The laws of Islam are just and fair

“And whoever does righteous good deeds, male or female, and  
is a (true) believer in the Oneness of God such will enter Paradise  
and not the least injustice, even to the size of a speck on the back  
of a date-stone, will be done to them.” Qur'an ( 4:124 )

Islam however recognizes that equality does not mean that men  
and women are the same. It takes into account their differences in  
physiology, nature and temperament. It is not a question of  
superiority or inferiority, rather a question of natural abilities and  
having different roles in life. 

The laws of Islam are just and fair  
and take these aspects into consideration. 

Men have been assigned the duty to work and provide for their family and women have  
been assigned the role of motherhood and homemaking. Islam  
states however that that the roles are not exclusive nor are they  
 Women can work or serve society and men are able to  
take responsibility for their children or their household. 

It is interesting to note that where women choose to work the money  
they earn is their own however a man must provide financially for  
the whole family.


How do we know Islam is the truth? 

1- It is the only religion that holds Allah as One,  
Unique, and Perfect.  
2- It is the only religion that believes in the sole  
worship of Allah, not Jesus, not an idol, and not an angel , only Allah.
3- The Quran does not contain contradictions. 
4- The Quran contains scientific facts, which are  
1300 years ahead of their time. The Quran, while  
revealed 1400 years ago contains scientific facts,  
which are only now being discovered. It is not in  
contradiction to science. 
5- Allah has challenged the world to produce the like  
of the Quran. And He says they won't be able to. 
6- Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was the  
most influential man in history. In the book "The 100  
most influential men in History", written by non- 
Muslim, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon  
him) was #1. 

Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him)  
was #3. 

It should be noted that even the Prophet  
Jesus (peace be upon him) was a prophet sent by  
All prophets are honored from Allah , and we make no distinction between any of His messengers.