Why doesnt society accept homosexuals


There are two reasons for not accepting homosexuals:
1. Because it is against the natural creation of humans:
We here talk about humans who have free will and mind, not animals that don't have free will or mind to think with. So, society does not accept the comparison of homosexuals as homosexuality is present between some animals but it mustn’t be present between humans.

2. Because science doesn't accept homosexuals as normal people. Science considers homosexuality as a mental disorder and depends on treating the behavior of the individual, and couldn't prove that genetics play a role in it.

Science classified homosexuality as a mental disorder to abnormal behavior and these abnormal behaviors may be due to:
A- Genetics:
Maybe genes increase the feeling of homosexuals toward the same gender but they do not make homosexuals without the free will on their behaviors; homosexuality is a personal choice.
If genes really play a role in homosexuality, this role will be the same in Alcoholism; alcoholics can be treated from addiction through treatment, changing the environment, and supporting the will of the addicted individual. all that can change the feelings coming from genes and help the addict to live a normal life. That also applies to Pedophilia and Kleptomania.
So, genes cannot control the individual's behavior or life; only the free will of an individual can control his life.

B- Environment:
It is the second important reason for homosexuality. Science says that the environment is the big source for homosexual behavior and it may be the only reason for homosexuality; statistics find an increasing percentage of homosexual behavior among the children adopted by gay parents. This means that genes do not make gays, but the environment which encourages or practices homosexual behaviors makes children acquire the same behaviors and feel the same feelings that will grow with them.

C-The will of an individual:
Homosexual behaviors are under the control of the free will of individuals.
Some sex addicts start practicing homosexuality after entering the world of gays as a new way for entertainment. This means that homosexuality is a personal choice, not a nature that God created.


Islam considers homosexuality as a prohibited practice, just like adultery; but Islam does not hold people accountable for their feelings as long as they don't turn into actions or behaviors.

Prophet Lot told his nation, in the Quran, that the practices of homosexuality are prohibited from God and if they did not stop doing that, God would punish them.

 That means that if God created homosexuals with this nature, He would not prohibit them from practicing it or punish them because God is Just.

In Islam, Muslims believe that Allah the All-Knowing the All-Wise did not prohibit something except because it's harmful to people.

 He created us and knows what is good for us and what is not. 

That is what medical researches prove as many terminal diseases afflict homosexuals like HIV and Kaposi's sarcoma and others.

Besides, the increasing percentage of suicide between gays means that the practices of homosexuality are not things that can provide happiness or relief.

Finally, what is the solution?

The solution, God taught us, is to support your free will, to control your feelings and your life, and change the environment that helps you in practicing or seeing homosexuals’ behaviors.

 If you can't support yourself alone, you can see a psychiatrist who can help you.

 Many gays became normal people after changing their life and getting married from the other gender and led a normal life with their new family.

 Just decide for yourself, for your happiness; this is the real struggle.
Be strong. Get back to the nature that God created you on.

If you say  I was converted to Islam but now I am  apostate , nobody will kill you ! 
Because there is not any ruler who applies this law , regardless of whether you deserve this or not .
Keep in mind that Islam doesnot search in your heart nor check your intention . 
Islam deals with people ostensibly.
So, You are free to believe in whatever you want because Islam doesnot order us to investigate otherَs depths

 Prophet Mohammad peace and blessings be upon him applied the rule of apostasy on some people .

Religious scholars says that there is no problem with the apostate as long as he sticks at home and does nothing harmful to Islam .But if this apostate man speaks out against Islam and  offends it , in this case  the Muslim ruler should kill him  (but only the Muslim ruler not someone else)   , because this apostate arouses sedition .
Nowadays , such a rule is not applied.