•As a child he was not God!!!!
Because Mary and Joseph received a message from God above to flee with Jesus to Egypt. Mathew 2:13....

•As a young man he was not God because Satan tempted him Mathew 4:2. God is not tempted. James 1:13.

•As an adult/man he was not God because he said.........

•He doesn't know the day of judgement. But only God!!! (Mark 13:32)...

•As a person he was not God.
Because he was worshiping God.
.Mathew 26:39. Luke 6:12

•When doing miracles he was not God because its God who supplied powers to Him, acts 2:22....

•On the alleged cross he was not God because he cried to Allah/Elah My God My God why are u forsaken me!!!!!
Mathew 26:46....

•In the grave he was not God.
Because GOD cannot die (Psalm 121:4) 1 timothy 6:16

•When he alleged resurrected he was not God.
Because Paul said! GOD is the one who resurrected him.
2corithians 4:14..

•When he came back from alleged death ...he was not God still.
Because he still said.
Am Going to my God. John 20:17....

•When he was raising in heaven to heaven in motion he was not God because GOD is the one who raised him....
Mark 16:19...

•Finally Finally landed in heaven.
..jesus still is not God because he sat at the right side of GOD.
Mark 16:19.....Acts 7:56......

•On the judgement day still Jesus is not God because only God has authority to choose.....
Mathew 20:23.......

•During time of creation .....Jesus was not God because Beside God there was no other God and no other like him. He created the universe alone
Isaiah 46:8. Isaiah 44:24

•When he was seen he is not God coz God cannot be seen. 1 timothy 6:16

👉God is God has been GOD and never stopped to be GOD at any point..

🔺So am Declaring that Jesus is not God. Worship him at your own risk but don't say you were not warned!!

📗Quran 43:82
Glorified is the Lord of the heavens and earth , exalted is He from all they ascribe to him.

📗43:83....Leave them to speak non sense and play until they meet the Day of theirs which they have been promised.

📗It is He Allah who is the only God to be worshiped in the heavens and earth, And Allah is the All wise ,the All mighty.

📗It is him who has the knowledge of the last hour and to whom you will be returned.