
Man needs guidance in his life.He can use his brain , but brain is not a perfect guide because his knowledge is limited.

It can know about the past, maybe the present but never the future.
It can make a choice but never knows what is the best choice.

Man needs guidance from the All_knowing ,the All_ wise,
The All knowing, Whose Knowledge encompasses all things, seen and unseen, secret and open, everything that is inevitable or impossible or possible, in heaven and on earth, the past, the present and the future. Nothing whatsoever is hidden from Him.

The wise, Who has ultimate wisdom, in His creation and in His commands, who puts things in their rightful places and gives them their rightful status.

He is the One Who is in a position to run the affairs of His creation, by His knowledge and the perfection of His power and His encompassing wisdom. 

Man needs the guidenc of his Creator Almighty God.