
Thanking Allah for His


Part One

Praise be to Allah, the Benign, the Clement, and the Compassionate! I thank Him ()

for His blessings and bounties, and I bear witness that there is no deity except Allah alone

with no associates! He is the First, the Last, the Manifest, the Hidden, and the

Omniscient. I bear witness that our Master and Prophet Muhammad is the servant and

Messenger of Allah. He is the most truthful, the most trustworthy with supreme morals!

O Allah! We beseech You to send Your salat and blessings on your Messenger

Muhammad, his family, Companions, tabi’in (the contemporaries of the Companions of

the Prophet after his death) and those who follow them in righteousness until the Day of


Having said that, I urge you, servants of Allah, to fear Allah! ﴾And fear the day

when you shall be brought back to Allah then shall every soul be paid

what it earned and none shall be dealt with unjustly.﴿ [Al-Baqara: 281]

O Muslims!

Expending Allah’s blessings in ways that He approves, using them in showing

obedience to Him, and channelling them towards accomplishing righteousness and

benevolent deeds instantly or in the future are clear signs of happiness. Hence man would

follow the path of the wise and the example of those who fear Allah and seek salvation

by mentioning His Name () and by thanking Him as He commanded: ﴾Then do

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remember Me; I will remember you. Be grateful to Me and reject not

faith. [Al-Baqara: 152]

Showing gratitude to Allah prompts the pouring of yet further blessings from Him as

He promised His pious servants: ﴾And remember, Your Lord caused to be

declared (publicly) “If you are grateful, I will add more (favor) unto

you; But if you show ingratitude, truly My punishment is terrible

indeed.”﴿ [Ibrahim: 7]

Among Allah’s innumerable blessings ‒apart from that of the guidance to Islam‒ are

the blessings of hearing, sight and intelligence and affections which Allah has mentioned

by name on account of their sublime value: ﴾It is He who brought you from the

wombs of your mothers when you knew nothing; and He gave you

hearing and sight and intelligence and affections: that you may give

thanks (to Allah).﴿ [An-Nahl: 78]

These blessings are the key to all knowledge and the beacon to the straight path of

Allah (). They are the means of attaining everything one aspires for, and of

distinguishing between the benign and the malicious.

However, Allah () has made these blessings contingent on thanking Him, not only

verbally, but also in deeds, i.e. in using them in obeying Him and in what He loves and

approves both in terms of words and deeds. One has to harness every single part of one’s

body and senses in obeying one’s Creator and Lord so that one’s gratitude makes one’s

actions purely dedicated to Allah so that one would not hear or see anything but what He

() has designated permissible and would not believe except in what He () approves.

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A Muslim, thus, may fit the description by the Prophet () in his hadith narrated by

Al-Bukhari (may Allah bless his soul) in his Sahih, quoting Abi Hurairah (); he said,

“The Prophet () related to us that Allah said: ‘Whoever takes one of my loyal believers

as enemy must know that I shall wage war on him. The most beloved things with which

My servant draws nearer to Me is what I have enjoined upon him; and My servant

keeps drawing closer to Me through performing voluntary acts until I love him. And

when I love him, I become his sense of hearing with which he hears, his sense of sight

with which he sees, his hand with which he grips, and his leg with which he walks. If

he asks Me, I will give him, and if he asks My protection I will protect him.’"

What a great ending! What a bountiful reward that is fit to be the ultimate wish for

every wise man meaning to do himself a favour, seeking happiness and success and

wishing to attain righteousness and salvation!

Conversely, he who uses these blessings in ways that cause Allah’s wrath, including

looking at and listening to whatever is forbidden (as is the case with satellite TV

channels, some magazines, newspapers and websites) would be extremely ungrateful to

Allah’s blessings. He would then be reciprocating Allah’s blessing in the most

unbecoming way possible; with utter unbelief, and His bliss with ingratitude, while acting

oblivious of the fact that looking at and listening to the forbidden are considered adultery

of the eyes and the ears.

This has been reported by the most truthful and the most trustworthy () in the hadith

narrated by the Two Sheikhs in their Two Sahihs.

By so doing, he would incur Allah’s indignation and would consequently deserve

prompt chastisement for his disobedience.

Insisting on sinning and refraining from turning to Allah in repentance would

inevitably lead to the severance of the rapport between the individual and his Lord. Imam

Ibn al-Qayim (May Allah bless his soul) said, “Should the rupture occur, the strings of

good will be disconnected, and those of evil will be attached to the culprit. What kind of

success; what kind of hope; what kind of life will there be for a man whose strings of

good have been disconnected and whose relationship with his Lord has been severed,

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though he cannot do without His help for a blink of an eye? Such a Lord is indispensable,

irreplaceable! Once the strings of evil are attached to a man; once he forges relations

with Satan –his sworn enemy‒ the latter will seize him and his Lord will abandon him. As

a result, his soul will be unaware of the pain and agony entailed by such severance and

such connection.” And this is one of greatest forms of retribution.

Furthermore, this kind of sin is punishable by divine oblivion where Allah abandons

His servant, forsaking him and surrendering him to his Satan. That is indeed the

unwavering pitch of damnation from which there is no redemption. It wipes out Allah’s

blessings and incurs His wrath. No blessing is withheld from a man, and no misfortune is

allowed to befall him but in retribution for a sin he has committed.

Sins sicken and weaken the heart. They blind the insight, undermine dignity, rebuke

and scorn the soul, deprive man of one’s honour and praise, bring upon him humility and

censure, cast him with the riffraff and remove Baraka from his life, livelihood, and work.

This is always the case with sins and how they affect man and ruin his faith and life.

Therefore, servants of Allah, fear Allah and always be thankful to Him for bestowing

His blessings upon you especially the senses of hearing and sight. Make sure that you use

them in obeying Him, and you will be among the thankful who attain salvation on the

Day of Judgment.

May Allah help you and me to benefit from the guidance of His Book and the Sunnah

of His Prophet ()! I say this and ask Allah’s forgiveness for you and me from all sins. I

repent to Him; He is the all Forgiving, the all Compassionate!

Part Two

All praise be to Allah! We praise Him, seek His assistance and guidance, and ask Him

for forgiveness! We seek refuge in Him from the evils of our own souls and from our

wicked deeds! Whoever Allah guides no one can misguide and whoever He misguides no

one can guide! I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship but Allah, Who has

no partners! I also bear witness that our Prophet, Muhammad, is His servant and

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Messenger! O Allah send Your Salat (Graces, Honors, Mercy), peace and blessings upon

him, his family, and Companions!

O servants of Allah!

The eradication of barakah (blessing/benediction) from one's life span, livelihood,

knowledge, work, faith, as well as from all worldly matters must be interpreted as Allah’s

retribution upon every disobedient person who employs His blessings in what angers

Him. In this respect, some (religious) scholars confirm that "this is so because Satan has

power over such a disobedient person and his company, and he will play his tricks on his

group, his household, and his friends. Verily, anything that is connected to Satan is to be

devoid of blessing."

Thus it was legislated (by Islamic Sharia) to mention Allah's Name () when eating,

drinking (permitted drinks), wearing clothes, riding, and entering a house, etc. Indeed,

just mentioning Allah's name is enough to expel Satan thus bringing about blessings.

No deed would be blessed unless intended for Allah, for blessing is in the Hands of the

Lord alone. Indeed all blessings are from Him and anything that is attributed to Him is

blessed; likewise, anything that He distances Himself from, be they physical things,

words, or deeds will have no blessing. Allah has cursed His enemy, Satan, and made him

the farthest away from Him of all His creatures. Therefore, anybody siding with Satan

will be cursed by Allah depending on how closely they are associated with him.

Thus, disobedience of Allah is the primary reason for causing the eradication of

blessing from one's life span, livelihood, knowledge, and work.

Whenever Allah was disobeyed, whenever someone employs his money, body,

authority, knowledge, or does anything to disobey Allah, it will be counted against him

(on the Day of Judgment). A person’s lifetime, money (and possessions), strength,

authority, knowledge, and deeds are no good to him unless they are harnessed for the

obedience of Allah.

Fear Allah, O servants of Allah, and use your obedience of your Lord and your

seeking help from all the blessings He bestowed upon you as a means to bring forth

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blessing into your lifetime, deeds, livelihood, and the gaining of the everlasting Blessing

(Paradise) of your Creator.

Always remember that Allah () ordered you to send your salat and peace on the Seal

of the Prophets, the Imam of the righteous, and the Mercy of Allah to Mankind and the

Jinn (Prophet Muhammad) as He said in the Holy Qur'ān: Allâh sends His Salât

(Graces, Honours, Blessings, Mercy) on the Prophet (Muhammad لله صلى

وسلم علیھ ), and also His angels (ask Allâh to bless and forgive him). O

you who believe! Send your Salât on (ask Allâh to bless) him

(Muhammad وسلم علیھ لله صلى ), and (you should) greet (salute) him with

the Islâmic way of greeting (salutation i.e. As-Salâmu ‘Alaikum). [Al-

Ahzāb: 56]

O Allah! Send Your Salat (Graces, Honours, and Mercy) and Peace on Your servant

and Messenger Muhammad ()! O Allah! Be pleased with the four Caliphs: Abu Bakr,

Omar, Othman and Ali, with all of the family of the Prophet, his Companions, the tabi'in,

and those who follow them righteously until the Day of Resurrection! O Allah! Be

pleased with us all, along with them, by Your Pardon, Generosity and Bounty, O You, the

Most Generous and Bounteous of all!

O Allah! Grant glory to Islam and Muslims! O Allah! Grant glory to Islam and

Muslims! O Allah! Grant glory to Islam and Muslims! And protect Your Religion!

Destroy the enemies of Your religion and all the despots and the corruptors! Unite the

hearts of Muslims and unify them, set right their leaders and unite their word on Truth! O

You, Lord of al-'alamîn (the worlds)!

O Allah! Grant victory to Your religion, Your Book, the Sunnah of Your Prophet

Muhammad () and Your truthful believing servants!

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O Allah! Grant us security in our homelands, set right our leaders and those

responsible for our affairs, support with Truth our Imam and leader, provide him with

righteous retinue and guide him to do whatever you love and accept! O You, the All-

Hearing of our prayers! O Allah! Guide him, his Crown Prince and his brothers to do

what is good for Islam and Muslims, for the country and for the people! O You, to Whom

people shall return in the Day of Resurrection!

O Allah! Grant us a good ending in all of our affairs and save us from the humiliation

of the worldly life and the punishment of the Hereafter!

O Allah! Make better our religion which is our bond, make better our Dunya (life in

this world) which is the source of our living, make better our Hereafter to which we are

returning, and make life for us an increase of all that is good, and death a relief from

every evil!

O Allah! We seek refuge in You against the vanishing of Your blessing, the change in

the good health you granted us, the suddenness of Your vengeance, and all forms of Your

wrath! O Allah we ask You to help us do good things, avoid abominable actions, love the

poor, and to forgive us and have mercy on us! O Allah, if You willed a certain people to

be tested by ordeal, O Allah, take us to You before we are tested by such ordeal!

O Allah! Cure those of us who are sick, have mercy on our dead, help us fulfill our

hopes in accordance with what you please!

O Allah! Protect us against Your enemies and ours in any way that pleases You, O

Lord of Alamin! O Allah! Protect us against Your enemies and ours in any way that

pleases You, O Lord of Alamin! O Allah! Protect us against Your enemies and ours in

any way that pleases You, O Lord of Alamin! O Allah! We leave them to You (to deal

with them in any way that pleases You) and seek refuge in You from their evils! O Allah!

We leave them to You and seek refuge in You from their evils!

O Allah! Protect all Muslims in their homelands; O Allah! Protect them in Syria, in

Palestine, in Burma, and in the entire Muslim world, O Lord of Alamin; O Allah! Grant

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them victory over Your enemy and theirs; O Allah! Cure their injured, have mercy on

their dead, and grant the reward of martyrdom to those who were killed among them, O

Lord of Alamin!

O Allah! Feed their hungry, clothe those who have no clothes, and lift harm off them

by Your mercy, O Lord of Alamin!

Our Lord! We have wronged ourselves. If You forgive us not, and

bestow not upon us Your Mercy, we shall certainly be of the

losers.[Al-A'rāf: 23] (They say): "Our Lord! Let not our hearts deviate

(from the truth) after You have guided us, and grant us mercy from

You. Truly, You are the Bestower." [Âl-‘Imrân: 8] … Our Lord! Give us

in this world that which is good and in the Hereafter that which is

good, and save us from the torment of the Fire! [Al-Baqarah: 201]

O Allah! Send Your Salat (Graces, Honours, and Mercy) and Peace on our Prophet,

Muhammad, on his family and all his Companions. And all praise be to Allah, the Lord

of the Worlds (Alamin)!

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