
What is the purpose of Jesus himself claimed I am lord worship me❓

👉🏾There is ten question in the bible research verse where did Jesus himself claimed I lord worship me there is no evidence in bible where did Jesus himself claimed

1 did Jesus himself establish and church to worship him on Saturday and Sunday❓

2 did Jesus himself say I am lord worship me❓

3 did Jesus himself say I am begotten son❓

4 did Jesus himself teach Christian the following his command❓

5 did Jesus himself say father and son are the one❓

6 did Jesus himself say I am son God❓

7 did Jesus himself say father son holy ghost three of him become one Trinity❓

8 did Jesus himself creator his mother Mary❓ 

9 did Jesus himself say I die for your sin❓

10 did Jesus himself say no one come to the father expect me❓

All there is nothing answer in there entire bible it can't see verse where his command 

✝️Because Christian brainwashing there following teach of Paul not following teach of Jesus 

Because Jesus himself true teach Muslim how to obedience and believe in oneness of God all prophet those are including believe 

May Allah make it easy for everyone to believe and obedience your servant Aameen

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