
Refuting the Lies of the Enemies of Islam

Questioning the Parentage of Prophet Muhammad PBUH

the first lie:

zakareya butrus exactly says: "and in the book 'signs of prophethood’ by al asbahani: o prophet of allah, quraish sat to remember their noble descent and likened you to a palm tree in the middle of a hill (like something that an anonymous put and left in a farm of unknown people. something very difficult to say indeed). the prophet of allah got angry.

and in the same reference, the prophet of allah (pbuh) heard al abbas saying: "o prophet of allah quraish greets each other with smiles and meets us [1] with frowning faces. so the prophet of allah got angry."

this is what butrus said exactly and the contextual meaning of which is denying that the prophet (pbuh) is his father's son. he is lying to his listeners by leaving out an entire part of the 'hadith' and injecting some illustrating sentences that change the meaning. the complete 'hadith' is: al abbas ibn abd al motaleb reported: "i said: o prophet of allah, quraish greet each other with smiles but meet us [1] with frowning faces. the prophet of allah got very angry and said: "by the one who owns muhammad's life, faith does not enter one's heart until he loves you [1] for the sake of allah and his prophet." i said: "o prophet of allah, quraish sat to remember their noble descent and likened you to a palm tree in the middle of a hill." the prophet of allah (pbuh) said: "when allah made the creation, he made me in their best, and when he made them into tribes, he made me in the best tribe, and when he made homes, he made me in the best home. i am the best in person and in home."

note that the 'hadith' is in both the book 'signs of prophethood’ and in ibn kathir's in the chapter 'the noble origin and noble parentage'. the 'hadith' asserts the honor of the prophet's (pbuh) parentage. butrus uses this same 'hadith' to allege that the prophet (pbuh) is not his father's son and is not honorable in his parentage. may allah punish him.

in the 'hadith' al abbas is complaining about 'quraish's' ill treatment of 'bani hashem', the cousins of the prophet, that they meet them with frowning faces. if butrus is reasonable he would not deceive and say such lies. butrus always says that the prophet of allah (pbuh) wanted to establish an arabic quraishi kingdom. this same 'hadith' proves that 'quraish' used to oppose him and ill treat him, his companions, and his relatives.

[1] bani hashem: the tribe of prophet muhammad (pbuh

Answering the Suspicion that Says: Muslims’ Fasting has been Taken from Christians

the second lie:

to proof his idea that fasting in islam is taken from christianity butrus said:

in at-tabary interpretation of the following quranic verse: (o ye who believe! fasting is prescribed for you, even as it was prescribed for those before you) [al-baqara:183], al-shabi said: the obligation of fasting the month of ramadan in christianity was before that in islam. so, muslims followed them and performed fasting like them until now.

the complete text of al-shabi –from which butrus quoted his last statement-, is:

“if i were fasting the whole year, i would not fast the doubt day which may be in the month of sha’ban or ramadan, which means that christians have to fast the month of ramadan as we do, but they changed it according to the season. they may fast in the very hot month thirty days. then another generation came and fasted one day before the thirty day and one after it. thus, one generation after the other increases the number of days till they became fifty days. that is what allah the almighty says:

“o you who believe! observing fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you,”

at-tabary said in another interpretation to this quranic verse: (even as it was prescribed for those before you): “in ramadan allah prescribed to the christians to fast; not to eat, or drink or even to have  sexual relationship with their wives the whole month. so, christians found fasting ramadan very hard, and this month sometimes comes in winter and another time in summer; for that they changed its time according to their own will and fasted in the season which is between winter and summer. they added twenty days more as a penance, and made their fasting fifty days.

muslims kept doing that until allah permitted to eat and drink and to do sexual relationship with their wives after sunset till sunrise.

is butrus saying anything related to what at-tabary said?!

he lies in order to invent that prophet muhammad (pbuh) was fasting as the christians did – though he did not admit that they are the christians of today- and that fasting was not prescribed by allah rather by following other nations as christians, and sabians  etc. then he says he takes the proof from muslims’ books.

 allah curses those who are lying.

the third lie:

the messenger peace be upon him didn't marry anyone but khadija as he married according to the christian religion

all the biography books mentioned that who witnessed the prophet’s marriage from khadieja were his uncles al hamza and abu talib, they asked for her hand from her father khowaild and her uncle amr ibn asad and it was said that it was her brother amr ibn khowaild ibn asad. and abu talib who gave the speech of the marriage was a polytheist and died so. and all of the attendants were polytheists (they called it ibrahim's religion but of course it wasn't so).

there is no mention about  warakah ibn nawfel only in one narration which is fabricated and in which he said praising the prophet and addressing khadija's guardian (either her father, brother or her uncle) saying: ''this is the perfect man, marry her to him''. and even if this narration is authentic which isn't, it clarifies that warakah was an ordinary man who attended the wedding. so i don't know from where zakaria butrus got the information that the prophet peace be upon him married according to christianity.

these were the words of the christian lebanese priest joseph kazy known as abi mosa al hariry in his book'' priest and prophet''. he said these words from his own imaginations and made them facts. then the liar khalil abd al karim transmitted these words which were transmitted from him by zakaria butrus. these words are all lies, never mentioned in any biography book and none of the muslim scholars ever talked about.

The Prayers of Allah upon His Prophet PBUH

the fourth lie

he "zakaria butrus" is wondering how allah prays upon his prophet. he said:”we asked many times about the way of praying upon the prophet but no one answered. then he added in his lie that jebril said to the messenger of allah in sidrat-ul-muntaha (lote-tree of the utmost boundary) :”wait here, allah is praying. so the messenger asked :”what  does  he say? jebril answered: “glorified, glorified and he lowers his forehead as if allah is bowing in prayer or prostrating (doing rukoh and sujud).

our refutation: you didn’t hear the answer because you don’t want to hear. if you had read what was mentioned in the interpretation of the ayahs of sending the prayers upon the prophet, you would have known what is meant by this. how didn’t he read although he alleged that he refers to the books of interpretation in every thing????!!!

 explaining to the reader we say:

allah’s praying upon his prophet peace be upon him and his believer servants has been mentioned in surat al-aahazab: ’’allah sends his salat (graces, honors, blessings, mercy, etc.) on the prophet (muhammad pbuh) and also his angels too (ask allah to bless and forgive him). o you who believe! send your salat on (ask allah to bless) him (muhammad pbuh), and (you should) greet (salute) him with the islamic way of greeting (salutation i.e. assalamu 'alaikum)”.(al-ahzab : 56).

the almighty allah also said: ’' he it is who sends salat (his blessings) on you, and his angels too (ask allah to bless and forgive you), that he may bring you out from darkness (of disbelief and polytheism) into light (of belief and islamic monotheism). and he is ever most merciful to the believers.”(al-ahazab : 43).

so the almighty allah and his angels send prayers upon the prophet and upon his believer servants.

the meaning of allah sending prayers upon his believer servants is his mercy upon them. and the angels sending prayers on allah’s servants is making supplication for them and this is clear in the end of the ayah which mentioned the reason of allah’s sending prayers upon them which is “that he may bring you out from darkness (of disbelief and polytheism) into light (of belief and islamic monotheism). and he is ever most merciful to the believers. sheikh saady –may the mercy of allah be upon him-says in the interpretation of the ayah: ’’it’s from allah’s mercy and favor to his believer servants that he made from his prayers  sent  upon them and his praise  and the prayers of the angels and their supplication what bring them out of darkness of sins and darkness to the light of faith, knowledge, work and success granted by him. this is the greatest gift allah has bestowed upon his obedient servants and which entail them to thank him and increase his remembrance for he had mercy and favor upon them. he also considered the angels bearing the throne the best angels and those angles around him glorify their lord and ask for forgiveness for the ones who have believed.”

ibn kather says: “that prayers  from allah means his praise  of  the servant  to the angels”. narrated by al bukhari. others narrated that prayers from allah is his mercy, while the prayers from the angels are making supplication and asking for forgiveness for the people as allah said:

“the ones who bear the throne, and the ones around it, extol with the praise (s) of their lord and believe in him, and they ask forgiveness for the ones who have believed, "our lord, you embrace everything in mercy and knowledge; so forgive the ones who repent and closely follow your way, and protect them from the torment of hell fire.our lord, and make them enter the gardens of adn (eden) which you have promised them and the ones who were righteous of their fathers, and their spouses, and their off springs; surely you, ever you, are the ever-mighty, the ever-wise.and protect them from odious deeds.”(ghafer:7,8,9)

and we pray upon the prophet peace be upon him and our prayer on him is supplication, in addition to that we are seeking for  reward allah promises us.

the islamic sharia has it’s own peculiarity in using the linguistic words. although it uses the linguistic word but it doesn’t use it always with it’s same meaning in the language. most of the time it restricts to a certain meaning; sometimes it is used as it is and sometimes it may add to it some aspects or reduces from it some. and the term “salat” (prayer) generally refers to the special prayers which are certain sayings and deeds in certain times in a certain way. but in special cases it’s the text which determine the meaning as our prayers to allah is different from our prayer upon

the prophet peace be upon him and also different from allah’s prayer upon us and different from the angels’ prayers upon us.

this shows clearly that zakaria boutus deliberately tells lies ……

as the meaning of salat (prayer) of allah is explained in all books of interpretation and in all the authentic hadith books. then he alleged that he asked and searched

but he found no answer. may allah damn those who tell lies.

The Lie of the Messenger's Nakedness

the fifth lie:

"when abu bakr came to the prophet (peace be upon him) he met him naked then omar came and he (peace be upon him) met him naked. when `uthman came to the prophet (peace be upon him), he covered himself. `aisha asked the prophet (peace be upon him) why he did so, he said: "how cann’t i show modesty to a man for whom angels show modesty?"

the previous text is falsely reported by the liar zakareya butrus. he pictured the prophet (peace be upon him) being naked when he met abu bakr and omar in front of `aisha(his wife), and then covered himself just when `uthman entered. this mean liar is the first to tell such a big lie against the prophet (peace be upon him).

in fact the authentic hadith is narrated by muslim in “the merits of the companions”, hadith no. (4414). the hadith is reported on the authority of `aisha (may allah be pleased with her) who said: « allah's messenger (may peace be upon him) was lying in the bed in my apartment with his thigh or his shank uncovered. abu bakr sought permission to get in. the prophet remained in the same very state (with his thigh or shank uncovered). then 'umar sought permission for getting in. the prophet also remained in the same very state (with his thigh or shank uncovered). then 'uthman sought permission for getting in; allah's messenger (may peace be upon him) sat down and he set right his clothes. (one of the narrators said: this didn’t happen on the same day). aisha noticed all that and said: abu bakr entered and you did not stir and did not observe much care (in arranging your clothes), then 'umar entered and you did not stir and did not arrange your clothes, then 'uthman entered and you got up and set your clothes right. thereupon the prophet said: shouldn’t i show modesty to a person whom the angels show modesty. »

notice that according to muslim's narration, there is nothing about nakedness as alleged by this mean liar. besides the word "or" implies the doubt of the narrator whether the uncovered part of the prophet's body was his leg or thigh. not to mention that there is another narration in ahmad's musnad which says that he (peace be upon him) was sleeping in his bed and did not say he uncovered his leg or thigh. `aisha said: "then when `uthman entered you arranged your clothes". so he (peace be upon him) was wearing his clothes and `aisha was speaking in a playful mood in the presence of the prophet's noblest companions, according to al-nawawi in his interpretation of this hadith.

Refuting the Suspicion that Says: What Muhammad saw in the Cave of Heraa wasn't an Angel

the sixth lie

this fabricator said that the creature, the prophet saw in the cave of hira, was strangling him. so – in his opinion- it was satan, because if it had been an angel he wouldn't have been wicked and strangled him. he also said that the prophet never thought that it was an angel but he asserted that it was a jinni and he said to khadija (his wife), as this fabricator said, that he saw a subordinate of jinn or he was harmed by a jinni. 

the angle didn't strangle the prophet peace be upon him when he appeared to him but he pressed him (embraced him and hugged him), embraced him till he couldn't bear it any more, a deed of a lover to his beloved. and listen to the story as narrated by 'aisha may allah be pleased with her:

the angel came to him and asked him to read. the prophet replied, "i do not know how to read.''

the prophet added, "the angel caught me (forcefully) and pressed me so hard that i could not bear it any more. he then released me and again asked me to read and i replied, 'i do not know how to read.' thereupon he caught me again and pressed me a second time till i could not bear it any more. he then released me and again asked me to read but again i replied, 'i do not know how to read (or what shall i read)?' thereupon he caught me for the third time and pressed me, and then released me and said, “read in the name of your lord, who has created (all that exists) has created man from a clot. read! and your lord is the most generous." (al alak : 1-3) then allah's messenger returned with the inspiration and with his heart beating severely. then he went to khadija bint khuwailid and said, "cover me! cover me!" she covered him till his fear was over and after that he told her everything that had happened and said, "i fear that something may happen to me." khadija replied, "never! by allah, allah will never disgrace you. you keep good relations with your kith and kin, help the poor and the destitute, serve your guests generously and assist the deserving calamity-afflicted ones."

khadija then accompanied him to her cousin waraqa bin naufal bin asad bin 'abdul 'uzza, who, during the pre-islamic period became a christian and used to write with hebrew letters. he used to write from the gospel in hebrew as much as allah wished him to write. he was an old man and had lost his eyesight. khadija said to waraqa, "listen to the story of your nephew, o my cousin!" waraqa asked, "o my nephew! what have you seen?" allah's messenger described what he had seen. waraqa said, "this is the same one who keeps the secrets (angel gabriel) whom allah had sent to moses. i wish i were young and could live up to the time when your people would turn you out." allah's messenger asked, "will they drive me out?" waraqa replied in the affirmative and said, "anyone (man) who came with something similar to what you have brought was treated with hostility; and if i should remain alive till the day when you will be turned out then i would support you strongly." but after a few days waraqa died and the divine inspiration was also paused for a while''

no strangling, no jinn and no other things as this liar is saying. but the prophet was described with the best morals even before he was revealed to as khadija said to him:  "never! by allah, allah will never disgrace you. you keep good relations with your kith and kin, help the poor and the destitute, serve your guests generously and assist the deserving calamity-afflicted ones." and in the same hadith waraqa conveyed glad tidings to the prophet that he would be the prophet of the nation, and the same was sent to moses. waraqa was right as when revelation had come to moses peace be upon him he became afraid from it too, trembled and turned to flee headlong.

Refuting the Suspicion that Says: The Woman who Saw the Prophethood Seal

the seventh lie:

the reporter asks: did any of the (sahabiat) the women companions see the seal of the prophet (pbuh)?

um khalid - daughter of khalid ibn saeed – said:” i accompanied my father visiting allah’s messenger (pbuh) and i was wearing a sweet yellow shirt. seeing the prophet i went playing with the seal of prophethood but my father prevented me. allah's messenger (pbuh) said let her play with it, such a nice kid.

the lie is in the form of the question and the answer, the question is about the women who have seen the seal of the prophethood. the listener comprehends from the context that um khalid is a woman who had seen the seal, such comprehension is supported by the name um khalid which suggests that she was married and had a son named khalid, whereas she was only a child carried by her father. such name is only a name not a by name and this case happens a lot in the egyptian countryside. in (siyar a’lam al-nobala’) -biographies of the great noble figures-, she mentions a hadith about herself saying: allah's messenger (pbuh) was given a garment having black spots, he asked to whom should i give this? no one answered, he said bring me um khalid, i was brought carried, and he dressed me with his own hands saying:” wear it out” twice. he kept looking at the red & yellow colours of the garment saying:” that is nice um khalid” pointing at the colors. notice that she came carried as all children.

then while narrating the hadith, zakaria mentions that allah's messenger (pbuh) looked at the yellow garment and said "nice" as if in admiration, whereas it’s a lie as the word (sana) means that’s good. besides she was only a kid that came with her father and while her father was talking with the prophet (pbuh) she kept playing on the back of the prophet as all children do everywhere and at all times.

again the deceit is emphasized by the reporter reiterating the question: did any other woman, notice his words "any other woman", and the mean liar replies: no, not even his wives, except this woman, um khalid.

the truth is that no one in the proven or unproven prophet sunnah ever described the seal of the prophet except this little child (um khalid) whom he describes as a woman to deceive the listeners. not being described by any of the prophet’s wives does by no means mean that they never saw the seal, and also does not mean that it did not exist. many of the prophet’s companions may allah be pleased with them, have seen it and this doesn't require nudity as the seal is located at his shoulder.

Refuting the Suspicion that Says: Muhammad’s Inciting his Followers by Money

the eighth lie:

he claims that muhammad’s (pbuh) aim is an economical political one, that of establishing a kingdom. his lies go further when he says he allured his companions with money & power by promising them the treasures of khosrau & caesar.

before pointing out the lies and deceit in this matter i would like to point out something which is that both muslims & christians concede that the sign of prophecy is informing of the future and what's to come. allah's messenger (pbuh) had informed of the conquest of both persia and rome and of the spread of security in the arab peninsula in the very same hadith that zakaria butrus cites. that hadith in its full version is found in al-bukhari narrated by adi ibn hatem, saying:” while i was in the city of the prophet, a man came and complained to him (the prophet,) of destitution and poverty. then another man came and complained of robbery (by highwaymen). the prophet said, "adi! have you been to al-hira?" i said, "i haven't been to it, but i was informed about it." he said, "if you should live for a long time, you will certainly see that a lady in a howdah traveling from al-hira will (safely reach makkah and) perform the tawaf of the ka'ba, fearing none but allah." i said to myself, "what will happen to the robbers of the tribe of tai who have spread evil through out the country?" the prophet further said. "if you should live long, the treasures of khosrau will be opened (and taken as spoils)." i asked, "you mean khosrau, son of hurmuz?" he said, "khosrau, son of hurmuz; and if you should live long, you will see that one will carry a handful of gold or silver and go out looking for a person to accept it from him, but will find none to accept it from him. and any of you, when meeting allah, will meet him without the need of an interpreter between him and allah to interpret for him, and allah will say to him: 'didn't i send a messenger to teach you?' he will say: 'yes.' allah will say: 'didn't i give you wealth and do you favors?' he will say: 'yes.' then he will look to his right and see nothing but hell, and look to his left and see nothing but hell."  'adi further said: i heard the prophet saying, "save yourself from the (hell) fire even with half a date (to be given in charity) and if you do not find a half date, then with a good pleasant word."

 'adi added: (later on) i saw a lady in a howdah traveling from al-hira till she performed the tawaf of the ka'ba, fearing none but allah. and i was one of those who opened (conquered) the treasures of khosrau, son of hurmuz. if you should live long, you will see what the prophet abu-l-qasim had said: 'a person will come out with a handful of gold...etc.".

this hadith includes informing of the future……good tidings as they call it. the question is who informed allah's messenger (pbuh) of such events. he was informed by allah the almighty the all aware of everything and the well acquainted with everything, the one who sent him as a harbinger.

the story cited by zakaria butrus denies his very allegations that allah's messenger (pbuh) was a king or seeking reign over the arabs & persians.

here's adi narrating the story of his conversion to islam saying "i went on seeking allah's messenger (pbuh) in madinah. i entered his mosque and there he was, i saluted him and he asked me: who are you, i replied adi ibn hatem. allah's messenger (pbuh) accompanied me to his house. while we were on the way an old weak woman stopped him to ask about something and he kept talking to her for a long time. i thought to myself "i swear to god this is no king". he continued: then we went on and upon entering his house he picked up a rough pillow, threw it to me saying "sit on this", i replied "you sit on it". he said no you do, so i sat on it & allah's messenger (pbuh) sat on the floor. he said i thought to myself "i swear to god this isn’t a behavior of a king. then allah's messenger (pbuh) said "oh adi ibn hatem, are you not raqousian? i replied "yes i was. allah's messenger (pbuh) asked were you not dealing with the quarter with your people. i said “yes”. allah's messenger (pbuh) said: that is haram (forbidden). i replied yes and then i knew he was a prophet.

adi was the master of his people and he was one of those who hated allah's messenger (pbuh) the most, just like zakaria butrus today. the story of his conversion to islam proves clearly that allah's messenger (pbuh) was no king. he used to walk alone, used to stand talking for a long time to answer an old lady, used to sit on the ground and lived in an empty room where there is no furniture but a small rough pillow. in that case adi who was still a christian and one of the masters of the arabs said that this is not the behavior of a king, the story also includes many signs of prophecy. meanwhile zakaria butrus mentions such story as a prove that allah's messenger (pbuh) was a king or seeking reign among people, may allah curse those who lie.

brother reader,

islam did not present the world as an incentive for those who embrace this religion. such thing was never mentioned by allah's messenger (pbuh) nor is it present in the structure of the islamic jurisdiction, kindly let me elaborate on this. in the aqaba second homage, allah's messenger (pbuh) took al-ansar (helpers) pledge of allegiance on obedience in activity and rest, expenditure in wealth & distress, to motivate good deeds and forbid atrocities, fear no one but allah in their advice, support allah's messenger (pbuh) when he settles in medinah and to protect him against everything. when they asked him in return for what? he replied" in return for al-jannah (paradise).

allah's messenger (pbuh) was positive that allah the almighty will conclude this matter to an extent that the traveler will get through the desert fearing nothing but allah. he was positive that persia will only take a round or two then muslims will inherit their homes and wealth, in addition ash-sham will be among the grounds of islam. despite of all this allah's messenger (pbuh) did not want to link the homage to a worldly matter, but instead wanted the spirits to turn to allah.

in makkah where weakness and fragility, lack of people and of military supplies were prevailing. arabs were persisting on atheism and on denying all proves and signs given by allah. they were spending their money so that the word of allah won't be superior, the call for allah spoke of nothing but the day of judgment with all its phases starting from the grave till it ends by either heaven or hell, this became a main trait of the makkahn quran. the call for allah had insisted to start from the day of judgment through both: inspiring the desire in what's to come and also frightening of allah’s punishment and wrath. thus making the hearts exert their best to ward off his punishment and to seek his rewards, hence the whole life turns into a mean to achieve the end (al-jannah). quran says " decidedly he is nothing except a constant warner to you, before (literally: between the hands of) a strict torment"..(saba’:46).

allah's messenger (pbuh) himself was raised up on such meanings through the following verses of quran: " whether we show you (in your lifetime, o muhammad some of what we promise them (the torment), - or we cause you to die, - still unto us is their return, and moreover allah is witness over what they used to do" …(yonos:46).

 " whether we show you (o muhammad) part of what we have promised them or cause you to die, your duty is only to convey (the message) and on us is the reckoning" ..(ar-rad:40).

therefore the spirits of the muslims were straightened up exerting their utmost effort in life to achieve what allah had promised them, allah the almighty describes them saying: " you see them bowing and falling down prostrate (in prayer), seeking bounty from allah and (his) good pleasure" …(al-fath:29), this is a description of both their appearance and of their inner state. the context of the verses suggests that this is their state seen by everyone.

the author of the book named al-dhilal (shadows) says "whoever ponders on the verses of the adjudication in the book of allah finds a sense of insistence from the quranic wording on inserting an image of the day of judgment linked to every instruction or forbidding with a direct or an indirect sign of the word for example: " woe to al-mutaffifin [those who give less in measure and weight (decrease the rights of others)], those who, when they have to receive by measure from men, demand full measure. and when they have to give by measure or weight to men, give less than due. think they not that they will be resurrected (for reckoning), on a great day, the day when (all) mankind will stand before the lord of the 'alamin (mankind, jinns and all that exists)?" )al-mutafifin : (1-6) (.

take note of the way in which the forbidding of decreasing the rights of others in selling and buying is mentioned. i do not want to distort the verses with my words, lets hear the words from quran like:

 "so walk in the path thereof and eat of his provision, and to him will be the resurrection" )al-mulk :15(

the instruction here is that of pursuing sustenance and reminding people of resurrection and facing allah who will ask everyone where they got their money from and on what they spent it.

furthermore you can read the verses dealing with divorce in surat al-bakkara, you find that they end with a name or two of the names of allah the almighty , for example "then allah is all-hearer, all-knower"(al-bakkara :227),  "and know that allah is all-aware of everything" (al-bakkara : 231), " and allah is well-acquainted with what you do" (al-bakkara : 234), "and know that allah is all-seer of what you do" (al-bakkara  :233), "allah is all-seer of what you do" (al-bakkara:110). no doubt this is for summoning the idea of retribution.

this is the method of the great quran in presenting the issues of the jurisdiction to its followers, there is no incentive there but seeking the rewards of allah the almighty to the pious and warding off his punishment of the sinners, this is what allah's messenger (pbuh) and his companions were raised upon. the call for allah never used the world as a return for those who embrace islam. allah's messenger (pbuh) was never a king or seeking reign, he was merely a slave to allah the almighty living in rooms made of clay with ceilings made of fronds easily reached with one's bare hands, sitting on the ground who in many days did not find anything to eat.

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