
Part One

Praise be to Allah. We praise Him, seek His help, and ask Him for forgiveness

and guidance. We seek refuge in Allah from the evils within ourselves and from our

wrong deeds. He whom Allah guides, none can misguide, and he whom Allah sends

astray, none can guide. I bear witness that there is no god but Allah alone, Who has no

partners, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and messenger. O Allah!

Bestow Your prayers, peace, and blessings upon him and upon his family and


O you who believe! Fear Allah (by doing all that He has

ordered and by abstaining from all that He has forbidden)

as He should be feared. [Obey Him, be thankful to Him,

and remember Him always], and die not except in a state

of Islam [as Muslims (with complete submission to

Allah)]. (Al ‘Imran: 102)

O mankind! Be dutiful to your Lord, Who created you from

a single person (Adam), and from him (Adam) He created

his wife [Hawwa’ (Eve)], and from them both He created

many men and women; and fear Allah through Whom you

demand (your mutual rights), and (do not cut the relations

of) the wombs (kinship). Surely, Allah is Ever an All-

Watcher over you. (An-Nisa’: 1)

O you who believe! Keep your duty to Allah and fear Him,

and speak (always) the truth. He will direct you to do


righteous good deeds and will forgive you your sins. And

whosoever obeys Allah and His Messenger (peace and

blessings be upon him), he has indeed achieved a great

achievement (i.e. he will be saved from the Hell-fire and

will be admitted to Paradise). (Al-Ahzab: 70-71)

Servants of Allah!

A successful believer is the one who regards occasions of change and new

beginnings as opportunities for reflection, meditation, and drawing lessons. He seizes

such opportunities to bring himself to account, evaluate his state, and set himself on the

right course. A man’s heart dies if he neglects self-reckoning and follows his evil desires

and whims. As we are bidding farewell to a departing year and receiving a new one (may

Allah make it a blessed, happy year for us all), we should bring ourselves to account. As

Caliph Umar ibn Al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, said, “Bring yourselves to

account before you are called to account, and weigh your deeds before they are weighed

for you (i.e. on the Day of Resurrection).”

A believer knows quite well that the present life was only created to be filled with

acts of obedience to Allah, Majesty and Glory be to Him, to establish true monotheism,

and to worship none but Allah. Our Lord, Majesty and Glory be to Him, says:

And I (Allah) created not the jinns and humans except

they should worship Me (Alone). (Adh-Dhariyat: 56)

Abdullah ibn Umar, may Allah be pleased with him and his father, said, “The Messenger

of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, took hold of my shoulder and said, “Be in

this world as though you were a stranger or a wayfarer.” Abdullah ibn Umar, may

Allah be pleased with him and his father, often said, “In the morning do not expect to live

until the evening, and in the evening do not expect to live until the morning. Take

advantage of your health before times of sickness, and take advantage of your life before

your death” (Reported by Al-Bukhari).

As the years pass by, fellow Muslims, we should perform more acts of obedience

to our Lord, do more good deeds, and fill up these years with righteousness in order to

draw nearer to the Creator. The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The

best people are those whose life is long and whose deeds are good.”

O Fellow Muslims!

A sign of evident self-wronging and manifest loss is to insist on showing

disobedience to Allah when He has blessed you with long life. Our Lord, Majesty and

Glory be to Him, says:


Verily, the number of months with Allah is twelve months

(in a year), so was it ordained by Allah on the Day when

He created the heavens and the earth; of them four are

Sacred, (i.e. the 1st, the 7th, the 11th and the 12th months

of the Islamic calendar). That is the right religion, so

wrong not yourselves therein. (At-Tawbah: 36)

It is a great loss for a Muslim to witness a passing year and a coming one while he

is wasting these years in idleness and losing every opportunity to make use of his time.

Our Lord, Majesty and Glory be to Him, says:

... Did We not give you lives long enough, so that

whosoever would receive admonition could receive it? And

the warner came to you ... (Fatir: 37)

One of the interpretations of this verse was given by Abdullah ibn Abbas, may Allah be

pleased with him and his father, who said that it means, “Have We not let you live until

you reached the age of sixty?” Our Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said,

“Allah has given enough excuse to a person whom He has let live until the age of


True success in this life lies in filling it with good deeds and hastening to perform

righteous acts. Allah says:

And march forth in the way (which leads to) forgiveness

from your Lord, and for Paradise as wide as are the

heavens and the earth, prepared for Al-Muttaqun (the

pious). (Al ‘Imran: 133)

Therefore, O Muslim, equip yourself in this life with obedience to your Creator and be

happy because of fearing your Lord so that you may realise the greatest gains and achieve

abundant good. The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said:

“Take advantage of five [states] before [you get into] five [others]:

your youth before your old age, your health before your sickness,

your wealth before your poverty, your free time before your being

busy, and your life before your death. For after departing this world,

there is no opportunity for making amends, nor is there any abode

after this world except Paradise or Hellfire.” (Classified as an

authenticated hadith (sahih) by Ibn Hajar)

Your life span, fellow Muslim, is a trust that you can fulfil only when you show

obedience to your Creator, adhere to His commands, abstain from what He has forbidden,


and spend your time in accordance with the purposes, goals, and objectives of this

religion, namely, bringing benefits in this world as well as in the hereafter. Allah says:

And say (O Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon

him) “Do deeds! Allah will see your deeds, and (so will) His

Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) ... (At-

Tawbah: 105)

The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The feet of a son of Adam shall

not move [from before his Lord] on the Day of Judgement until he is asked about

four things: about his life, what he spent it on; about his youth, what he wore it

out in; about his wealth, how he earned it and what spent it on; and about his

knowledge, what he did with it” (Reported with different authenticate narrations).

Make provision for the hereafter, may Allah have mercy on you, by performing

all the righteous acts that you can. Our Lord, Majesty and Glory be to Him, says:

So whosoever does good equal to the weight of an atom

(or a small ant), shall see it. And whosoever does evil

equal to the weight of an atom (or a small ant), shall see

it. (Az-Zalzalah: 7-8)

May Allah bless you and me with the Qur’an and the Sunnah. I have said what

you have heard, and I ask forgiveness of Allah for myself, for you, and for all Muslims,

for any sin we have committed. Ask Allah for forgiveness. He is the Oft-Forgiving, the

Most Merciful.


Part Two

Much praise full of bounties and blessings be to Allah. I bear witness that there is

no god but Allah alone, Who has no partners, and I bear witness that our prophet,

Muhammad, is his servant and messenger. O Allah! Bestow Your prayers, peace, and

blessings upon him and upon his family and Companions.

Now then,

I advise you and advise myself to fear Allah, Majesty and Glory be to Him, for

Allah protects those who fear Him, grants them happiness, and never makes them


O Muslims!

This year has come to an end while the state of so many Muslims is saddening to

any morally fair person. Some of them suffer heart-breaking atrocities, with their blood

being shed, their honour abused, and their wealth plundered, in such shocking tragedies

that one is left speechless before them. To Allah alone do we complain. There is no

power nor might except by Allah, the Most High, the Most Great.

Muslims are required to fear Allah, Majesty and Glory be to Him, regarding their

attitude towards their Ummah, their religion, and their societies, by returning to the

fundamentals of the Islamic Shari‘ah, which requires us to achieve unity and concord,

give precedence to benefits, and fulfil the necessary objectives of Islam, consisting in

preserving religion, life, property, and honour. Allah, Majesty and Glory be to Him, does

not like mischief.

Allah has ordered His servants to set things right in this world and establish peace

and security so that people may live peacefully, worshipping their Lord, fulfilling their

duties, and filling up their life with all sorts of useful and beneficial acts. Allah, Majesty

and Glory be to Him, says:

And do not do mischief on the earth, after it has been set in order. ...

(Al-A‘raf: 56)

Therefore, fear Allah, O Muslims, regarding this Ummah. Fear Allah, Majesty

and Glory be to Him, by obeying His commands. Fear Allah, Majesty and Glory be to

Him, by acting upon the commandments of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon

him, in his last khutbah to his Ummah, which he gave on ‘Arafat during the Farewell



Servants of Allah!

The month of Muharram is one of the sacred months. The Prophet, peace and

blessings be upon him, said, “The best month for fasting after Ramadan is Allah’s

sacred month (Muharram).” It is commendable, according to the Sunnah of Allah’s

Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him, to fast on the tenth day of this month. It is

also desirable to couple this with fasting on the ninth day, as the Prophet, peace and

blessings be upon him, said he would do that if he had lived to the following year.

Increase your good deeds and hasten to perform various acts of obedience to

Allah. Allah, Majesty and Glory be to Him, says in the holy hadith:

“O My servants! It is but your deeds that I reckon up for you and

then recompense you for, so let him who finds good (in the

hereafter) praise Allah and let him who finds otherwise blame none

but himself.”

Allah, Majesty and Glory be to Him, has commanded us to do a glorious deed,

namely, to invoke His peace and blessings upon the Noble Prophet.

O Allah! Bestow Your prayers, peace, and blessings upon our prophet, our

master, and our example that we follow, Muhammad, and be pleased with the Rightly-

Guided Caliphs and with all the Prophet’s family and Companions, and also be pleased

with us together with them, by Your benevolence and generosity, O Most Generous of all

the generous!

O Allah! Let this be a happy new year. O Allah! Let it be full of joys, happiness,

blessings, peace and security, O Owner of Majesty and Honour! O Allah! Replace the

state of Muslims with a better one, O Owner of Majesty and Honour! O Allah! Relieve

their distress in the new year. O Allah! Alleviate their sufferings. O Allah! Remove all

the calamities that have afflicted them, O Owner of Majesty and Honour!

O Allah! Remove the adversities, hardships, and crises that have afflicted

Muslims and replace them with relief, security, safety, and unity, O Owner of Majesty

and Honour!

O Allah! Guide our ruler to what You love and accept.

O Allah! Forgive us all our sins. O Allah! Forgive us all our sins. O Allah!

Forgive the sins of all believers, men and women. O Allah! Forgive the sins of all

Muslims, men and women, the living and the dead.

O Allah, give us in this world that which is good and in the hereafter that which is

good, and save us from the torment of the Fire.


O Allah! Help all the pilgrims who have performed hajj or umrah return safe and

sound to their homes, fully rewarded and blessed with Your bounties and good pleasure,

O Owner of Majesty and Honour!

O Allah! Unify our hearts around your love and the love of Your Messenger,

peace and blessings be upon him. O Allah! Unify Muslims around the Qur’an and the

Sunnah. O Allah! Unify Muslims around the Qur’an and the Sunnah, O All-Mighty! O

Most Strong! O Most Gracious, O Most-Merciful! O Ever-Living, O Self-subsisting!

O Allah! Guide our ruler to what You love and accept. O Allah! Guide all Muslim

rulers to what You love and accept for us, O Owner of Majesty and Honour!

O Allah! Let the rulers of Muslims be from among those who fear You and obey

You, O Owner of Majesty and Honour!

Servants of Allah!

Remember Allah much and glorify Him morning and evening.

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