Part One
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of Lords, the Originator of all causation, the Most-
Generous in reward and recompense! I truly praise Him (Glory Be to Him) and show Him
gratitude, for He incessantly bestows His blessings upon us. He is the Ever-Generous and the
Ever-Donor! I bear witness that there is no deity except Allah, alone with no associate. There
is no divinity save Him! It is to Allah that I entrust myself and then return in repentance! I
equally bear witness that our Master and Prophet, Muhammad, is the Servant and Messenger
of Allah, selected from among the noblest descent. May Allah send His Salāt(Graces,
Honours, and Mercy), Peace and Blessing upon him, his benevolent and virtuous family (the
unsurpassed kinsfolk ever), his Companions (the illustrious exemplars in faith and the most
virtuous companions ever), his tabi'īn (the contemporaries of the Companions of the Prophet
[May Allah’s Salāt and Peace be upon him] after his death), and all those who piously follow
in their footsteps till the Day of Return to Allah (Doomsday)!
O people, I exhort you –as well as myself– to adhere to taqwavis-à-vis Allah (the fear
of violating divine commands). Do observe taqwa–may Allah have mercy on you all! Now,
why are eyes so placid that they shed no tears despite divine warnings? Why are minds inert
despite iterated preaching? Is it because they feel secure of afflictions or because they have
just consigned their minor and major sins to oblivion? It seems as if they were not the
addressees concerned with such cautionary signs and eventually accountable to Allah for
their deeds!
So, do try harder and make further strenuous efforts –may Allah have mercy on you!
Proceed to action and keep confident of Allah’s recompense. Shed tears (in awe of Allah)
before death is due and your lifetime irrevocably expires. Be on your guard before afflictions
befall you. Follow the path of guidance‒may Allah have mercy on you! Beware of the
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twisted tracks of carelessness and demise! Inspire your hearts with taqwa, for the hereafter is
better (than the herein) and more everlasting!
And every person will come forth along with an (angel) to drive
(him), and an (angel) to bear witness.(It will be said to the
sinners): "Indeed you were heedless of this, now We have removed
your covering, and sharp is your sight this Day!"[Qāf: 21-22]
O Muslims! Islam has guaranteed for humans the inviolability of their creed, life,
reason, progeny, and property. It has secured the right of the individual to embrace his faith
and perform respective acts of worship. It has equally assured him sound health and safety
from risks jeopardising it. Besides, from the Islamic perspective, all human beings are equal
in terms of human integrity, rights, and responsibilities. No merit is permissible except on the
grounds of taqwa. Therefore, man can never succeed and achieve moral rectitude without
strictly adhering to the religion of Allah and showing solidarity and readiness to cooperate
with the rest of mankind to improve life conditions on earth, pursue its development, and
protect its inhabitants:
O you who believe! Answer Allâh (by obeying Him) and (His)
Messenger when he (SAW) calls you to that which will give you
life...[Al-Anfāl: 24]
Thus, one of the most eloquent statements which concretise the idea of joint
responsibility for preserving the viability of mankind throughout history and maintaining the
notion of jamā’a (Muslim Congregation) in terms of its constituency and adherence to the
religion of Allah is the following gracious parable given by Prophet Muhammad (May
Allah’s salātand Peace be upon him): “The case of someone who strictly observes the
bounds of divine interdiction and he who violates them is similar to the parable of the
people who bet on which part to occupy on a sailing ship. Consequently, one group gained
access to its upper deck and another one occupied its lower one. Those occupying the lower
deck had to go up each time they needed water supply. So, they said to themselves, ‘why
don’t we just drill a hole in our part of the ship and try at the same time not to harm those
above us?’ If occupants of the higher deck let them carry out their scheme, all passengers
onboardwouldperish.Conversely, if they prevented them from doing so, all passengers
would be saved.” [Reported by Imam Bukhari in his Sahῑh from the hadῑth narrated by Al-
Noaman Ibn Basheer–may Allah be pleased with him]
In this regard, O Muslims, scholars have addressed all issues pertaining to human
conditions, including daily needs: nutrition, medicine, health care, and safety, both in normal
and emergency situations. Their main sources are religious texts, rationales behind religious
rules, and religion’s higher-order objectives underlying its jurisdictional rules.
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Servants of Allah! One of the greatest forms and most efficient instruments of mutual
assistance is that noble feeling which manifests itself in a deep sense of solidarity vis-à-vis
those who have been subject to afflictions befalling their health and kinfolk. It is a process of
mutual assistance whereby all social categories, including both the healthy and the ill, enjoy
peace of mind, composure, and delight in leading a pleasant and decent life.
Servants of Allah! Such a process of mutual assistance and solidarity manifests itself
in a variety of positions to be taken and a set of best guidelines concerning how to cope with
certain diseases, especially the contagious ones. May Allah protect us all and heal our
ailments as well as those of all Muslims!
Generally speaking, contagion is a confirmed fact. However, its effect totally depends
on irreversible divine preordainment and dictates. There is ample real-life evidence that
contagion affects some people but not others. Thus, contagion will take place if Allah wills
so, but will be otherwise thwarted if Allah decrees otherwise. Therefore, only some of those
in close contact with the patient might be infected whereas the rest might remain immune to
it, although both parties share the same spatial environment.
In fact, the ingestion of contagious elements does not necessarily lead to contagion.
This is why we find the following hadῑth of Prophet Muhammad (May Allah’s Salātand
Peace be upon him): “Neither contagion nor badomen! Neither beast1 nor Safar2! However,
run away from the person infected by leprosy(do not contact at all) just like you run away
from a lion.” [A hadῑth reported by Imam Bukhari and completed in terms of its chain of
narration by Abu Naeem and Ibn Khuzaimah]
Thismeans that contact with an infected person is just one of the causes of
contagion;it might or might not lead to contagion per se. In fact, it is Allah, the Lord of Lords
(the Supreme Being whose power is sublime and uncontested) that is at the origin of all
causation; there is no deity except Him. In His verse on magic, He said (Glory Be to Him):
...but they could not thus harm anyone except by
Allâh'sLeave...[Al-Baqarah: 102]3
1 A Jahiliyyah (pre-Islamic) belief that a beast will emerge from the corpse of the buried person whose
death was caused by murder, shouting “A drink! A drink! A drink!” until the murderer is retaliated against.
2 The Jahiliyyah people used to consider the advent of the lunar month Safar as a bad omen. Other
interpretations of the term Safar are also available in the literature explaining this hadῑth.
3 The complete verse:They followed what the Shayâtin (devils) gave out (falsely of the
magic) in the lifetime of Sulaimân (Solomon). Sulaimân did not disbelieve, but the
Shayâtin (devils) disbelieved, teaching men magic and such things that came down
at Babylon to the two angels, Hârûtand Mârût, but neither of these two (angels)
taught anyone (such things) till they had said, "We are only for trial, so disbelieve
not (by learning this magic from us)." And from these (angels) people learn that by
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The believer, then, has a firm conviction that it is Allah Who is the Protector, the
Disposer, and the Governor. It is Allah Who has created the very principle of causation and
decreed that causes can lead to the origination of given outcomes. In harmony with this
belief, the Muslim normally takes action to gain benefits and deter evil, literally bearing in
mind the belief that Allah Almighty is the Lord of Lords and the Originator of all causes. He
allows causes to take effect by His leave and prevents them to do so also by His leave. He is
the Absolute Owner and the Governor (Glory Be to Him).
The believer can alter his fate (i.e. Allah’s decreed affliction) by submitting to Allah’s
fate and divine decree; for disease, medication, treatment, and cure are all preordained by
Allah and decreed by His leave and mercy. In fact, our religion has reconciled between
entrusting oneself to Allah (tawakkul) and taking action to resolve problems. In fact,
medication chases out disease –with Allah’s leave– in the same way food chases out hunger,
water discards thirst, as well as heat and cold which are chased away by their converse states.
Scholars of Islam have even argued that the essence of tawḥeed (Islamic monotheism)
will remain deficient until we proceed to action, which Allah has eternally set as a
prerequisite for the fulfilment of consequential objectives, themselves preordained by divine
decree. Conversely, the cancellation or negligence of human initiative stigmatises the
authenticity of tawakkul. Therefore, one should never turn one’s helplessness into tawakkulas
a pretext,nor should one transform one’s tawakkulinto helplessness.
O Muslims!
Thoseinfected by contagious diseases should take the necessary steps to protect
theirown health and that of their offspring. First, they must choose a spouse whose potential
children are free from disease. To be able to do that, they should consult medical experts who
will advise them to follow the appropriate course of action. Second, they should also be
aware of the need for pre-marital medical tests as an efficient safety precaution. It is worth
pointing out that the authorities are entitled to take coercive measures. Following scholars’
opinions, the authorities are entrusted with enough power to act on behalf of public interest.
Engaged couples must inform each other in advance of any chronic disease they
suffer from so that they could take the necessary safety precautions for themselves and for
their future offspring, Allah willing, and prevent the transmission of contagion to the spouse
which they cause separation between man and his wife, but they could not thus harm
anyone except by Allâh's Leave. And they learn that which harms them and profits
them not. And indeed they knew that the buyers of it (magic) would have no share in
the Hereafter. And how bad indeed was that for which they sold their ownselves, if
they but knew.[Al-Baqarah: 102]
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and children after marriage. Scholars of Islam have also pointed out that the fiancé and his
family on the one hand, and the fiancée and her family, on the other, are entitled to terminate
the marriage contract should the would-be spouse prove to be chronically ill.
Among the good practices and efficient precautionary measures, Allah willing, are
vaccination and immunisation against infection. Other curative and preventive procedures
include cleanliness and hygiene. Our religion insists on cleanliness and has considered it as
an integral part of faith, or even half of religious faith:
...Truly, Allâh loves those who turn unto Him in repentance and
loves those who purify themselves (by taking a bath and cleaning
and washing thoroughly their private parts, bodies, for their
prayers, etc.).[Al-Baqarah: 222]
In our faith, we Muslims, cleanliness includes personal hygiene, clean clothes, and a
sanitary environment. Thus, the Muslim is expected to be good-looking and elegant in
appearance; his dwelling-place and all the other facilities he uses should also reflect a
graceful taste, quite far from stigmatising impurity or repulsive appearance.
In Islam, the strong Muslim is preferred to the weakling, although both are endowed
with virtue. A strong Muslim would fully assume the burden of daily life responsibilities. As
a daily routine of hygiene practices, Muslims are required to wash their hands before going to
bed at night, when they get up in the morning, and before and after eating (All this is reported
by Imam Muslim in his Sahῑh Book). As people might be too lazy to take a bath, Prophet
Muhammad (May Allah’s Salātand Peace be upon him)advised them by saying, “A Muslim
must wash his body (take a bath) once a week: he washes his hair and body.” [Reported by
Imam Bukhari in his Sahῑh Book]
Among the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (May Allah’s Salātand Peace be upon
him)in this respect, we find the following code of conduct: keeping houses, courtyards, and
roads/streets clean; removing dirt and obstacles from the street is seen as a form of charity;
forbidding urination in stagnant water, pollution of water sources, and defiling public areas
where people rest in the shade, sightsee in parks, sit to relax, and where public facilities are
located. Defiling such areas with urination or defecation, among other pollutants, is equally
banned. On the other hand, Muslims are advised to remove all types of harm which are likely
to spoil people’s comfort and well-being. Other forms of personal hygiene include placing
one’s hand, tissue, or any other equivalent device, on one’s mouth and nose while sneezing
and coughing, etc. Muslims are also instructed not to exhale into the food dish (plate, bowl,
etc.) and to avoid using the utensils and personal belongings of an infected person.
O Muslims!
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One form of reconciliation between the idea of taking action to reach certain effects
and the notion of entrusting oneself to Allah with unshakable certitude (tawakkul) is visible in
what is known today as restrictive isolation of infected cases in “quarantine”. It consists in
isolating infected people from healthy individuals, which is in harmony with the Prophet’s
teachings (May Allah’s Salātand Peace be upon him): “Let no infected person
comeincontactwith a healthy one.” [Reported by Imam Bukhari]
In the Sahihs (books) and Sunan (books) there is mention of the Prophet’s hadith:
“This plague is adivine punishment or a remaining torment which was usedagainstpeoples
before you. So when it breaks out in a land while you are there, then do not leave it. And
when it breaks out in a land while you are not there, then do not enter it."“Plague” here
means any catching disease that spreads rapidly among people.
Dear brothers and sisters!
In this regard, Muslim scholars have determined that those infected with such a
disease should not attend public meetings or gatherings, including Friday and congregational
prayers andshould refrainfrom travelling to perform Hajj, Umrah, or visits4 as they may cause
serious harm to others. Religious scholars have confirmed that the harm caused by pestilence
is “far more serious than the one incurred by the smell of garlic, onion, and leek.”
However, those infected with contagious diseases –May Allah grant them recovery–
must rest assured that (Allah willing) they would be fully entitled to the reward deserved for
such righteous deeds as Friday and congregational prayers, Hajj, Umrah, etc. sinceAllah
Almighty knows of their sincerity and good intentions; that they were just unable to perform
those Islamic duties due to their health conditions and that such hindrance would be
considered as a measure to be implemented for their own good or that of their brothers in
faith. To this effect, the Prophet (May Allah’s Salat and Peace be upon him) said: “When a
slave of Allah suffers from illness or sets on a journey, he is credited with the equal of
whatever good works he used to do when he was healthy or at home." [Narrated by
With respect to those unable to carry out Jihad, the Prophet (May Allah’s Salat and
Peace be upon him) said: “In Al-Madinah there are indeed men who, every time you
crossed a valley or travelled a road, they shared with you the reward. They were kept
behind by (legitimate) excuses.”
Indeed, Allah’s religion is one of ease and convenience, and His Grace is immense to
the extent that the sick are rewarded for their patience and their satisfaction and compliance
with Allah’s decree. In addition, Allah Almighty has made it so that the patients’ ensuing
pains and sufferings are counted towards the atonement of their sins.
4 This means visiting the Prophet’s Mosque and Tomb in Al-Madinah Al-Munawarah.
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Brothers and sisters in faith!
Worthy of our attention is the obligation of taking special care of those patients,
particularly children –May Allah Grant them speedy recovery! Then, the care and attention in
terms of ensuring for them proper guardianship and nutrition should be commensurate with
the severity of such ailments.
It is equally important to see to it that the dignity of those infected is wellsafeguarded.
Therefore, under no circumstances should they fall victimto verbal abuse or any
form of assault including insinuation, jesting, gloating over their infection, derision or
humiliation, not to mention slandering them in their honour. In such a case, repressive
measures ought to be taken against the offender, and these may include enforcement of the
“slandering” penalty.
Now then‒May Allah Protect you!
It is our duty as Muslims to praise Allah Almighty for having bestowed on us the
graces of soundness and well-being, and to exhibit willingness to provide assistance for those
who need it, because protecting one’s dignity is an issue that is not open for compromise. In
this regard, the Prophet (May Allah’s Salat and Peace be upon him) said: “... and if anyone
conceals the faults of a Muslim, Allah will conceal his faults in this world and in the
Hereafter. Allah helps His servant as long as he helps his (Muslim) brother.” [Related by
I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan:
No calamity befalls on the earth or in yourselves but is inscribed in
the Book of Decrees (Al-Lauh Al-Mahfuz), before We bring it into
existence. Verily, that is easy for Allah(22) In order that you may
not be sad over matters that you fail to get, nor rejoice because of
that which has been given to you. And Allah likes not prideful
boasters.[Al-Ḥadῑd: 22-23]
May Allah Almighty benefit me and you with the Great Qur'ān and the Guidance of
Muhammad (May Allah’s Salat and Peace be upon him)! I say this, and I ask Allah to forgive
me, you, and all the Muslims for our sins, so ask Him for forgiveness, for He is the
Forgiving, the Merciful!
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Part Two
Praise be to Allah! Praise be to Allah, the Omnipotent, the Unique Commander! I
praise Him for his graces and acknowledge His blessings. I truly and indisputably bear
witness that there is no deity but Allah, with no associate. I also bear witness that our Master
and Prophet, Muhammad, is His Servant and Messenger. May the best and purest of Allah’s
profuseSalat, Peace, and Blessing be upon him, his family and Companions, and May He
Almighty reward them, along with the tabi’in, and those who followed them in righteousness
with the best and the loftiest of positions!
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Now then, O Muslims!
Religious scholars have warned that in the case of a widespread epidemic, Muslims
should supplicate Allah, invoke Him and beseech His forgiveness. Supplication for the
purpose of lifting epidemics was a measure taken by the Prophet (May Allah’s Salat and
Peace be upon him) when he invoked Allah Almighty to end the striking plague in Al-
Madinah upon emigrating to it.
It was related that pandemics are insinuated by Satan, and that whenever the servant
(of Allah) mentioned Allah amply, Satan would have no choice but to flee. Indeed, there is no
better way of getting rid of calamities and afflictions than by making recourse to Allah
Almighty, establishing strong connection with Him, mentioning Him and repenting to Him.
Allah Almighty says:
And O my people! Ask forgiveness of your Lord and then repent to
Him, He will send you (from the sky) abundant rain, and add
strength to your strength, so do not turn away
as Mujrimun (criminals, disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah).[Hūd:
And (commanding you): "Seek the forgiveness of your Lord, and
turn to Him in repentance, that He may grant you good enjoyment,
for a term appointed, and bestow His abounding Grace to every
owner of grace (i.e. the one who helps and serves needy and
deserving, physically and with his wealth, and even with good
words).[Hūd: 3]
The need for a firmly-founded rapport with Almighty Allah always remains our best
in this regard, particularly when we realize that the cause of epidemics and their pervasion are
referred to laxity on our part in dealing with immoral conduct, excessive indulging in illegal
pleasure, uncontrolled wild passion, fornication, shamelessness, homosexuality, and adultery.
Global statistics in this respect are dreadful and alarming as they point to an imminent
destruction and perdition. In light of this, it is important to confirm that those who
intentionally seek to spread contagious diseases are judged to be corruptive and thus deserve
O Muslims! May Allah have mercy on you! Fear Allah, ask Him for forgiveness, and
turn in repentance to Him. Do recommend one another to truth and to patience5; order
5 This is an indirectquotationfrom the Holy Qur’ān, Surat Al-Asr, verse number 3.
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one another to perform good deeds and to abstain from all sinning; and obey Allah and
His Messenger (Muhammad), if you are believers.[Al-Anfāl: 1]
Ask Allah to send His Salat (Graces, Honours and Mercy) and Peace upon the Given
Mercy and the Offered Blessing, your Prophet Muhammad, the Messengerof Allah. Your
Lord has ordered you in His Holy Book saying –and He is Honest in whatever He says:
O you who believe! Send your Salât (Graces, Honours, Blessings,
Mercy) on (ask Allâh to bless) him (Muhammad), and (you should)
greet (salute) him with the Islâmic way of greeting (salutation i.e.
As-Salâmu ‘Alaikum). [Al-Aḥzāb: 56]
O Allah! Send Your Salat (Graces, Honours and Mercy) and Peace upon Your
Servant and Messenger, our beloved and Your Chosen Prophet, his kind virtuous family
(good and pure household), his wives: the mothers of the believers. O Allah! Be pleased with
the Four Caliphs –Abu Bakr, Omar, Othman and Ali–, onall the Companions, the tabi’în and
those who righteously follow them till the Day of Judgement! O Allah! Be also pleased with
us all, along with them, by Your Pardon, Generosity and Bounty, O You, the Most Generous
and Bounteous of all!
O Allah! Grant glory to Islam and Muslims! O Allah! Grant glory to Islam and
Muslims! O Allah! Grant glory to Islam and Muslims! Humiliate polytheism and polytheists
(who associate partners with You)! And fail the tyrants, pagans and all the enemies of the
Muslims and Islam!
O Allah! Grant us security in our homelands! O Allah! Grant us security in our
homelands! Make good our leaders and those responsible for our affairs,and make our
leadership from among those who are fearful of You, who guard taqwa, and seek your
satisfaction, O, You, Lord of al-'ālamîn(the worlds)!
O Allah! Help the Muslim leaders to abide by Your Book and to follow the Sunnah of
Your Prophet, Mohammad (May Allah’s Salat and Peace be upon him)! Make them a
blessing on Your faithful, and unite them on the grounds of righteousness and truth, O Lord
of the Worlds!
O Allah! Whoever intends to carry out evil deeds against us, our religion, our
homeland, our Ummah, our security, our unity, our leaders, our ulema (religious scholars),
the people of virtue, goodness and piety among us, keep him, O Allah, busy with himself!Let
his plotting be to his own detriment, and make his destruction in his planning, O, You, Lord
of al-'ālamîn!
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O Allah, the Protector of believers! O Allah, the Protector of believers, the Supporter
of the defenceless, the Reliever of those in need, the Ultimate Hope, the Refuge of the weak!
O Allah! We have brothers and sisters in faith who are defenceless and oppressed in
Palestine, Syria, Burma, and Central Africa. They have been struck by adversity and distress
and their situation has turned critical. They have been oppressed, displaced, besieged and
killed. The innocent among them have lost their lives, their wives have been widowed, their
children orphaned, and their homes and facilities destroyed.
O Allah, the Giver of victory to the helpless! O You, the Saviour of the believers! Do
make their victory through You! Take charge of their affairs, rid them off their distress and
adversity, grant them speedy relief, draw them closer at heart,unite their word around truth,
guidance and the Sunnah of Your Prophet (May Allah’s Salat and Peace be upon him)!Grant
them provision, a fighting power and a triumph of Your own! O Allah! We beseech You to
grant them resounding victory, relief, blessing, and perseverance!
O Allah! Defeat the tyrants and oppressors! O Allah! Defeat the tyrants and
oppressors and those who sympathize and side with them! O Allah! Disperse their gathering,
scatter their crowds, and tear them apart! O Allah! Make their plotting to their own detriment!
O Allah! Destroy the usurpers and occupiers among the Jews! O Allah! Destroy the
usurpers and occupiers among the Jews, for You are certainly able to do so! O Allah! Inflict
Your wrath which is so inevitably destined to strike the people who are Mujrimûn (criminals,
polytheists or sinners)! O Allah! We pray You to drive them off to their own detriment and
seek refuge in You from their evils!
O Allah! We leave to You those who have chosen to follow the path of terrorism! O
Allah! We leave to You those who have chosen to follow the path of terrorism, those who
have set out to massacre Muslims, disperse their unity, wreak havoc in their homelands, open
up gates of evil on them, and enable their enemies against them! O Allah! We pray You to
drive them off to their own detriment and seek refuge in You from their evils! O Allah! Make
their plotting to their own detriment!
They said: "Our Lord! We have wronged ourselves. If You forgive
us not, and bestow not upon us Your Mercy, we shall certainly be of
the losers.[Al-A’rāf: 23]
Our Lord! Give us in this world that which is good and in the
Hereafter that which is good, and save us from the torment of the
Fire! [Al-Baqarah: 201]
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Glorified be Your Lord, the Lord of Honour and Power! You are free from what they
attribute unto You! May peace be upon the Messengers! All praise be to Allah, the Lord of
the Worlds!
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