
Part One

Praise be to Allah, the Most Great, the Most Kind. I praise Him though I cannot

give Him His due praise, and I thank him though my thanks will never be sufficient. I

bear witness there is no god but Allah alone, Who has no partners, and to Whom all

people are slaves, and I bear witness that our prophet and master, Muhammad, is His

servant and messenger, the most honourable of all creation in terms of character and

appearance. May Allah bestow His everlasting peace and blessings upon him and upon

his family and Companions, who were foremost among virtuous people.

O Muslims!

Fear Allah, for fear of Allah is the best of all gains and obedience to Him is the

most honourable source of pride.

O you who believe! Fear Allah (by doing all that He has

ordered and by abstaining from all that He has forbidden)

as He should be feared. [Obey Him, be thankful to Him,

and remember Him always], and die not except in a state

of Islam [as Muslims (with complete submission to

Allah)]. (Al ‘Imran: 102)

O Muslims!

The month of Ramadan is about to come to an end and part from us. Blessed are

those whose souls have been purified in this month, whose hearts have become softer,

whose manners have become more refined, and whose desire for doing good deeds has

increased. Blessed are those who have repented of their sins, returned to Allah, and

become steadfast in following the right path in Ramadan. Blessed are those whose

trespasses have been forgiven, whose faults have been wiped away, and whose sins have

been erased. Blessed are those who have been pardoned by the Oft-Pardoning, the Most


Generous, and have been forgiven by the Oft-Forgiving, the Most Merciful. Blessed are

those who have obtained their reward and got their gift – those who have been saved

from slavery to their desires and released from the shackles of their whims, and thus have

been removed away from Hellfire and admitted to Paradise.

But wretched are those who have spent Ramadan in heedlessness and negligence,

who have been disobedient and careless, and who have wasted this opportunity because

of their idleness, sluggishness, and preoccupation with worldly concerns.

O you who have been misled by your lower selves, distracted by your devils, and

sent astray by your peers, the month of Ramadan is about to reach its end and is set to

depart; therefore, try to avail yourselves of its remaining days, turn to Allah before the

month comes to a close, and hasten to repent of your sins before it is gone. Many are

those who were looking forward to breaking their fast but ended up in their graves! Many

are those who purchased perfume for the ‘Eid, but this perfume was used in their burial!

Many are those who sowed clothing material to adorn themselves on the ‘Eid Day, but

this material was used as their shroud! And many are those who will never fast in

Ramadan again!

O you who have fasted and performed voluntary prayers at night! Have glad

tidings that Allah’s mercy, good pleasure, salvation, and forgiveness have been granted to

you! Your Lord is Most Merciful, Most Generous, Most Munificent, and Most Great. He

does not permit to be lost the reward of anyone who does righteous deeds. Therefore,

have good hopes in Him, thank Him for having enabled you to reach the end of Ramadan,

and ask Him to accept your fast and your night prayers. Be mindful of His presence at all

times by fulfilling your duties towards Him. Be steadfast in worshipping Him and keep

on showing obedience to Him.

Your month has bid you farewell, and it is now time for departure. Yes, your

month has bid you farewell, and it is now time for departure. O Month of blessings! We

shall say farewell to you though we are not willing to do so. We shall leave you though

we do not like it. We do not know whether we will live to witness your return or we will

be overtaken by death and never see you again.

My eyes are overflowing with plentiful tears!

Why should I not cry over the best thing that goes away –

Over that most blessed time which I have wasted,

In the markets of loss, in distraction and play;

Over those most precious moments which I have squandered,

And spent in heedlessness and vanities;

Over spending days in trivial pursuits,

Doing nothing of benefit, whether voluntary or obligatory?

To Him is my final return and He alone protects me and is my refuge.


I have a strong and certain hope that He will show kindness to me.

I ask Him to grant me success in the rest of my life

To whatever He loves and accepts – for this is the noblest of all calls.

I ask Him to encompass us with His pardon, mercy,

Bounty, and benevolence, and to conceal our flaws.

O Muslims!

Part of the subtle wisdom of Allah, Might and Majesty be to Him, His perfect

mercy, His infinite knowledge, and His generous pardoning and benevolence, is that He

has prescribed Zakat-al-Fitr (the obligatory charity of breaking the fast) to be given at the

end of the fast of Ramadan so as to purify the fasting person from any obscenities, vain

talk, and sins, so that he may compensate for any deficiencies in his fast, feed the poor

and express sympathy for them, provide aid to the needy, and thank Allah for having

enabled him to reach the end of this noble month. Abdullah ibn Abbas, may Allah be

pleased with him and his father, said,

“The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, prescribed

Zakat-al-Fitr to purify the fasting person from any vain talk or obscenity

committed while observing the fast and to feed the poor. If anyone gives it

before the ‘Eid Prayer, then it is an acceptable zakah. If anyone gives it

after the ‘Eid Prayer, then it is only a charity like any other charity.”

(Reported by Abu Dawud and Ibn Majah)

Zakat-al-Fitr is obligatory for every Muslim, who must give it for himself and for

every person he is obliged to support. The amount to be given for each person is one sa’

(which weighs a little less than three kilograms) of wheat, barley, dates, raisins, cheese,

or any other food normally consumed by people, such as rice, millet, and corn. Abdullah

ibn Umar, may Allah be pleased with him and his father, said, “The Messenger of Allah,

peace and blessings be upon him, prescribed Zakat-al-Fitr as one sa’ of dates or one sa’

of barley, for every Muslim, whether slave or free, male or female, young or old. He

commanded that it be given before people go to perform the ‘Eid Prayer” (Agreed upon).

If anyone wishes to make sure to give a full and complete sa’, then he should give three


It is recommended to give it for unborn children as well, since Uthman ibn Affan,

may Allah be pleased with him, did that, though this is not an obligation. If one gives its

value in money, clothes, or anything of a corresponding value, then he has not discharged

his duty, according to the more acceptable of the two views of Muslim scholars regarding

that matter, because doing so is contrary to textual evidence from the Sunnah of Allah’s

Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him.

The time for giving Zakat-al-Fitr starts from the sunset of the last day of

Ramadan and ends with the ‘Eid prayer, though it may be given one or two days before


the ‘Eid Day, but it is better to give it on the ‘Eid Day before one sets off to perform the

‘Eid Prayer, if this is possible. Whoever intentionally delays it until after its due time is

sinful, and must repent of his sin and give it without further delay. If, however, one

delays it forgetfully, he is not considered sinful and should give it as soon as he


It is to be given to the poor Muslims in the country of the zakah giver, but it may

be sent to poor Muslims in other countries if they are in more need of it. It may not be

given to a disbeliever, and one poor person may be given two or more zakah shares.

There is no special supplication or prayer to be said upon giving it. Whoever does not

possess a sa’ of food for the day and night of ‘Eid in excess of his and his dependents’

needs is not required to give Zakat-al-Fitr, as the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon

him, said, “No charity is due except for those who are self-sufficient” (Agreed

upon). If a poor person receives Zakat-al-Fitr from others and has an extra sa’ remaining

from it, he must give it as Zakat-al-Fitr for himself. If he has other extra sa’s remaining,

he may give them for whomever he is obliged to support, giving priority to the closer

relatives. Therefore, give it with pleasure, give it in full, and choose the best and most

beneficial food for the poor.

It is recommended to recite takbir (the ‘Eid remembrance starting with Allahu

Akbar (Allah is the Greatest)) on the eve of the ‘Eid Day and keep reciting it in the

morning until after the conclusion of the ‘Eid khutbah, in glorification of Allah, Glorified

and Exalted be He, and to show gratefulness to Him for His guidance and for granting us

success. Allah, Majesty and Glory be to Him, says:

... (He wants that you) must complete the same number

(of days), and that you must magnify Allah (i.e. to say

Takbir (Allahu-Akbar; Allah is the Most Great) for having

guided you so that you may be grateful to Him. (Al-Baqarah:


Abdullah ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him and his father, said, “If the Muslims

witness the new moon of Shawwal, they should recite takbir.” Therefore, loudly recite

takbir from the sunset on the eve of ‘Eid until the ‘Eid Prayer in your mosques, markets,

homes, and roads, whether you are travelling or resident, and make this great religious

rite heard and seen by all people. As for women, they should not recite takbir loudly.

Let the heedless people give up listening to the forbidden, immoral musical

instruments and songs. They must not blemish these blessed moments by listening to the

instruments of devils and the words of transgressors.


I have said what you have heard, and I ask forgiveness of Allah for myself, for

you, and for all Muslims, for any sin we have committed. Ask Allah for forgiveness, for

He is Oft-Forgiving to those who turn unto Him again and again in repentance.


Part Two

Praise be to Allah, Who guides those who ask for His guidance. I bear witness

that there is no god but Allah and I bear witness that our prophet and master, Muhammad,

is His servant, messenger, chosen one, close friend, and most beloved one. May Allah

bestow His peace and blessings upon him, his family, his Companions, and those who

follow his ways and his guidance.

O Muslims!

O you who believe! Be afraid of Allah, and be with those

who are true (in words and deeds). (At-Tawbah: 119)

O Muslims!

The ‘Eid Prayer is one of the clear symbols and great rites of the religious.

Therefore, go out to perform it in a clean state, well-groomed, well-dressed, and wearing

your finest clothes. Even a person who has practised i‘tikaf (seclusion in the mosque for

worshipping Allah alone) should go out for the ‘Eid Prayer in his best clothes; it is

contrary to the Sunnah to wear the same clothes that one has been wearing during i‘tikaf.

Women, including those in their menstrual period, can also go out to perform the

‘Eid Prayer to witness the blessings, purity, and goodness of the day and to attend the

Muslims’ supplications. They should, however, go out decently and modestly dressed,

without wearing perfume or revealing their ornaments, and should not wear any clothes

that may draw men’s attention. The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Do

not prevent the female servants of Allah from going to the mosques of Allah, and

let them go out [to the mosque] without wearing any perfume” (Reported by Abu-


According to the Sunnah, those who miss the ‘Eid Prayer or part of it may make

up for it in the same way it is performed (by the imam in congregational prayers). It is

also an act of Sunnah to eat something before going out to perform the ‘Eid Prayer. Anas

ibn Malik, may Allah be pleased with him, said, “Allah’s Messenger, peace and blessings

be upon him, never proceeded [for the prayer] on the Day of ‘Eid-al-Fitr without eating

some dates, and he would eat an odd number of dates” (Reported by Al-Bukhari).

Ask Allah to bestow His peace and blessings on Prophet Ahmad, the guide and

the intercessor of all mankind, for whoever invokes Allah to bless him once will be

blessed for it by Allah ten times over.

O Allah! Bestow Your peace and blessings upon your servant and messenger,

Muhammad. O Allah! Be pleased with all the Prophet’s family and Companions, and


with those who follow them in righteousness until the Day of Judgment, and also be

pleased with us together with them, by Your bounty, O Most Generous!

O Allah! Provide power and glory to Islam and Muslims, subdue polytheism and

the polytheists, and destroy the enemies of the religion. O Allah! Make our country and

all other Muslim countries safe and secure.

O Allah! Guide our leader and ruler to what You love and accept and lead him to

the way of righteousness and piety. O Allah! Guide all Muslim rulers to rule according to

Your Shari‘ah and to follow the Sunnah of Your prophet Muhammad, peace and

blessings be upon him.

O Allah! Cure the sick among us, relieve the distress of the afflicted among us,

have mercy on our dead, release our prisoners, and grant us victory over our enemies.

O Allah! Help the weak and oppressed among Muslims, O Most Merciful of all

the Merciful!

O Allah! Grant our brothers in Palestine victory over the Jewish usurpers and

treacherous Zionists. O Allah! Take revenge upon them, for they are not beyond Your

Power, O Lord of the Worlds!

O Allah! Answer our call and accept our supplication, O Most Generous! O Most

Great! O Most Merciful!


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