

The Prayer (Salah)

The Prayer (salah) is to be said in Arabic and requires some memorization, so, it usually takes a little time to learn correctly and fully and get used to it.  Not knowing Arabic should not discourage you; just pray the prayer (salah) to the best of your ability.

A new Muslim has to realize that the orders of Allah are to be followed within the limit of his or her ability and endurance.  If you find it difficult to memorize all of what is necessary for the prayers, it may be a good idea in the meantime to write it on a piece of paper and read them in prayer.  If you are unable to do even this, it is sufficient that you say any or all of the following instead:

·Subhanallah                               ‘How Perfect is Allah!’

·Al-hamdu lil-lah                         ‘All praise and thanks are for Allah’

·La ilaha il-lal-lah                       ‘There is no god except Allah’

·Allahu Akbar                             ‘Allah is the Greatest’


Here is an example of a 2 unit prayer (like the Fajr prayer), based on the last method of prayers explained above.

1.  Stand straight facing the direction of prayer.

2.  Raise your hands up to the shoulders and say Allahu Akbar. See Figure 1.


Figure 1

3.  Then place your right arm over your left arm and place both of them on the chest. In the standing position, say Subhanallah. See Figure 2.



Figure 2

4.  Then say  Allahu Akbar and go to the bowing position. See Figure 3. In the bowing position say Subhanallah.



Figure 3

5.  Then get up from the bowing position to stand straight again. Say Allahu Akbar while getting up. See Figure 4. Here say Subhanallah.



Figure 4

6.  Then go to the position of prostration. See Figure 5. Say Allahu Akbar while going down. In the position of prostration say Subhanallah.



Figure 5

7.  Then come to the sitting position as in Figure 6. While sitting up, say Allahu Akbar. In the sitting position say Subhanallah.



Figure 6

8.   Then again go to the position of prostration (see figure 5).  Say Allahu Akbar while going down. In the position of prostration say Subhanallah.

9.   Stand up again while saying Allahu Akbar and repeat Step 3 to 8.

10. Then come to the sitting position as in Figure 6. While sitting up, say Allahu Akbar. In the sitting position say Subhanallah.

11. Then conclude the prayer by turning your head to the right then left, each time saying As-salaamu alaikum. See Figures 7 and 8.



Figure 7



Figure 8


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