Had they been able to would have saved in trying to put an Islamby Unlike the Bible, Qur'dn error, discrepancy, and scienceI.n the Qur'dn, Verse4 :82,w e read:, ,Thend o
they not reflect upon Qur'dn? If other than Alliih, much contradiction."
The Qur'cin, foufteen ago, mentions facts scientists with advanced scientific research. vividly aboutt he phaseso f man'se mbryonicd evelopment,
saying: "And certainly extract of clay. drop a firm lodging. Then drop clinging clot, and [of
fleshl, and We made [from] covered the bones into another creation. Allih, creators." (Qur' 6n 23 : 12- | 4)
The Qur'dn and the big bang which begant he V erse 2l:30
My Great Love For Jesus Led Me To Islam ~
then fear the Fire whose fuel is men
stones, prepared for the disbelievers." Verse 10:38
says: "Or say [about the Prophet], "He
"Then bring forth a siirah like it
[for assistance] whomever you can
be truthful." They failed to
This that the bitter enemies
Isliim, eloquent in Arabic, failed to
similar to that in the Qur 'an.
stand up to the challenge, they
themselves much time and effort spent
end to Islam by force.
the Qur 'an is free from all kinds of
contradiction or conflict with reason
science. In Qur'an, Verse 4:82, we read: "Then do
the Qur'an? it had been from
[any] Allah, they would have found within it
Qur 'an, which was revealed fourteen centuries
only recently discovered or proven by
the help of sophisticated equipment and
For example, God speaks
about the phases of man's embryonic development,
"And did We create man from an
Then We placed him as a sperm-drop in
We made the sperm-drop into a
We made the clot into a lump [of
flesh], [from] the lump, bones, and We
with flesh; then We developed him
So blessed is Allah, the best of
Qur'an 23:14)
Qur 'an also refers to the formation of the universe
oegan the process. Verse 21 :30
I tt Great Love For Jesus Led Me To lslAm
'6llave joined entity, and We
believe?'o The this
cytoplasm the
precise to
Muhammad. man', more than 14
Qur'dn is aword
V. years of Jesus'
gave in Palestine. All
referencest o lhe Qur'dn andt he prophetics ayings
ofthe greatestP rophetso f Allah.
essenceo f teachingsw asb asedo n the belief in
uniqueG od andw orshippingn o oneb ut Him in addition.
peace. He perforrned several
himself, but indicating
will.' In 30, Jesus is
I the Qur'dn, 48, "And you not recite
before you one with your right
hand, had [cause forl doubt."
2 spiteo f rvef lnd Christianp reachersin sistingo n going against
the teachings his miracles as rcasons to
believei n ma1, thcretbre,b e entitledt o ask them:
"Why Ciod since hc the sea rvith his staff
and it (E,xodus 14:16-29).llis stafI rvas transfbrmed into a
reptile( Exodus4 :2-5)." )'ou considerJ oshuaG od though
he ordered the sun and the moon to stop and they obeyed his
command?"( Joshua1 0:l2-13)." Wh1'rvas F)li.iahn ot consideredG od
thoughh e quickenedt hc dead?"( l Kings l7:22)" And what about
E,lisharv hoa lsob roughtt he cleadb ackt o lil'e'?("2 Kings4 :32-35).E ven
W My Islam
reads: "Have those who disbelieved not considered that
the heavens and the earth were a separated them and made from water every thing? Then will they not believe?" topic of verse was the subject of the Nobel Prize in 1973. Modem
science also proved that 80% of the of living cell is actually water. For such knowledge reach Muhammad, an illiterate manl
, centuries ago is manifest proof that the Qur 'an a word
of God, and that Muhammad was His Messenger.
V. The Life and Mission of Jesus
Very little is known about the early life. The Virgin Mary birth to him Muslims believe in and respect Jesus because of references to him in the Qur 'an and the prophetic sayings
as one of the greatest Prophets of The essence of his teachings was based on a unique God and worshipping no one but He also preached love and performed miracles, never crediting them to always that it was by God's will? John 5:30, 1 In the Qur 'an, Verse 29:48, God says: did before it any scripture, nor did inscribe hand. Otherwise the falsifiers would have [cause forI 2 In spite of this we find Christian preachers insisting on the teachings of Christ and considering reasons believe in his divinity. One may, therefore, be entitled to ask "do you not consider Moses God since he hit sea with staff
and it parted?" (Exodus 14:16-29). His statTwas also transformed a
reptile (Exodus 4:2-5). "Why did you not consider Joshua God he ordered the sun and the moon to stop and they obeyed his
command?" (Joshua 10: 12-13). "Why was Elijah not considered God
though he quickened the dead'I" (I Kings 17:20-22) "And what about
Elisha who also brought the dead back to life?" (2 Kings 4:32-35). Even
MyG reaLt oveF orJ esusL edM eT ot st6m@
quoted as saying: "I Luke 11:20 reads: "But out devils." the Heavens life, John ll:41-42 "And and said, Father, me. And I knew because of the people which they may (Peter), a major disciple "Ye men these words; God among by miracles which God did him yourselves (Acts witnessed God and that prophet the widow's lvhom presentp roclaimed": ...that among us; (Luke 7: 1 6).
lnthe Qur'dn,this great as "Isa ibn (Jesus, whereas the mentioned 5 times.
In Chapter Qur'dn, Aali-'Imraan Family of Imran) 42. And [mention] "O M"ryt,
indeed Allnh you purified you chosen you E,lisha'sb onesa fter deathr aisedt he dead,( 2 l3:21).A s
fbr E,zekie(l3 7:7-10),h e broughta arml' thousandso f backt o life, noneo fthem considercdG od evena god.
' (Mary), mothero f thc ProphetJ esus.onty mentioned lhe Qur'an My Great Love For Jesus Led Me To Islam ~
can of mine own self do nothing."
11 :20 if I with the finger of God cast
Jesus used to supplicate to God, Creator of
and Earth. Upon bringing Lazarus back to
11:41-42 states: Jesus lifted up his eyes,
I thank thee that thou hast heard
that thou hearest me always: but
stand by I said it, that
believe that thou hast sent me." Simon
says: Yemen of Israel, hear
Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of
you and wonders and signs,
by in the midst of you, as ye
also know." 2:22) Even the people who
those miracles knew that they were approved by
Jesus was a of God. In the case of
son, whom Jesus brought back to life, those
present proclaimed: "...a great prophet is risen up
and, that God hath visited his people."
In the Qur 'an, this Prophet of God is referred to
Maryam" the son of Mary) 25 times,
name of Prophet Muhammad himself is only
3 of the Qur 'an, called Aali- 'Imraan (The
ofImran) we read:
[mention] when the angels said, "0 Mary!,
Allah has chosen and and
above the women of the worlds.
Elisha's bones after his death raised the dead, (Kings 13:20-21). As
for Ezekiel (37:7-10), he brought a whole army of thousands of people
back to life. Still none of them is considered God or even a I Maryam the mother of the Prophet Jesus, is the only woman
by name in the Qur 'an. Her name appears 34 times. In
I fuv Great Love For Jesus Led Me To lsldm
43. O your [in prayer]."
[O you pens you [And "O Mu.y'
Alliih word' Mrry, [to saido 'oMy me?o' [The angel] said'
'oSuch When He
itr'Ber' is.
[make messengetro Children of
[who 'Indeed you you from [that isl bird., t herc singlec hapteri n thc tliblc name, r vhereasa n
chaptcr Qur'dn aftcr hcr. ln fact, no Qur'dnic
chapter mcntions Muharrrnad's daughterso r rvivesb y I t greatl ove for Mary
Muslir"nsn amet heir daughtersa fler I Itelbrring rvho rvas merely by a
command lrom - rvord Bc."
2 e.t het eachingso f theP rophets
I ol /l-Maa'idah (the food descendcdf rom a nd othcrs arc ntcntionedo nly in Qur'dn, \W My Islam
43.0 Mary, be devoutly obedient to Lord and
prostrate and bow with those who bow [in 44. That is from the news of the unseen which We
reveal to you, [0 Muhammad]. And were not with
them when they cast their as to which of them
should be responsible for Mary. Nor were with
them when they disputed.
45. [And mention] when the angels said, "0 Mary,
indeed Allah gives you good tidings of a wordl from
Him, whose name will be the Messiah, Jesus, the son of
Mary, distinguished in this world and the Hereafter
and among those brought near [to Allah].
46. He will speak to the people in the cradle and in
maturity and will be of the righteous."
47. She said, "My Lord, how will I have a child
when no man has touched me?" [The said,
"Such is Allah; He creates what He wills. decrees a matter, He only says to it, 'Be,' and it 48. And He will teach him writing and wisdom2
and the Torah and the Gospel
49. And [make him] a messenger to the Israel, [who will say], 'Indeed I have come to with a
sign from your Lord in that I design for clay
[that which is] like the form of a bird3
, then I breathe
addition, therc is no single chapter in the Bible by her whereas an
entire chapter in the Qur 'an is named after her. In Qur'anie
chapter mentions the names of Prophet Muhammad's mother, his
daughters or his wives by name. It is owing to thc great love that many Muslims name their daughters after her.
I Referring to the prophet Jesus, who was conceived command from God - the word "Be."
2 i.e. the teachings of the Prophets
3 This miracle plus the miracle of AI-Maa 'idah the table of that
descended from the heaven) and others arc mentioned only in the
Qur 'an, but not in the Bible.
My Great Love For fo lslam @
into it and Allah.
And I cure to dead - permission you in 50. And [I me what was with a sign from your Allnh Indeed, Alleh worship 52. But when Jesus [persistence inl from them, he "Who [the
cause of] supporters for Alllh. have testify that [submitting 53. Our Lordo revealed and have followed registeru s among the rvitnesses[t o truth]."
54. And the disbelievers planned, Alleh
planned. And Allah is the best planners.
55. [Mention] when Alldh O will take you and raise you' from those who disbelieve and make those you [in submission to AllAh alone] who disbelieve until the Day of Resurrection. Me is your return, and I will judge you
concerning that in which you used to differ.
56. And as for thoser vho disbelieved, punish
them with a severe punishment in this lvorld and Hereafter, and they will have no helpers."
God sar,edJ esusa nd raisedh im to hcavena live, in body and soul
rvithout any harm or pain
My Great Love For Jesus Led Me To Islam ~
into it and it becomes a bird by permission of Allah.
And I cure the blind and the leper, and I give life to the
- by of Allah. And I inform you of
what eat and what you store in your houses. Indeed
that is a sign for you, if you are believers.
[I have come] confirming what was before
of the Torah and to make lawful for you some of
forbidden to you. And I have come to you
Lord, so fear Allah and obey me.
51. Allah is my Lord and your Lord, so
Him. That is the straight path."
felt [persistence in] disbelief
said, "Who are my supporters for [the
Allah?" The disciples said," We are
Allah. We believed in Allah and
we are Muslims [submitting to Him].
Lord, we have believed in what You
the messenger Jesus, so
register us witnesses [to but Allah
of [Mention] Allah said, "0 Jesus, indeed I
you! to Myself and purify you
who follow
[in Allah superior to those
Then to
between those who I will world the
I saved Jesus and raised him heaven alive, without any harm or pain
I fr/lyG reatL ove For Jesus Led MeT o lslim
did righteous
rewards, and
All6h you, [O Muhammadl'
of [Our] [and message.
to AllSh is like that
He said to
himr ttBertt your so do not be
among 61. you it after
[this] - say' let us
call sons' and your
women, earnestly [together] of AIInh upon
the liars [among 62. And there is
no deity Allah is the Exalted
in Might, Maryam,, God revealed:
16. [O in the Book [the
story o{l Mury, her family to
a 17. And a screen.
Then he represented
18. She "Indeed, in the Most
Merciful [so mel, you should be
19. "I messengeor f your Lord
to give you [news ofl a pure boy [i.e.' sonl."
20. She said, "How can I have a boy while no man
has touched me and I have not been unchaste?"
21.He said, o(Thus[ it will be]; your Lord says"is
easy for Me, and.We will make him a sign to the people
~ My Great Love Me To Islam
57. But as for those who believed and deeds, He will give them in full their Allah does not like the wrongdoers.
58. This is what We recite to [0 Muhammad],
of [Our] verses and the precise [and wise] 59. Indeed, the example of Jesus Allah of Adam. He created Him from dust; then him, "Be," and he was.
60. The truth is from Lord, among the doubters.
61. Then whoever argues with about [this] knowledge has come to you - say, "Come, call our sons and your sons, our women women, ourselves and yourselves, then supplicate
earnestly [together] and invoke the curse Allah the liars [among us]."
62. Indeed, this is the true narration. no deity except Allah. And indeed, in Might, the Wise.
And in chapter 19, called Maryam, 16. And mention, [0 Muhammad], [the
story of) Mary, when she withdrew from a place toward the east.
17. And she took, in seclusion from them, Then We sent to her Our Angel, and himself to her as a well-proportioned man.
18. She said, "Indeed, I seek refuge Merciful from you, [so leave me], if fearing of Allah."
19. He said, "I am only the messenger of to give you [news of) a pure boy [i.e., son]."
20. She said, "How can I have a boy while no man
has touched me and 1 have not been unchaste?"
21. He said, "Thus [it will be]; your Lord says, 'It is
easy for Me, and.We will make him a sign to the people
Myc reatL oveF orJ esusL edM eT ot slamR 2
him. "Oh, hero 66Do 'Indeed, [anyl They O Mury, you O your your unchaste.tt
pointed "How [Jesus]s aid,' olndeedI, the ser-vanot f Allah.
given me prophet.
And has made me blessed wherever I has enjdined prayer and ZakAh,r as long
remain And [made me] dutiful my mother, and He
has not made me a wretched tyrant.
And peace is on me the day I was born and the
day I will die and the day I am raised alive."
t Zakah is one thc pillarso 1'lslam.I t is a fixcd pcrcentagoef rvealtho n
specifiedp ropertiest o bc given to dcscrvingp oor and nccclvp eople.
My Great Love For Jesus Led Me To Islam W
and a mercy from Us. And it is a matter [already]
22. So she conceived him, and she withdrew with
him to a remote place.
23. And the pains of childbirth drove her to the
trunk of a palm tree. She said, "Oh, I wish I had died
before this and was in oblivion, forgotten."
24. But he called her from below her, "Do not
grieve; your Lord has provided beneath you a stream.
25. And shake toward you the trunk of the palm
tree; it will drop upon you ripe, fresh dates.
26. So eat and drink and be contented. And if you
see from among humanity anyone, say, 'Indeed, I have
vowed to the Most Merciful abstention, so I will not
speak today to [any] man."
27. Then she brought him to her people, carrying
him. said, "0 Mary, have certainly done a
thing unprecedented.
28. 0 sister of Aaron, father was not a man of
evil, nor was mother unchaste."
29. So she to him. They said, "How can we
speak to one who is in the cradle a child?"
30. [Jesus] said, "Indeed, I am servant of He has me the Scripture and made a 31. He am
and enjoined upon me Zakah,l as I alive
32. [made to 33. I Zakdh the pillars of Islam. It fixed percentage of wealth on
specified properties to be deserving poor needy people.
I fr/lvG reatL oveF orJ esusL edM eT o lslAm
That is Jesus, the son of Mary the word of truth
about which they disPute.
not [befitting] Allnh to take a son;
exalted He only says
to itr "Ber" [Jesus "And is Lord and
straight palh.'.'
also include
referencest o l n P rophetM uhammad
says: Hereaftel l am the
nearest of Mary. The
brothers;, mothers are
aiffirent but r
says: "When
any him at both
sides except for Jesus,
the son to touch but failed'
for he touched cover instead."' This was a
response grandmother "the wife
of Imrdn" in the Qur'dn,
she said: "...And Maryr and I seek
refuge [forl her descendants from
Satai, [from Allahl."3
The Qur'rirz of Jesus and
Muhammad and noble since
both Almighty God.
I Nan-ated by Al-Bukhari , hadith no. 3370.
2A l -Bukhar i3, 216.
r 3:36. Both the Qur'dn and Prophct Muhammad honored Jesus by
stating that he was guarded fiom the cvils of Satan. Actually, this is a
refutationo f the Biblicalc laim in Luke 4:2 thatJ esusr vas" tempted by
the devil."
~ My Great Love For Jesus Led Me To Islam
34. That is Jesus, the son of Mary the word of truth
about which they are in dispute.
35. It is not [befitting] for Allah to take a exalted is He! When He decrees an affair, to it, "Be," and it is.
36. [Jesus said], "And indeed, Allah my your Lord, so worship Him. That is a path."
Further, the words of Prophet Muhammad references to Jesus. In one narration, Prophet Muhammad
says: "Both in this world and in the Hereafte-:, I nearest of people to Jesus, the son prophets are paternal brothers; their different but their religion is one."l
In another hadith, Prophet Muhammad any human being is born, Satan touches sides of the body with his two fingers, the son of Mary, whom Satan tried failed,
for he touched the placenta-cover instead.,,2 response to the supplication of his of Imran" when according to the narration Qur 'an,
she said: " ...And I have named her Mary, refuge for her in You and [for] Satan, the expelled [from the mercy of Allah].,,3
The Qur 'an considers the characters Muhammad equally pure, immaculate, both of them are prophets from the same ] Nan'ated by Al-Bukhari, hadith no. 3370.
2 Al-Bukhari, 3216.
3 3:36. Both the Qur 'an and Prophct Muhammad honored Jesus by
stating that he was guarded from the cvils of Satan. Actually, this is a
refutation of the Biblical claim in Luke 4:2 that Jesus was "tempted by
the devil."
My creat Love For Jesus Led Me To lstam Q2
VI. Prophet Muhammad
21:r Qur'dn 6) "And [mentionl "O Israel'
messengetro whosen ame clear
evidencest,h ey o oThisis obviousm agic."
TestarnentJ,e susp rophesizetsh e "Nevertheless r
-' -* for you for righteousness
Jnto : t: : rvill . Le ol- lhc Qur'dn finds that
br a certain period (Qur'dn 2:47).
rk o1' them and their Prophets,
b,v nanre times in the Qur'6n.
rade ncouragedM uslimst o fast on
rth of the Islamicc alendar)a nd the
c to ,lllah firr saving Moses and the
of Pharaoh by parling the Red Sea.
n commcnlorationo f this event for
also hold great respect for all the
Great Islam W
VI. Prophet Muhammad
Jesus had told the Jews that after him no prophet
would appear among them, and that the Kingdom of God
would be taken from them and given to a nation more
worthy of it (Matthew 21 :43). This nation was the
descendents of Ishmael who had been rejected by the
Jews. l The Qur'dn (61:6) states, "And [mention] when
Jesus, the son of Mary, said, "0 children of Israel,
indeed I am the messenger of Allah to you confirming
what came before me of the Torah and bringing tidings of a messenger to come after me, whose name is
Ahmad." But when he came to them with evidences, they said, "This is obvious magic."
In the New Testament, Jesus prophesizes the coming
of Muhammad in these words: I tell you
the truth; It is f "-.. that I go away: if
I go not away,
il not come unto you;
but if I depart
unto you. And when he
is come, he
, world of sin, and of
righteousnes~ .t: ... Howbeit when he,
the Spirit of
? ~ will guide you into all
,e reader of the Qur 'an or (Qur 'an 47).
lk of by name 136 Qur 'an,
lad encouraged Muslims to :1th Islamic calendar) and e Allah for parting m commemoration of
I tt Great Love For Jesus Led Me To lslAm
for he he hear, show you (John 7-14).S incet hat w ho hasg lorifiedJ esusa s
"since "God," "Son judgment, of men Judas,o Mohammed. rvhen t el'fort latcr existcnce altogethcr fbr rcgarding called follorvers rvent rvas orophethood 2 Gospeli, Chrisl rvash etrayer.flo r pieceso f b1' trcasurer. Horvever, Qur'6nic cxegesis '"vho sacrillced himself fbr ofdanger, shall shall cornpanion . rvillingness ri'as. rvorthyo f discipleso f JesusC hrist.O n t he lvlatthew I 9:shall thc glory, shall Isracl." rvas rvould havc "cicvcn trvelve * - * \
~ My Islam
truth: shall not speak of himself; but
whatsoever shall that shall he speak: and he
will things to come... He shall glorify me..."
16:7-14). Since that time, who has glorified Jesus as
much as Muhammad did]?
In the Gospel of Barnabas, one of the Gospels not
recognized by the Church, Jesus says: men have
called me and of God," God, in order
that I be not mocked of the demons on the day of
hath willed that I be mocked ofmen in this
world by the death of Judas; making all men to
believe that I died upon the cross. And this mocking
shall continue until the advent of Mohammed, the
messenger of God, who, when he shall come, shall
I Many people went to extremes regarding the person of Jesus Christ.
Some rejected him and spared no cffort to discredit him, while others
later denied his existence altogether considering him to be a fictional
character. As for Jesus' teachings regarding the belief in only one true
God, his so-called followers went off in another direction. It was only
Islam that declared his prophethood and defended his character
2 According to the Gospels, Christ was betrayed for 30 pieces of silver
by his treasurer. However, Ibn Kathir, in his Qur'anic exegesis (Q.
4: 157) and others say that the disciple who allegedly betrayed Christ did
not actually do so; instead he sacrificed himselffor Christ. After he had
heard Christ say "On the day of danger, whom shaH I cause to look
like me, and he shaH be my companion in Heaven?" that disciple
expressed his willingness to be so, and so it was. Such selfless act is
worthy of the disciples of Jesus Christ. On the other hand, the act of
betrayal committed by Judas, according to the Gospels, is contradictory
to other gospel narrations such as Matthew 19:28 "... when the Son of
man shaH sit in the throne of his gIOl'y, ye also shaH sit upon
twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel." So, if Judas
was a traitor, Jesus would have said cleven thrones" not "twelve
My Love For Jesus Led Me To lsl6m @
Deuteronomy1 8:18-19w, e read:" I like it
revelationsi,s mentionedin Psalms8 4:6,w hich
"Who it
Qur'dn statesin Chapter3 , verse9 6, "Indeed, [of for was
guidance ProphetA brahama lsom entionedth e samep lace
whereh e raisedt he foundationo f sacredH ouseo f God
Ka'bah) ln
Qur'tin, 74:37,w e read:" Our descendantsin uncultivatedv alley near
Isaiah 29.12, "And'
rvho read,
"I read." (ESV)
ln find the
prophet of
Islam'. "... the
Great Islam W
reveal this deception to those who believe in God's
law." (Barnabas 220).
Prophet Muhammad is mentioned several times in
various places in the Old Testament. Such mention has
survived distortion and corruption. For example in
Deuteronomy 18:18-19, we read: "will raise them up a
Prophet from among their brethren, unto thee,
and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall
speak unto them all that I shall command him. And shall come to pass, that whosoever will not hearken
unto my words which he shall speak in my name, 1
will require it of him."
Makkah (Baca), where Prophet Muhammad received
his divine revelations, is mentioned in Psalms 84:6, which
says: passing through the valley of Baca make a well; the rain also filleth the pools."
The Qur 'an states in Chapter 3, verse 96, "Indeed, the
first House [of worship] established mankind that at Baca (Makkah), blessed, and a for the
worlds." Prophet Abraham also mentioned the same place
where he raised the foundation of the sacred House of (the Ka 'bah) there, indicating that it was an arid area. In
the Qur 'an, v. 14:37, we read: "Our Lord, I have settled
some of my descendants in an uncultivated valley Your sacred House." In addition, Isaiah 21: 13 mentions revelation from Arabia.
The fact that Prophet Muhammad would be illiterate
and could not read is mentioned in 29: 12, And
when they give the book to one who cannot saying, "Read this," he says, cannot ESY)
In Sahih Al-Bukhari, hadith no. 3, we following, about the first revelation to the Isliim: " ... He (Muhammad) was in the cave when
I ffy lsl6m
"I "So, I "Read." I '6I I ttRead.tt I ttl read.tt "Read Generous..."
Qur'iin "Those
571 predecessorsw as lsnaa'eel),t Muharnmad amongh is peopled ue genuinenesosf his compassionf or poor Al-(The
Trustworlhy) people. was chosen Allah forty to be His last messenger
prophett o all humankind. H e preachedb elief in the
' lact rvas thc oldcst son of the Prophet
clcar liom Gcncsis l6:16: "And Abram was fourscore
old, when Hagar barc Ishrnacl to Abram," and
2l:5, "And Abraharn was hundred old, when his
contradict itself by
claimingo thenviscin Gcncsis2 2:2,"An<lh e said, T ake now thy son,
thinc only sorr Isaac, whorn thou lovcst."
W My Great Love For Jesus Led Me To Islam
angel came to him. He (the angel) said to him "Read."
He (Muhammad) said "I cannot read." He
(Muhammad) reports "So, he (the angel) held me so
tightly that 1 felt exhausted, then let go of me and said
"Read." 1 said "I cannot read." He held me again so
tightly that 1 felt exhausted, then let go of me and said
"Read." 1 said "I cannot read." So, he held me so
tightly for the third time, then let go of me and said
"Read in the name of your Lord who created ...
created man from a clinging clot. Read and your Lord
is the Most Generous ..."
In Chapter 7, Verse 157, the Qur 'an states: "Those
who follow the Messenger, the unlettered whom they find written in what they have of the Torah
and the Gospel."
In the year 571 CE, in Arabia, the prophesy of Jesus
and his predecessors was fulfilled. The Comforter was
born amongst the Children of Ishmael (Ismaa 'eel), I who
were polytheists and idolaters. Muhammad stood out
among his people due to the genuineness of character,
his love for truth and his compassion for the and
weak. He came to be known as "AI-Ameen" (The
Trustworthy) amongst his He by
Almighty at the age of and prophet to He preached belief I In spite of the fact that Ishmael was the oldest Abraham as is clear from Genesis 16:"And and six years bare Ishmael Genesis 2 I :5, "And Abraham a years son Isaac was born unto him," the Bible comes to claiming otherwise in Genesis 22:2, "And he Take thine son whom Iovest."
Myc reatL oveF orJ esusL edM eT ol sl6mp
worshippedS, ustaineor f universea nd miraclest hat confirmedb y witnessess,u cha s splittingo f (Q. l) hurricanet hat Madinah( Q. 9). Suchm iraclesw ere mentionedi n Qur'iin a nd unbelieverso f Qur'dn didnot
contradictionb etrveenth e narrationi nthe Qur'dn
in hodith, as
u,ater froru ProphetM uharnmadt,h e increasein amounto f revealedto Horvevert,h e miracleo f the
Propheti s Qur' dn. lt mentionsI i ngLir s tic, and
legislativeis sueso f miraculousn ature.
ProphetM uharlmad arnongh is companionsh, is
farnily T here r.vasn otliing hirn that was
itis was open book. The
lifb were all
thoser vho believedi n tlie Messengeor f God and
sacrif-icedfo r in while
notliing give the
revelationsh e receivedfi orn l-ord under the
bannero f Lsl7m,i n r.vhichth erer 'vasn o distinctionb ased
c olor, languagew, ealtho r T his is confirmed
My Great Love For Jesus Led Me To Islam W
oneness of Allah, the Creator, who alone deserves to be
worshipped, Sustainer of the whole universe and all that it
God supported Prophet Muhammad with many
miracles that were confirmed by eye-witnesses, such as the
splitting of the moon 54: I) and the hurricane that He
sent to counter a full-scale assault by the enemy on
Madinah (33:9). Such miracles were mentioned in the
Qur'lin after their occurrence, and the unbelievers of the
time, who were eager to find faults in the Qur'lin did not
find any contradiction between the narration in the Qur'lin
and actual events. As a result, many willingly embraced
Islam. As for the believers, those miracles strengthened
their faith and belief in Allah and His Messenger. Many
other miracles were also mentioned the hadith, such the flowing of the water from between the fingers of
Prophet Muhammad, the increase in the amount of food
during the digging of the trench around Madinah, the
telling of things to come, and of things unknown, which
Allah revealed to him. However, the living miracle of Prophet is the Qur'lin. It mentions linguistic, scientific legislative issues of a miraculous nature.
Prophet Muhammad lived among his companions, his
family and people. There was nothing about him unknown or kept a secret. His life an most minute details about his entire life known to those who believed in him as the Messenger of sacrificed for the sake of their belief God, Muhammad had nothing to them except revelations he received from the Lord of all beings.
He preached a message of brotherhood banner of hlum, in which there was no distinction based
on race, color, language, wealth or sex. This
I t, Love Led Me To lsldm
Qur'dn "O Prophet,emphasizetdh at God.' 'oYour non-
Arab Arab. piefy righteousnesr."Tt hir meanst hat righteousnessa re judges
r egardlesos fcolor made a s Genesis9 :25-27,E xodus2 1:2-12
Ephesians6 :5. Muhammadw ith messagesth, e freeingo f slavesb ecameo ne of
greatesat ctso f goodnessth at becamea praiseworthym eanst o gain p leasurea nd expiates insa nd G od saysi n
the Qur'iin (90: l l-he has not broken through
pass. make you know what
[breaking pass? It is the freeins
) Lahab.a n uncleo f ProphctM uhammad.r c'iectedC od's message.
Q ur'dnicv erscsw erer evcaledc ondemningh im and he was
promised Hellfire. IIis relationship to thc Prophet provided no
protectionfb r him againset ternapl unishrnent.
2 Narratcd by Ahnad. 23 105.
W My Great For Jesus Islam
by the words of God in the Qur 'an (49: 13): "0 mankind,
indeed We have created you from male and female and
made you peoples and tribes that you may know one
another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of
Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is
Knowing and Acquainted."
The Prophet emphasized that lineage has no value in
the sight of God. I He said: "Your Lord is One, and your
father (Adam) is one. An Arab is not better than a nonArab
and a non-Arab is not better than an Arab, and a
white person is not better than a black person and a
black person is not better than a white person except
through piety and righteousness.,,2 This means that piety
and righteousness are the criterion by which Allah judges
people, regardless of color or race.
Slavery was widespread throughout the world, and
was sanctioned by the man-made religions of the time and
by the Bible itself, as in Genesis 9:25-27, Exodus 21:2-12
and Ephesians 6:5. When God sent Muhammad with the
last of His messages, the freeing of slaves became one the greatest acts of goodness that would bring one nearer
to God. Also, it became a praiseworthy means to His
approval, pleasure and expiate sins and errors. God says in
the Qur 'an 11-13) "But the difficult And what can is [breaking through] the difficult freeing
of a slave."
I Abu Lahab, an uncle ofProphct Muhammad. rejected God's As a result, Qur'anic verses were revealed condemning him His the protection for against eternal punishment.
2 Narrated Ahmad, 23\ 05.
My creat Love For Jesus Led Me To lsl6m Qy'
66a mercy to the
Qttr'dn (21: 107). Prophet
The mercy
Allih. earth' you."'
states:" not have mercy
example of
A llah statesin Qur'dn (3: 159):" by mercy
Altdh, [O lenient [in and harsh
about you.
for them and
Prophetw as compassionateev en to his enemies'
exampleo f compassionw as shorvnw hen he
conqueredM akkah.T he Makkanp agans\\ 'eres uret hat he
vengeanceo n tltetn. How'ever,w hen he
to them: do
I you?" kindness,
replied. it sor"
declaredth e Prophet". I you Prophet Joseph
saicl "No blamc there be upon
youl and He is the most
merciful."r Thert saici to them: for are free."4 for hirn to
seek fbr tofture death he and his
follorverss uffereda t theirl tands.y et lrep aldonedt hem all.
I Nar ratecbly At - l i r rnidhi .1 928.
I Narratcdb l ivluslirn5. 983.
t l'hcscr rordsa req uotcciln lhc Qur'un. t'. 1292
r'\arratcdb y al-lSayhaqiI.t t648.I tt647.
Great Me To Islam ~
Prophet Muhammad was sent as "a worlds." This is stated in the Qur 'an Muhammad said: "The merciful are treated with by AlHih. Thus, have mercy upon those on earth, so
that He who is in Heaven may have mercy upon yoU."l
Another hadith states: "Whosoever does upon the people will not receive mercy from Allah.,,2
Prophet Muhammad was the living mercy. Allah states in the Qur 'an 159): "So from Allah, [0 Muhammad], you were with
them. And if you had been rude [in speech] in heart, they would have disbanded from So pardon them and ask forgiveness consult them in the matter..."
The Prophet was compassionate even enemies.
A clear example of his compassion was shown when conquered Makkah. The Makkan pagans were sure that would exact his vengeance on them. However, when stood at the door of the Ka'bah and said "How you think 1 should act toward "With gracious and merciful brother," they "Be so,"
declared the Prophet. "I say unto as said unto his brothers: "No blame will you today. Allah will forgive you; merciful of the merciful.'" Then he said "Go,
for you are free.,,4 It would have been easy him seek revenge for all the tOliure and followers suffered at their hands, yet he pardoned them I Narrated lw i\t-Tirmidhi, 1928.
2 Narrated b)' Muslim. 5983.
3 These words arc quoted in the Qur'an. v. 12:92.
4 Narrated by al-Bayhaqi, 18648, 18647.
\Z fUV Great Love lsldm
This clearly proves Qur'dnic
instructionto those" ...who pardon the people Alliih good."
(3:134)A llah alsos aysi n Qur'6n (41:34-35):" Repel
[evill by that [deed] whom you [will
becomel as though granted it granted it great [ofgood]."
When his companions hirn "Oh Lord, have people doing."'
got personal was Allah. person angry."2 camet o trernblingw ith f'eart hinking great not cured
Makkah."'' rveight Paradise.'o*
' 2 t lbn Ma.iah,3391.
a Muslim, ~ My For Jesus Led Me To Islam
that he was indeed a mercy to
humankind. In so doing, he was following the Qur'anic
instruction to be of those " ...who restrain anger and who
and Allah loves the doers of 134) A/liih also says in the Qur'an 34-35): "Repel
[evil] [deed] which is better; and thereupon the
one between and him is enmity [will
become] he was a devoted friend. But none is
except those who are patient, and none is
except one having a portion [of good]."
appealed to him to ask for the
descent of God's wrath on his enemies after they had
broken his tooth and injured his head, he refused and said,
mercy on my for they know not
what they are doing.'"
He never angry over matters. All his
anger for the sake of He used to say: "The
truly strong is not one who fights others and
defeats them, rather it is the one who restrains himself
when angry.,,2 He was an exemplary model of humility.
Once a man came to him trembling with fear thinking he
was about to meet a great king. The Prophet met him with
all humility and said to him: "Calm down, I am a
king. I am the son of a woman who used to eat meat in Makkah."j In another hadith, the Prophet said:
"Whoever has in his heart an ant's weight of arrogance
will not enter Paradise.,,4
I Ibn Hibban. 949.
2 Muslim, 6595.
3 Ibn Majah. 3391.
4 Musli~, 225.
MyG reaLt oveF orJ esusL edM eT ol sldm I
time of the
people to say that
However, he
"The moon
Allnhos not eclipse for the
followers:" praise excessivelya s the son
I am only a
Alleh. of Allnh and His
him: "You are our
power favor over all of us."
- and his anger was
causeo f - answered":O nly Allah is the
Do not let the devil
you raise me to a status
Alllh placed me. I am only
Alliih's messenger.'''
(divine that Prophet
rnade for the weak, the poor,
parl of Islam. Allah
the Qur'tin (107:1-3): "Have you seen the one
F or is the one who
not encourage the
feedingo f Neglectingth e needyr naya lso lead
AllAh in the Qur'iin (69:33-34):
"Indeed, in Allflh, the Most
encouraget he feedingo f the poor."
I Al-Bukhari1. 0,1,1.
2A l-Bukhar3i.3 72.
r Ahmad1, 2295.
My Great Love For Jesus Led Me To Islam 9
When a solar eclipse occurred at the Prophet's son, Ibrahim's death, began the eclipse was due to his son's death. summoned them and proclaimed: "The sun and the are two of Allah's signs. They do death or birth of anyone.,,1
In yet another hadith, Prophet Muhammad his followers: "Do not me excessively as of Mary was praised by the Christians. slave of Allah. So call me the slave Allah ? messenger.,,-
One companion once said to master and have more and The Prophet, angry at such a thought, - only for the cause of Allah - answered: "Only Master! I am no one's master. deceive you. I do not want to higher than where Allah has Allah's slave and His messenger.,,3
The Shari'ah legislation) Muhammad brought, made caring the indigent, and orphans an integral pali says in the Qur'an 1-3): who denies the Recompense? For that drives away the orphan and does feeding of the poor." Neglecting the needy may also one to the Hellfire. Allah says the Qur 'an 69:33-34):
"Indeed, he did not used to believe Allah, Great, nor did he encourage the feeding of 1 AI-Bukhari. 1044.
2 AI-Bukhari. 3372.
3 Ahmad, 12295.
I *t Great Love For Jesus Led Me To lslAm
Islam Allah "...and Indeed, Alllh (Qur'dn 2: 190)
The Qur'dn "Because [done] - it is if he had mankind (Qur'dn 32). in Isldm.
encouragedto animalsa nd
Muharnmad 'oA punished giving earth.tt'
reporled prostitute gave
Allah sins.'.T he Prophetw as asked:' oMessengeor f "There shorvn being."l
Tlre Islam promotes respectf or rightso f Muslims.I n P rophet
Muharnmad "...Whoever tloes injustice protection (i.e. Muslim), right, ' Muslim, 5 80,1.
2A 1-Bukhar3i.3 92.
I Al -Bukhar2i .3 23.
~ My Islam
condemns all kinds of injustice, aggression and
terror against the innocent. says: " ...and do not
transgress. Allah does not like aggressors."
Qur 'an Qur 'an also says: "Because of that, We decreed
upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul
unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land it
is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever
saves one - as saved entirely..."
Qur 'an 5:32). Such is the brutality of murder Islam.
Muslims are even encouraged to be kind to animals and
are forbidden to harm them. On one occasion Prophet
Muhammad said: "A woman was because she
tied up a cat until it died. On account of this, she was
doomed to Hell. She imprisoned it, not it food or
drink, nor did she let it free to eat the vermin of the
He also reported the case of a who water to a dog dying of thirst, for which forgave her
sins? The Prophet was asked: "Messenger of God, are
we rewarded for kindness towards animals?" He said:
"There is a reward for kindness shown to every living
animal or human being.'"
The message of Isliim tolerance and
respect for the rights of non-Muslims. In a hadith, Prophet
Muhammad said: " ...Whoever does to another
having a covenant of e. a non-Muslim), or
falls short in giving one his l'ight, or burdens one with
more than he can bear or takes from one something
1 5804.
2 AI-Bukhari. 3392.
J AI-Bukhari, 2323.
My Love For Jesus Led Me To lsldm I
against his will, I will the Day of
messageo f Islam shunning Give
back entrusted ^with betrayed you."'
Islam alsos trongly disapproveso f selfishnessa nd
The "A until himself."Good part of the
Islamic messageT. he Prophets aid: with
the has the best
the believers are
those women"'o Also, a
O Messenger of
"Your The man asked,
"'Who mother."
'oWho is next?" The Prophet
replied,'oYour When the man asked for
replied, father."5
Accordingt o Islamict eachingst,h e rervardf or servinga nd
looking after Paradise. The Prophet
instructeda consultedh im about going for
I Abu Darvud.3054.
2A t -Ti rmidhi .1 261.
I Al-Bukhari, 13.
r Ahmad. 737'1.
5 Muslim. 6452.
Great Jesus Me To Islam <:$I
against his will, I will be his opponent on the Day of
The message of Isliim calls for fulfilling trusts and
shunning all acts of betrayal. One hadith states: "Give
back what you have been entrusted with to whoever
entrusted you with it, and do not betray one who has
betrayed yoU.,,2
Isliim also strongly disapproves of selfishness and
calls for man to love for others what he loves for himself.
The Prophet said, "A man is not considered a believer
until he loves for others what he loves for himself.,,3
Good morals and respect for women are also Islamic message. The Prophet said: "The believer the most complete faith is the one who moral behavior. And the best among those who are best in treating their women.,,4 man came to the Prophet and said, "0 Allah, who is most entitled to my best The Prophet said, "Your mother." "Who is next?" The Prophet replied, "Your The man asked again, "Who again replied, "Your mother." the fourth time, the Prophet "Your s
According to Islamic teachings, the reward for serving and
looking after one's mother is instructed a man who had consulted him 1 Abu Dawud. 3054.
2 At-Tirmidhi. 1261.
3 AI-13ukhari, 13.
4 Ahmad, 7374.
5 Muslim. 6452.
V lvtyG reaLt oveF orJ esusL edM eT ol sl6m
jihad he o'Stayw ith becauseP aradisei s feet."'
"Whoever Paradise."2 "\ilhoever Paradise."3
clear kindness emphasizedin teachingsa nd good Shari'ah, dolvry mariage. marrv. ' 3 106.
2 r lbn 2tl7 9
9 My Great Love For Jesus Led Me To Islam
while had a mother to take care of by saying
"Stay with her because Paradise is under her feet."!
The Prophet also said: "Whoever has a daughter and
does not humiliate her or favor his son over her will
enter Paradise.,,2 Prophet Muhammad also stated:
"Whoever has two daughters or two sisters, and treats
them well will be my close companion in Paradise.,,3
Thus, it is that to women is strongly
emphasized in Islamic teachings and is a major act
that may take one to Paradise.
According to the Shari 'ah, males are responsible
for the welfare of females, whether he happens to be a
father, son, brother or even a ruler. She is entitled to her
share of the inheritance, to a dowry at the time of
marriage, to choose whom she wishes to marry, and to
1 An-Nasa'i. 3106.
2 Ahmad. 1966.
3 Ibn Abi Shaibah. 21179.