In the Quran, Allah Says (what means): "We will set up the scales of justice for the day of resurrection, and no soul shall be treated unjustly at all. And if there is [even] the weight of a mustard seed, We will bring it forth. And sufficient are We as accountants." [Quran, 21:47] Allah also says, (what means): "Let every soul see what it sends on before it for the day of account." [Quran 59:18] Caliph ‘Umar Ibn Al-Khattaab, may Allah be pleased with him, said, "Call yourselves to account before you are called to account."
The righteous men and women are always fully aware that they have come into this world to carry on a spiritual undertaking the resulting gain or loss of which is
At the resurrection, a man will find all the hours of his life arranged like a long series of treasure-chests. The lid of one will be opened, and it will be seen to be full of light: it represents an hour which he spent in doing good. His heart will be filled with such joy that even a fraction of it would make the inhabitants of Hellfire forget the fire. The lid of a second will be opened; it is pitch-dark within, and from it issues such an evil odor as will cause every one to hold his nose: it represents an hour which he spent in ill-doing, and he will suffer such terror that a fraction of it would embitter
Thus the whole series of the hours of one's life will be displayed, one by one, to his gaze. Therefore a man should, say to his soul every morning, "Allah has given you twenty-four treasures; take heed lest you lose any one of them, for you will not be able to endure the regret that will follow such loss."
The Remembrance of Allah
This consists in a man's remembering that Allah observes all his acts and thoughts. People only see the outward, while Allah sees both the outer and inner man.
When Zulaykhah, the king's wife, tempted Prophet Yoosuf (Joseph), may Allah exalt his mention, she cast a cloth over the face of the idol she used to worship. Yoosuf, may Allah exalt his mention, said to her, "O Zulaykhah, you are ashamed before a block of stone, and should I not be ashamed before Him Who created the seven heavens and the earth?"
‘Abdullaah Ibn Deenaar related, "Once I was walking with the Caliph ‘Umar near Makkah when we met a shepherd's slave-boy driving his flock. ‘Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, said to him, "Sell me a sheep." The boy answered, "They are not mine, but my master's. Then, to try him, ‘Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, said, "Well, you can tell him that a wolf carried one off, and he will know nothing about it." "No, he won't," said the boy, "But Allah will." ‘Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, wept, then sent for the boy's master, purchased him and set him free. He told the boy, "For this saying you are free in this world and shall be free in the next."
The Degrees of Remembrance
There are two degrees of recollection of Allah. The first degree is that of those righteous people whose thoughts are altogether absorbed in the contemplation of the majesty of Allah and have no room in their hearts for anything else at all.
Allah the Almighty Says (what means): "The companions of the right hand." [Quran 56:27] This is the second degree of the remembrance of Allah. The mentioned people are aware that Allah knows all about them and feel abashed in His presence, yet they are not carried out of themselves by the thought of His majesty, but remain clearly conscious of themselves and of the world. Their condition is like that of a man who should be suddenly surprised in a state of nakedness and should hastily cover himself, while the other class resemble one who suddenly finds himself in the presence of the King and is confused and awestruck. The former subject every project which enters their minds to a thorough scrutiny, for on the Last Day three questions will be asked respecting every action: the first, "Why did you do this?" the second, "In what way did you do this?" The third, "For what purpose did you do this?" The first will be asked because a man should act from divine and not merely Satanic or fleshly impulse. If this question is satisfactorily answered, the second will test in what way the action was done, wisely, or carelessly and negligently, and the third question, whether it was done simply to please Allah, or to gain the approval of men. If a man understands the meaning of these questions he will be very watchful over the state of his heart, and how he entertains thoughts which are likely to end in action.
In addition to such cautious discrimination before acting, a man should call himself strictly to account for his past actions. Every evening he should examine his heart as to what he has done to see whether he has gained or lost in his spiritual capital. This is the more necessary as the heart is like a treacherous business partner, always ready to cajole and deceive; sometimes it presents its own selfishness under the guise of obedience to Allah, so that a man supposes he has gained, when in reality he has lost.
A righteous man named Amiya, sixty years of age, counted up the days of his life. He found them to be twenty-one thousand six hundred days. He said to himself, "Alas! If I have committed one sin every day, how can I escape from the load of twenty-one thousand six hundred sins?" He uttered a cry and fell to the ground; when they came to raise him they found him dead. But most people are heedless, and never think of calling themselves to account. People count on their rosaries with self-satisfaction the numbers of times they have recited the name of Allah, but they keep no rosary for reckoning the numberless idle words they speak.
Finally, if a man finds himself sluggish and averse from austerity and self-discipline, he should consort with one who is a proficient in such practices so as to catch the contagion of his enthusiasm. One righteous man used to say, "When I grow lukewarm in self-discipline, I look at Muhammad Ibn Waasi', and the sight of him rekindles my fervor for at least a week."
In this article I will deal with some personal responsibilities of the individual throughout his life. Fulfilling these responsibilities can lead to the formation of a well-established individual, family, and eventually a society where peace, and tranquility prevail and where the utmost purpose (the pleasure of Allah) is obtained.
The Holy Qur'an, in many verses, addresses man as an individual and makes it clear that everyone will be responsible for his own deeds and will be blamed or credited for what he did. The codes of Shari'ah (Islamic Law) give the Muslim essential character traits in order that he may obtain a general, correct notion of himself and everything around him, and a proper conduct and behavior.
The process of establishing an upright society begins with the individual. Once the individual attains the quality of righteousness, the family will undoubtedly follow suit, which eventually affects the society as a whole. Everyone is responsible for his role in this unifying effort. And each person must act in accordance to his position.
Shari'ah covers every aspect of life: moral, physical, psychiatric, economic, etc. - nothing is left out. It covers every detail concerning the existence of man, from the time when he is in his mother's womb until after his death.
The Muslim has several responsibilities and duties to fulfill in his life. These responsibilities are directed towards The Creator, one's own self, people in general, nature and other creatures.
**1. Responsibilities towards Allah, All-Mighty:***
Allah is the Creator of all that exists, the Sustainer of everything, the Giver of every favor, the Only True God, Worthy of worship and praise, the Unique. He has no equal or partner, Is Free from any fault, He begets not, nor was He begotten, He Has no beginning nor ending and He Is All-Powerful. His mercy is immense, and likewise His torment is extreme.
We, as His creatures, are obligated to worship and believe in Him based on the teachings of Islam; otherwise it (our belief or worship) will be not accepted and will be of no avail.
It's forbidden to try to imagine God (i.e. to give him a specific appearance), He is like no one, and nothing resembles Him. We know Him by contemplating in His signs and creatures, and by information revealed in the Qur'an and the Sunnah [sayings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)]. Our understanding of Allah is to be derived from no other sources beyond these two (i.e. The Qur'an and Sunnah).
Allah, All-Mighty says in the Holy Qur'an, #"Say: He is Allah, the One and Only! Allah, the eternal, Absolute! He begetteth not nor is He begotten, and there is none like unto Him."## (Holy Qur'an, 112)
We believe in Him and whatever He commanded us to believe in: His Names and Attributes, His angels, His books revealed to prophets, His prophets and messengers, the Day of Resurrection and everything concerning it, and faith in Qada and Qadar (decree and predestination by Allah). This is the least that could be said concerning this issue.
**2. Responsibilities towards Oneself:***
Man is created in his mother's womb without knowledge, not free to choose his own shape and attributes. He is born without knowledge about himself or the world that surrounds him, and (during first years of his life) is raised wholly unable to do anything. It is the Creator Who decides, man has no say in this matter - whatever he possesses is from the favors of Allah. Had it been from his ability, the blind would choose to see, the deaf to hear and so on. Man didn't create himself, nor was he able to do. So, man is the property of Allah, thus he should accept his self as it is, honor it, recognize it as a great and esteemed creation of Allah, take care of it, give it its rights in full (in every aspect) and make a vigorous effort to protect himself against the Fire prepared for disbelievers in the Hereafter. Allah, All-Mighty, says #"…enguard yourselves against the fire prepared for disbelievers, whose fuel is of men and stones."## (Holy Qur'an, 2:24)
Allah has forbidden whatever is harmful to man. The intentional killing or harming of oneself is strictly forbidden in Islam, as Allah says: #"…and be not cast by your own hands to ruin…"## (Holy Qur'an, 2:195) Surely, man will give account to The Creator regarding himself.
**3. Responsibilities towards Other People:***
Man has social character. Life is based on interaction and communication between people; they share many things, and together they form the family and society. Man is born alone to live with others in harmony. Allah, All-Mighty, says in Qur'an: #"O mankind! Lo! We have created you from a male and a female, and have made you nations and tribes that ye may know one another. Lo! The noblest of you, in the sight of Allah, is the best in conduct. Lo! Allah is Knower, Aware."## (49:13)
To live in harmony and to work together, Allah, All-Mighty, established rules and laws (in every aspect of life) to facilitate people in their relations with each other. These rules precisely determine the rights of the individual according to his position, status and totality of his traits. In Islam, the individual is honored with special rights as a child, parent, brother, sister, young, old, relative, neighbor, etc. All people are equal in the sight of Allah; the most honored one is the best one in behavior (i.e. his conduct in pleasing Allah). Thus, there's no discrimination between people in general. The only distinction is based on belief and righteous deeds. In Islam, man is esteemed and respected just because he is a human being.
Human rights have a very high status in Islam. Violating those rights means showing unwillingness to accept the laws and rules of Allah, being unjust to people (this sin is not erased unless forgiven by the person who was subject to injustice), and lack of harmony and peace. The true Muslim is distinguished by loving his friends and brothers for the sake of Allah, a love that is unpolluted by any worldly interests or motives. Allah, All-Mighty, said in a Hadith Qudsi (a saying of Allah not revealed in the Qur'an): "My love is due to those who love one another in My cause, who spend in My cause and those who visit each other in My cause." (Imam Malik)
**4. Responsibilities towards Other Creations:***
Allah, The Glorified, says in Qur'an, #"There is not a moving (living) creature on earth, nor a bird that flies with its two wings, but are communities like you. We have neglected nothing in the Book, then unto their Lord they (all) shall be gathered."## (Holy Qur'an, 6:38)
This includes every living creation besides human beings such as animals, birds, etc. They are creations of Allah brought under the control of man. They have a great status in Islam. Most of them are considered respectable creatures. Islam recognizes their rights and has set up a specified etiquette regarding them. We have to show mercy to them and should not torture them such as by burning, beating, grieving, distressing, loading on them more than they can bear, etc. When they are hungry or thirsty we have to feed and give them water.
The Prophet said: "A woman entered the Hell-fire because of a cat that she tied down. She neither fed it nor let it free to eat the insects of the earth until it died." (Al-Bukhari). Also, the Prophet
cursed the one who uses a live animal for target. There are many other hadiths with respect to animals.
**5. Responsibilities towards nature and environment: ***
We mean by nature, the features of the world surrounding us. It's the place where man lives. Everything we see around us has been designed for a purpose by the Designer, Allah. Everything in the universe is remarkably homogenous and balanced. Since man is given power and control in some spheres to some extent, he should manage them fairly and justly. Islam fights environment degradation, pollution, destruction, clearing of trees and plants, misusage, depletion of resources, and every kind of corruption on earth.
Allah, The Exalted, says: #"The only reward of those who make war upon Allah and His messenger and strive after corruption in the land will be that they will be killed or crucified, or have their hands and feet on alternate sides cut off, or will be expelled out of the land. Such will be their degradation in the world, and in the Hereafter theirs will be an awful doom."## (Holy Qur'an, 5: 33)
Allah also says: #"He it is Who sendeth down water from the sky, whence ye have drink, and whence are trees on which ye send your beasts to pasture. Therewith He causeth crops to grow for you, and the olive and the date palm and grapes and all kinds of fruit. Lo! Herein is indeed a portent for people who reflect."## (Holy Qur'an, 16: 11,12)
The proper use of natural resources and everything around us is of great importance concerning our well-being, benefit and prosperity.