Nay! If he (Abu Jahl) ceases not, We will catch him by the forehead. A lying, sinful [Nay! If he (Abu Jahl) ceases not, We will catch him Allah, the Almighty, says: forehead!] )`Alaq: 16-(Al by the forehead. A lying, sinful forehead!] :The Scientific Fact The human brain consists of three main lobes; the frontal lobe, the occipital lobe, the temporal lobe, and the parietal lobe. Each lobe has its own special function. Yet, they all work lobe in the human brain is distinctive from together and complement each other. The frontal that of animals since it includes centers that are responsible for speaking and behavior. It -also includes certain neural centers with distinctive functions and places including the preexactly behind the forehead and forms the major part of the frontal frontal cortex which lies frontal cortex is the main unit for building the character of the person. It plays -lobe. This prea role in initiative and judgment. It also contains the motor speech area of Broca which oordinates the process of producing voices between the organs of speech including the clarynx, the tongue, and the face. Also, it contains the movement zones which include the ye to the frontal eye field. The frontal eye field sustains the organized movement of the eopposite direction. The primary and secondary motor areas that control the willed movements of the muscles. All this show that the frontal area of the frontal lobe, which lies in ality. Any damage to this the forehead, is for directing behavior and shaping up human personarea would lead to the deterioration in moral criteria and the efficiency of memory and the .ability to work out logical problems :Facets of Scientific Inimitability -ntly. No wonder, the EverThe mystery of this verse mentioned above was only solved receGlorious Qur'an mentioned the area of the forehead as being the lying and the sinful one. Glorious Qur'an said that this body part will be hit and held; it is an -Furthermore, the Everbehavior. So it is the body part to be held allusion to the area which monitors the human accountable for man’s deeds. It is a Divine wisdom that Allah commanded this part to be placed on the ground in prostration so that it will learn how to be honest and upright. Fahsha' (i.e. great sins of every kind, -prevents from al Almighty Allah says: “Verily, prayerMunkar (i.e. disbelief, polytheism, and every kind of -unlawful sexual intercourse, etc.) and alevil wicked deed, etc.) and the remembering (praising, etc.) of (you by) Allah is greater )`Ankabut: 45-Allah knows what you do.” (Alindeed. And