Jesus teaching vs the church 


??Jesus says:( O israel, the Lord our God is one Lord) mark 12:29

Church teaching there are 3 God in one God !! Father ,son ,holy spirit

??Jesus said ( you shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve) matthew 4:10

Church teaching : worship Jesus the living God.

??Jesus said (I have not been sent but to the lost sheep of israel) matthew 15:24

Church teaching ; Jesus is for whole mankind and he died for everyone sins.

??Jesus said(of my own self ,I can do nothing) john 5:30

Church teaching, Jesus can do everything and anything.

??Jesus said (All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me ) It is  "given" , not his own Authority matthew 28:18

Church teaching ,All authority is of Jesus alone .

??Jesus said ( Another comforter will come to guide you) john 16:13 

Church teaching , Jesus was God in flesh came to guide us.

??Jesus said (If you want to eternal life obey the commandments) Matthew 19:17

Church teaching ,to believe Jesus died for your sin will give you eternal life.