Between_Islam_And_Christianity Maintenance and Alteration

Between_Islam_And_Christianity 5️⃣
4️⃣Maintenance and Alteration ⤵️⤵️
Almighty Allah has promised  to maintain His Book (The Holy Quran)from change as He clearly said :
(9.Indeed, it is We who sent down the message [i.e., the Quran], and indeed, We will be its guardian. ) 15:9 
And He also said :
( 82.Then do they not reflect upon the Quran ? If it had been from [any] other than Allah,they would have found within it much contradiction. ) 4:82

 Allah Almighty has said  the truth  that if the Holy Quran had been from other than Allah ,many  contradictions  would be found in it..And some people have tried to find mistakes or contradictions in the Holy Quran, however, they couldn't find any and instead of  that, they were shocked finding  many scientific facts such as the splitting of the moon ,Pharoe's  body,the Science of Atom , Science of Embryology up to the scandal of priests who purchased  the verses of Allah in the (Bible)
for a little price.You can recite (Read) the Holy Quran in front of women,men without feeling in shame because there's no  verse that having rudeness of shameful meaning as some verses in the Bible  read in the Churches.

The greatest evidence of maintaining the Holy  Quran is  that you'll find  even small children   memorizing  it and also many Non-Arabic Muslims have learnt it by heart .All praises for those who have learnt the Holy Quran by heart  .There is a great objective evidence of maintaining the   Holy Quran . It is the oldest copy of the Holy Quran in the world. It was written during the rule of  Othman Ben Afan   (May Allah be pleased with him). You can compare it with the Quran of nowadays . I challenge you if you can find any difference between them even in one letter.
And about the Holy Book ⏩⏩ (The book.............?) As they say "Speak without limits". How do you believe in it oh Christian , in a book you have the Knowledge that's written by human who is fallible . In Christianity  Prophets and other people  are fallible. So how those who wrote the Bible  be infallible in writing the Bible? I don't know‼️
So why do we find many stories  of adultery {Incest, fornication of Prophets and ordinary people } and they are mentioned in details.
How could any Christian read a story such as Oholah and Oholibah to his daughters? And how can  a father read to his daughters the story of Lot who as stated in the Bible raped his daughters and had sons from them. Surely this is the blind ignorance of those who believe in Bible. As  the holy book wasn't from God, so,we will certainly find contrasts and differences in it .⤵️⤵️

* Genesis 1 :24-27 God created animals before humankind. 
* Genesis 2 : 7&19 God created humankind before animals.
* Genesis 1 : 31 God admired what He created. 
* Genesis 6 : 5-6 God doesn't admire what he created and he get sad ..
* Genesis 16 : 15 ,21 : 1-3 Ibrahim has two children Ishmael and Isaac.
* Hebrews 11 : 17 Ibrahim has one Child Issac.
* Matthew 10 : 34 Jesus came to bring sword not peace. 
* Luke 12 : 49-53 Jesus came to bring fire and division. 
* John 16 : 33 Jesus came to bring Peace .
* While he said in Luke 19 : 27.But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them—bring them here and kill them in front of me.
* Matthew 5: 44 & Luke 6 : 27-28 :
*  44.But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you
* 27-28 .But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.
I want you to logically reply to these scandals and I know that I will not hear except silence because your brains have been washed away  by the Priests and unfortunately most of them know the truth 
But arrogance and  fear prevail the truth.