prophecies of prophet Muhammed in Hinduism

نبوءات النبى صلى الله عليه وسلم فى الهندوسية

Clear prophecies of Hindus  that speak of our Prophet Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him). These prophecies do not necessarily mean that all of these books are sound or true; rather they point to a few words of truth remaining in them, that was taken from the Messages and Prophets that were sent a long time ago.

“At that time in the city of Shambhala (which means the safe land or place of peace), in the house of a man whose name is Vishnu Bhagat (meaning ‘Abdullah or slave of God), who is pure of heart, in his house will be born Kalki (meaning one who is pure and free of sins and iniquities).”
Bhagavata Purana, 2/18 
It is well-known that the name of the father of our Prophet Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) was ‘Abdullah (meaning slave of Allah or servant of God), and in the Qur’an, Makkah (Mecca) is called the safe land.

“Kalki will be born in the house of Vishnu Bhagat, from his wife Soomati, whose name means the woman of peace and security, which is the meaning of the name Aaminah.”
Kalki Purana, 2/11 
It is also well-known that the name of the mother of our Prophet Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) was Aaminah bint Wahb.

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“He will be born on the twelfth of the month called Madhva (also known as Chaitra, spring month) [which means the month that is beloved to people, which is the month of ar-Rabee‘ (lit. “spring”)].”
Kalki Purana, 2/15 
The books of the Prophet’s biography clearly state the date of his birth, which was the twelfth of the month of Rabee‘ al-Awwal, although there are differences of opinion among the scholars. 

“Kalki will have eight characteristics, as follows: 
Pragya (foretell the future)
Culinata (one of the noblest of his people)
Indridaman (self-control)
Shrut (receive revelation)
Prakram (physical strength)
Abhu bhashita (speaks little)
Dan (generous)
Kritagyata (acknowledges kindness).” 
All of them are a few of the attributes of Sayyiduna Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) which were acknowledged by all the Arabs who knew him, whether they entered Islam or remained disbelievers. 

“He will ride on a horse from which light comes, and no one can compete with his awe and beauty; he will be circumcised; and will destroy hundreds of thousands of wrongdoers and disbelievers
Bhagavata Purana, 12-2-20 
Circumcision is not practised by the Hindus; rather it is an Islamic obligation upon the males of the ummah of Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him). 

“With the help of four of his companions he will destroy the devil, and the angels will come down to earth to help him in his battles.”
Kalki Purana, 2/5-7 
The four companions of our Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) are the Rightly-Guided Caliphs who ruled after him. The scholars of Islam are unanimously agreed that they are the best of mankind after our Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him). 

“After he is born, he will go to the mountains to learn from Parasurama (meaning the great teacher), then he will go to the North, then he will return to his birthplace.”
Kalki Purana
This is how the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) was: he secluded himself in the cave of Hira’ until Jibreel came down to him with the revelation; then he migrated to the north, to al-Madinah al-Munawwarah, then he returned to Makkah as a conqueror.

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“The people will be enchanted with the fragrance that comes from his body, for the fragrance of his pure body will mix with the air, and will delight the people.”
Bhagavata Purana, 2/2/21 
“The first one to slaughter and offer sacrifices will be Ahmadu and he will become like the sun.”
Sama Veda, 3/6/8 

“A spiritual teacher will come with his noble companions and will become famous among the people by the name of Mahaamad. The ruler will come to him saying: O desert dweller, O destroyer of the devil, performer of miracles, innocent of all evil, adhering to the truth, speaking of the knowledge of God and loving Him, peace be upon you, I am your slave and will live beneath your feet.”
Bhavishya Purana, 3/3/5-8 

“During these stages, when the time comes for the emergence of good for all mankind, then truth will be established and darkness will end with the appearance of Muhammad, and the light of understanding and wisdom will shine.
Bhagavata Purana, 2/76 
These texts clearly mention the name of Muhammad or Ahmad, both of which are names of the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him). Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning):
“…and giving glad tidings of a Messenger to come after me [‘Eesa], whose name shall be Ahmad ...”
[as-Saff 61:6]. 
“Agni Devi, bringer of the bright laws, We have placed you in the middle of the earth to offer sacrifices.”
Rig Veda, 3/29/4 

In the Hotar Veda (Rig Veda), on several scattered pages, there is mention of the foretelling of Narashans (meaning the praiseworthy man). He is described as the most handsome person on earth; his light will enter every house; he will cleanse the people of sin and iniquity; he will ride camels; he will have twelve wives… “Listen, O people! Narashans will be held in high esteem… Narashans will be praised, he will migrate from among sixty thousand and ninety people… I have given Mamaha one hundred gold coins, ten garlands and three hundred horses.” 
In the Seerah (biography of the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him)), the names of his wives are given and they add up to the number mentioned. 

“A man who lived a virtuous life came to the ruler Bhoja, ruler of Sindh, in the dead of night, and said to him: O king, your religion (arya dharma) supercedes all the religions in India, but by the decree of the greatest God, I shall cause to prevail the religion of a man who will eat all kinds of good things; he is circumcised and has on his head no braid that hangs down or is tucked up, and he has a long beard. He will bring about a great upheaval, and will call out loudly to the people. He will eat all kinds of good things apart from the flesh of swine. His religion abrogates all other religions. We call them Musalay. The greatest God is the One Who revealed that religion to him.” 
Bhavishya Purana, 3/3/3/23-27 
We say that the call to prayer (adhaan) and avoiding pork are among the most prominent distinguishing characteristics of Islam. Its followers are called Muslims, not Musalay, but these are similar words with the same origin.

أقوال علماء من الهندوس

Hindu scholars allow you to believe in the teachings of Islam and the religion that was brought by the Prophet Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him), because Hinduism – according to their scholars – is distinguished by its lack of bias and its search for the truth, so your Hinduism will not be affected whether you believe in God or not; what matters is that you continue to seek the truth.

The Indian leader Gandhi said: 

“One of the advantages of Hinduism is that it does not have a distinct doctrine. If I were to be asked about it, I would say that its doctrine is not to be biased and to seek the truth in good ways. As for belief in the existence of the Creator or otherwise, it is all the same. No Hindu is required to believe in the Creator; he is a Hindu whether he believes or not.”

He also said: 
“One of the advantages of Hinduism is that it gave up all beliefs, but it encompasses all major beliefs and the main principles of other religions.” 
Taken from his book, Hindu Dharma; quoted from Dr. al-A‘zami’s book Diraasaat fi’l-Yahoodiyyah wa’l-Maseehiyyah wa Adyaan al-Hind, p. 529-530 
For more information, please see the answer to question no.126472



All what exist in the universe is under God's possession and domination. 
He has comprehensive knowledge, prevalent power and absolute control. 

Everything is subjected to His absolute Knowledge and Will. 
The sun, planets and galaxies operate in precision without fail, since they were created.

 ??This same precision applied to the humans’ creation.
 Perfect harmony and order between body and soul show that God Never put souls of human being into bodies of animals and Never let him wander between plants and insects (reincarnation), in case which the person will never know what his past was in his last life.
In any school for example nobody can continue your exam when your time is over even if its your twin. Every soul has its own entity. When the body dies, the soul continues its own way to be judged by the Creator.

 God made the human being civilized innately and gave him mind and knowledge and assigned him vicegerent for Earth and commander over other creatures.  

God will never humiliate human beings.

 Day of Judgment, Heaven (paradise)  and Hellfire represent the Justice of the Creator , when sins and good deeds of humans are weighed as The Holy Qur'an says:  "whoever does an atom's weight of good will see it, and whoever does an atom's weight of evil will see it" (Qur'an 99: 7.8) .

 The world without laws would be a jungle without compassion or morals. 

God's commandments are a mercy to mankind.


• Hindus believe in one God but Worship many deities 
and gods. 
• Every thing is god. 
• Any powerful and strong thing will worshipped. 
• Having fear of every powerful thing. 
• Ready to please anything to avoid anger of deities. 
• Use any means or sacrifices things to please deities. 
• Every thing being worshipped, Rat, cow, elephant, snake 


Question: Is there something similar in the Quran/Islam that states that you will reap what you sow? Is it permissible to say that something is Karma? Sources will be much appreciated.


 “Reaping what one sows”, or tasting the fruits of one’s actions whether good or bad, is definitely a concept in Islam. 
The consequences of some actions, such as respecting/hurting one’s parents, can play out in one’s worldly life, but the main theater of the recompense of actions is in the Hereafter, when we will be judged by Allah Most High.

 Since karma is not a true concept, it would not be permissible to cite it, rather all causes, effects and outcomes are from Allah alone and not an unseen, automated system.
“Reaping What One Sows” in Islam
A total harvesting of the outcomes of one’s deeds does not always happen in this life, but this is why there is divine judgment after death with perfect justice. 

Allah Most High says:
“And whoever does a speck of good [in life], will see it [on the Day of Judgement]. And whoever does a speck of evil, will see it.” [Qur’an 100:7-8]

It is not deeds however, but the mercy and justice of Allah that determine each person’s fate.

Karma is a belief from ancient Indian religions in which an unseen system keeps a running total of one’s deeds throughout multiple lifetimes, to determine one’s status in fortune, caste and wisdom through each stage of reincarnation. Since reincarnation is not a true concept, with humans having only have one life to live, and the one who records all deeds and informs us of them and creates their outcomes is our Creator, there is no need to posit a theory of karma or cite it in one’s speech.
