
Part One

Praise be to Allah Who is the Sole Possessor of complete perfection and the Granter

of abundant graces. We praise Him for everything and atalltimes. I praise Him –May He be

extolled– and thank Him as He should be thanked andpraised. He starts by providing

benevolence before He is even asked for it. I bear witness that there is no deity except Allah

alone with no associate.He is far abovehaving likes of Him, peers or matches, and I bear

witness that our Master and Prophet Muhammad is the Servant and Messenger of Allah who

is described as having magnificent morals and noble attributes. May Allah send His

abundantSalat (Graces, Honours, Mercy), Peace and Blessing upon him, his righteous and

pious Companions, his noble and immaculate family, and the tabi’in (the contemporaries of

the Companions of the Prophet [May Allah‟s Salat and Peace be upon him] after his

death),and those who followed them with righteousness until the Day of Judgement!


I exhort you, O people, as well as myself, to observe taqwa(fear of disobeying Allah),

may Allah have mercy upon you:

And be afraid of the Day when you shall be brought back to Allâh.

Then every person shall be paid what he earned, and they shall not

be dealt with unjustly. [Al-Baqarah: 281]

Beware –May Allah have mercy on you– of eyes that are focusing upon the pleasures

of the herein, of souls that are striving to win thisshort and transient life, of ears that

areturningdeafto the remembrance of Allah, and of heartsthat are becoming black because of



In the Book of Allah is the greatest rebuke andin the days‟ exhortations is a great

lesson for those with keen insight. Funerals haul the dead from their spacious palaces to their

narrow graves; soft bodies are wrapped in folded shrouds. Death is enough as a preacher:

Surely, that which you are promised will verily come to pass, and

you cannot escape (from the Punishment of Allâh). [Al-An‟ām: 134]. O

mankind! Verily, the Promise of Allâh is true. So let not this present

life deceive you, and let not the chief deceiver (Satan) deceive you

about Allâh. [Fāṭir: 5]

O Muslims!

Our age is full of changing situations, vicissitudes, and surprises. It is full of seditions

ignited by our enemies. It is a fire kindled to keep us busy with sectarian wars, partisan

disputes, regional conflicts, and domestic tribulations.

These are seditions threatening the whole world with the danger of terrorism and

terrorists, defacing Islam, dismembering Muslims, and disintegrating Muslim homeswith the

aim ofcausingfurther perdition, poverty, displacement, and despair.

Nourished, financed and armed by international and regional intelligence, terrorism is

the concoction and making of these foreign powers. Its fuel are misguided „Kharijites‟ and

professional agents who have sold out their souls to the enemy of religion, of the Ummah and

all the Muslim homelands. It is a terrorism that treats Muslim communities as unbelievers,

and legalizes the shedding of innocent and inviolable blood.

These seditions and events have revealedsecrets, exposed some peoples, brought

down key figures, and uncoveredthe faults of international agreements, pacts and false calls

for peace.

O Muslim brothers and sisters!

To further explain, let me say that there are two types of terrorism: organized

terrorism and state terrorism.Organized terrorism is spear-headed by the Kharijites of modern

times who kill Muslims and spare idolaters, the ignorant, the impudent and the shameless.

Listen –May Allah have mercy on you– to the wonderful analysis and meticulous

diagnosis of Wahb Ibn Munabbih: a pious third-generation tābi’ῑ and a narrator of the

TwoSahihsBooksand the SunanBooks1who lived a thousand and two hundred years ago:

1 While the two sahihs are two hadith books collected by Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim, the Sunan are four

others collected by Abu Dawūd, AL-Nasāῑ, Al-Tirmithi and Ibn Mājah.


He said, may Allah bless his soul: “I witnessed the early period of Islam. I swear by

Allah that no sooner had the Kharijitesformed an integrated group than Allah disbanded

them in the worst condition,and no sooner had anyone of them dared declare his ill intentions

than Allah beheaded him. If Allah gave them power, the earth would be corrupt, roads would

be blocked, hajj would be stopped, Islam would relapse into Jāhiliyyah, and each one of them

would claim the right to be caliph. Each one of them had ten thousand supporters fighting

each other, accusing each other of kufr (unbelief). In a situation like that, one would be

afraid for his life, religion, family and property not knowing which group to side with.”

Brothers and sisters in Islam!

Have you ever seen a more accurate diagnosis and clearer analysis than this?

Describing the Kharijites, Imam Ibn Kathir –May Allah bless his soul– says, “If those

people gathered enough strength, they would corrupt the whole earth, Iraq and Sham (the

Levant). They would spare no child, man or woman since they believe that Muslims have

become so corrupt and incorrigible thatnothingcanremedy except masskilling.”

Indeed, there is no power or strength except with Allah!

What kind of religion and what kind of belief are these that turn them into enemies to

their Muslim brothers and allow them toengage in aggressive, hostile actions against their

homelands wreaking havoc on them, thus giving advantage to the enemy of the religion and

faith and standing behind hostile slogans that are lying in wait for Islam and Muslims?

These are but naïve, self-conceited and deceived Muslim youths, being led to

perdition on account of their ignorance and zealotry. They have entered into this sinister

stratagem and have wrongly and unjustly thrown their lot with the executioner and the bodyshredder.

This is accompanied –O Muslims– by absolute reticence where international and

regional secret services have been busy luring and recruiting more of our naïve children and

using them to prolong sectarian violence, regional disintegration, and partisan disunity.

These novice and simple-minded youths fall easy prey to foreign intelligence

machination. They aremade up of either astupid executer, a more stupid cheerful member or

an even more stupid supporter!

Such youths are blind to the fact that they are serving their enemy, destroying their

own homes, weakening their ranks, disuniting their Ummah, undermining their community

and severing their ties with it. They are even casting doubt on the unshakable principles and

tenets of their Ummah and are therefore pushing it into internal disputes, fighting and attrition

of human and material resources and weakening the loyalty to religion, the homeland and



Dear Muslims!

It is this world‟s dreadful reticence that encourages murderers to perpetrate their

terrorist genocide and mass killings in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and other places in endless

shameful and mournful series of actions perpetrated by these aberrant and blood-thirsty

takfiri sects2.

This is exploitation of terrorism to serve political agendas, hostile plots and futile

interests. What catastrophe is more calamitous than brother killing brother within the same

country, nay, within the same sect!

The only victims of their hostility and aggression are their own brethren, families and

compatriots, whereas the real Jewish enemy, the usurper and occupier of their land, is safe

and sound.

O Muslims!

So much about organized and partisan terrorism!

Insofar as state terrorism is concerned, our Zionist enemy takes first place. The

Zionist aggressions and crimes represent the utmost terrorism and violation of the legitimate

rights of our Palestinian brethren in the occupied territories. What can be more terrorising

than the agony suffered by our Palestinian brethren, their women and children, schools,

mosques, hospitals, shelters and tunnels?

Israel is an occupying state acting like a terrorist group. With its tremendous arsenal

of weapons of mass destruction, Israel is using violence, murder, destruction and terrorism to

achieve its aims and commit the most hideous massacres and the most heinous acts of

terrorism against the Palestinians.

Modern mass media have revealed more of the heinous attacks on unarmed and

innocent civilians as the Zionist attacks were targeting mosques, schools, shelters, and market

places while the whole world was watching silently. It is an aggression that reveals hysteric


Dear Muslims!

Palestine has achieved victory and so has Gaza because it has exposed the enemy‟s

aggression, falsehood and barbarism. We express our thanks and appreciation to all those

who have stood by our just cause and supported the oppressed against the oppressor.

2- Takfῑrῑs are Muslims who accuse other Muslims with apostasy/heresy.


Gaza held up firmly, and showed a great deal of patience. It ignited stone, and

mocked many humans and pseudo-humans putting those cowards to shame. Just like life is

negotiation, it is also struggle and sacrifices. The defeatists, the languid and the effete are

driven by their ephemeral interests, suspicious plans or limited political gains. Let those who

kept speechlessinthe face of terrorism, whether in its states, groups or organisations, know

that they will certainly be burned by it too.

Let the Jews know that our right will never be forfeited. Self-defence is a legitimate

right, resistance is standing tall.It is right and justice thatwill bevictorioussoonerorlater. The

Palestinian question remains the Muslims‟ major concern regardless of the futility of

politicsor of magnitude of the sacrifices. We will never renounce our rights or offer them for


Had the world given up its double standard policy and political hypocrisy, blood

would not have been shed and terrorism would not have gained ground.

O servants of Allah!

What disgrace will be hanging over this world represented by its organizations, its

human rights bodies, and its security and UN councils?! What disgrace it is when destruction

has become a slogan, terrorism politics, and politics interests?!

Now then, may Allah protect you against the evils of seditions! In the presence of

seditions and tribulations it becomes clear as to who supports right, who keeps his word and

promise; in the presence of seditions and tribulations, silence kills, words expose, and letting

down (others) reveals itself and is revealed.

However, in the midst of tragedies are born relief and the way out: ... It may be

that you dislike a thing and Allâh brings through it a great deal of

good.[Al-Nisā‟: 19]

May Allah benefit me and you from the Great Qur'ān and the Guidance of

Muhammad (May Allah‟s Salat and Peace be upon him). This being said, I ask Allah to

forgive my sins, yours, and those of all the Muslims, so ask Him to forgive you, for He is

Most Forgiving, Most Merciful!


Part Two

Praise be to Allah! He has repeated and clarified (His signs)and generously bestowed

his blessings. I praise Him, the Almighty, and I thank Him. I bear witness that there is no

deity but Allah Who has no partner, a pure and sincere witness to become a covenant for me

with the Merciful. I also bear witness that our Master and Prophet Muhammad (May Allah‟s

Salat and Peace be upon him) is Allah‟s Servant and Messenger, and that he is the honest and

the truthful one. May Allah send His abundant, ceaseless and eternalSalat(Graces, Honours,

Mercy), Peace and Blessing upon him, his family and his Companions, whokept to the

Straight Path and were rightly guided, as well as on the tabi'ῑn (the contemporaries of the


Companion of the Prophet [May Allah‟s Salat and Peace be upon him] after his death) and

those who follow them inrighteousness!

Now then, O Muslims!

In thisatmosphere of seditions and amidst the tumult of turbulences, it would be useful

to remind you of some features of the approach adoptedby the righteous Salaf (pious and

righteous predecessors), the People of the Sunnah and Jamā'ah.These include:

The salaf stick to evidence (from the Qur'an and Sunnah) and to the Sharia interest in

their Jihad, in calling to Islam, in enjoining good and forbidding evil, and in their positions

vis-à-vis the evil innovations (in religion).They do this byway of advice for the sake of Allah,

His Messenger, and the community of believers, not with the aim of quenching one‟s thirst

for revenge or defaming.

They cover the defects of Muslims;they do not seektohunt forothers‟ faultsor speak of

scholars' mistakes except to reveal the truth.While doing that, they remain polite, safeguard

the rights of others and seek excuses for them as much as they can; for it is indeed a sign of a

poor knowledge of religion and fiqh, a weak faith and short-sightedness to believe that the

legal rights of anopponent (in religious interpretation or politics) automatically drop, or that

justice weakens in his case. It is also a fixed matter for the SunniMuslims that Islam might be

supported by a licentious person and immoral people especially in times of turbulences and


Again, among the features of theirapproach is that they consider inventions in religion

similar to the rest of sins; that is they include grave and simple sins, and clear and

doubtfulones.The protected one is he whom Allah protects, for differences due to different

interpreting, due to committing errors, orduetolack of knowledge are indeed characteristics of

most humans.

It is a feature of piety and righteousness‒may Allah protect you‒ that a person should

accuse himself (i.e. bring it always to accountability), especially if he is known for being

righteous, knowledgeable, and generous; he must search for his own defects and busy himself

with fixing them in order to protect his faith, and he should accept the truth from whoever it


Yes indeed, Sunni Muslims are the ones who do not at allthink of themselves as being

faultless or perfect; they do not commend themselves with titles or slogans:

It will not be in accordance with your desires (Muslims), nor those

of the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians)[Al-Nisā‟: 123]

They accept the repentance of thosewho repent, the apology from those who

apologize, pray for the doers of good, fear for the doers of evil, do not feel happy for the


stumbles of others, do not like sinners to commit further sins.They pray Allah to guide the

sinners; they understand the meaning of jihad with the pious and impious alike in the

battlefield, in politics, in the struggle to acquire knowledge or to call (to Islam).That is

because what is meant is to vex the sworn and clear enemy. They do not do injustice to

people when buying from them or selling tothem; they choose the least harmful and avoid the

more corrupt of any two things; they keep their patience in choosing the least evil of any two

evil things, and they select that which is simpler of any two matters.

In light of their approach, their support and opposition of others are based on facts not

on mere rumours or names; they do not dig into the hearts of people to know their hidden

ideas and secrets, nor do they mistrust others.Indeed, they ask Allah to free their hearts of any

malice against the believers.Besides, they are strong when it comes to supporting the truth,

though without extremism, merciful on the creatures without remissness, tough on those who

go astray, but without injustice or abuse.

The Sunni Muslims are united in their approach, goals, and course of action; they vary

in their qualifications and positions: they include scholars, mujahideen, callers (to Islam), and

anticipators of reward in the hereafter (by sacrificing something for the sake of

Allah).Anyone who has not been accused of invention in religion is considered one of them.

The path of Sunni Muslims‟ followers is the straightest, safest, and broadest; it has

included earliergenerations from amongtheMuhajireen (immigrants from Makkah), theAnsār

(Madinah inhabitants who supported the Prophet [May Allah‟s Salat and Peace be upon him]

and his followers who immigrated to Madinah), the A’rāb (Bedouins), the ones who

embraced Islam at the conquest of Makkah and those who were set free (and were not

punished for their anti-Islam crimes) by the Prophet.In that are levels of beliefwhich only

Allah knows.He ‒glorified be He‒ says:

Then We gave the Book the Qur'ân) for inheritance to such of Our

slaves whom We chose (the followers of Muhammad SAW). Then of

them are some who wrong their ownselves, and of them are some

who follow a middle course, and of them are some who are, by

Allâh's Leave, foremost in good deeds. That (inheritance of the

Qur'ân), that is indeed a great grace.[Fāṭir: 32]

They assist each other on this path; all of them, by the grace and mercy of Allah, will

arrive at a good destination (i.e. paradise).

Therefore, fear Allah‒may Allah have mercy on you‒ and bearinmind that those who

can speak in case ofseditionsare scholars and insightful people; for when they areresorted to

in such cases,seditions will then‒Allah willing‒be attenuated and burnt out.However, when

the ignorant,the brainless youth and the foolish indulge into speaking of them, then these

seditions will grow more dangerous, more evil, and more devastating.


This is the reason why the Salaf have warned us against takingupsuchcases:

Imam Ahmad, may Allah blesshissoul, says: "Silence during seditions is a confirmed

Sunnah and I like to adhere to it. If afflicted, then sacrifice yourself for the sake of your

religion and never supportsedition, whether by your hand or your tongue.Rather, restrain

your hand, tongue, and desire, for Allah alone is the helper."

Imam SufiyānAthawry also says: "This is the time of silence, staying at home, and

being content with whatever food you have got until you die."

Abdullah Ibn Hubairah says:"Whoever witnesses a sedition he should break his leg

and if it gets healed, let him break the other one."

Now, this is said, ask Allah to send His Salat (Graces, Honours,and Mercy) and Peace

upon the Given Mercy and the Offered Blessing, your Prophet Muhammad, the Messenger of

Allah,for Allah commanded you to do so, for Allah,theAll-Knowing,says:

Allâh sends His Salât (Graces, Honours, Blessings, Mercy) on the

Prophet (Muhammad), and also His angels (ask Allâh to bless and

forgive him). O you who believe! Send your Salât on (ask Allâh to

bless) him (Muhammad), and (you should) greet (salute) him with

the Islâmic way of greeting (salutation i.e. As-Salâmu

‘Alaikum).[Al-Aḥzāb: 56]

O Allah! Send Your Salat, (Graces, Honours, and Mercy), Peace and Blessing upon

Your Servant and Messenger, our Prophet Muhammad, his family, his wives, and all

hisprogeny! O Allah! Be pleased with the four guided Caliphs, Abu Bakr, Omar, Othman and

Ali, with all the Companions, the tabi’in(the contemporaries of the Companions of the

Prophet [May Allah‟s Salat and peace be upon him] after his death) and those who

righteously follow them till the Day of Judgement. O Allah! Be also pleased with us all,

along with them, by Your Pardon and Generosity, O You, the Most Generous and Bounteous

of all!

O Allah! Grant glory to Islam and Muslims! O Allah! Grant glory to Islam and

Muslims! O Allah! Grant glory to Islam and Muslims, and fail polytheism and polytheists

(who associate partners with You)!O Allah Protect Your religion, grant victory to the

believers among Your servants, and render unsuccessful the despots and atheists and all the

enemies of faith and religion!

O Allah! Grant victory to Your religion, Book, the Sunnah of Your Prophet

Muhammad (May Allah‟s Salat and Peace be upon him), and Your righteous servants!


O Allah! Grant us security in our homelands! O Allah! Make good our leaders and

those responsible for our affairs, and make our leadership from among those who are fearful

of You, who guard taqwa (fear of disobeying Allah), and follow the path that leads to Your

satisfaction, O You, Lord of al-'ālamîn (the worlds)!

O Allah! Support with the Truth and Guidance our Imam who is responsible for our

affairs! Guide him to what You like and accept, guide him to righteousness and piety, support

him with the righteous retinue; O Allah! Make through him Your religion strong and Your

word the uppermost and make him a support to Islam and Muslims! O Allah! Make through

him unity among Muslims and on the grounds of righteousness and guidance! O Allah! Guide

him, his two deputies, his brothers and assistants to do what is good for the people and


O Allah! Grant victory to the Mujahideen, O Allah! Grant victory to the Mujahideen

who struggle in Your Path to empower Your religion and raise high Your Word! O Allah!

Grant them victory in Palestine and everywhere, O Lord of the Worlds!

O Allah! Destroy the Zionists! O Allah! Destroy the Zionist occupiers, for You are

certainly able to do so! O Allah! Inflict Your wrath which is so inevitably destined to strike

the people who are Mujrimûn (criminals, polytheists or sinners)! O Allah! We pray You to

drive them off to their own detriment and we seek refuge in You from their evils!

O Allah! Whoever intends to do any evil against us, our religion, our homeland, our

security, our leaders, our (religious) scholars, the good and the righteous among us, our

security forces our Ummah, or our unity, O Allah, get him busy with himself, let his plotting

return against him, and make his destruction in his planning, O You, the Lord of the Worlds!

O Allah! Protect us against the evil of wrongdoers, the maliciousness of the lecherous

and the evil of those plotting to carry it out by day or night!

O Allah! You are the Generous! Safeguard for us the bliss of our security, rightly

guide its leaders, empower its men, support them, strengthen them, increase their good,

guidance, and support! O Allah! Cure their ill, have mercy on their martyrs, protect their

families and progeny, O Lord of the worlds!

O Allah! We have brothers and sisters in faith who are helpless and oppressed in

Palestine, Syria, and Gaza! O Allah! They have been inflictedwith adversityand anguish!

Theircondition has turned to be soharsh; they have been subjected to oppression, tyranny,

homelessness, and siege.Bloodis being shed over there, innocent people killed, women

widowed, children orphaned, and houses and facilities destroyed. O Allah, the Supporter of

the helpless! O Allah, the Supporter of the helpless and the Saver of the believers! Grant

them victory, take care of them, relieve their anguish, lift off their adversity, and grant them

victory against Yourenemy and theirs!


O Allah! Set right the conditions of Muslims! O Allah! Set right the conditions of

Muslims everywhere! O Allah! Stop their bloodshed, give their leadership to the best among

them, protect them against the evildoers amongst them, and unite their word on the Truth, the

right guidance, and the Sunnah! Spread security and prosperity in their homelands! O Allah!

Lift off war and hardship from amongst them!Give them refuge against evils and seditions,

whether explicit or implicit!

Our Lord! We have wronged ourselves. If You forgive us not, and

bestow not upon us Your Mercy, we shall certainly be of the

losers.[Al-A‟rāf: 23]

… Our Lord! Give us in this world that which is good and in the

Hereafter that which is good, and save us from the torment of the

Fire![Al-Baqarah: 201]

O servants of Allah!

Verily, Allâh enjoins Al-Adl(i.e. justice and worshipping none but

Allâh Alone - Islâmic Monotheism) and Al-Ihsân [i.e. to be patient in

performing your duties to Allâh, totally for Allâh's sake and in

accordance with the Sunnah(legal ways) of the Prophet SAW in a

perfect manner], and giving (help) to kith and kin[] (i.e. all that

Allâh has ordered you to give them e.g., wealth, visiting, looking

after them, or any other kind of help, etc.): and forbids Al-Fahshâ'

(i.e all evil deeds, e.g. illegal sexual acts, disobedience of parents,

polytheism, to tell lies, to give false witness, to kill a life without

right, etc.), and Al-Munkar (i.e all that is prohibited by Islâmic law:

polytheism of every kind, disbelief and every kind of evil deeds,

etc.), and Al-Baghy (i.e. all kinds of oppression), He admonishes

you, that you may take heed.[Al-Naḥl: 90]

Then, remember Allah and He will remember you; thank Him for His bounties and

He will increase them for you.The remembrance of Allah is indeed the greatest, and Allah

knows what you are doing.


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