
The Harmful Effects of Rumors on

the (Muslim) Ummah

Part One

Praise be to Allah! Praise be to Allah, the owner of an overcoming exalted power,

and manifest authority; elevated be He Whose glory is exalted and authority is supreme!

He knew (the sins) and covered; He preordained and forgave. I praise Him () and thank

Him; He made His bounties flow, and gave generously of His blessings; and I bear

witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah alone, a witness that will

lead to attaining His pleasure and Paradise; and I bear witness that our master and

Prophet Muhammad () is His servant and Messenger, the best of Allah's creatures, and

the best guide to His path; O Allah! Send Your Salat (Graces, Honors, and Mercy) upon

Your servant and Messenger Muhammad (), and bless him and his household the

righteous masters and his Companions, who are courageous and the best of people, and

the tab'în (the contemporaries of the Companions of the Prophet () after his death) and

those who righteously follow them with benevolence so long as day and night alternate.

O Allah! Send a lot of Salat (Graces, Honors, and Mercy) upon all of them!

Having said this:

I advise you, O people, and myself, to fear Allah; so fear Allah, may Allah have

mercy upon you! "For astute people are those who accuse themselves (of wrongdoing)

and work for what comes after death, and the helpless are those who follow (blindly)

their vain desires and hope to get their demands from Allah".

Our lives melt away by the passing of years; thus, how fast is the passage of day and

night! Allah () said: So, by your Lord (O Muhammad صلى لله علیھ و سلم ), We

shall certainly call all of them to account. [Al-Hijr: 92]. For all that they

used to do. [Al-Hijr: 93]. May Allah make us all among those whose lives are long,

deeds good, sins forgiven, and balance heavy (with good deeds in the Hereafter).

O Muslims!

One of the greatest things that make us pause and lead us to serious self-accountability

is the genuine and authentic Hadith of our Prophet ():"It is sufficient a sin to retell

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everything that one hears." [Narrated by Muslim through Abu Huraira ()]. It is serious

accountability and conspicuous testing.

O Muslims!

Words have their effects, and images their impact in whatever means they occur: in an

oration or essay, a lecture or a tweet, from an orator or a speaker, a writer or a caller (to

Islam), a commentator or an observer, or in any means of mass communication.

Words and images are invariable means used by this age of technologies and

communications, with its blogs and tweets, its sites and networks, its media and (TV)

channels. Woe unto those who neglect this from among the tweets and observers!

How many consequences there were that cost so much money and effort and claimed

so many souls!

Dear Muslims!

People's carelessness and irresponsibility, especially young men and women, towards

what is called "collective chatting" in the groups they organize or enroll in via their

phones and other electronic devices, drive them to compete in receiving or spreading a

piece of information regardless of its correctness, accuracy, or danger. Danger might,

however, lie in the dangerous consequences it might lead to regarding religion and faith,

the country and its inhabitants, its security and stability. Such consequences will spread

confusion and disturbance, rather than fear and terrorism.

Danger, fear, and bad consequences increase when neither the sources of these rumors

and news are known, nor are the goals and purposes of spreading them. There is no

credibility nor reliability. Thus, "it is sufficient a sin to retell everything that one


These means and sites represent a fertile environment for various fabricated news and

rumors, irresponsible opinions and views; let alone that many of those who communicate

these dangerous words, images, and news are silly and out of work who have nothing to

busy themselves with of what is good and useful to them, to their religion, nation, and


The wise observer, let alone the specialist, knows that these people are useless; one of

them would be sitting on his couch holding his tablet, and sticking to his device throwing

words here and there irresponsibly.

How many a word or tweet said to its speaker: “leave me alone!” (i.e. don't utter me),

and how many a blog might cause its writer to fall in the Hell Fire a longer distance than

that between east and west!

Some people’s words are shooting from their mouths like bullets from guns killing

themselves therewith, destroying their household, undermining their country,

encouraging enemies, empowering adversaries, sowing the seeds of dissent, and blowing

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the horn of Fitnah (unrest and affliction). Their fingers rivaled their tongues to be deeply

involved in critique and classification, destruction and spoiling.

Their words, images, and (video) segments make fun of the components of their

society, as if they have volunteered to distort their image in front of others, and document

it with voice and photo; as if they were hired to destroy themselves, demolish their

houses, and deny their identity.

Upon hearing a piece of news, they fly with it everywhere, spreading and transmitting

it, feeling proud that they won the scoop of spreading it. Indeed, a word flies crossing the

boundaries of time and place in seconds by a finger touch or a button press. However, it

is the duty of such people to hold themselves accountable before they release their

tongues, press their finger tips, write down their essays, or tweet their tweets.

Where is the truth? Where is the interest? Where is religion? Where is


Is it true that these people are expanding horizons or digging tunnels?! Are they

building or destroying?! Are they uniting or dividing?! Are they promoting the status of

their people and country or humiliating and crushing souls.

What these poor deluded individuals spoil in seconds might not be fixed in years, and

might cost money and people, or might be unfixable. There is no power and no strength

save in Allah.

O Muslims!

"It is sufficient a sin to retell everything that one hears", " A man may continue to

tell the truth and endeavour to be truthful until he is recorded with Allah as truthful. A

man may continue to tell lies and endeavour to tell lies, until he is recorded with Allah

as a liar".

Our Prophet Muhammad () told us in his Sahih (authentic) Hadith about what he had

seen of the conditions of the Hereafter: "A man telling a lie which goes in all directions

is being sown from the side of his mouth, through his nose and eye to the back of his

neck". How severe this is, and what a long time it lasts!

Dear Muslims!

This is an issue; however, there is yet another issue related to it. It is weightier and

more dangerous; rather, it might be an effect or a goal of the first issue; I mean

"information security"; rather security of religion, its fixed tenets and principles; the

security of the country, its unity and solidarity.

These technologies, apparatuses, devices, and sites made responsibility greater and the

concept of freedom more subtle. Thus, a free person is one who controls himself by the

rules of reason, religion, and science. Freedom means freeing oneself from the bonds of

desires. A free person is one who takes responsibility and thinks in light of disciplines.

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These technologies have exposed some of those who wanted to evade the eye of the

censor, let alone (the censor of) religion, conscience, morals, and principles.

Belief is a true religion; citizenship is guided reason; responsibility is trust, firmness,

and work to accomplish maximum as well as minimum welfare; indeed it is a pursuing of

good and right guidance everywhere, in addition to encouraging people to embrace them.

O people of understanding!

Destruction is easy, and falling down into the abyss is costless; we seek refuge with

Allah. Look at some of our neighbors (i.e. neighboring countries) who wake up in the

morning at the sounds of explosions and approach the evening at the sounds of

destructive shells aimed at houses, stores, places of worship, offices, and (religious and

racial) minorities.

An observer of some regional and international powers will notice that they try to

ignite sectarian, tribal, religious, and regional conflicts in order to break countries apart,

divide peoples, and render them homeless, so they can share the loots. They do not care

at all about the interests of the people in the region. They do not care whether those

people could die of hunger, divide into factions, sects, or parties.

The happy and wise person is he who learns from others.

Dear brothers!

We in this holy land, our forefathers and ancestors have left us a secure and unified

country, a country that is good, wide, and spacious whose leaders are serious and resolute

in protecting this unity and this nation under the banner of “There is no deity but Allah,

and Muhammad is His Messenger”; they are also serious and resolute in serving and

taking care of the Two Holy Mosques.

This great blessing should be valued, protected, and passed on to our sons and the

other generations after them, Allah willing, so they might enjoy the security, faith,

prosperity, and bounties that we are enjoying.

Beware! Be on your guard against the orators of Fitnah (unrest and affliction) and

instigation, against those who call to tearing up countries, and tampering with their unity,

those who seek to inflame unrest and provoke disunity by false accusations and unjust

defamations, those who have lying, sinful forelocks, and those who describe their own

countries, people, and leaders by the vilest descriptions, using a rough style and offensive


An imbecilic person who is the most misleading to the nation and its leaders and the

most detrimental to the unity of Muslims sets out to undermine the power of Muslims,

weaken their strength and serve their enemies while claiming to be calling for their rights.

Rights can never be attained by foul language, instigation, discrimination and

sectarianism, strengthening oneself by the passive followers, by foreign countries or by

the enemies of the nation. Such a person causes turbulences, brings in strangers and

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strengthens himself with the outsiders and this is clear treachery and giving away one’s

country, its potentialities and people. Such a person should be treated strictly, redirected

to what is right, made to follow the right path, and work for the safety of the country, the

people and the unity of Muslims.

O Muslims!

Among the responsibilities and the duties of the State country is to hit hard everybody

who comes up to these constants to shake or harm them. It is irresponsible frivolity that

affects the religion and the country. The country is responsible for the safety of people,

their protection, the preservation of their rights and their properties and for organizing

their affairs in their marketplaces, their houses and their public utilities.

The State with its judicial, organizational, and executive authorities is responsible for

the safety of its people and their well-being, and for securing a decent life for them. It is

also responsible for achieving justice and providing the conditions of an agreeable life.

O servants of Allah!

Rights are equal, life is organized, and interests are considered. All of that can only be

achieved in a strong, calm, stable and safe homeland that is ruled by a government which

is in control through its judiciary system, its organs and its justice.

A Muslim must be careful of being an instrument for spreading corruption, feeding

dissension, betraying his religion, his country and all his people.

A person must be careful not to be, whether consciously or unconsciously, fuel for

such narrow denominational calls that do not take into consideration their people, their

country and its security and safety; the harm resulting therefrom will overtake everybody,

and the fire flaring will spare no one. Anyone who shows slackness in opposing those

aberrant extremists who spread false news among Muslims, or anyone who tries to find

excuses or justifications or only criticizes them timidly or weakly is a conniver in

weakening the country and shaking its entity.

The unity of homelands, their safety and the preservation of their religion and security

may not be undermined or tampered with in any case and under any justification.

I seek refuge with Allah from the outcast Shaitân (devil): And fear the Fitnah

(affliction and trial) which affects not in particular (only) those of you

who do wrong (but it may afflict all the good and the bad people),

and know that Allâh is Severe in punishment. And remember when

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you were few and were reckoned weak in the land, and were afraid

that men might kidnap you, but He provided a safe place for you,

strengthened you with His Help, and provided you with good things so

that you might be grateful.  [Al-Anfâl: 25-26]

May Allah benefit you and me with the Noble Quran and the guidance of Muhammad

(). This is said, I ask Almighty Allah to forgive me, you, and all Muslims from every

sin and wrong-doing. I ask Him for forgiveness for our Lord is Forgiving and Merciful.

Part Two

Praise be to Allah who enlightened the hearts of those who enjoy happiness through

their faith then they began to worship their Lord submissively. I praise and thank Him for

He promised the thankful an increase (of favors and rewards). I bear witness that there is

no deity worthy of worship save Allah alone Who has no partners. What a great witness!

And I also bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger who is uniquely

nominated by being chosen and preferred. May Allah send His Salat (Graces, Honours,

and Mercy) and Peace on him, his household, his Companions who have been true in

their faith and in their worship, the tab’în and those who righteously followed them as

long as the flags of Islam stay raised and its banners stay praised (till the Day of


O Muslims!

Reclaiming the rights is a right. The door of mutual advising is allowable and open;

people have their rights and duties, the deficits should be redressed, demands should be

voiced and heard, the ways for criticizing and demanding reform are permissible if the

appropriate paths are pursued.

The rights to express oneself and criticize are all guaranteed, and they must be

permissible as long as they abide by the constants of maintaining the religion with its

fundamentals, the country with its unity, and the nation with all its components.

It is accepted that a critic and reformer would be stringent in some of his expressions

and presentations, but buttressing their strength with foreigners, provoking the enemies,

resorting to falsification, disinformation, and beguilement can never be accepted.

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There are orators and critics in our cities and countries who write, criticize and

demand boldly, strongly and rationally but they do not exceed the constants of their

religion and the interests of their countries. They do not cross out or favour, nor do they

conceal their loyalty towards their people. Shortcomings are possible, perfection is rare,

and judgements may be right or wrong.

There must be a clear difference between freedom of speech and freedom of opinion,

between incitement and provocation, and knocking the mattocks of demolition and

differentiation. There is a big difference between constructive criticism and advocacy for

reform, and sowing the seeds of regional, tribal and sectarian sedition.

Owners of legitimate rights and demands have the right to be listened to and to urge

all specialized official and unofficial institutions to give them their full attention, look

into their demands, and hasten to grant those demands which proved to be right according

to what time, space and capabilities available will allow in accordance with the capacities

of time, space and abilities, decline gently what proved to be otherwise while showing

respect for the right to submit claims.

Fear Allah ‒may Allah have mercy on you– for the happy are those who learn from

others’ lessons and the wise are those who consider the consequences.

Ask Allah to send His Salat (Graces, Honours and Mercy) and Peace on, the Given

Mercy and the Offered Blessing, your Prophet Muhammad the Messenger of Allah, for

Allah commanded you to do so in the Book of Allah, and Allah has spoken the truth:

Allâh sends His Salât (Graces, Honours, Blessings, Mercy) on the

Prophet (Muhammad صلى لله علیھ وسلم ), and also His angels (ask Allâh to

bless and forgive him). O you who believe! Send your Salât[1] on (ask

Allâh to bless) him (Muhammad صلى لله علیھ وسلم ), and (you should) greet

(salute) him with the Islâmic way of greeting (salutation i.e. As-

Salâmu ‘Alaikum). [Al- Ahzab: 56]

O Allah! Send Your Salat (Graces, Honours, and Mercy) and Peace upon Your

servant and Messenger, our beloved Al-Mustafa (the Chosen) Prophet Muhammad (),

his kind virtuous family and his wives: the mothers of the believers! O Allah! Be pleased

with the four Caliphs, Abu Bakr, Omar, Othman and Ali, all of Companions, and those

who righteously follow them till the Day of Judgment. O Allah! Be also pleased with us

all, along with them, by Your Pardon and Generosity, O You, the Most Generous and

Bounteous of all!

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O Allah! Grant glory to Islam and Muslims, and fail polytheism and polytheists (who

associate partners with You)! And render unsuccessful the despots and atheists and all the

enemies of faith and religion!

O Allah! Grant us security in our homelands! Make good our leaders and those

responsible for our affairs, and make our leadership from among those who are fearful of

Allah, who guard taqwa (fear of Allah), and follow the path that leads to your acceptance.

O You, Lord of al-'ālamîn (the worlds)!

O Allah! Grant success to our leader who is responsible for our affairs with Your

guidance! Grant glory to him by believing and obeying You! Raise Your word high with

him! Make him a support for Islam and Muslims, impart to him health and well-being

and extend his life in Your obedience!

O Allah! We praise You for bestowing cure and well-being upon him! For he is the

one responsible for our affairs and the patron of our nation; our father the Custodian of

the Two Holy Mosques, the righteous king, the believer in his Lord, the confident in His

grace and righteousness. We ask Allah to complete the blessing of health and well-being

upon him, extend his life, bless his deeds, preserve our countries in their safety and faith

and provide us with stability on taqwa (fear of Allah) under the reign of this blessed


Allah has completed the blessing of joy and happiness and the good omen of health

and delight, it is joy and delight which overwhelmed all lovers and which emanates ‒after

Allah’s grace and bestowment‒ from our leader’s honest stances, his white hands (i.e.

honesty), the purity of his heart and the transparency of his behaviour. That is the bridge

that spans the relationship between him and his people and his nation; facts, transparency,

mind and poise are the approaches he follows and directs towards- May Allah protect


No wonder that he has attained the status of the most influential Islamic figure in

successive years.

Praise be to Allah for His grace and blessings, and there is no consolation to captives

of rumours. May the eyes of defamers never sleep!

O Allah! Complete the blessing of health and well-being upon him! O Allah! Grant

him, his Crown Prince, his brothers and his assistants success to do whatever you love

and accept! O Allah! Guide them to piety and righteousness!

O Allah! Grant success to all leaders of Muslims to rule by Your Holy Book and Your

Prophet’s Sunnah (), make them merciful to Your true servants and gather their word

around Your Truth and Guidance! O You, Lord of al-'ālamîn!

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O Allah, make for the nation of Islam a matter of rationality where the obedient are

glorified and the disobedient guided to the right path, and where virtue is promoted and

vice prevented! As You are capable of so doing!

O Allah! Preserve our brothers in Syria! O Allah! Preserve our brothers in Syria and

Burma! O Allah! Unite their word and spare their blood. O Allah! Cure those of them

who are sick and bless the souls of those of them who are dead, lodge those of them who

are homeless! O Allah! Unite their word, improve their conditions and make for them a

way out of every distress, relief from every anxiety and well-being from every illness! O

Allah! Grant them power and victory over their enemy and yours!

O Allah! Destroy the tyrants and oppressors in Syria and Burma! O Allah! They have

oppressed, tyrannized, destroyed, corrupted and crossed the limits in oppression. O

Allah! Destroy them for You are certainly able to do so! O Allah! Divide their crowd,

disperse their unity, and make their cruelty rebound on them, O You, the All-Powerful,

the All-Mighty!

Glorified be Your Lord, the Lord of Honour and Power! You are free from what they

attribute unto You! May peace be upon the Messengers! All praise be to Allah, the Lord

of the Worlds!

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