After Divorce, I Crave for Love

After Divorce, I Crave for Love
27 July, 2021
QSalam Aleikom sister, I just got divorced. I am a Muslim woman. I crave love and I am scared I will do something haram. What can I do with my desires after divorce?

Aisha Mohammad
27 July, 2021
In this counseling answer:

• Take up a new hobby. Join a gym and engage in an exercise program.

•  Attend social events with friends. Join Islamic classes for learning and increasing your knowledge.

•  Get more involved with life activities and acts of worship.

•  Make duaa to Allah and ask Him to help guide you and deal with the situation of your feelings for desire.

Getting Divorce? Here Are Five Things to Consider
Getting Divorce? Here Are Five Things to Consider
As salamu Alaykum dear sister,
I am sorry to hear about your divorce sister. However, Allah Knows Best. I am sure that you will be in a better position in the future.

Support AboutIslam in 2021
Getting divorced is an emotional experience, which can cause pain, depression, and sadness. It also leaves one desiring love, intimacy, and a connection.

Voids After Divorce
When one is married and then gets divorced, there appears to be avoided because you are used to being with someone. You are used to sharing special intimate times with a husband. Now that there is no longer a husband, you are left with just your feelings of desire.

Dealing with Desires
Sister, I kindly advise you to consider keeping your mind busy to ward off your desires. While desires are normal and natural as we are human beings, there are things we can do to decrease the intensity and frequency.

Take up a new hobby. Join a gym and engage in an exercise program. Attend social events with friends. Join Islamic classes for learning and increasing your knowledge. Get more involved with life activities and acts of worship. It is difficult to feel desire when one is focused on spiritual pursuits.

After Divorce, I Crave for Love - About Islam
Go to Allah for Strength
I kindly advise that insha’Allah, you also make duaa to Allah and ask Him to help guide you and deal with the situation of your feelings for desire. By depending on and trusting in Allah’s mercy and protection, insha’Allah you will soon find that your desires are more manageable.

Check out this counseling video:

Life after divorce is not an easy transition. Feelings of desire may be one of the hardest to deal with.

However, with an active lifestyle involving a balance in the areas of Islamic activities, family, friends, personal pursuits, you should be able to control your feelings of desire.

When our lives are not balanced and lack positive things and people, we tend to have more time to overthink our issues, especially regarding a desire for intimacy.

Please do try the tips and advises sister, insha’Allah it will help.

We wish you the best!