
 Thesaurus of the Defamations of the West against Islam

The German Orientalist - The Suspicion that the Quran had Prevented the Muslims from Free Thinking

the suspicion that the quran had prevented the muslims from free thinking.

the answer:

there is no verse in the holy quran that banned muslims from thinking or that laid restrictions on the minds of the muslims preventing them from thought.

we find the holy quran full of verses that urge thinking and meditation in the secrets of the universe, the soul, the animal, the plant and the seas “will you not then take thought”.

islam calls for thinking and working of the minds. such truth was proven by many verses in the holy quran. if we were to make a statistical study on the number of verses that urge the use of the mind & criticize him who neglects its use, we would find a big number of verses dealing with such issue. among the collection of verses, that urge the use of thought and encourages the study of the universe are the following:

1)     “surely in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation (or: differences) of the night and the day-time, and the ships that run in the sea with whatever profits mankind, and whatever water allah sends down from the heaven - so therewith he gives life to the earth after its death and disseminates therein all kinds of beast - and the (constant) turning about of the winds, and the clouds subjected between the heaven and the earth, (these) are indeed signs for people who consider.” (al-baqara :164)

2)     “then have they not traveled in the earth so that they have hearts to consider with or ears to hear with? surely then it is not the beholdings (i.e. the eyes) that (grow) blind, but (it is) the hearts within the breasts that (grow) blind.” (al-hajj : 46)

3)     “and do not pursue what you have no knowledge of; surely hearing and beholding and heart-sight, (or: perception) all of those will be questioned of.” (al-isra’ : 36)

4)     “surely in the creation of the heavens and the earth and in the alternation of (or: differences) the night and the daytime there are signs indeed for ones endowed with intellects.”( al-imran : 190)

5)     “and of his signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and the differences of your tongues and colors. surely in that are indeed signs for knowledgeable men.” (ar-room : 22)

many verses had presented allah (swt) blessings and his instructions and these verses end with his (swt) saying “do you then not consider” like in (al_baqara : 44, al-imran : 65, al-araf : 169, hud : 51).

in other instances these verses end with “will you not remind yourselves” (al-an’am : 80). muslims had paid special to the mental sciences and their scientific studies had included all kinds of knowledge like (mathematics, algebra, geometry, medicine, pharmacy and astronomy). they had achieved a flourishing scientific boom which never faded except the islamic world was weakened due to its being absorbed by warding off the crusades and the attacks of the mongolians and those of the western imperialism.

in islam there is no contradiction between the mind and the transcript, for the donator of both is allah (swt) and whenever a disagreement occurs between these two it can be referred to either a weakness of the mind or a misinterpretation of the transcript.

The German Orientalist Brockelmann - the Suspicion that Says: the Intensive Thinking of Muhammad in the Polytheism and Delusion of his People Motivated him for a New Religion.

the suspicion that:

the intensive thinking of muhammad – peace be upon him – in the polytheism and delusion of his people motivated him for a new religion.

the german orientalist brockelmann mentioned that the intensive thinking of muhammad – peace be upon him – in the polytheism and delusion of his people motivated him for a new religion reforming the circumstances of people and countries. brockelmann stated that it is most likely that muhammad – peace be upon him – has earlier turned to thinking in the religious matters, and this is expected usually from those who have pure souls and for whom the polytheism failed to meet their spiritual thirst.

refuting this suspicion

the picture, as portrayed by such orientalists, contained several fallacies, lies and false allegations due to their ignorance in the biography of the prophet mohammad – peace be upon him – which stated that he did not strive or seek prophethood at all; contrary, since his early childhood, he was tending to solitude & isolation and getting away from the ignorance & delusion of his people. he did not worship any idol with them.

muhammad rashid reda mentioned that: the examination of the situation of muhammad – peace be upon him – from his early life proves that allah the almighty has prepared him to carry his mission; therefore, allah has created him with pure & full nature to assign him with the religion of the pure & right nature. allah has created him with full independent mind in order to complete the good morals. moreover, allah the almighty made muhammad – peace be upon him – hate paganism, superstitions and immoral things since the early stages of his life and made him like isolation in order not to be affected with their worldly desires, physical pleasures, brutal actions such as killing people without right, or the coveted objects, such as possessing the money of people wrongfully. all of that was to send muhammad – peace be upon him – as a reformer to the corruption of the souls and to promote their morals by making mohammad – peace be upon him – their supreme example in implementing the orders of allah the almighty.

therefore, muhammad – peace be upon him – was having no idea about the revelation and did not think or seek it. accordingly, if the matter was like what they say, muhammad – peace be upon him – will not feel fear when he saw gabriel (angel of revelation- peace be upon him) and heard his voice to the degree that he has stopped his solitude and returned quickly to his home out of fear.

the prophetic traditions stated that at the beginning of revelation, the prophet – peace be upon him – felt fear when he saw the angel for the first time, and his wife khadija – may allah be pleased with her – found no way to calm the prophet – peace be upon him – except by reminding him with his good deeds and high morals; she said to him:

"o muhammad, allah the almighty will never disgrace you, you are visiting your kinship, helping the tired, giving the poor, hosting the guests, supporting people in plights". then she has taken him to her cousin waraqa bin nawfal (religious man) in order to explain the matter and assure him. waraqa said to the prophet – peace be upon him: this is the angel of revelation who was sent by allah the almighty to moses, i wish to be strong enough (he was old man), i wish to be alive when your people force you out. the prophet – peace be upon him – said: will my people force me out? he replied: yes, those who were sent with a mission like yours faced hostility and aggression, and if i remained alive to that time, i will surely support you.

French Orientlist, Paret: The Suspicion that Prophet Muhammad was not Illiterate

paret claimed that prophet muhammad (peace be upon him) was not illiterate. he argued that the verse in the noble qur ’ an that can be translated as, “and of the population of the book is he who, in case you put in his custody a hundred- weight, (literally: a kantar) will pay it back to you; and of them is he who, if you put in his custody one dinar, will not pay it back to you, except as long as you are upright over him. (or: over it) that (is) so because they said, “there is no way over us as to the common folk.” (i.e., the illiterates or the gentiles) and they say lies against allah, and they know (that).” (aal `imran :75) this does not refer to the ‘ illiterate ’ because the word ‘ ummi ’ or its plural ‘ ummeen ’ means the pagans. and, it is difficult to know with certainty that it is the prophet (peace be upon him) who is being referred to by these words.

he then mentioned some opinions of other orientalists and commented on them. he indicated that paul mentioned that the above mentioned word means the one who cannot read or write but he disagreed on the basis that none of the arabic, hebrew, or aramaic words in this respect means illiteracy. he cited the verse that can be translated as follows, “and among them are illiterates (who) do not know the book except (only) fancies, and decidedly they do (nothing) except surmise” (al-baqarah:78) as proof for his assumption.


allah the almighty wanted the prophet (peace be upon him) to be illiterate so as not to give the unbelievers of quraysh the opportunity to question his prophethood, especially that his main miracle is the written text of the noble qur ’ an. almighty allah says what can be translated as, “and in no way did you recite any book before (this), nor did you pen it with your right (hand); then the wrongdoers (literally: the doers) would indeed suspect it.” (al-`ankabut: 48)

questioning the illiteracy of the prophet (peace be upon him) is an attempt to efface facts and fabricate events. this is clear in the attempt of many orientalists to prove that the prophet (peace be upon him) was not illiterate despite the fact that it is a well-known fact that could not have been fabricated. they tried to twist the texts to prove something that these texts do not indicate either explicitly or implicitly. orientalists often resort unashamedly to blatant lies in order to mislead and confuse people.

they use the al-hudaibiyah treaty to prove their point. the part they use is reported by al-bukhari and reads as follows:

narrated al-bara ibn- ‘ azib: “when the prophet (peace be upon him) intended to perform umrah in the month of dhul-qada, the people of makkah did not let him enter makkah until he had settled the matter with them by promising to stay there for three days only. when the document of the treaty was written, the following was mentioned: ‘ these are the terms on which muhammad, allah ’ s prophet agreed (to make peace). ’ they said, “we will not agree to this, for if we believed that you are allah ’ s prophet we would not prevent you, but you are muhammad ibn-abdullah.” the prophet said, “i am allah ’ s prophet and also muhammad ibn-abdullah.” then he said to ali, “rub out (the words) ‘ allah ’ s prophet ’”, but ali said, “no, by allah, i will never rub out your name.” so, allah ’ s prophet took the document and it was written, ‘ this is what muhammad ibn-abdullah has agreed upon: no weapons will be brought into makkah except in these cases.” (1)

they claim that here the prophet (peace be upon him) wrote with his own hand and so they say, this proves that he knew how to read and write. this is one of their strongest allegations.

we can refute this allegation as follows:

we do not agree that it is explicitly written in the above narration that the prophet (peace be upon him) wrote himself. there are two possibilities: the prophet (peace be upon him) did the writing himself or ali (may allah be pleased with him)wrote it and because of this the prophet (peace be upon him) was referred to figuratively as the writer because he issued the order. this resembles the order the prophet (peace be upon him) issued for the phrase ‘ muhammad, the prophet of allah ’ to be engraved in his ring. the narration says, ‘ he (the prophet) engraved his ring ’ but this is just a figurative use of the word.

the other point is that three narrators narrated the above hadith: al-miswar ibn-makhrama, marwan ibn-al-hakam, and al-bara ibn- ‘ azib. they all mentioned the prophet ’ s (peace be upon him) order to ali (ay allah be pleased with him) to write. in the narration of al-bara ibn- ‘ azib, the narrators did not narrate the whole story but chose some snapshots from here or there. this resulted in confusion and lack of clarity. the issue is that when ali (may allah be pleased with him) refused to rub out the prophet ’ s (peace be upon him) name, the prophet (peace be upon him) asked him to show him the phrase and then he (peace be upon him) rubbed it out himself and then ali (may allah be pleased with him) continued writing.

the prophet (peace be upon him) asking ali (may allah be pleased with him) to show him the phrase is a clear indication that the prophet (peace be upon him) was unable to locate it himself. this entails that he could not read and if so, how could he write in the first place?

another point is that if the pagan negotiator saw the prophet (peace be upon him) writing a word, he would have narrated that and used it to attack the reliability of the prophet (peace be upon him).

for the third point, let us assume that the prophet (peace be upon him) knew how to read or write his own name in full, does that mean he was literate? absolutely not. imam zahabi wrote, “ the prophet (peace be upon him) must have learnt how to read and write his name in full, especially that he was so intelligent. he saw it written many times by his writers. therefore, even if he knew how to do that, this does not mean he was not illiterate.” many illiterate people know how to recognize and write their own names but they cannot do more that that.

finally, was it not strange that the people of makkah, who lived with the prophet (peace be upon him) for years, never discovered he was lying to them regarding his literacy? is this something that can be hidden from all the people for years? i think not.

Orientalist Bart Rudi-the Suspicion of Questioning the validity of the Holy Quran

bart, rudi

born in 1901, rudi studied the semitic, turkish and persian languages during the period 1920 to 1924. he studied at the university of tuebingen and graduated at the hands of the german orientalist, whitman.

he spent two years in cairo (1925-1926) during which his initial interest was popular literature; however, later his attention turned to the arabic language and islamic studies, especially the noble quran. he assumed many scientific posts including, teacher at tuebingen university and professor at heidelberg university, but later he returned to tuebingen as a professor of arabic and islamic studies during the period 1951 to 1968.

one of his most important books is " muhammad and the quran" . he translated the meanings of the noble quran into the german language and wrote a book about the quran entitled " the quran: a comment and an index" .

christian influence

bart spoke about christian influence saying:

“ during the era of prophet muhammad in makka, people ’ s knowledge of christianity was limited and incomplete and the arab christians were going in the wrong direction with their beliefs. therefore, there was room for the emergence of deviant heterodox views. had it not been for that, allah ’ s messenger (peace be upon him) would not have been aware of such views which deny the crucifixion of jesus, and others including the theory of the trinity; that it does not mean the father, the son and the holy ghost, but rather, it refers to god, jesus and mary. 

the knowledge that allah ’ s messenger (peace be upon him) could gather about the life of jesus and his influence was limited. on the other hand, muhammad (peace be upon him) had a great deal of knowledge about the birth of jesus and his mother mary. ”

obviously, what rudi wanted to say is that the information mentioned in the quran about jesus, his mother and christianity, was the available widespread information at that time even though it might be limited or incorrect. according to him, this means that muhammad (peace be upon him) is the author of the quran.

questioning the validity of the noble quran

rudy says at the beginning of his german translation of the noble quran, as if responding to his fellows who were questioning the validity of the quran: “ we do not have any reason to believe that there is any verse in the noble quran that was not made (forged) by muhammad (peace be upon him). ” he continues with his suspicion, saying that the language of the quran certainly does not differ from the language of secular literature.

reply to this suspicion

it is well-known that the quranic language is exclusive. the fluency and eloquence of the arabs, who were famous for both, fell short of simulating its language.

the revelation challenged them to come up with even one verse like the quran but they failed to meet this challenge which still exists and will continue to do so until judgment day.

some of them tried to simulate the language of the quran and we shall mention here some of these attempts.

the liar musailamah said: “ oh frog daughter of frogs, what a good croak you have. you do not prevent one who wants to drink from drinking and you do not make the water turbid. stay in the ground until the bat brings you the certain news. we possess half of the earth and quraish has the other half, but quraish are an invading nation. ”

he also said: “ have you not seen what god had made of the pregnant woman. he made her give birth to a human being from among the guts and intestines. ” furthermore, he said: “the elephant, what do you know of the elephant?, it has a long trunk.” also: “ croak as you always do, you never reach the water and you do not stop others from drinking ” . al-nadr, son of al-harith, said: “ oh those who cultivate and those who reap and those who grind and those who knead and those who bake bread. ”

the muslims of earlier times understood the value of the opposition of musailamah and al nadr so their belief in the noble quran was strengthened. the son of mokafa ’ wanted to oppose the quran but he realized that he was incapable of doing so, therefore, he said: “i bear witness that this quran cannot be opposed and is not the words of humans. ”

the italian scholar, gabrielli, said: “the irresponsible statements of some orientalists that muhammad is the author of the quran are void of truth. they are merely unsuccessful attempts to undermine the religion and the prophet. ”

if the quran was not superior they would have been able to come up with something that might have opposed it. since they were not able to do so, it was obvious they had discovered that it is far beyond their rhymes and methods of composition, so their ambition dissipated.

The Orientalist Arnold Thomas Walker – The Suspicion Saying: “The Succession System (Khilafa) Doesn't Accommodate Any System of Opposition or Freedom of Opinion”

orientalist, arnold thomas, concluded a study about the theory of succession (khilafa) in islam as an administrative governing system and unfortunately, came up with several incorrect perspectives and baseless judgments. he was of the opinion that the system of succession does not accommodate any system of opposition or freedom of opinion like that which prevails in europe nowadays.

refuting this doubt

1- allegiance and obedience in islam are duties on each muslim toward a just ruler only, not for an unjust one.

2- a ruler in islam does not have absolute authority or powers, as alleged by arnold ; on the contrary, his authority is restricted to two aspects:

full compliance with the orders of allah the almighty which were mentioned in the noble qur'an, the prophetic teachings, and the consensus of the muslims.

the approval of people concerning the actions and omissions of the ruler; accordingly, consultation is one of the most important principles in the islamic government. the ruler should consult his people in important and urgent matters.

3- if the ruler deviates from these principles, he should be advised. however, if he insists on deviation and his mistakes are serious, the islamic scholars shall have two options: either to tolerate the injustice until allah the almighty commands that which he wills – this is the opinion of the scholars of the prophetic traditions – or to withdraw confidence and dismiss him if that dismissal will not cause any serious disorder – this is the opinion of jurists.

it is important to note that the aspect of opposition prevailed in the islamic government from the very beginning of the prophet's life. the prophet (peace be upon him) changed his opinions several times and adopted the viewpoint of others, if it was more appropriate.

The Orientalist Arnold Thomas Walker _ The Suspicion that the Islamic Conquests were Made for Obtaining Materials Gains and Profits

sir thomas walker arnold (1864-1930 a.d.)

he began his scientific life in cambridge university and was obsessed with learning foreign languages. he learnt the arabic language and worked as a researcher in aligarh university in india and spent ten years there. during that period he wrote his famous book 'propagation to islam' , then he worked as professor of philosophy in lahore university . in 1904 a.d. he returned to london and worked as assistant secretary in the library of the indian government department, attached to the uk ministry of foreign affairs. during the same period, he worked as part time professor in london university . in 1909 a.d. he was nominated as a general supervisor for indian students in the uk . he participated as a member in writing the islamic encyclopedia, the first version of which was issued in leiden , holland . then, he joined the orient and african studies faculty, london university , in 1916 a.d. and also worked as a visiting professor in the egyptian university on 1930 a.d. he wrote several other books apart from  propagation to islam , such as: 'caliphate' , and a book about islamic beliefs. he participated in writing the first version of the book    islamic heritage , in addition to several researches in the islamic arts.

islamic conquests were for the sake of obtaining material gains and profits?

when some people speak about the islamic conquests, they understand it according to european history and their materialistic point of view. sir thomas walker arnold was no different in this respect. according to his point of view, the islamic conquests were simply a means to obtain material gain and profits. he, and others who thought like him, depicted the islamic conquests as the last wave of immigration from the arabian peninsula which had previously witnessed similar immigrations when they were suffering from lack of resources.

refuting this suspicion

such people failed to search for the true motives of the muslims behind these conquests i.e. the motive of propagating the message of islam which aims at freeing people from the slavery that dominated the previous empires, as well as many other forms of slavery, and to guide them to the straight path of islam. the islamic conquests proved that most of the islamic army was not thinking about gain or profits; they were fighting for a noble aim i.e. islam and monotheism, and so they did not seek the transient things of this world. when the muslims defeated chosroe (kisra), the persian emperor, one of the muslim soldiers brought the treasures of kisra to medina and handed them to the caliph, omar bin al khattab (may allah be pleased with him). seeing that, omar was surprised at his trustworthiness and honesty, then ali (may allah be pleased with him) commented: "you have retained your virtue, that is why your people have retained theirs; otherwise, they would not be like this." the muslim soldiers used to worship with humility and submission during the dark hours of the night, and during the day they were gallant and fearless warriors.

it is important to note that the arabs had been living in solitude and defeatism in their peninsula for several centuries and were surrounded with wealth and fertility. before islam, they did not think to take over the wealth of either the persians or the romans; therefore, their motive for engaging in the conquests was not poverty. the actual motive behind these conquests was to spread the religion of allah the almighty. it should also be kept in mind that the idea of combining the propagation of islam and the desire to gain material wealth is a very old idea. it was first raised at the dawn of islam when the non-believers accused the prophet (peace be upon him)of seeking material gain through his propagation; for this reason , they offered him money hoping that he would refrain from propagating islam; however, the prophet (peace be upon him)  replied: even if they put the sun in my right hand and the moon in my left hand, i swear by allah the almighty that i will not refrain from propagating islam until allah the almighty makes it victorious."

prophet muhammad (peace be upon him) led an ascetic life even though he was wealthy before his prophethood. abu bakr (may allah be pleased with him) led an ascetic life even though he too was rich before islam. omar (may allah be pleased with him) led an ascetic life despite the fact that he controlled the two great empires; the romans and the persians. moreover, othman (may allah be pleased with him) also led an ascetic life even though he used to be very wealthy. however, there are people who still accuse the muslims of looking for wealth. when the muslims started the war against the persians this accusation was raised by rostom, their leader. he thought that he could please the muslims by offering them persian gold and wealth; therefore, he requested sa'ad bin abi waqqas (may allah be pleased with him) the leader of the muslim army, to send him a delegation from the companions. hearing that, sa'ad delegated al mughera bin sho'ba to go to rostom. when he arrived, rostom told him: i know that your motive for this war is poverty; so, we will give you something to fulfill your needs and will give you what you like. hearing that, al mughera bin sho'ba shouted: you have only three options: islam, paying tribute or fighting. after that, the battle took place and the muslims achieved victory. the guards of rostom were the first to embrace islam.

following the thoughts of rostom, the emperor of china adopted the same thinking when the muslim army, under the leadership of qutaiba bin muslim, reached this region. the chinese emperor requested a representative from the muslims for negotiations; so, qutaiba delegated habira al kilabi to represent them. reaching there, the emperor told him: tell your friend (i.e. the leader qutaiba) that i know he is looking for wealth and has a small number of companions; therefore, i am ready to give you some money to fulfill your needs and then you can return. hearing that, habira replied: how can our leader have a small number of companions while he has a huge army extending from your country to the lands of olives ( palestine )? and, how can he be looking for wealth when he has deserted this worldly life after being under his control and come here to fight you?

an orientalist, named stanlay lone poole, came close to the truth when he said: the enthusiasm of muslims for making their conquests was motivated by their love for religion and their desire to spread it, they fought because they knew the reward and paradise was awaiting the martyrs who were killed for supporting the religion of allah the almighty.

moreover, how could muslims be looking for wealth when they knew that the way for that was full of dangers and risks? the muslims were leading an ascetic and modest life. when they blockaded the papillion fortification in egypt after achieving victory in persia and al-sham, they were still leading a simple and pure life. then, al muqawqas, sent his messengers to inquire about the circumstances of the muslims. they returned and told al muqawqas: we saw people who love death more than life, and who love modesty more than prestige. they do not have any passion toward the worldly life, they like to sit on the ground, their leader is just like any of them, and they do not discriminate between the old or the young, or the master or the slave; all are equal.

later on, the muslims fought long term wars in north africa more than 60 years and a large number of people were killed and most of the places in north africa were deserts. so, if muslims were looking for wealth why would they go to north africa where there is no wealth or money, just desert? the wars between the persians and the romans lasted for hundreds of years and it was fought for land and worldly gains and benefits but they did not achieve any clear victory because they did not have belief. accordingly, when the muslims fought because of their strong belief they defeated all the armies of the persians and the romans. the muslims conquered countries to free them from slavery and then they left those countries for its people, as they did in al sham

Erpenius ; the Suspicion that the Qura'n is just a Ludicrous Imitation to the Bible

erpenius( 992-1033 h = 1584-1624 a.b)

thomas van erpenius is a dutch orientalist , he is considered to be the founder and organizer of the orientalism renaissance in his country. he was born at gorkum in netherlands , had his education at liden then had a long tour at england , france , germany , and italy . it is said that he had studied the arabic language by an egyptian called abi-thakn. he had established – in his house- an arab printing establishment which became later the base of the arab press which is known now in liden with (brill). he also was appointed as a professor for eastern languages in liden university at 1612 a.b and he has passed away in liden. he has a book at "arabic grammar" and published another books such as "selective enthusiasm poetry for abi-tammam" and" muslims' history" which is a part from ibnel-ameeds' history in addition to translating it into latin language.

the suspicion of "the qura'n is just a ludicrous imitation to the bible"!!

erpenius deducted that what were mentioned in the qura'n were nothing more than a ludicrous imitation to the bible!!  erpenius – just like many others- have an aversion for prophet muhammad (peace be upon him) and his teachings.


the punctilious researcher can never find any judaism features in the holy qura'n , as it doesn't include preferring one nation to another , the way that jews said that they are "the selected nation that allah preferred to all other nations" while islam emphasized that all nations are equal ,as allah said "o mankind! we created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise each other). verily the most honored of you in the sight of allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you. and allah has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things" .(al-hujrat: 13).

the qura'n also doesn't include what refers to muhammad (pbuh) as a god, or describes him with a characteristics that are far from human beings, as some christians groups did regarding jesus" the christ " so if christianity had affected islam, it would have embraced the most important principle in it which is considering muhammad (pbuh) as a god, just like jesus was considered a god by christians.1

here, we will discuss the following points:

1- unity of the divine source could be the reason for some resemblance between quranic and old testament stories.

2- the comparison between quranic and other books' stories clarifies to us how far the old books have been perverted; they accuse the qura'n with imitating them, in order to turn the attention away of the perversion.

the stories which have been mentioned in the old books are mainly materialistic and the humane thought, which cares very much with small details that can't be seen at the qura'nic stories, is so clear at every single part of them. in addition to the filthy images which are improper to be found inside the sacred books, in the contrary of the miracle qura'nic stories.

you can compare between yusuf's (may allah bless him) (joseph) story at torah and qura'n to see and feel the great difference .

3- the prophet (pbuh) was illiterate – can't neither read nor write- beside he had no relation with jews or christians at makkah before his delegation so he couldn't have taken anything from them . the holy qur'an itself  replied to these claims when quraishes' unbelievers claimed that  the prophet was being taught by a christian boy as allah said "   we know indeed that they say, "it is a man that teaches him." the tongue of him they wickedly point to is notably foreign, while this is arabic, pure and clear ". (an-nahl: 103)

so how can a foreign, persian, jew or christian person be able to teach an arab man such that arab, miracle qura'n which all arabs fail to say even a few words like it !!!

such fabricated claims are so strange and can never be said by a person that respects his mind, knowledge and researches .however, hostility turns the person into deaf and blind man.

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