the most remarkable thing in muhammad is his gentle and exalted manners with all people; his friends and his enemies. this is witnessed by all the just men.
he was a man of good reception, the smile never left his face, his words were sweet, he acted in a mannered way even towards those offending him, and ignored interfering in trivial things.
he taught his followers that the best of people is the best mannered.
he also taught his followers that the closest one to him in paradise is the one who has the best manners.
the good manners of muhammad the messenger were not towards his followers only but also towards his enemies; when the prophet were asked to curse upon his enemies he refused, saying:” i
’m not sent by allah to curse but i’m the mercy sent to the whole world”.(narrated by muslim).
he loved right and justice and ruled according to this. he did not fear to be blamed because of applying justice. he did not flatter any one for his rank, money or his pedigree, in the contrary, he supported the weak and stand against the strong in giving them their rights back.
he was so fair and stick to the right to the extend that he did not flatter even the dearest people to him. it happened that an eminent woman from the family of mekhzoum- (a great family in makkah at that time )- stole, so she deserved a punishment for her crime. her family went to one of the prophet’s followers - he was the dearest to him- to ask the prophet for forgiveness. when muhammad (pbuh) listened to the request of his dearest friend to forgive this woman, he became very angry because of breaking and infracting the holiness of justice after he had become a muslim.
aisha said that quraish was very concerned about the woman of the family of makhzoum who had stolen so they thought that no one dare to speak with the messenger in this case except osama bin zeid, the dearest to the messenger. osama talked to the messenger, who had replied: “do you mediate in one of allah’s laws? then he stood and gave a speech telling the people that the nations living before them were destroyed because they didn’t punish the eminent but did only punish the weak when committing any crime. and he swore if his daughter fatima stole, he would punish her.
muhammad the messenger, the man of noble manners
the most remarkable thing in muhammad is his gentle and exalted manners with all people; his friends and his enemies. this is witnessed by all the just men.
he was a man of good reception, the smile never left his face, his words were sweet, he acted in a mannered way even towards those offending him, and ignored interfering in trivial things.
he taught his followers that the best of people is the best mannered.
he also taught his followers that the closest one to him in paradise is the one who has the best manners.
the good manners of muhammad the messenger were not towards his followers only but also towards his enemies; when the prophet were asked to curse upon his enemies he refused, saying:” i’m not sent by allah to curse but i’m the mercy sent to the whole world”.(narrated by muslim)
the observer of the private life of muhammad the messenger, will admire the man who came from a harsh desert environment prevailed by ignorance and anarchism, and wonder "how could he reach the highest levels of incomparable family success?"
muhammad (pbuh) was an inexhaustible stream of love, warmth, tenderness, sensitivity and emotions.
he was the perfect lover to his family and wives. he was playing and joking with them. he was giving them love and tenderness; for example, he was expressing gently his love to his wife aisha by intending to drink from the same cup she drank from putting his lips on the place from which she drank sending a secret message warming up her heart and feelings. this was just one example from many in his life.
he even represented the loyal lover in a happy family. he did not forget his dead wife khadeeja, but he kept remembering her favors by having good relations with her relatives. he was very angry when khadeeja was disparged in his presence. abu najeeh narrated in the story of hala –khadiga’s sister- when hala asked for permission to meet the messenger, aisha said" allah gave you the young wife instead of the old one-she means khadiga-”. so the messenger became very angry till she said" i swear i wont mention her after now except in a good way".
in spite of muhammad’s heavy burdens as being the chief of the islamic state, the commander of the army and the moral and intellectual guidance to his followers, he did not forget his duties towards his family by helping them in the housework, showing that woman has a great value in islam.
al aswad reported that he asked aisha (the prophet’s wife) about what the messenger had been doing in his house. she replied that he was serving his family and when the time came to pray he left to prayer.(narrated by al bukhari)
the prophet was a great man; he built up this greatness through his confidence and steadiness on his principles. he was of good manners and fair deeds with all people; enemies and friends. in addition to that, modesty and flexibility were of his great qualities away from complexity and arrogance.
- he was frank with himself and satisfied with his principles. he had specific targets and a clear vision.
-he held on his principles till he conveyed his divine message spreading all his noble principles which are not known by those who hate and vilify him.
- he owned all the good qualities of a person gained by innate and all the characteristics of human perfection wished by the wise.
- handsome features are mixed with noble manners and wise mentality to form a teacher who awakened the world like the sun enlightening darkness. he gave live to all human beings after being buried for ages and ages under ignorance and selfishness.