What actually happens however in space? 

??What actually happens however in space? 

American astronauts have seen and photographed what happens from their spaceships, especially at a great distance from Earth, e.g. from the Moon. They saw how the Sun permanently lights up (except in the case of an eclipse) the half of the Earth's surface that is facing it, while the other half of the globe is in darkness. The Earth turns on its own axis and the lighting remains the same, so that an area in the form of a half-sphere makes one revolution around the Earth in twenty-four hours while the other half-sphere, that has remained in darkness, makes the same revolution in the same time. 

??This perpetual rotation of night and day is quite clearly described in the Quran. It is easy for the human understanding to grasp this notion nowadays because we have the idea of the Sun's (relative) immobility and the Earth's rotation. This process of perpetual coiling, including the interpenetration of one sector by another is expressed in the Quran just as if the concept of the Earth's roundness had already been conceived at the time-which was obviously not the case.


that's not only in Qur’an. All other scriptures have the same concept. God created us to worship him according to his own rules, sent us prophets and messengers to deliver us His message and He gave us the choice either we obey Him & go to heaven or disobey Him & deserve hell. That's fair enough. Every choice has its sequence. It does make sense. So, if you choose kidding yourself about that, it's up to you.
My advise to you is to search deeper. Use an authentic explanation of the Meanings of Qur’an from an authentic source to be able to understand it properly.

A questioner is asking: Why did Allaah create mankind when He knows what their destiny will be, in Paradise or Hell? - Islam Question & Answer

Allaah has not created mankind in order to put some of them in Paradise and the others in Hell! 

This is a mistaken notion. It is not for this purpose that Allaah created mankind and brought them into being. 

The purpose behind the creation of man and the creation of heaven and earth, is to know that Allaah, may He be glorified and exalted is their Lord , and to worship him  alone . 

Allah wants you to know the perfection of His power, the all-encompassing nature of His knowledge, which requires knowing Him and His names and attributes, and affirming His oneness. 

Allah clearly states in Quran that he does not admit anyone to Hell except after leaving no excuse and warning on the lips of the Messengers. 

This excuse is completely ruled out here by the sending of the Messengers with glad tidings and warnings.

And there is for you in legal retribution [saving of] life, O you [people] of understanding, that you may become righteous.

This verse from Quran came after this one ????????

O you who have believed, prescribed for you is legal retribution for those murdered - the free for the free, the slave for the slave, and the female for the female. But whoever overlooks from his brother anything, then there should be a suitable follow-up and payment to him with good conduct. This is an alleviation from your Lord and a mercy. But whoever transgresses after that will have a painful punishment. Quran chapter 2