How can a person who cannot read and write, copy and edit

How can a person who cannot read and write, copy and edit ❓🤪😅😂

The Christians are confused. Some say that the Qur'an teachings are Satanic, but at the same time they say that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam copied from the Bible 😅 In this way, are they not implying that their own Bible is influenced by Lucifer? 🤷🏻‍♂️

And there's no evidence whatsoever that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam learnt the content of Qur'an from Christian or Jewish sources. It's confirmed by all historians that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam was unable to read and write and that he had no formal education at all❗😊

And even if he could read, there was no Arabic translation of the Bible neither Apocryphal writings available during the Prophet’s time, as Ernst Würthwein informs us in his book, "The Text of the Old Testament" :

"With the victory of Islam the use of Arabic spread widely and for Jews and Christians in the conquered lands it became the language of daily life. This gave rise to the need of Arabic versions of the Bible, which need was met by a number of versions mainly independent and concerned primarily for interpretation." 
(Würthwein pg. 104)

Thus, the first translations of the Hebrew Bible in Arabic appeared after the advent of Islam. 

Sidney H. Griffith, who has done extensive research on the Arabic manuscripts of the New Testament says:

"The oldest dated manuscript containing the Gospels in Arabic is Sinai Arabic MS 72... A colophon informs us that the MS was written by Stephen of Ramleh in the year 284 of the Arabs, i.e., 897 AD." (Griffith, page 131–132)
And Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam had died in 632 CE 😊

Furthermore, when the Qur'an states the same as the Bible, these irrational Christians say it has copied the Bible. But when the Qur'an says something different to the Bible, they say the Qur'an made an error. So they want their bread buttered on both sides? Only stupid people will be fooled by these kinds of arguments.

Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam was living in Makkah all his life. There were no Jews in Makkah. He only migrated to Medinah after he had already received Prophethood about ten years previously. 

He entered Madinah as the Prophet and leader of the Arabs. Now why would the Jews of Madinah now school him in the ways of Judaism❓ 😅 They hated him and were often sending their rabbis to test the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

Christian missionary arguments make no sense whatsoever. In fact they are not even arguments... they are mere excuses to continue to reject a man who is a true Prophet of God on all reasonable counts. Any judge would throw the Christian claims out of court .

And the only reason that Christians oppose all the evidence is.... Because the Bible says something different. And by now, we all know just how unreliable the Bible is 🤦🏻‍♂️

And what about a Christian presence in Arabia? The New Catholic Encyclopedia  states concerning the time of the Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) : 

" The Hijaz [Arabian Peninsula] had not been touched by Christian preaching. Hence organization of the Christian church was neither to be expected nor found." [New Catholic Encyclopedia,  Op.Cit, Vol.  1, pp.  721-722]

And lastly, Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam had most impeccable character, was known as Al Ameen (the Trustworthy) long before he claimed Prophethood, and nobody had ever witnessed him tell a lie - not even his pagan enemies❗So how could such an honest man lie about God❓😃

So, based on objective evidence, the non-literate Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam could only have acquired knowledge of the Qur'an from Elohim /Allah . Read it and make up your own mind about its authenticity. Don't let others tell you what to believe. This is your own Salvation at stake!