A Brief Look At Islam’s Contribution to Mathematics
Following the collapse of the Roman Empire at the beginning of the 5th
century man‟s concern was primarily focused upon security and stability, whilst
art and science were neglected. For two hundred years all progress stagnated in
the wake of barbarian invasions and the resulting lack of maintenance of public
works, such as dams, aqueducts and bridges. With the advent of Islam in the 7th
century a new type of society emerged, which quickly established its supremacy
and its constructive identity in large sections of the known world. The citizen,
whether Muslim or not, soon became confident in the future stability of his
environment, so that trade not only reached its previous levels but also began to
In an empire that stretched from the Pyrenees to India, security of
communications was vital. The resultant priority given to safety of travel
provided a stimulus to trade. There followed a rapid expansion of commerce in
which the economic strengths of the Sassanid[1], Byzantine, Syrian and western
Mediterranean areas were united. The establishment of an efficient fiscal system
meant that the state could now invest in large public works projects: mosques,
schools (madrasas), public baths, palaces, markets and hospitals. Princes and
merchants became patrons of intellectual and scientific development. Trusts
(waqf) were created to provide better education.
This sponsorship engendered a creative enthusiasm and a flowering of
scientific works and scholarly research. The world in effect became greater as
mathematicians, geographers, astronomers and philosophers all contributed to a
gradual but definite extension of the horizons of man‟s existence. The dividend
of all this expenditure on learning made an immense contribution to the sum of the
increase in man‟s scientific knowledge that occurred between the 9th and the 16th
Foremost in the achievements of Muslim scholars was the treatment of
numbers. It is impossible to conceive how science could have advanced without a
sensible logical numeric system to replace the clumsy numerals of the Roman
Empire. Fortunately, by the 9th century the Muslim world was using the Arabic
system of numerals with the essential addition of the zero. Without the latter, it
was impossible to know what power of ten accompanied each digit. Hence 2 3
might mean 23, 230 or 203. The introduction of this numeric system with its zero
was thus the „sesame‟ of scientific advancement.
The new numeric system did not only affect science. Its value was manifest in
many aspects of daily life, from the calculation of customs dues, taxes, almsgiving
(zakat) and transport charges, to the complexity of divisions of inheritance. A
further useful innovation was the mine of separation in fractions, which eliminated
many frustrating confusions.
Islamic civilization produced from roughly 750 CE to 1450 CE a succession of
scientists, astronomers, geographers and mathematicians from the inventor of
Algebra to the discoverer of the solution of quadratic equations[2]. The list is far
reaching, some are well known whilst others remain anonymous. One of the
major advances was contained in the work of Al-Khawarizmi[3], who wrote a
mathematical work called “Al-Jabr wa Al-Muqabala” (820 CE)[4], from whose
title is derived the name “algebra”, this book may be considered the first book
written on the topic of algebra. Amongst the achievements that Al Khawarizmi
left to posterity were: (1) Solutions to first and second-degree equations with a
single unknown, using both algebraic and geometric methods. (2) A method of
algebraic multiplication and division.
Al Khawarizmi[5] defined three kinds of quantities: (1) Simple numbers, such
as 5, 17 and 131. (2) The root which is the unknown quantity „shay’ in Arabic
meaning “a thing” However, in translations made in Toledo, (the centre for
translation of Arabic books), the absence of a “sh” sound in the Spanish language
meant that a suitable letter had to be chosen. The choice fell upon “x”, which may
well explain why Don Quixote is often pronounced as “Don Quishote”. (3)
“Wealth” (mal) the square of the root (x²).
The algebraic equation expressing the Golden Ratio could therefore be written
as: “x:y = (x + y)/x”. Another virtuoso of algebra was Abu Kamil, a 10th century
mathematician nicknamed the “Egyptian calculator”. He was capable of
rationalizing denominators in expressions that involved dealing with powers of x
(the unknown) as high as the eighth and solving quadratic equations with irrational
numbers as coefficients. Al Biruni (9th/10th centuries) mathematician and
physicist, worked out that the earth rotates on its own axis and succeeded in
calculating its circumference. Abu Bakr Al Karaji (10th century) is known for his
arithmetization of algebra[6]. He also drew the attention of the Muslim world to
the intriguing properties of triangular arrays of numbers (Berggren 1983). Al
Nasawi (10th century) and Kushyar Ibn Labban worked on problems of the
multiplication of two decimals. Subsequently Kushyar explained the arithmetic of
decimal addition, subtraction and multiplication and also how to calculate square
roots. Abu Al Hassan al Uqlidisi (Damascus 10th century) invented decimal
fractions, which proved useful for judges (qadis) in inheritance decisions. Al
Karkhi (d.1019) found rational solutions to certain equations of a degree higher
than two.
Mohamed Al Battani[7] (Baghdad 10th century), mathematician and
astronomer, computed sine, tangent and cotangent tables from 0° to 90° with great
accuracy. One of his works: Astronomical Treatise and Tables (Al-Zij), corrected
Ptolemy‟s observations on the motion of the planets. Al Samaw‟al Ben Yahya al
Maghribi (1171) drew up charts of computations of long division of polynomials;
one of the best contributions to the history of mathematics. Ibn Shatir Al
Muwaqqit (Damascus 1375 CE) was an astronomer and the timekeeper of the
Damascus mosque. His treatise on making astronomical devices and their usage
and his book on celestial motions bear great resemblance to the works of
Copernicus (1473-1543 CE). Ghiyat al Din al Kashi (1427 CE) raised
computational mathematics to new heights with the extraction of fifth roots. He
also showed how to express the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its radius
as 6.2831853071795865, identical to the modern formula 2pr.
[1] Dynasty that ruled in Persia a.d. 226–651
[2] J.L.Berggren 1986
[3] Abu Ja‟far Muhammad Ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi was born in Khwarizm, in present-day
Uzbekistan. He thrived in Baghdad under the patronage of the Abbasid Caliph, Al-Mamun,
between 813 and 833.
[4] Several of his books were translated into Latin in the early 12th century. In fact, his book on
arithmetic, “Kitab al-Jam‟a wal- Tafreeq bil Hisab al-Hindi”, was lost in Arabic but survived in a
Latin translation. His book on algebra, “Al-Maqala fi Hisab-al Jabr wa-al- Muqabilah”, was also
translated into Latin in the 12th century, and it was this translation which introduced this new
science to the West “completely unknown till then”.
[5] A celebrated mathematician in his own time, as well as many centuries later, Al-Khwarizmi is
best known for introducing the concept of algebra into mathematics. The title of his most famous
book, Kitab Al-Jabr wa al-Muqabilah (“The Book of Integration and Equation”) in fact provides
the origin of the word, algebra. Over the course of his work in mathematics, Al-Khwarizmi
introduced the use of Indo-Arabic numerals, which became known as algorithms, a Latin
derivative of his name. He also began using the zero as a place-holder, paving the way for the
development of the decimal system.
[6] Roshdie Rashed
[7] Born 858 near Harran, near Urfa, Syria. Died 929. He is otherwise known as “Albategnius”,
and was a Muslim astronomer and mathematician. He made important accurate measurements of
the stars, moon and planets. His measurements and methods were used by later astronomers. He
showed that the position of the Sun‟s apogee, or farthest point from the Earth, is variable and that
annular (central but incomplete) eclipses of the Sun are possible. He improved Ptolemy‟s
astronomical calculations by replacing geometrical methods with trigonometry. From 877 he
carried out many years of remarkably accurate observations at ar-Raqqah in Syria. His principal
written work, a compendium of astronomical tables, was translated into Latin in about 1116 and
into Spanish in the 13th century. A printed edition, under the title De motu stellarum (“On Stellar
Motion”), was published in 1537.