
How to Invite a Non-Muslim Husband to Islam

QAssalam My name is Elisa and I am 31 years old. I have 13 years of marriage and two boys (12 and 8). I reverted to Islam this past March this year my husband is non Muslim still. I would like to know a way to invite him to Islam. I have given him reading material and a Quran in our native language (Spanish). Also, I have taken into the mosque but no brother approached him and he does not want to go back. What else can I do?


Remember, the best dawah we can give is the dawah of character. Let him see the positive influence Islam has had on you. Highlight the positive changes in yourself and let those shine through.

When it feels right, tell him that these changes are due to Islam. Try to guide him gently towards Islam, but let him decide the pace.


Assalaam alaykum wa rahmatullah, Elisa. Thank you so much for your question and congratulations on becoming Muslim. Alhamdulillah.

May Allah guide your husband to Islam and may He reward you for your attempts to invite him to the deen. Masha’Allah, it looks like you covered a lot of the bases as far as trying to educate your husband about Islam. Insha’Allah my advice will be beneficial to you.

Take an Active Role

Are you giving your husband reading material and letting him look through it? If so, I suggest reading it through with him. Set aside some time for the two of you and ask him to read with you. If there is a particular subject that is of interest to him, perhaps you could research it together.

Take a similar approach to this in terms of going to the mosque. I don’t know your husband’s personality, but if someone were to take me to a mosque and just leave me with the women in hopes that someone would talk to me, I would be very uncomfortable. Do you have any Muslim friends? If you want to introduce him to other Muslims, then I suggest creating a more structured social situation. If he sees you at ease with others, then he may become more at ease, himself.

You mentioned that your native language is Spanish. Do you live in an area with a lot of Spanish-speaking converts? Masha’Allah, there are some communities in the US that have Spanish-speaking mosques to accommodate the growing number of converts who speak Spanish primarily. If you live in such an area, maybe try going to one of those mosques.

Cater to His Personality

You know your husband best! What does he like? What sort of things does he respond to? Does he like learning about history? Maybe discuss some important people or events in Islamic history.

Does he enjoy philosophical discussions? There is plenty of that in any religion! Perhaps you could discuss the nature of God, or His attributes, or how belief in God and science can coexist. Is he social? Bring some Muslim acquaintances around for him to meet.

You know the things that your husband enjoys. Try to introduce Islam to him with a focus on those strong areas. What are some parts of Islam that you think he will really like? Talk about those!

Furthermore, what are the things holding him back from accepting Islam? Talk about those as well. See if you can overcome his objections.

Take it Slow

I don’t know about you, but if I had ever felt that someone was trying to push me towards Islam, I would have gone running in the opposite direction. Try to educate and encourage and invite your husband, yes, but also don’t be too pushy if he isn’t immediately receptive.

Remember, the best dawah we can give is the dawah of character. Let him see the positive influence Islam has had on you. Highlight the positive changes in yourself and let those shine through. When it feels right, tell him that these changes are due to Islam. Try to guide him gently towards Islam, but let him decide the pace.

I wish you the best of luck, dear sister. May Allah guide you along your journey and help your husband see the beauty and light that is Islam.

And Allah knows best.

I hope this helps.

Salam and please keep in touch.

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