst,h e samet itle r.vasg ivent o "I will declare the decree: the Lord had Thou art My sorr, this day have I begotten (Psalms2 :7). Likewise, i n I Chronicles2, 2:10.S olomon
was called the Son of God: "He shall build house My name: and he shall be My sott, and I will be his
Father and I will establish the throne of his Kingdom
over Israel forever."
From the aboves tatementsa nd f}om many othersi n
the Bible, it hasb eene stablishetdh att he rvord" son" really
meantn eal'nestso God in love. Even Jesuss aid in the
' Dailv Nerrs 25 June 198,1
My Great Love For Jesus Led Me To Islam ~
glorified his servant Jesus." (New Testament, Catholic
From the facts presented to the reader above, it is clear
that Islam is not the only religion that refutes Jesus'
divinity; the texts of the Bible do as well.
In a poll carried out by a British television show called
Credo, it was stated by 19 out of 31 Bishops of the
Anglican Church that Christians are not obligated to
believe that Jesus Christ was God.!
The Divine Sonship
This doctrine, like those previously discussed, is not in
conformity with the teachings and sayings of Jesus. In the
expression "son of God" has been used to refer
to Adam (3:38) and many of the earlier prophets who
preceded Jesus. Israel, for example, was called the of
God" in one of the books of Moses: thou shalt say
saith the Lord, Israel is My son,
even born." 4:22).
Psalms, the same title was given to David:
said unto me,
son, thee."
Psalms 2:7). in Chronicles, 22: 10, Solomon
a for
S011, above statements and from others in
has been established that the word "meant nearness to Jesus said 1 Daily News 1984.
Led Me To lslAm
following verses: the 45). they sozs Analysis regarding "son." the
same Israel,
God" refered Qur'tin emphatically the
116: "They say'
"Allah Rather' to Him
and the earth. All
Furthetmore, to God would
perfection of God and
needo f anotherb eingb esideH imself.
\ij> My Great Love For Jesus Islam
following verses: "Love your enemies... that ye may be
the children of your Father who is in Heaven."
(Matthew 5:44-45). "Blessed are the Peacemakers: for
they shall be called the sons of God." (Matthew 5:9).
Analysis of all of the previous sayings leaves no doubt
regarding the meaning that Jesus assigned to the word
"son." Therefore, in view of this, there can be no
justification to regard Jesus as the Son of God in an
exclusive and unique sense as most Christians do. When
Jesus used the phrase "Son of God", it meant exactly same as it meant when it was used for Adam, David, and Solomon. Jesus was referred to as the "Son God" 13 times in the Bible whereas he was referred to as
the "Son of Man" 83 times.
The Qur 'an emphatically and categorically rejects dogma of "sonship" in Chapter 2, verse "They say,
"Allah has taken a son." Exalted is He! Rather, belongs whatever is in the heavens are devoutly obedient to Him."
Furthermore, attributing a son implicitly deny and negate the imply His need of another being beside Himself.
My Great Love For Jesus Led Me To lslam @
The Original Sin
17'). a ll descendantosf justice ln sinsi s sheddingo f "Without (Hebrews9 :221.2B ut sinless. Jesusa, llegedt o sono f shedh is sinlessb lood,
sufferedi ndescribablea gony pay the penalty
Becauseh e infinite he
alonec ould infinitep riceo f Thereforen, o as his personal
savior3. inherent ' Horv rvill Adam be punished fbr his deed
ifhe not know right from wrong?
t verl'samet ext in contradiction 'ith otherB iblicalt cxtsw 'hich
the o1I'ering of flour as in
Levi t icus5 : l l . or mone) 'asi n Exodusl 0:15 or jcrvcls ofgold,
rings, earrings, and tablets." as in Numbers
3 l : 5 0 .
'r Isaiah4 3:ll reads," I, even I, arn LORD; and bcside rne there
is no saviour." T his versec learlvs tatesth atG od is theo nh'savior'
Islam ~