Allah the Sublime, has ordered the Muslims to invite others to Islam with wisdom and good admonition. He has also encouraged the Muslims to debate with the Christians in a kind manner. Allah said: { ولا تجادلوا أھل الكتاب إلا بالتي ھي أحسن إلا الذین ظلوا منھم} ( ( العنكبوت: ٤٦ “And argue not with the people of the Scriptures (Jews and Christians), unless it be in a manner that is good, except with such as do wrong..” [Qur’an 29:46] It is also the duty of every Muslim, since Allah has guided him to the true religion, to strive to guide his fellow human beings out of their darkness, and to save them from inevitable destruction. This is especially so, as Shaitan, the devil, has deceived so many people. He makes them think that the truth is falsehood, and that falsehood is the truth. He also makes their evil actions so fair-seeming to them, that they are pleased with their actions. In this way, he misleads them away from the clear truth. Consequently, these people do not search for any other than what they already have. They do not look into any other way of life, in the notion that they are satisfied with what they have and are not in need of any other. In this book however, after seeking and depending on the help of Allah, the Almighty, I have attempted to present to the Christian reader very important facts about his religio. In explaining aspects of Christianity, I was very keen on using references from books of the Christians themselves. This is in order for the Christain reader to more readily accept the statements that were made since the emanated from his own Christian scholars. No one would question the knowledge of these scholars nor their affiliation to Christianity nor thier desire to propagate it.