Can Allaah create a god like Himself


1. God is not created

That is impossible, because if he were like Him, he could not have been created, and the idea that he is created and is like Him is impossible.
 If he is created he is not like Him, rather he is just one of His slaves.

2. Organized Universe

 The idea of another god existing alongside Almighty God is inherently impossible. 
There is a great deal of evidence to suggest that it is impossible, the least of which is the existence of this organized universe.
 If there were another god, the system of the universe would be spoiled because they would compete with one another and each of them would want to prevail over the other.

Almighty God says (interpretation of the meaning): 
“Had there been therein (in the heavens and the earth) gods besides Allah, then verily both would have been ruined. Glorified be Allah, the Lord of the Throne, (High is He) above what they attribute to Him!”
[al-Anbiya’ 21:22]

“Allah has not taken any son, nor has there ever been with Him any deity. [If there had been], then each deity would have taken what it created, and some of them would have sought to overcome others. Exalted is Allah above what they describe [concerning Him].”
[al-Mu’minoon 23:91]

If there was a number of gods, each one of them would have taken away that which he created and the universe would be in disarray. 

What we see is that the universe is organized and orderly, and each realm, upper and lower, is connected to the other in the most perfect manner.

 “you can see no fault in the creation of the Most Gracious” [al-Mulk 67:3]. 

 And each of them would seek to dominate the others and some of them would prevail over others.


It is impossible, because God is the One who creates it, and He is able to destroy it at any moment, so how can He be unable to lift it? 

“Allaah has power over all things” [al-Talaaq 65:12].


Because it is impossible, it is nothing. 

That which is impossible does not exist, because it cannot exist, so it is nothing, even if the mind can imagine it. It is known that the mind can assume and imagine the impossible, the mind can imagine two opposites, such as something existing and not existing, at the same time. 

God has power over “things” but that does not include things that are inherently impossible, because they are not things, rather they do not exist and they cannot be brought into existence. 

The non-existent and impossible is not a “thing”.

God has power over all things and no possible thing is beyond His power.