Did you know about Michael Hart, the author of the book "The 100 Most Influential People"

Did you know about

Michael Hart, the author of the book "The 100 Most Influential People", it took him 28 years to complete it.
He ranked Prophet Mohammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) No 1 on the list.

While he was giving a lecture in London, he was booed and interrupted.
People were complaining as to why he ranked Prophet Muhammed صلى الله عليه وسلم as No 1?

He says: “My choice of prophet Muhammad to lead the list of the world's most influential persons may surprise some readers and may be questioned by others, but he was the only man in history who was supremely successful on both the religious and secular levels.”
He is the most successful prophet of all the prophets of Abrahamic religion (i.e Monotheism) by single handely abolished idolatry from middle east (Arabia, Persia and some parts of Israel) which no other prophet can do! He also united the most corrupted communities of his time and brought them all together under one religion one God(Allah)! God of Abraham!

"The Prophet Muhammad stood in the middle of Makkah in the year 611 and said to the people: 'I am the Prophet of Allah'. 
Four people believed in him; his BEST FRIEND, his WIFE and two KIDS!
Now, even after 1400 years, the number of Muslims has gone over 1.5 billion and still expanding.
He could not have been a liar, because a lie will not last 1400 years! nor could you fool 1.5 billion people!
Another thing to ponder is that even after all this time, millions of Muslims will not hesitate to sacrifice their lives over one word that would hurt their Prophet".