The Superiority of the Delights of Paradise over the Pleasures of this World
The pleasures of this world are tangible and present, “here and now,” whilst the delights of Paradise are as yet unseen promises. People are readily influenced by what they can see and know instantly. It is hard enough for them to forgo something that is in front of them for the sake of something else that is in the future, so how much harder it is if the promise will not be attained until after death! So, Allah, the Glorified, drew a comparison between the pleasures of this world and the joys of Paradise, and explained that the delights of Paradise are far superior to this world’s pleasures. The Quran speaks at length denouncing this world and extolling the virtues of the Hereafter, to encourage man to strive hard for success in the next world.
Many passages in the Quran dismiss this world of instant, fleeting pleasures and state that the rewards of Allah Almighty are far better.
For example, Allah Says (what means):
• {But those who feared their Lord will have gardens beneath which rivers flow, abiding eternally therein, as accommodation from Allah. And that which is with Allah is best for the righteous.} [Quran 3: 198]
• {And do not extend your eyes toward that by which We have given enjoyment to [some] categories of them, [its being but] the splendor of worldly life by which We test them. And the provision of your Lord is better and more enduring.} [Quran 20: 131]
• {Beautified for people is the love of that which they desire-of women and sons, heaped-up sums of gold and silver, fine branded horses, and cattle and tilled land. That is the enjoyment of worldly life, but Allah has with Him the best return [i.e. Paradise]. Say, 'Shall I inform you of [something] better than that? For those who fear Allah will be gardens in the presence of their Lord beneath which rivers flow, wherein they abide eternally, and purified spouses and approval from Allah. And Allah is Seeing [i.e. aware] of [His] servants. } [Quran 3: 14-15]
• {... Say, “The enjoyment of this world is little, and the Hereafter is better for he who fears Allah... } [Quran 4: 77]
There are many reasons why the delights of Paradise are superior to the pleasures of this world.
In the following Hadeeth (narration), the Prophet sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allah exalt his mention ) (may Allah exalt his mention), illustrated the inferiority and fleeting nature of the pleasures of this world in comparison with the delights of Paradise:
“By Allah, this world in comparison with the Hereafter is nothing more than as if one of you put his finger” - and he gestured with his forefinger - “in the sea: let him see how much water he would retrieve.” [Muslim]
A finger dipped in the ocean would not even pick up one drop; this is how little this world is worth when compared with the Hereafter.
Because the pleasures of this world are so insignificant, Allah, the Most Exalted, rebuked those who prefer the pleasures of this world to the joys of the Hereafter, as in the following verse; Allah Says (what means):
{O you who have believed, what is the matter with you that, when you are told to go forth in the cause of Allah, you adhere heavily to the earth? Are you satisfied with the life of this world rather than the Hereafter? But what is the enjoyment of worldly life compared to the Hereafter except a [very] little.} [Quran 9: 38]
The pleasures of this world are fleeting:
We have already quoted texts that indicate the inexhaustible abundance of the blessings and joys of the Hereafter.
The Hereafter is much better from the point of view of quality:
The clothing, food, drink, jewellery and palaces of the people of Paradise will be far superior to their counterparts in this world. There is in fact no room for comparison, as even the smallest space in Paradise is better than this world and all that is in it. The Messenger of Allah sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allah exalt his mention ) said: “The space of a whip in Paradise is better than this world and everything that is in it.” [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]
Also, Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that the Prophet sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allah exalt his mention ) said: “The space of the bow of any one of you in Paradise is better than all that the sun rises upon.” [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]
The comparison between the women of Paradise and the women of this earth serves to demonstrate the superiority of that which is in Paradise. Anas, may Allah be pleased with him, quoted the Messenger of Allah sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allah exalt his mention ) saying: “If a woman of the people of Paradise were to look at this earth, she would light up everything in between and fill it with her fragrance; the veil on her head is better than this world and all that is in it.” [Al-Bukhari]
Paradise is free from all the impurities and disappointments of this world:
Eating and drinking in this life results in the need for excretion and its associated unpleasant odours. If a person drinks wine in this world, he loses his mind. Women in this world menstruate and give birth, which are sources of pain and hurt. Paradise is free from all of these discomforts: its people will not urinate, defecate, spit or suffer from catarrh. The wine of Paradise is as described by its Creator in the verse (which means):
{Crystal-white, delicious to those who drink [thereof], free from intoxication, nor will they suffer intoxication therefrom.} [Quran 37: 4647]
The water of Paradise does not become brackish, and its milk never changes in flavor, as stated in the verse (which means): {…Rivers of water unaltered, rivers of milk the taste of which never changes...} [Quran 47: 15]
The women of Paradise are pure and free from menstruation, postnatal bleeding, and all the other impurities suffered by women in this world, as Allah Almighty Says (what means):
{… And they will have therein purified spouses, and they will abide therein eternally.} [Quran 2: 25]
The hearts of the people of Paradise will be pure, their speech will be good, and their deeds will be righteous. There will be no hurtful, upsetting, offensive or provocative talk there, for Paradise is free from all worthless words and deeds. The only speech that is heard there is good, sincere and pure, free from all the shameful shortcomings of earthly speech; Allah Says (what means): {... no ill speech or commission of sin.} [Quran 52: 23] Allah Says (what means): {... They will not hear therein any ill speech — only [greetings of] peace...} [Quran 19. 62]
The pleasures of this world are transient whilst the joys of the Hereafter are lasting and eternal:
This is why Almighty Allah calls the pleasures of this world “temporary conveniences” because they are enjoyed for a short while, then they come to an end, but the joys of the Hereafter have no end; there are many verses in this regard, Allah Says (what means): { Whatever you have will end, but what Allah has is lasting.} [Quran 16: 96]
{Indeed, this is Our provision; for it there is no depletion.} [Quran 38: 54]
{.... The example [i.e. description] of Paradise, which the righteous have been promised, is [that] beneath it rivers flow. Its fruit is lasting, and its shade.} [Quran 13: 35]
Allah, the Most Exalted, gave an example of how quickly this world will pass away in the verse (which means): {And present to them the example of the life of this world, [its being] like rain which We send down from the sky, and the vegetation of the earth mingles with it and [then] it becomes dry remnants, scattered by the winds. And Allah is ever, over all things, Perfect in Ability. Wealth and children are [but] adornment of the worldly life.
{but the enduring good deeds are better to your Lord for reward and better for [one’s] hope.} [Quran 18: 45-46]
Allah likened this life to the rain that falls from the sky and causes plants to grow, flower and bear fruit. This lasts for only a short time before they shrivel and are blown away by the wind. Such are the luxuries of this life, such as youth, wealth, sons, land and fields. All of this passes away; youth fades, health and vitality are replaced by sickness and old age, wealth and children may disappear, a person may be taken from his family and wealth, but the Hereafter will never vanish or go away.
Allah Says (what means): {For those who do good in this world is good; and the home of the Hereafter is better. And how excellent is the home of the righteous. Gardens of perpetual residence, which they will enter, beneath which rivers flow. They will have therein whatever they wish. Thus does Allah reward the righteous.} [Quran 16: 30-31]
Seeking to enjoy the pleasures of this world and neglecting the Hereafter will be followed by regret and sorrow when one enters the Fire of Hell:
Regarding this, Allah, Glory be to him, Says (what means): {Every soul will taste death, and you will only be given your [full] compensation on the Day of Resurrection. So he who is drawn away from the Fire and admitted to Paradise has attained [his desire]. And what is the life of this world except the enjoyment of delusion.}
[Quran 3. 185]
The Food and Drink of the People of Paradise
The trees and ripe fruits of Paradise hang within easy reach, so that the people of Paradise may pick whatever fruits they desire. The people will also have whatever food and drink they desire; Allah Says (what means):
{And fruit of what they select And the meat of fowl, from whatever they desire.} [Quran 56: 20-21]
{And therein is whatever the souls desire and [what] delights the eyes, and you will abide therein eternally.} [Quran 43: 71]
Allah, the Most High, will grant them with whatever they want of the good food and drink of Paradise, as in the verse (which means): {[They will be told]. “Eat and drink in satisfaction for what you put forth in the days past.”} [Quran 69: 24]
In Paradise, there will be a sea of water, a sea of wine, a sea of milk and a sea of honey, and the rivers of Paradise will flow out of these seas. There will also be many springs in Paradise, and its people will drink from these seas, rivers and springs. Allah, the Most Exalted, Says (what means):
{Indeed, the righteous will drink from a cup [of wine], whose mixture is of Kaafoor (camphor). A spring of which the [righteous] servants of Allah will drink; they will make it gush forth in force [and abundance].} [Quran 76: 5-6]
{And they will be given to drink there of a cup [of wine] mixed with Zanjabeel [ginger], a spring there, called Salsabeel.} [Quran 76: 17-18]
{It [that wine] will be mixed with Tasneem, a spring whereof drink those nearest to Allah.} [Quran 83: 27-28]
The wine of the people of Paradise:
One of the drinks that Allah Almighty will bestow upon the people of Paradise will be wine. The wine of Paradise is free from all the troubles and problems that characterize the wine of this world, which makes people lose their mind, causes headaches, stomachaches and other physical disorders, or which may have something wrong in the way it is made, or its colour, etc. But the wine of Paradise is free from all such faults; it is pure and beautiful, as described in the verse (which means): {There will be circulated among them a cup [of wine] from a flowing spring. White and delicious to the drinkers. No bad effect is there in it, nor from it will they be intoxicated.} [Quran 37: 45-47]
Besides, Allah Almighty described the beauty of its white colour then explained that its drinkers enjoy it very much, without it affecting their minds; Allah Says (what means): {Rivers of wine delicious to those who drink.} [Quran 47: 15]
And they will never be adversely affected by drinking it; Allah Says (what means): {No bad effect is there in it, nor from it will they be intoxicated.} [Quran 37:47]
Elsewhere in the Quran, Almighty Allah describes the wine of Paradise, Saying (what means): {There will circulate among them young boys made eternal. With vessels, pitchers and a cup [of wine] from a flowing spring. No headache will they have there from, nor will they be inoxicated .} [Quran 56: 17-19]
Commenting on this passage, Ibn Katheer may Allah have mercy upon him said: “It does not cause their heads to ache or their minds to be fogged; it is pure, although it still contains the ingredients that make it a delight to the drinker. Adh-Dhahhaak may Allah have mercy upon him narrated that Ibn ‘Abbaas, may Allah be pleased with him, said: “Wine produces four things: drunkenness, headache, vomit and urine. Allah has mentioned the wine of Paradise, and He has purified it of all these things.” [Tafseer Ibn Katheer, 6/514]
The food and drink of the people of Paradise does not produce any impure excrement:
It might come to one’s mind that the food and drink of Paradise might produce the same as the food and drink of this world, namely excrement, urine, mucus, saliva, and so on. But this is not the case. Paradise is a place that is free from all impurities, and its people are free from all the blemishes of people of this world. Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated a Hadeeth which clearly rejects such a notion. The Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allah exalt his mention ) (may Allah exalt his mention) said: “The first group to enter Paradise will be as beautiful as the full moon; they will not spit or blow their noses.” Al- Bukhari and Muslim]
This does not apply only to the first group to enter Paradise; all those who will enter it, will be similarly pure. The Messenger of Allah sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allah exalt his mention ) said: “The first group of my Ummah (Nation) to enter Paradise will be as beautiful as the full moon, and those that come after them will be like the brightest shining star, and those that follow them will be ranked according to their status. They will not defecate or urinate or blow their noses or spit.” [Muslim]
It might be asked: where will the waste products from their food and drink go? Indeed, this question was posed to the Prophet sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allah exalt his mention ) by his Companions, may Allah be pleased with them, and he replied that part of these waste products will be turned into sweat like musk that will come out of their bodies; other parts will be turned into burps, but these burps will produce a fragrant scent. Jaabir Ibn ‘Abdullaah, may Allah be pleased with him, said: “I heard the Messenger of Allah sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allah exalt his mention ) saying: “The people of Paradise will eat and drink therein, but they will not spit, excrete or blow their noses.” They (the companions) asked, “What will happen to the waste matter from their food?” He sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allah exalt his mention ) said: “(It will come out as) burps which are like musk.” [Muslim]
Why will the people of Paradise eat and drink and comb their hair?
If the people of Paradise are to abide there forever, and Paradise is free from all discomfort, pain and sickness, and there is no hunger or thirst there, nor are there any impurities or dirt, then why will the people of Paradise eat and drink, and use perfume and comb their hair?
Al-Qurtubi may Allah have mercy upon him answered this question in At-Tathkirah [Page 475], saying: “The luxuries and clothing of the people of Paradise will not be for the purpose of warding off potential pains; they will not eat because of hunger, or drink because of thirst, or use perfume because of some offensive odour. Paradise is a never-ending succession of delight and joy. Do you not remember the words of Allah to Aadam (which mean): {Indeed, it is [promised] for you not to be hungry therein or be unclothed. And indeed, you will not be thirsty therein or be hot from the sun.} [Quran 20: 118-119]
The vessels and cups of the people of Paradise:
The vessels from which the people of Paradise will eat and drink will be of gold and silver. Allah Almighty Says (what means): {Trays of gold and cups will be passed round them…} [Quran 43: 71], i.e., cups of gold. Allah also Says (what means): {And there will be circulated among them vessels of silver and cups having been [created] clear [as glass]. Clear glasses [made] from silver of which they have determined the measure.} [Quran 76: 15-16], i.e. it will combine the purity of crystal with the whiteness of silver. The Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allah exalt his mention ) said: "The believer in Paradise will have a tent made of a single hollowed-out pearl… and two gardens of silver, their vessels and everything in them, and two gardens of gold, their vessels and everything in them." [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]
Among the vessels from which they will drink will be cups, jugs and glasses, as Allah Almighty Says (what means): {There will circulate among them young boys made eternal. With vessels, pitchers and a cup [of wine] from a flowing spring.} [Quran 56: 17-18]
The “cup” (koob) is something that has no handle or spout, the ‘jug” (ibreeq) has a handle and a spout, and the “glass” (ka‘s) is a cup that is filled with drink.
The Clothing, Jewellery and Incense-burners of the People of Paradise
The people of Paradise will wear the most luxurious clothes and adorn themselves with jewellery of gold, silver and pearls. They will wear, amongst other things, garments of silk and bracelets of gold, silver and pearls. Almighty Allah Says (what means): {And will reward them for what they patiently endured [with] a garden [in Paradise] and silk [garments].} [Quran 76: 12]
Allah also Says (what means): {Indeed, Allah will admit those who believe and do righteous deeds to gardens beneath which rivers flow. They will be adorned therein with bracelets of gold and pearl, and their garments therein will be silk.} [Quran 22: 23]
Their clothes will be colourful, including garments of green silk and brocade, as in the verse (which means): {They will be adorned therein with bracelets of gold and will wear green garments of fine silk and brocade, reclining therein on adorned couches.} [Quran 18:31]
Their clothing will be far superior to any man-made garment. Al-Barra’ Ibn ‘Aazib, may Allah be pleased with him, said: “A silken garment was brought to the Messenger sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allah exalt his mention ) and we admired its beauty and softness.” The Messenger of Allah sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allah exalt his mention ) said: “The handkerchiefs of Sa’d Ibn Mu’aadh in Paradise are better than this.” [Al-Bukhari]
The Prophet sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allah exalt his mention ) also told us that the people of Paradise will have combs of gold and silver, and that they will perfume themselves with ‘Ood At-Teeb (excellent kind of perfume), even though the scent of musk will be emanating from their pure bodies. The Prophet sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allah exalt his mention ) said about those who will enter Paradise: “Their vessels will be of gold and silver, their combs will be of gold and the coals of their incense-burners will be of aloe- wood (Abu’l-Yamaan said: of ‘Ood At-Teeb) and their sweat will be musk.” [Al-Bukhari]
Their jewellery will include crowns. At-Tirmithi and Ibn Maajah may Allah have mercy upon them reported from Al-Miqdaam Ibn Ma’dikarb, may Allah be pleased with him, that among the honors bestowed upon the martyr will be: “...crown of dignity will be placed upon his head, one ruby of which is better than this world and all that is in it.” [Mishkaatul- Masaabeeh, 3/358]